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2020 Election Predictions

Women Voters, Out Of Work From COVID, Ditch Trump - "White women in Wisconsin helped Trump win the presidency in 2016. Now they’re carrying a disproportionate amount of the pandemic’s economic burden."

From 2020 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight
  • President: Biden 89% Trump 11%
  • Senate: D 77% R 23%
  • House: D 98% R 2%
Trump Can Still Win, But The Polls Would Have To Be Off By Way More Than In 2016 | FiveThirtyEight

I then checked out
RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate 2020
  • Safe D - 5 - DE, IL, MA, OR, RI
  • Likely D - 2 - NJ VA
  • Lean D - 3 - CO NH NM
  • Tossup - 9 - AZ GA1 IA ME MI MN MT NC SC
  • Lean R - 5 - AK GA2 KS MS TX
  • Likely R - 3 - AL KY TN
  • Safe R - 10 - AR, ID, LA, NE, OK, SD, WV, WY
D: 45, R 46

I think that the Dems are likely to get AZ, ME, MI, MN, and NC, giving them at least a tie.
Sabato's Crystal Ball – Sabato's Crystal Ball

Democrats Poised to Make State Legislative Gains – Sabato's Crystal Ball
— Democrats have gained massive ground in their battle for state legislatures since an overview in early May.

— There will likely be a Democratic net gain in state legislative chambers, breaking a few Republican trifectas and creating a new Democratic trifecta.

— The continuing electoral realignment between rural and suburban areas is present in state legislative races, as most Democratic flips are in the suburbs and most Republican flips are in rural areas.

  • Likely D: CO ME MN NH NM VA
  • Lean D: AZ MI NE-2 NV WI
  • Tossup: FL GA IA ME-2 NC OH
  • Lean R: TX
  • Likely R: AK IN MO MT SC UT
D: 290, Tossup: 85, R: 163

  • Safe D: IL, MA, NJ, OR, RI, VA
  • Likely D: MN, NH, NM (flip) CO
  • Lean D: MI (flip) AZ, IA, ME
  • Tossup: GA1, GA2, NC
  • Lean R: AK, MT, SC
  • Likely R: KY, MS, TX (flip) AL
  • Safe R: AR, ID, LA, MT, NE, OK, SD, TN, WV
D: 50, Tossup: 3, R: 47

So there is a good chance of a Democratic national trifecta: the Presidency and both houses of Congress
So there is a good chance of a Democratic national trifecta: the Presidency and both houses of Congress

Aren't you forgetting the ballots that will be thrown out by the corrupt SCOTUS?
Texas Republicans challenge curbside, drive-thru voting in Harris County

Hours before early voting began, the Texas Republican Party filed a new lawsuit Monday night challenging Harris County’s efforts to provide more voting options during the coronavirus pandemic, this time asking a court to limit curbside voting and halt the county's drive-thru voting programs.

State election law has long allowed voters with medical conditions to vote curbside. After they arrive at a polling location, a ballot is brought outside to them in their vehicle by an election worker. In addition to urging qualified voters to use the curbside option this year, Harris County also opened designated "drive-thru" polling locations for all voters, where poll workers hand people a voting machine through their car window after checking their photo identification.

The state GOP's lawsuit, filed in a state appeals court in Houston, seeks to halt the drive-thru voting program and limit curbside voting to those who have submitted sworn applications saying they qualify for it. Glenn Smith, a senior strategist with Progress Texas, said Tuesday he could find nothing in the law requiring an application to vote curbside. Texas election law instructs election officers to deliver an on-site curbside ballot if a voter is “physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or likelihood of injuring the voter's health.”

“Unless stopped, each of these instances of illegal voting will cast a cloud over the results of the General Election,” the lawsuit states.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Minnesota 🚨⬇️" / Twitter
Amy Klobuchar on Twitter: "BREAKING: Because of LAST MINUTE ruling, Minnesota DO NOT put ballots in mail any more.
In the middle of a pandemic, the Republican Party is doing everything to make it hard for you to vote. Stand up for YOUR rights:

Vote in-person or take mail-in ballot directly to ballot box" / Twitter

Brian Bakst on Twitter: "NEW: 8th Circuit Court of Appeals rules in Minnesota's absentee ballot deadline case that absentee ballots must be in by 8pm on Election Day. ..." / Twitter
NEW: 8th Circuit Court of Appeals rules in Minnesota's absentee ballot deadline case that absentee ballots must be in by 8pm on Election Day.

"There is no pandemic exception to the Constitution."

Court holds out possibility of counting later and says late ballots set aside.

The case was a 2-1 decision, with Judge Kelly arguing that plaintiffs failed to show they were entitled to relief.

"The court’s injunctive relief will cause voter confusion and undermine Minnesotans’ confidence in the election process," Kelly wrote.

Here is the order
8th Circuit Court of Appeals MN absentee ballot ruling
Texas Republicans challenge curbside, drive-thru voting in Harris County

Hours before early voting began, the Texas Republican Party filed a new lawsuit Monday night challenging Harris County’s efforts to provide more voting options during the coronavirus pandemic, this time asking a court to limit curbside voting and halt the county's drive-thru voting programs.

State election law has long allowed voters with medical conditions to vote curbside. After they arrive at a polling location, a ballot is brought outside to them in their vehicle by an election worker. In addition to urging qualified voters to use the curbside option this year, Harris County also opened designated "drive-thru" polling locations for all voters, where poll workers hand people a voting machine through their car window after checking their photo identification.

The state GOP's lawsuit, filed in a state appeals court in Houston, seeks to halt the drive-thru voting program and limit curbside voting to those who have submitted sworn applications saying they qualify for it. Glenn Smith, a senior strategist with Progress Texas, said Tuesday he could find nothing in the law requiring an application to vote curbside. Texas election law instructs election officers to deliver an on-site curbside ballot if a voter is “physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or likelihood of injuring the voter's health.”

“Unless stopped, each of these instances of illegal voting will cast a cloud over the results of the General Election,” the lawsuit states.

Fortunately rejected.
Texas Republicans challenge curbside, drive-thru voting in Harris County

Hours before early voting began, the Texas Republican Party filed a new lawsuit Monday night challenging Harris County’s efforts to provide more voting options during the coronavirus pandemic, this time asking a court to limit curbside voting and halt the county's drive-thru voting programs.

State election law has long allowed voters with medical conditions to vote curbside. After they arrive at a polling location, a ballot is brought outside to them in their vehicle by an election worker. In addition to urging qualified voters to use the curbside option this year, Harris County also opened designated "drive-thru" polling locations for all voters, where poll workers hand people a voting machine through their car window after checking their photo identification.

The state GOP's lawsuit, filed in a state appeals court in Houston, seeks to halt the drive-thru voting program and limit curbside voting to those who have submitted sworn applications saying they qualify for it. Glenn Smith, a senior strategist with Progress Texas, said Tuesday he could find nothing in the law requiring an application to vote curbside. Texas election law instructs election officers to deliver an on-site curbside ballot if a voter is “physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or likelihood of injuring the voter's health.”

“Unless stopped, each of these instances of illegal voting will cast a cloud over the results of the General Election,” the lawsuit states.

Fortunately rejected.
Rejected a bit late! The fucking GOP!
Trump’s golden boy no shoo-in for red North Carolina seat - POLITICO - "Madison Cawthorn, the 25-year-old congressional candidate, is in a tough battle."
On Tuesday, Republicans could add to their ranks a 25-year-old congressman bent on being as disruptive to the right as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is to the left — or suffer an embarrassing defeat in a district they have no business losing.

Either way, the election here in North Carolina’s 11th District is poised to rattle the Grand Old Party.

Madison Cawthorn, the paraplegic survivor of a near-fatal car crash, achieved instant star power after a June primary in which he toppled the candidate endorsed by both President Donald Trump and former GOP Rep. Mark Meadows, who resigned the seat to become the president’s chief of staff. Armed with his newfound fame, Cawthorn has centered his campaign on a scathing critique of his own party, calling it xenophobic, feckless and devoid of empathy — all while aligning himself closely with a president accused of embodying those very traits.
“He is a fresh new package, but the things that come out of his mouth sound like Strom Thurmond from the 1960s."

Democratic nominee Moe Davis

A 62-year-old former chief military prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay, Davis has also taught law, served as a judge and worked as a congressional aide on national-security issues. On the trail, he repeatedly cast Cawthorn as a clueless 20-something "with no education, no training, no experience that qualifies him for the job.”

He seems shocked that anyone could see Cawthorn as qualified to serve in Congress. In an interview, Davis rattled off a list of times he said his opponent seemed to be unaware of basic facts, including when he suggested he would be sworn in this month instead of in January; and an interview in which he suggested Congress could have over 500 members after the next census.
538 is assessing the NC-11 race as 75% Madison Cawthorn 25% Moe Davis, with (MC) - (MD) = 6%

But that's likely from campaign spending and previous candidates' performance, without any polls.

MC might argue that if a 29-year-old bartender can make it into Congress, than he can too. Or that if some professional celebrity could make it into the Presidency, then he can get into Congress.
When To Expect Election Results In Every State | FiveThirtyEight
I collected the states' poll-closing times and expected count amounts in When to expect US Nov 3 election results?

All times Eastern Standard Time. For your timezone, check Time Zone Map
  • 7 pm: GA m, IN m, KY m, SC a, VA m, VT a
  • 7:30 pm: NC m, OH m, WV m
  • 8 pm: AL a, CT s, DC s, DE a, FL a, IL m, MA m, MD s, ME m, MO a, MS s, NH a, NJ s, OK a, PA s, RI m, TN a
  • 8:30 pm: AR a
  • 9 pm: AZ s, CO a, KS m, LA m, MI m, MN m, ND m, NE a, NM m, NY s, SD m, TX m, WI m, WY a
  • 10 pm: IA m, MT a, NV s, UT s
  • 11 pm: CA s, ID a, OR a, WA s
  • midnight ("12 pm"): HI a
  • 1 am next day ("13 pm"): AK s
a = nearly all, m = most but not all, s = only some

538's Predictions: 2020 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight

Do It Yourself: Explore The Ways Trump Or Biden Could Win The Election | FiveThirtyEight
Both Candidates Might Fall Short Of 270 Electoral Votes On Election Night. But How Close Might They Get? | FiveThirtyEight

All times Eastern Standard Time. States are in order likely Democrat to likely Republican. Swing states and districts are bolded.
  • 7 pm: VT, VA, GA, SC, IN, KY
  • 7:30 pm: NC, OH, WV
  • 8 pm: DC, DE, MD, MA, RI, CT, IL, NJ, ME-1, ME-S, NH, PA, FL, ME-2, MS, MO, TN, AL, OK
  • 8:30 pm: AR
  • 9 pm: NY, NM, CO, MI, MN, WI, NE-2, AZ, TX, SD, NE-1, LA, KS, ND, NE, WY, NE-3
  • 10 pm: NV, IA, MT, UT
  • 11 pm: CA, WA, OR, ID
  • Next day: HI, AK
'Trump Train' Surrounding Biden Bus Gets Nod Of Approval From The President : NPR
Did Armed Trump Supporters Harass a Biden-Harris Campaign Bus in Texas?
The Friday incident rattled the Biden campaign, which canceled at least one event in the state following the episode. Campaign staff called 911, according to the statement, and was given help by law enforcement reaching its destination.

Neither Joe Biden, who had been campaigning in the Midwest, nor his running mate Kamala Harris, campaigning elsewhere in Texas, were on the bus at the time.

Study warns five states at high risk for election-related armed violence by militia groups | TheHill - PA, GA, MI, WI, OR

Trump changes election night plans, cancels party at Trump International: report | TheHill

That's the Trump Int'l Hotel in DC. He will have it in the White House instead.
Trump plans to declare premature victory if he appears ahead on election night - Axios

Even if there are large numbers of uncounted votes that could go for Biden.
Why it matters: Trump's team is preparing to falsely claim that mail-in ballots counted after Nov. 3 — a legitimate count expected to favor Democrats — are evidence of election fraud.

What they're saying: Asked for comment, the Trump campaign's communications director Tim Murtaugh said, "This is nothing but people trying to create doubt about a Trump victory. When he wins, he's going to say so."

Reality check: Mail-in ballots counted after Election Day as set forth in state-by-state rules are as legitimate as in-person votes recorded on Nov. 3.

What we're watching: Miller, on ABC's "This Week," predicted 290+ electoral votes for Trump on election night, and he claimed Democrats are "just going to try to steal it back after the election."

He described any prospective challenges by Democrats as "hijinks or lawsuits or whatever kind of nonsense."

Between the lines: Trump advisers are more optimistic about winning than they were three weeks ago, based on my conversations with multiple senior campaign officials over the past week, including two officials with direct knowledge of sensitive internal data.
  • Worse in IA, GA
  • Better in TX, NV, NC, AZ, WI
Trump plans to declare victory if he takes election night lead: Axios | TheHill
Kathy Boockvar (D), who leads Pennsylvania's State Department, said the commonwealth expects the full count to take days because of the high volume of mail-in ballots this year, 10 times the number cast in 2016.

"I expect that the overwhelming majority of ballots in Pennsylvania, that's mail-in and absentee ballots as well as in-person ballots, will be counted within a matter of days," Boockvar said Sunday on NBC’s "Meet the Press."

The president’s team is also prepared to present mail-in ballots counted after Nov. 3 as illegitimate, according to Axios, even though it isn't unusual for states to take several days or weeks to count ballots and certify results.

Most polling has indicated Election Day in-person votes will favor the president, while mail-in voting will favor Biden
Seems like they want the courts to declare later-counted votes invalid. Thus giving them a 2000-style victory.
Trump denies he will prematurely declare victory, signals election legal challenges | TheHill
President Trump on Sunday denied that he would declare premature victory in the election but signaled that Republicans would mount legal challenges to prevent ballots from being counted after Election Day.

“I think it’s a terrible thing when ballots can be collected after an election. I think it’s a terrible thing when people or states are allowed to tabulate ballots for a long period of time after the election is over because it can only lead to one thing,” Trump told reporters in Charlotte, N.C., criticizing decisions by the Supreme Court to allow ballots to be received after Election Day in several battleground states.

“I think there is great danger to it, and I think a lot of fraud and misuse can take place,” Trump continued, without providing specific evidence for his claim that extending deadlines for receiving ballots could result in fraud.

“We’re going to go in the night of — as soon as the election is over — we’re going in with our lawyers,” Trump said, mentioning the state of Pennsylvania specifically.
Seems like he's trying to have it both ways. He deserves a crushing defeat. :p
Here is mine.
US Election 2020 Map.PNG
I’m going out on a limb with Texas as the polls do show trump slightly in front but I keep hearing there’s a generation change that’s been building there over the last 5-10 years. I do think that Florida will be known on the night so Pennsylvania will become irrelevant effectively ruling out any practical path for Trump. I could be totally wrong but I thought I’d peg my colours to the mast so to speak.
I’m Here To Remind You That Trump Can Still Win | FiveThirtyEight by Nate Silver himself

Why Pennsylvania’s Vote Count Could Change After Election Night | FiveThirtyEight - from counting the numerous absentee ballots, something like 1/3 of the 2016 total of ballots.

Is There A Chance The Winner In 2020 Will Be Able To Credibly Claim A Mandate? | FiveThirtyEight
Because the election is taking place amid multiple crises, Biden in particular could make a credible case in claiming a mandate — the script for when a challenger wins in the midst of a period of national crisis or economic downturn is a well-worn one. That dynamic played out in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s defeat of Herbert Hoover in 1932 and Ronald Reagan’s defeat of Jimmy Carter in 1980. The winners had opportunities to claim a mandate for change and both were successful in persuading people the country was ready for a new approach.
Something like Stephen Skowronek's political regimes - both FDR and Reagan started new ones.

Trump could refuse to concede - The Washington Post
What’s the worst that could happen?

The election will likely spark violence — and a constitutional crisis

A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis.

In each scenario, Team Trump — the players assigned to simulate the Trump campaign and its elected and appointed allies — was ruthless and unconstrained right out of the gate, and Team Biden struggled to get out of reaction mode. In one exercise, for instance, Team Trump’s repeated allegations of fraudulent mail-in ballots led National Guard troop to destroy thousands of ballots in Democratic-leaning ZIP codes, to applause on social media from Trump supporters. Over and over, Team Biden urged calm, national unity and a fair vote count, while Team Trump issued barely disguised calls for violence and intimidation against ballot-counting officials and Biden electors.

In every exercise, both teams sought to mobilize their supporters to take to the streets. Team Biden repeatedly called for peaceful protests, while Team Trump encouraged provocateurs to incite violence, then used the resulting chaos to justify sending federalized Guard units or active-duty military personnel into American cities to “restore order,” leading to still more violence. (The exercises underscored the tremendous power enjoyed by an incumbent president: Biden can call a news conference, but Trump can call in the 82nd Airborne.)

Similarly, Team Trump repeatedly attempted to exploit ambiguities and gaps in the legal framework. (There are more than you might think.) Team Trump repeatedly sought, for instance, to persuade state GOP allies to send rival slates of electors to Congress when the popular vote didn’t go its way. With competing slates heading to Washington for the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress that formally counts the electoral votes, Trump supporters argued that Vice President Pence, in his capacity as president of the Senate, had the power to decide which electors to recognize. In contrast, Democrats argued that the House of Representatives had the constitutional authority to choose which electors should be accepted in the event of a deadlock — or, alternatively, the ability to prevent the joint session from taking place at all. (We didn’t resolve this kind of standoff in our exercises; it’s not clear how such a stalemate would be settled in real life.)
I am a little worried about the fact that deplorables are outvoting democrats in early voting in Florida.
What if that happens in other states?
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