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A 'Rogue Account' Is Tweeting Insider Information On Trump From The White House

Are these fake or real tweets. There is a real source but are these from within the White House It's easy to find where the device was when it tweeted?

Doesn't have to be from within the White House, just that the person doing the tweeting is a real person working in the White House.
Are these fake or real tweets. There is a real source but are these from within the White House It's easy to find where the device was when it tweeted?
Hmmm... concerned about a leak?

If something is a fake it can't be a leak. If it's a an accurate leak it's not fake.

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Are these fake or real tweets. There is a real source but are these from within the White House It's easy to find where the device was when it tweeted?

Doesn't have to be from within the White House, just that the person doing the tweeting is a real person working in the White House.

Does it matter if they can track where the device was located at the time of the Tweet?
Oh boy. This news pretty much seems to confirm the leaker.

article said:
A draft of an executive order on "religious freedom" is circulating inside the Trump administration, outlining a potential weakening of protections designed to shield LGBT individuals from discrimination, according to a copy of the proposed order obtained by ABC News.

The "rogue" staffer indicated that something like this was in the works (and would be out by week's end), despite public claims otherwise by the Admin. While it is still possible the leaker is a fake, this is the most convincing evidence I've seen to support this staffer(s) is for real.
They should* be. This is purported to be "the leakiest" white house EVER.

* A nod to WP

What earth shaking leaks have been tweeted?
Trump's calls to Mexico and Australia indicating an even more amateurish White House.

Also we are two weeks into Trump's Presidency and the White House staff is leaking info, which is really unprecedented.

But feel free to shill for the American Traitor Trump.

Of course the Washington Rag says that so it must be right. I don't think its a bad idea to comment on how Obama agreed to take on migrants from Australia this when the us can't drive in any more he gets them from others.

The Earth's not shaking.

What's wrong with the Washington Post reporting? Specifics?
Of course the Washington Rag says that so it must be right. I don't think its a bad idea to comment on how Obama agreed to take on migrants from Australia this when the us can't drive in any more he gets them from others.

The Earth's not shaking.

What's wrong with the Washington Post reporting? Specifics?

So what is earth shattering about this more than Trumps speeches and statements? The election is over so campaigning is now futile.
He's literally running the country like a fucking cheesy, lowest-common-denominator reality show.

Kuwait issued a ban on 5 of the countries. Is that Islamophobic?

Non sequitur. (That means "doesn't follow." ;) )

Are you really believing anyone's fooled by cult anti-communication superpowerz?

(By the way, have you developed your "kill with a thought" superpower yet? I'm guessing no, as I'm still here, but are you close to that point on the bridge? I'm curious, plus I want to get an idea of how long I have left to live to criticize the cult of scientology.)
Kuwait issued a ban on 5 of the countries. Is that Islamophobic?

Non sequitur. (That means "doesn't follow." ;) )

Are you really believing anyone's fooled by cult anti-communication superpowerz?

(By the way, have you developed your "kill with a thought" superpower yet? I'm guessing no, as I'm still here, but are you close to that point on the bridge? I'm curious, plus I want to get an idea of how long I have left to live to criticize the cult of scientology.)

Two countries agreeing on the same thing is not non-sequiteur.
I've also spent several years in the Middle East. While the risk is possibly small we need restrictions or better vetting is needed. Kuwait believes these countries present a security risk. I am not sure about Iran itself. The issue in the courts is where people given visas had them cancelled for no specific reasons.

The BBC has said Trump had a productive meeting with the Australian Ambassador so that is other news. So the fact that people argue is part of human nature.
Kill with thoughts? I don't know about but if people could kill with looks a photo of an eagle with a pink foil pussycat hat may do.

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So what is earth shattering about this more than Trumps speeches and statements? The election is over so campaigning is now futile.

You can't answer?

I did; there isn't.
So what is earth shattering about this more than Trumps speeches and statements? The election is over so campaigning is now futile.

You can't answer?
I did; there isn't.

The question was.

Of course the Washington Rag says that so it must be right. I don't think its a bad idea to comment on how Obama agreed to take on migrants from Australia this when the us can't drive in any more he gets them from others.

The Earth's not shaking.

What's wrong with the Washington Post reporting? Specifics?

You should only let one WP post at a time.
So what is earth shattering about this more than Trumps speeches and statements? The election is over so campaigning is now futile.

You can't answer?
I did; there isn't.

The question was.

Of course the Washington Rag says that so it must be right. I don't think its a bad idea to comment on how Obama agreed to take on migrants from Australia this when the us can't drive in any more he gets them from others.

The Earth's not shaking.

What's wrong with the Washington Post reporting? Specifics?

You should only let one WP post at a time.

Specific meaningless posts. If reporting a series of discussions mid way you could just selectively post parts where there are conflicts. It seems there is now no conflict with the Australians.
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