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2020 Election Results

Fox News' Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson distance themselves from Trump | Fox News | The Guardian Rush Limbaugh also.
On Fox News on Monday, Ingraham said: “Unless the legal situation changes in a dramatic and unlikely manner, Joe Biden will be inaugurated on 20 January.”

Carlson claimed “the 2020 election was not fair”, but admitted Trump had lost it.

On his radio show, Limbaugh attacked Trump’s lawyers in Pennsylvania, led by Rudy Giuliani, for failing to provide any evidence to back claims of voter fraud in the state.

“You announce massive bombshells,” he said, “then you better have some bombshells.”
A kraken that turned out to be a water flea.
Apparently, GOP voters (this is not being pushed by Dems) are trying to convince everyone to write-in trump for the two senate seats.

I approve this plan. :D
The lame duck a l'orange stepped out of his spider hole today to take credit for the dow hitting 30k. so sad and desperate. :rotfl:
Apparently, GOP voters (this is not being pushed by Dems) are trying to convince everyone to write-in trump for the two senate seats.

I approve this plan. :D
One keeps wondering... just how stupid can his supporters be? This would be something.

Imagine if he won, if that is legal. Then he finds himself having to go to work. Or he doesn't even bother, leaving the seat unattended.
As education divide deepens, Democrats worry about future power - "Yet despite Biden's election victory, this demographic – white voters without college degrees – remained just as loyal as ever to the president, defying public polling before the election that suggested Democrats were poised for small inroads."

Donald Trump lost the election in suburbs, not cities, despite claims

Roger Stone-Tied Group Threatens GOP: If Trump Goes Down, So Does Your Senate Majority - "The group becomes the latest in a growing list of Trump backers who are encouraging people to either not vote in the runoffs or write in the president’s name."

Such an own goal would be such a great sight to see.
I have utterly lost track. How many states are still counting votes? How many states have still not officially called the presidential race? When will this all be said and done, and no longer unsettled? Has the revolution started yet? All of this uncertainty is making me woozy.
Pennsylvania and Nevada certify 2020 election results for Joe Biden, North Carolina for Trump - CNNPolitics

Governor Tom Wolf on Twitter: "Today @PAStateDept certified the results of the November 3 election in Pennsylvania for president and vice president of the United States. ..." / Twitter
Today @PAStateDept certified the results of the November 3 election in Pennsylvania for president and vice president of the United States.

As required by federal law, I’ve signed the Certificate of Ascertainment for the slate of electors for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Again, I want to thank the election officials who have administered a fair and free election during an incredibly challenging time in our commonwealth and country's history.

Our election workers have been under constant attack and they have performed admirably and honorably.

Back to CNN.
Appearing before the Nevada Supreme Court on Tuesday morning, Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske officially certified Nevada's 2020 general election results. Cegavske, a Republican, did not verbally acknowledge Biden the winner of the presidential race. The Nevada Supreme Court signed the canvassing for each county prior to official certification of the results.

Mohave County is final county to certify election results
The Mohave County Board of Supervisors decided unanimously Monday to certify its election results, becoming the final Arizona county to put a stamp of approval on its voting process.

With every county having approved the results of their elections, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs plans to certify Arizona’s results on Nov. 30.

Nearly 400 uncounted ballots found in Wisconsin recount
Nearly 400 absentee ballots cast in Milwaukee that were not opened on Election Day were discovered as part of a recount Tuesday, a mistake the city’s top elections official attributed to human error.

Democrat Joe Biden won Wisconsin by 20,600 votes and President Donald Trump paid for a recount in just Milwaukee and Dane counties — the counties with the most votes for Biden.

The 386 uncounted ballots were found on the fourth day of the recount.
The score so far:
  • Certified: GA, MI, NV, PA
  • Counties certified: AZ
  • Partial recount continuing: WI

Trump Lies About Mail-in Voting Lost Georgia: Raffensperger | Law & Crime
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) said that President Donald Trump’s relentless demonizing of mail-in voting cost him the state’s electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election.

The source of Raffensperger’s claim is a marked, substantial–and electorally decisive–drop-off in Republican voting that occurred between Georgia’s primary held in early June and Election Day.

“Those 24,000 people did not vote in the fall,” Raffensperger said. “They did not vote absentee because they were told by the president, ‘don’t vote absentee, it’s not secure,’ but then they did not come out and vote in person. He would have won by 10,000 votes. He actually depressed, suppressed his own voting base.”

“Part of this is also Raffensperger’s doing,” Nir said via Twitter. “He sent absentee ballot applications to all voters before the primary but, after facing severe attacks from fellow Republicans, declined to do so before the general.”

Podcast host and national security expert Felix Biederman noted that blowback from Trump’s non-stop war on the basic concept of vote-by-mail was predicted by some members of his own party.

Trump, Attorney General Bill Barr and the broader Republican Party, waged a months-long battle against mail-in voting once Democrats rallied around vote-by-mail in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
What a magnificent own goal.
Thanks for the info. It doesn't look good for Orango. Seeing this all end in a total defeat for Trump will be the best Xmas present I have had in years.

Thanks for saying that. It's me all over. I have been craving all year for the chance to see that bloated orange face with the stunned realization that he's a loser plastered all over it. Too, too sweet. And so deserved. What did he call Romney? A choker? Certainly a loser. And now he's the biggest sore loser in American history, the metaphorical avatar. Love it, love it, love it. (Almost makes me believe in karma, and I always thought George Harrison's head was full of sawdust.)
Next I'd like to see a reform on the GSA ascertainment enacted, but only if it's called Emily's Law.
Biden's announcement of national security and cabinet picks knocks it out of the park. Linda Thomas-Greenfield as UN Ambassador: Biden taps longtime diplomat jettisoned under Trump as US ambassador to the UN

Many see Thomas-Greenfield's candidacy for the UN ambassador job, along with that of Antony Blinken for secretary of state, as a move to return to a more traditional foreign policy approach. In her remarks Tuesday, she declared that "America is back, multilateralism is back, diplomacy is back."

"The challenges we face -- a global pandemic, the global economy, the global climate crisis, mass migration and extreme poverty, social justice -- are unrelenting and interconnected," Thomas-Greenfield said. "But they're not unsolvable if America is leading the way."

As Samantha Power said on Rachel Maddow tonight: "Indescribably moving."

An austere and venerable group.
The lame duck a l'orange stepped out of his spider hole today to take credit for the dow hitting 30k. so sad and desperate. :rotfl:

From what I gather the market began rebounding the moment it was evident that he'd lost the election. So I guess he did have something to do with its new record. Similar to how cleaning out the fridge and tossing out a rotting Tupperware bowl of leftover casserole has something to do with a fresher smelling kitchen.
How will the GOP treat mail-in voting in four years? Hard to know.

Don't you know that Absentee Ballots are good but Mail-in Ballots are bad? It doesn't matter that they are the same thing.

They're NOT the same thing!
Absentee ballots are cast by Republicans, "Mail-in" ballots are cast by Demoncratz!
How will the GOP treat mail-in voting in four years? Hard to know.

Don't you know that Absentee Ballots are good but Mail-in Ballots are bad? It doesn't matter that they are the same thing.

They're NOT the same thing!
Absentee ballots are cast by Republicans, "Mail-in" ballots are cast by Demoncratz!
I think you meant Democratzis, the evil ones.

The Trump effect may well last another four years. We may see them shun mail-in voting more. If they do I hope it costs them dearly again.

But this thread has definitely lifted my spirits lately. The fact that Biden has been around the block and actually knows what he is doing, has a plan, has a vision beyond self serving MAGA stupidity, is just what I needed. But I still look forward to watching OrangeFace's antics over the coming weeks. His pressroom briefing yesterday lasted 64 seconds and then he walked away like an idiot. What a loser! Has this country ever seen such a performance, I don't think so.
But this thread has definitely lifted my spirits lately. The fact that Biden has been around the block and actually knows what he is doing, has a plan, has a vision beyond self serving MAGA stupidity, is just what I needed. But I still look forward to watching OrangeFace's antics over the coming weeks. His pressroom briefing yesterday lasted 64 seconds and then he walked away like an idiot. What a loser! Has this country ever seen such a performance, I don't think so.

Careful what you ask for dude: The demise of the Open Skies Treaty part of an unfortunate pattern
Yesterday, as Rachel explained on last night's show, the outgoing Republican president made it official. The Wall Street Journal reported:

The Trump administration formally shut the door on the Open Skies treaty Sunday, exiting the agreement while moving to get rid of the U.S. Air Force planes that have been used to carry out the nearly three-decade-old accord.

Before anyone assumes that President-elect Joe Biden will simply try to re-enter the international agreement, it's worth emphasizing why that won't be an option: the Trump administration, the WSJ article added, is "taking steps to dispose of the two specially equipped OC-135B planes the U.S. has used to carry out Open Skies flights."

One official explained, "We've started liquidating the equipment."

These planes are used to gather info that the US shares with the EU and NATO and losing them limits their ability to track what moves Russia is making in the east.

And not only that: https://crooksandliars.com/2020/11/maddow-trump-ordered-spy-planes-destroyed
"A senior U.S. official said the planes are being designated as 'excess defense articles.' The official said, quote, 'We've started liquidating the equipment.' The senior U.S. official insisted that the goal in disposing of the OC-135s is not to tie the hands of the incoming Biden administration. That said, quote, 'The move follows a decision in July by then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper to cancel the program to buy newer planes to replace the OC-135s. That's eliminating the option of replacing the aircraft with more modern variants as well.

There's a parable somewhere in the Dead Sea Scrolls about how the devil reacts when being evicted from your house, and how he goes about smashing everything he touches. Now I'm not a believer in such things, but they do reflect human nature. It's really hard to ignore the idea that Putin is behind this and he's probably given a todo list to Donny that needs to happen chop-chop.
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