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120 Reasons to Reject Christianity

The Jesus miracle stories cannot be explained as a product of mythologizing, as the Joseph Smith stories can be.
That is a silly proclamation. Of course they can be, even though the Joseph Smith stories are more difficult to explain as mythologizing since they are sworn testimony of eye witnesses - the kind of evidence that is admissible in a court of law. The Jesus stories are like the stories at the end of a game of "Chinese whispers" that has lasted for decades - mere hearsay and rumor.
Good grief…back to last January. Wish, Wash, Rinse, Repeat…
What's important is that the writer/source should not just be someone who was a direct devotee of the demigod or healer, especially not someone under the spell of the guru's charisma for several years.

The writer's belief in the guru's alleged miracles should not be due to his having been a member of his flock and having a personal attachment to him and being impacted by his charisma. I.e., this is a less reliable source than a direct witness who was not a devotee, or someone at the time in contact with direct witnesses but not himself a direct devotee impacted directly by the guru's personality.

And knowing the writer's name is of little importance, i.e., whether the writer is "anonymous" is trivial.
LOL, again as has been pointed out to you a multitude of times, you have no idea if the writers of the Gospels were already devotees prior to writing them, that is just your wish.

You cannot demand that we have people not connected with the prophet JS for evidence, as all you have is assumed people who may have known your demigod.

The writers almost surely were not in direct contact with him. The crowds who gathered around Jesus were surely not literate. It almost surely began with ORAL REPORTS ONLY.
Again, this is just your WISH, not reality. You and I have no idea the background of those that wrote the Gospels. It almost surely began with MADE UP BULLSHIT. See how easy it is to say something completely unsubstantiated?

Paul admits he never met your demigod. I'd be quite content with comparing outside sources for both your demigod and for JS and his miracle, as you have none.

You're saying there are "outside sources" for the JS miracles? That's not clear. So far I think the most comprehensive presentation of the JS miracles is http://en.fairmormon.org/Joseph_Smith/Healings_and_miracles which seems to have only sources which were his direct disciples. What is an example of a source who was not one of his direct disciples?
I’m not trying to defend JS, so I don’t have to support JS against your silly MHORC (Mythical Hero Official Requirements Checklist). I’m comparing nothing against nothing. STRIKE

It is not difficult. Just spend 10% of the time, you do regurgitating the 739th variant of your vacuous claims, to googling the information. And you would find out that 1895 is simply a later publishing of 7 volumes, not the oldest copy of said documents. We actually have the LDS 1839-1843 originals available online as images.

The original manuscript was written between June 1839–24 Aug. 1843, which is available via scanned images here:


You need to dig out from those accounts the best example of a Joseph Smith miracle story and post it here. You don't want to do this because you know those accounts are laughable in comparison to the Jesus miracles in the gospel accounts. If you claim they are equally credible, then post one or two of them.
LOL…this has been presented to you several times on this thread, I’m not going to bother linking it yet again when you go for the LALALALAL I CAN’T HERE YOU AS IT DOESN’T FIT MY MHORC. Get a clue, FUCK your made up MHORC!

Anecdotes like these are very common among many religions. People within the church saying brother so-and-so healed someone, or they prayed and sister so-and-so recovered, and so on -- and meetings or a faith healing rally etc. These are all worshipers within the church family supporting each other and re-assuring each other that God is taking care of them, and so on.

All this is inspired from their belief in the Bible accounts, the Jesus miracles, which is a centuries-old tradition that inspires them and leads to these stories.

These are not analogous to the Jesus healing events, which came not from any religious tradition or anecdotes of the disciples, which kind are discounted by everyone who isn't a member of the religious group in question.

Sure they are analogous. The Jesus cult was constructed within the confines of the Roman Empire with Yahweh, Mithras, and Orisis floating around, with their followers with healing claims.

No, there are no healing miracle events within this environment, other than the following:

from Jewish scripture containing hundreds of miracles, 3 healings by Elisha and Elijah: 1 Kings 17:22, 2 Kings 4:34, 2 Kings 5:14); ……
LOL…try again.

There are twelve occurrences of individual healings and three corporate healings recorded in the Old Testament.

JS was constructing his new religion to compete with Christianity, . . .

With the existing Christian denominations, yes. But entirely based on the earlier Christian scriptures and Christ belief.

. . . just as Paul and his chipmunks were constructing their new religion to compete with Judaism.

Sort of. Maybe there's an analogy of Paul to Joseph Smith. But no analogy to JS can explain where the Jesus miracle healing stories came from.
Wish, Wash, Rinse, Repeat…you keep telling yourself that. Again, I don’t need to play within your silly and fabricated MHORC.

Not amazingly, both groups most probably felt compelled to make their god-system competitive with the older one(s).

Again, a comparison of JS to Paul might make some sense in explaining how they proceeded to win more followers and spread their message. However, Paul did not originate the Jesus legend, but only created his own version of the Christ belief which already existed.

The proper comparison is that of Joseph Smith to Jesus, as both are reputed miracle-workers.
Wish, Wash, Rinse, Repeat…you keep telling yourself that. Again, I don’t need to play within your silly and fabricated MHORC. But quite funny on the “proper comparison" attempt…

Rather, the Jesus accounts are of people who came from outside the circle of his disciples and were healed and then left to tell others what had happened.

WTF? The Gospel accounts come from the circle of believers within this new Christ cult. There are NO outside accounts.

But the stories did not originate from the direct disciples of Jesus, …
Wish, Wash, Rinse, Repeat… You again are conflating the counter argument. I haven’t stated that the Gospels/stories came from direct disciples. I have stated that the Gopsels/stories could have easily come from devotees of the cult. Whether 2 of the writers/story tellers were actually followers of the purported Jesus is an unknown. What you haven’t shown, and can’t show, is any evidence that these stories came from interested bystanders.

There are at least two reasons why the Jesus miracle stories likely did not originate (as fictions) from his direct disciples:

1. The stories themselves, in the synoptic gospels, imply several times that the ones who first began spreading the stories were the onlookers, also the one healed in some cases, and these were never his direct disciples. It's very clear that the direct disciples, an "inner circle" of believers close to him, is a very small group compared to the "multitude" of onlookers or visitors present. And it is usually the latter who go out and tell the stories. In 1 or 2 cases the account says this explicitly, that it was non-disciples who spread the word. In most of the accounts it is implied that it was non-disciples, but not stated explicitly.

2. This does not apply to every miracle story, particularly not to the calming of the storm. But it applies to most of the healing stories. .
Wish, Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Again, you haven’t provided any evidence but your wish that it is so. Well you seem to think that the miracle stories "clearly" come from these curious onlookers. If the stories actually were "clearly" sourced from these curious onlookers, instead of "assumed by you" to have come from them, then they would clearly be independent sources. However, it has become clear that you have formed a rather unique and custom definition of the word "clear".

2. The public ministry of Jesus was too short for him to have become mythologized (in fictional accounts) in such a short time, and such mythologizing, or legend-building, is part of the pattern of miracle-worker cults, where the guru enjoys a long career, usually decades, in which he influences his direct disciples with his charisma and also amasses a wide reputation which brings him widespread publicity and notoriety.
Again, I don’t need to play within your silly and fabricated MHORC. The purported short time of public ministry comes only from the story tellers. Anyway, cults can spring up fast.

We need something from someone other than Joseph Smith himself. And we need something originating from someone other than his direct disciples.

ROTFLMAO So straight from the horse's mouth isn't any good, but anonymous gospels written by people within the Christ cult is good?

If the stories originated from direct disciples only, the credibility is much lower. You can't figure that out? You can't understand how the direct disciples, directly impacted by the guru's charisma, are less credible in their claims about the guru's miracle power?
Yeah, I can figure out that cult followers are heavily biased. Your problem is that you can’t actually show that your cult’s claims are any different, you just wish it was so. Additionally, anonymous isn’t necessarily better than known devotees IMPOV, especially when the anonymous writers could quite easily also be devotees. You can’t figure that out?

The problem is the very poor analogy of taking an example from the 19th century, when publishing is widespread, to compare it to the much different example from the 1st century AD, when virtually nothing was written or copied or published.

So you need to come up with a more appropriate comparison. You can't claim you've explained the Jesus miracle stories by making this comparison to a case where the conditions are so much different.
Actually, it is a great comparison, you just don’t like it. And I don’t need to come up with anything as I find your MHORC to be silly BS, and humans have created thousands of gods with special features.

In one case we know who wrote the documents, . . .

Again, there is nothing inferior about "anonymous" documents. This is a phony criterion contrived here only for rejecting the gospel accounts as a source, when this is never used in other cases to reject a document as a source.

Just because a document has a name attached to it does not mean it's more reliable. There are many problems with identifying the source and the author's credibility for the documents generally, even if there is a name attached. That name being attached does not resolve the problems, and the anonymity is at worst a very minor problem.

You can't name any document rejected as a historical source just because it's "anonymous."
You seem to like to pick at each point, as if it exists in a vacuum. I don’t reject a document just because it’s anonymous. There is a large weave that I am looking at, and you are sniveling about one strand….

. . . in what years they were written, . . .

On this point you're just factually wrong. The gospel accounts and the Paul epistles are dated with equal accuracy to most other documents of the time. Very few can be precisely dated to within 20 years of when they were written.

Or again, you're contriving a guideline here for automatically excluding MOST documents prior to 1000, and thus MOST of our mainline history. It is very common to accept ancient documents as sources even though they cannot be dated precisely.
Sorry, but you are factually wrong. The point that is being discussed here are the Gospels, where people purportedly passed on stories about this Jesus guy they said they knew. Paul’s documents are pretty accurately dated, but he never met Jesus by his own words. Mark is closer to having some accuracy, but still there are lots of assumption even there. I’m not trying to critique the Gospels against all other ancient writing, I’m comparing it to the reality we know of JS and the Mormons.

In the other case, we can only assume that some of the writers knew their demigod, . . .

No, I think the general consensus is that the gospel writers and also Paul did not know Jesus directly, as most all sources for history back then did not know the historical figure they wrote about. Paul claimed some mystical contact with him, like others since then have claimed, but not the historical Jesus known by the direct disciples.

The assumption generally is that the later writers had information, from sources, oral reports, and even some written reports now lost, about the earlier events, going back to 30 AD. So the knowledge of Jesus was indirect, for the later gospel writers/editors. But most of their information, written and oral, likely originated from the earlier direct witnesses, including both direct disciples and non-disciples who were present.
Yes, that is the assumption by Christian theologians….funny that is….

. . . but we really aren't positive as the first document came at least 3 decades after the end of the events, but the years are super fuzzy.

No more "fuzzy" than in the case of our mainline sources for normal historical events.

(The Paul epistles are separated by only 25 years or so.)

The dating of the epistles and gospel accounts is just as definite as for most other documents of the time which are accepted as sources for the events, i.e., the normal events which are routinely believed. It's normal for there to be doubts about the dating of documents which are sources for the period.
You are trying to defend The God, right? Not just an ordinary everyday normal god, right? Maybe you need a better cleanup hitter….
It's wrong to argue that anecdotes about miracles add credibility to a narrative. This isnever*the case.*

But ignore all miracle claims outside of the Bible. Makes perfect sense.
The dating of the epistles and gospel accounts is just as definite as for most other documents of the time which are accepted as sources for the events, i.e., the normal events which are routinely believed. It's normal for there to be doubts about the dating of documents which are sources for the period.
But miracle healings are not normal for our period.

People get dressed, now, they got dressed then, the accounts differ but do not require extraordinary support to convince us they're possible.

I made a ham casserole the other day, I read an account of how the Romans cured their hams. Exact dates aren't crucial to convince me that pork has been being preserved for 2000 years at least.

But gods are not part of my day. Miracle healings are suspiciously absent from my immediate surroundings. Nothing in my world forces me to accept divine intervention to explain the existence, operation or departure.

So the miracle healings require much more evidence, better evidence, extraordinary evidence to convince me they're not just made-up stories, like so many other made-up stories. And they really cannot be compared to 'normal' events. Not honestly.
This dance Lumpenproletariat keeps doing is preposterous anyway, and pretty much for the very reasons Keith enumerated above. Of the history we generally accept as "true" for no other reason than it is written somewhere, none of it involves activities that defy possibility. And there is much of written literature that includes such details that we do not accept as true for the very same reason: We know it couldn't have happened that way.

As examples of this very thing we can consider many of the "facts" about George Washington. "George Washington slept here" became a familiar real-estate cliche in recent history. This is such a mundane claim that it's hardly worthwhile to bother debunking. If Washington was a well-traveled human being (and the record indicates he was) he had to sleep somewhere and places where he slept would be abundant. But if the place in question happened to be on top of Mt. Everest it would be reasonable to question the claim. And if the place in question happened to be a moon crater it would be reasonable to deny that it was even possible that this happened.

Rational people don't believe Washington hurled a coin across a mile-wide river because it is impossible for someone to do that. He didn't walk across the Delaware, but it is very likely he crossed it in a boat.

Lumpenproletariat also keeps repeating a falsehood that GMatt, GLuke and GJohn are independent corroboration of GMark. This is ridiculous. A person (or group of people, who knows) holding a copy of a book 10 or more years after it was written and rewriting it with some changes and additional stories is neither independent nor corroborative. This is especially true when the people doing the rewriting get caught lying about some of the new details that were incorporated into the story line. Continuing to parrot this untruth is on par with GMatt's claim that Herod had a bunch of babies slaughtered or GLuke's absurd claim that a Roman Census required everyone to relocate to some unspecified ancestor's home town to be counted. None of these things are true and all of them have in common that they are falsehoods spread in attempts to propagate false claims about a mythical god-figure.
I think it's curious that the Gospels can't even agree on the inscription written on Jesus' cross--and that's something that was written down.
What is a "miracle"?

The Jesus miracle stories cannot be explained as a product of mythologizing, as the Joseph Smith stories can be.

That is a silly proclamation. Of course they can be, even though the Joseph Smith stories are more difficult to explain as mythologizing since they are sworn testimony of eye witnesses - the kind of evidence that is admissible in a court of law.

There is no sworn testimony to the JS miracle stories. Only witnesses claiming some "gold plates" were shown to them. That's a "miracle"?

You think it's a "miracle" that someone saw an object and was told that God put it there? That's a "miracle" in your mind?

If someone types a word here and says God put it there, and you see the word posted here, in your mind that becomes a "miracle"?
There is no sworn testimony to the JS miracle stories.
YOu might want to double check that claim, Lumpy. Shamp, J and Margaret?
Only witnesses claiming some "gold plates" were shown to them. That's a "miracle"?

You think it's a "miracle" that someone saw an object and was told that God put it there? That's a "miracle" in your mind?
You opened with a tease of asking what is a "miracle"? But you never offered a definition.


How do you define miracle, then, Lumpy?
There is no sworn testimony to the JS miracle stories. Only witnesses claiming some "gold plates" were shown to them. That's a "miracle"?
You really think that if you don't acknowledge the existence of something then that something does not exist, don't you? You could at least have opened the wikipedia page about JS's miracles and see for yourself how solid the attestation of his miraculous healings really appear to be, including sworn testimonials.
If someone types a word here and says God put it there, and you see the word posted here, in your mind that becomes a "miracle"?
No, that's Christians who believe the Bible because it's the Word of God.
You really think that if you don't acknowledge the existence of something then that something does not exist, don't you? You could at least have opened the wikipedia page about JS's miracles and see for yourself how solid the attestation of his miraculous healings really appear to be, including sworn testimonials.
If someone types a word here and says God put it there, and you see the word posted here, in your mind that becomes a "miracle"?
No, that's Christians who believe the Bible because it's the Word of God.

Don't you know that prior to the printing press nobody ever made stuff up? What's wrong with you? It's obvious that everything on that Wicked Pedia page is little else besides the effects of people who have been seduced by the dark power of the printing press into making up stories they never would have made up had it not been invented.

And Joseph Smith didn't have bystanders like Jesus did. Well, other than that Ferryman. But that was just one documented bystander, not the hordes that you get to invent if none of them are actually mentioned. Besides, Joseph Smith spent years building up his reputation, whereas Jesus just sat on his ass for 30 years never doing anything until he sprung into action. Huge difference. Huuuuuuuuuuuge difference.
Unfortunatey for Africans and their descendants, J.Smith didn't portray them in good light ... a so called cursed race .. inferior species ... I would suspect he may of, at the time been influenced by some elements of Darwins evolution around then.

Where as in Jesus we are all the same.
Unfortunatey for africans and their descendants, J.Smith didn't portray them in good light ...a so called cursed race..inferior species... I would suspect he may of, at the time been influenced by some elements of Darwins evolution around then.
Wait, you're talking about the LDS church 'at the time,' rather than today? Because unlike mainstream Christainity, the LDS has received updated information on the proper treatment of blacks within the Church. The Mormon God has revealed that they are and should be treated equally.

Where as in Jesus we are all the same
Really? So, Christains have historically been abolitionists? No one claiming to be a fan of Jesus has ever suggested that blacks should be slaves because of the Curse on Canaan?


Well, thank God for that...
Wait, you're talking about the LDS church 'at the time,' rather than today? Because unlike mainstream Christainity, the LDS has received updated information on the proper treatment of blacks within the Church. The Mormon God has revealed that they are and should be treated equally.
It is incredible that the teachings of Jo Smith has evolved/updated to the stage it is now accepting all races to its church.

The teachings of Christ has never needed updating but the mainstream Cristianity are a mixed variety bunch for example we see more newage elements entering in. (quite a few youtube videos on this ) Perhaps you're right in this regard.

Really? So, Christains have historically been abolitionists? No one claiming to be a fan of Jesus has ever suggested that blacks should be slaves because of the Curse on Canaan?
Really? Well, thank God for that...

All the early churches were against wars and fighting, the teachings would be against enslaving your neihbour or brother.
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It is incredible that the teachings of Jo Smith has evolved/updated to the stage it is now accepting all races to its church.
Why is it incredible?
They get denied statehood based on polygamy, they get a revelation that polygamy is no longer required, we get Utah.
They teach that black skin is a punishment from God, the civil rights movement makes waves, they get a revelation.
I expect a divine revelation to soften their stance on homosexuality any time now.

What's incredible are churches that do not update to match the times and pretend that stuff revealed to bronze age goatherds applies today.
The teachings of Christ has never needed updating
Well, slavery would be a useful update. A firm 'no' from God would have been nice any time in the last 20000 years.
Maybe telling people to wash hands and use clean bedsheets in hospitals rather than pray the demons away, that'd have saved some lives.
MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE something about not burning people at the stake for heresy, apostasy, practicing their own religions...?
All the early churches were against wars and fighting, the teachings would be against enslaving your neihbour or brother.
One thing I've noticed online, a lot of apologists are really proud of the fact that Early Christains were so faithful that they went to face the Lions in the arena rather than change their religion.
They don't usually mention that when the Christain took over the Holy Roman Empire, the games didn't stop. Christains threw pagans to the same lions in the same Arena. No one seems proud of the pagans' strength in their faith, and they don't brag that the Christains were just as bad as the people who threw them to the lions.

They also didn't run around freeing any slaves once they were in charge, did they?
Why is it incredible?
They get denied statehood based on polygamy, they get a revelation that polygamy is no longer required, we get Utah.
They teach that black skin is a punishment from God, the civil rights movement makes waves, they get a revelation.
I expect a divine revelation to soften their stance on homosexuality any time now.

What's incredible are churches that do not update to match the times and pretend that stuff revealed to bronze age goatherds applies today.

I find it incredible that the God of Mormon keeps giving out new revelations to what seems to be as appeasing to every protestation against his church! The early Cristian teachings were ahead of its time to current understanding relating to what we want in the terms of humanity. The teachings of Jesus needs NO updating for Christianity but those churches with conflictions are something else.
Well, slavery would be a useful update. A firm 'no' from God would have been nice any time in the last 20000 years.
Maybe telling people to wash hands and use clean bedsheets in hospitals rather than pray the demons away, that'd have saved some lives.
MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE something about not burning people at the stake for heresy, apostasy, practicing their own religions...?

(IMO) God gave out common sense although not all went along with the notion of using it, washing ones hands and so on. Believers just pray in these circumstances thats the belief.

Jesus would 'condemn' those burning people at the stake, it is not his way or should it be for those that call themselves Christians. I would detest and agree with you with the so-called Christians who would do this in Jesus or Gods name.
I find it incredible that the God of Mormon keeps giving out new revelations to what seems to be as appeasing to every protestation against his church!
You already believe in an invisible sky buddy, what's so incredible about the skybuddy keeping his people on track?
The early Cristian teachings were ahead of its time to current understanding relating to what we want in the terms of humanity. The teachings of Jesus needs NO updating for Christianity but those churches with conflictions are something else.
You keep jumping back to EARLY Christain teachings as needing no update, but modern Christainity could certainly use a few resets, no?
There were plenty of Christains in recent history using Biblical verse to justify slavery in the US, or segregation, or other things that they were absolutely certain were in accord with God's word. God did bupkes to correct or align them.

I mean, people were on both sides of the Civil War, sure that GOD wanted them to
a) end slavery or b) defend slavery.

A revelation from the skybuddy right then might have saved literally millions of lives. No matter which side he took, just saying THEY have it right...
(IMO) God gave out common sense although not all went along with the notion of using it, washing ones hands and so on. Believers just pray in these circumstances thats the belief.
It's your opinion that he gave us common sense, but THE BOOKS says that magic causes sickness. That would be why a lot of scientific discoveries got pushback when they were published, because The Books says otherwise.

Continental drift, as a scientific theory, was opposed exactly because the Books says that the Earth is built on pillars and does not move.
Jesus would 'condemn' those burning people at the stake,
Then why doesn't he?
Why is he silent on this and other issues?
At least the Mormon church has a mechanism for updates and corrections, revelations that are necessary.
Unfortunatey for Africans and their descendants, J.Smith didn't portray them in good light ... a so called cursed race .. inferior species ... I would suspect he may of, at the time been influenced by some elements of Darwins evolution around then.
1) he may of? may have?
2) JS died in 1844. The Origin of Species appeared in 1859, influencing JS. Causality has been shattered.
3) The ToE does not posit inferior or superior species.
You really think that if you don't acknowledge the existence of something then that something does not exist, don't you? You could at least have opened the wikipedia page about JS's miracles and see for yourself how solid the attestation of his miraculous healings really appear to be, including sworn testimonials.No, that's Christians who believe the Bible because it's the Word of God.

Don't you know that prior to the printing press nobody ever made stuff up? What's wrong with you? It's obvious that everything on that Wicked Pedia page is little else besides the effects of people who have been seduced by the dark power of the printing press into making up stories they never would have made up had it not been invented.

And Joseph Smith didn't have bystanders like Jesus did. Well, other than that Ferryman. But that was just one documented bystander, not the hordes that you get to invent if none of them are actually mentioned. Besides, Joseph Smith spent years building up his reputation, whereas Jesus just sat on his ass for 30 years never doing anything until he sprung into action. Huge difference. Huuuuuuuuuuuge difference.
These are important points, yea and verily, and I see now that the reason I failed to grasp them before was that the fallout from Operation TL;DR stunned me.
You already believe in an invisible sky buddy, what's so incredible about the skybuddy keeping his people on track?
I believe by 'His terms', and not by the terms of demanding mortal men.

You keep jumping back to EARLY Christain teachings as needing no update, but modern Christainity could certainly use a few resets, no?
There were plenty of Christains in recent history using Biblical verse to justify slavery in the US, or segregation, or other things that they were absolutely certain were in accord with God's word. God did bupkes to correct or align them.
Ahh 'Resets' is a very fitting word I should have used earlier! It is the right term and a better idea of some of the Christian churches/denominations to realign with accordance to original church teaching.

Yes as with pre-warnings of 'wolves in sheeps clothing' justifying slavery by erroneously or deliberately misleading people using verses of the bible to bring about these atrocious agendas.
I mean, people were on both sides of the Civil War, sure that GOD wanted them to
a) end slavery or b) defend slavery.
A revelation from the skybuddy right then might have saved literally millions of lives. No matter which side he took, just saying THEY have it right..
It's your opinion that he gave us common sense, but THE BOOKS says that magic causes sickness. That would be why a lot of scientific discoveries got pushback when they were published, because The Books says otherwise.

Continental drift, as a scientific theory, was opposed exactly because the Books says that the Earth is built on pillars and does not move.
There is a difference with the early 'Christian consciencious objectors' of war. They 'Refused' to fight even to be executed. It was becoming too problematic for the Roman military. Just a few of many examples seen here;

ARISTEIDES (HE) "says of the Christians: ‘They appeal to those who wrong them and make them friendly to themselves; they are eager to do good to their enemies; they are mild and conciliatory.’"18

IRENAEUS (180 A.D.) "For the Christians have changed their swords and their lances into instruments of peace, and they know not how to fight."

JUSTIN MARTYR (150 A.D.) "That the prophecy is fulfilled, you have good reason to believe, for we, who in times past killed one another, do not now fight with our enemies."26 "We, who had been filled with war and mutual slaughter and every wickedness, have each one-all the world over-changed the instruments of war, the swords into plows and the spears into farming implements, and we cultivate piety, righteousness, love for men, faith, (and) the hope which is from Father Himself through the Crucified One."27

Early Christian View of War
courtesy http://www.heraldmag.org/olb/Contents/doctrine/ecvowams.htm

Jesus would 'condemn' those burning people at the stake,
Then why doesn't he?
Why is he silent on this and other issues?
At least the Mormon church has a mechanism for updates and corrections, revelations that are necessary.
Jesus had already warned against all evil things done to others not loving your enemies and the like. Revelations and updating of the mentioned church would surely allow the church to still 'legally' exist and survive above ground in todays society.
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