Speaking of "clueless", you're really going to quote from
Expelled? Oh, dear. A film in which Ben Stein demonstrates that he's one of those who doesn't want to understand evolution, and he presents heavily edited interviews which were made under false pretences while lying about the so-called "sacked" academics he presents.
In the heavily-edited Dawkins interview, Dawkins didn't want to pretend he knew something he didn't, but was pressed by Stein for an answer. When Dawkins, not wishing to rule out something he couldn't definitively say was impossible, gave Stein the answer he had been pushing for, Stein jumped on it as a victory: "Ha! Look at this guy; doesn't believe in gods, but he believes in aliens!". Which was not at all what Dawkins said.
Ben Stein is a liar, a creationist shill and a fraud.