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A Vote for Kamala Is a Vote for Tyranny

This thread should be preserved as an Epitome of Wilful Ignorance.

Elon Musk, being a person of character and integrity
RVonse didn't write this -- his source did.

@RVonse -- do YOU think Elon Musk is a person of character and integrity?

Apparently, there are a lot of lies about what Kamala Harris has said. For example:


"And once Trump's gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions because we'll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in this great nation. For it is you that betrayed us."

-Kamala Harris, June 18, 2020

No, she. never said that.....

However, Kamala Harris never said this — the quote is not real. Snopes investigated the origin of the quote in 2019, and concluded that it originated from a website that labeled its output as satire, bustatroll.org. The website (now offline) was a part of America's Last Line of Defense, a still-active network of "satirical" news sites and social media pages.

These right-wing "satire" sites don't even try to be funny. They just call their lies "satire" to protect themselves from lawsuits,.

@RVonse -- How does it feel to know that your "information" is coming, directly or indirectly from such right-wing "satire" sites? Are these liars performing a public service?
Do you think such sources of "information" are better than news channels like Reuters or CNN? Or do they just feed your prejudices better?

You seem intent on your worries about "censorship." If the U.S. government were censoring, then WHY are so many lies allowed to propagate? It is the right-wing Ilk that have plans for book-burning, etc. (Public schools in Red districts are already removing To Kill a Mockinbird, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the Harry Potter series and other "bad" books.)

A 2020 fact-check from the Associated Press investigating the quote included a confirmation from Harris' communications director at the time, Chris Harris, that the quote was fake.

It's sad that some people are so naive that they believe all kinds of bullshit that is put out by insane, disgusting people like Musk and Trump, to name a couple of the biggest liars around.

Does "the shoe fit," @RVonse ? In future do you plan to read right-wing lies more critically?

To be honest, that fake quote sounds more like something that Trump has said in the past.

Musk has censored lots of speech, despite his claims that he supports total free speech. Free speech can be denied by private organizations, but don't claim you will allow free speech on X and then deny it when you feel like it.

Are you claiming the video I provided is an AI generated fake?

Did anyone make that claim? In the edited video in OP, Harris speaks of "He" and "Him." Gee, can you imagine why the proper name was edited out? But to anyone who knows anything about anything, it's obvious even without context that "He" referred to Trump.
Looks like the whole thing is a lie. What a surprise.

Its still not clear to me she was talking about Trump.

Horse. Water. Can't make it drink.

But even if she was only talking about Trump's post on X, that is still the property of Musk. And not to be censored by the government as the first amendment is presently written.

You are indeed willfully stupid! The post "should be taken down." This does NOT mean that the government will break into Musk's computers and take down the post -- (Is THAT what you think it means?) -- it means that Elon's Xwitter should comply with its own rules and suppress certain political lies. Especially from a poster who has previously been BANNED for lying.

It is OBVIOUS that she was talking about Drumpf, and moreover she is saying that X should take it down, though she is talking about the need for some regulation for social media, which is quite reasonable. In case you don’t know, the First Amendment is not an unfettered right. There are penalties for libel and slander. There are penalties for yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater when there is no fire. There are penalties for WITNESS INTIMIDATION. And so on.

It is absolutely pathetic that you will not apologize for spreading fraudulent content in your OP.

Would it not be WONDERFUL if @RVonse could acknowledge that he fell for right-wing lies? And that he will make a sincere effort to read more critically in future? Odds-makers?

(Of course it would be even more nifty if he observed that the right-wing teams lie orders of magnitude more than the Democrats, but I don't ask for miracles.)

And by the way, Twitter banned Trump, as did Facebook and others, after he tried to overthrow the government on Jan. 6. Social media are PRIVATE ENTITIES that can police speech any way they wish, just like this site.

If we can believe that last post then yes she was talking about Trump. Its still unclear to me whether the video is fake or not.

The video was EDITED. To gull fools. And to feed the prejudices of willfully ignorant stooges.
No I don't think Trump is a good choice either. For mostly different reason than you do though.
Have you take note yet that the “information” you quoted in your OP was fraudulent? :unsure:
WTF? You just quoted the relevant post that SHOWS YOU she was talking about Trump, not X!
If we can believe that last post then yes she was talking about Trump. Its still unclear to me whether the video is fake or not.
Okay, so you were ready to believe, out of the gate, tiny snippets of quotes that fit the narrative you desperately want to believe...

...but a whole transcript and video are making you hesitant to believe they are real? The transcript that was quote-mined (to be polite) for the article you presented as fact in the OP.

Where was this doubt before your posted the OP?

I guess I'm not as smart as you Jimmy.

Something we can all agree on! 8-)

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Perhaps I should apologize for my post, adding to an already overlong thread. In my defense the thread had become interminable and seemed to epitomize Stupidism in Amerika. It was with a mixture of fascination and horror that we watched RVonse -- who probably even has a 100+ IQ! -- insist over and over and over and over that he believed the obvious lies that he fell for, hook, line and sinker.
A vote for Trump is a vote for tyranny.

A vote for Trump is a vote for tyranny.

A vote for Trump is a vote for tyranny.

Super obvious news flash that only conservatives seem to miss: only people who want to be dictators say these things.
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DeSantis was collaborating with a couple of “charities” to turn 1,000 acres of the last remaining coastal dune and scrub habitat in southeast Florida, contained in a state park, into three golf courses. They were going to release the plans to the public on Labor Day and then hold public hearings at 3 pm the next day. The cartographer that they had working for DEP to map to projects released the plans a week in advance. He has already been fired for letting the public know what the Florida GOP had planned for critical habitat on state public lands.
Kamala Harris is quoted (out of context? AI-generated Fake? Who knows!) as saying:
"He has lost his privileges and it should be taken down."
Let's see if we can parse this, using our knowledge of English and of the real world.
(Context would make it easier, but of course we can't expect that from the right-wing "satire" sites that RVonse likes.)

"He has lost his privileges..." AFAIK, nobody has ever suggested that Mr. Musk or his Xwitter operation has lost "his" privileges. (There may be some on the far left who would LIKE to see Mr. Musk lose privileges but that's not the way America and its 1st Amendment work.) Trump, OTOH, did lose his Xwitter privileges for incendiary lies, including inciting insurrection. It is NOT hard to deduce who "He" is.

"And it should be taken down."
Start another thread to review the various idiomatic meanings of the English compound "take down." When applied to a social media post, it has two possible meanings: (1) to"take down" in writing, i.e. to transcribe and thereby make a copy. (2) to remove. When applied to a person, OTOH, it is commonly heard in gangster movies. Being "taken down" to the bus station is OK, but you do NOT want to be "taken down" period. I've seldom heard "take down" applied to a corporation like Xwitter, but it sounds rather permanent.

Was this difficult? I've no specific training beyond high school English (and watching gangster movies!) but it seemed easy to deduce the antecedents in Ms. Harris' comments, despite the "satire" site deliberately expunging the context.

Its still not clear to me she was talking about Trump.

Is English your native language @RVonse ? How many years of high school did you have?

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I see Mr. Vonse has left some queries unanswered. I'll repeat them here for his convenience.

@RVonse -- do YOU think Elon Musk is a person of character and integrity?

@RVonse -- How does it feel to know that your "information" is coming, directly or indirectly from such right-wing "satire" sites? Are these liars performing a public service?
Do you think such sources of "information" are better than news channels like Reuters or CNN? Or do they just feed your prejudices better?

Does "the shoe fit," @RVonse ? In future do you plan to read right-wing lies more critically?

Have you taken note yet that the “information” you quoted in your OP was fraudulent? :unsure:

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No I don't think Trump is a good choice either. For mostly different reason than you do though.

Speaking only for myself, it might be fun to learn the "different reason" you don't find Trump to be a "good choice."
Rvonse, why don't you spend more time investigating Trump, his history of racism, sexism, grifting etc. the constant lies he tells. The way he rambles on mindlessly, instead of trying to pick out a few things said by Harris that might sometimes be taken the wrong way, by some people? It doesn't sound as if you are open minded, when it's quite obvious that Trump is an incompetent criminal who openly admits he wants to be a dictator and Harris is at least trying to please the average person. I guess I just don't understand where you're coming from, but then I don't understand why anyone would vote for someone like Trump, other then the ultra wealthy greedy, who don't care about anyone but how much money they can accumulate and how much taxes they will have to pay. Greed is the deadliest "sin" when you think about how much harm it often does to others, and Trump is a prime example a very greedy person.
Don't research Trump. That is a waste of time. Understand the basic psychology regarding the use of language instead. Truthers have a tendency of believing what they want to believe. They rarely ask themselves why X said A in a manner of B. Observation what people say and how they say it is a very important tool to avoid being manipulated.

t's a very good point Jimmy. The best test I know of test anything is to present it to the other side (this forum).

And it worked because the flaws of this article are now known to me.
The flaws are not known to you. We all know, yourself included, that you will quote Paul Craig Roberts again in a few months time.
t's a very good point Jimmy. The best test I know of test anything is to present it to the other side (this forum).

And it worked because the flaws of this article are now known to me.
The flaws are not known to you. We all know, yourself included, that you will quote Paul Craig Roberts again in a few months time.
Or a PCR clone
t's a very good point Jimmy. The best test I know of test anything is to present it to the other side (this forum).

And it worked because the flaws of this article are now known to me.
The flaws are not known to you. We all know, yourself included, that you will quote Paul Craig Roberts again in a few months time.
Or a PCR clone
Well played, Sir. Well played.
I mean, my last job site did PCR cloning and I was engineering a PCR and DNA melting heater and all, and I know what all that is... but the pun was unintentional, OK?

I mean it's a great pun, and I said it just right to be a great pun. I just wasn't actually thinking about the pun until after. I feel a little embarrassed. I was just thinking "they're gonna find some other reporter just like that shitheel because they're a dime a dozen, like playing whack-a-mole Gish-Gallop Hack Reporter Edition."
This is an interesting thread from a psychology POV. Everyone has the ability to get duped now and then, especially when our biases are being gamed by dubious sources. I know I've been had and I have pretty good BS detection skills

I appreciate that RVonse and TSwizzle comment here and I hope they never take things too personally. I don't think any of us here want an echo chamber

I've noticed (as mentioned by Bronzeage) that there are those who, when backed into a corner, resort to "They are all corrupt anyway so it doesn't matter".

I hear this a lot

What I want to say to that person is how lucky they are to not be someone who relies on health care, or daycare subsidy, or their pension, or safe water supply, or affordable life saving drugs....It makes a world of difference to many people.
Kamala said “he (Musk) has lost his privileges and it (X) must be taken down.” Kamala is saying that free speech, the bedrock foundation of American freedom is a privilege granted by government, and by refusing to accept government censorship of free speech, Musk has lost his “privilege” to operate a social media company, which “must be taken down.”

For example, “the bottom line is that you can’t say you have one rule for Facebook and a different rule for Twitter” (she means X). There is no such rule. What she is saying is that Facebook’s cowardly or woke management has agreed to censor in order to protect the lies that constitute the official narratives, and Elon Musk, being a person of character and integrity, has not. Kamala Harris is so totally ignorant and so totally uneducated that she is unaware that the US Constitution governs the US government. She thinks our Constitutional rights are subject to regulation by government in order to conform us to official narratives.

Kamala says that social media sites “are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any oversight or regulation,” but so is she. So is CNN. So is NPR. So is NBC. So is CBS. So is ABC. So is the Associated Press. So is The New York Times. So is the Washington Post. So is the Associated Press. So is the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland security. So is the Supreme Court. So is Congress. So is the President of the United States.

If we want to keep our freedom of speech we must vote for it. Benjamin Franklin was correct long ago when he said "we have a republic now if we can keep it". With the Patriot Act and other growth of our government, citizens rights have become steadily diminished while the state becomes ever more powerful.

It is a given that a lot of people here do not like what Trump or PCR have to say. But do you really want to live in tyranny? Do you really want to live in the world that existed before the Bill of Rights became written?

Keep freedom of speech? Then you certainly do not want to vote R. Musk is most certainly not for free speech, he takes down plenty of clearly true things he disagrees with. Things like the photo showing The Felon's ear apparently uninjured. (There's a line of blood on his head above his ear.)
It is a given that a lot of people here do not like what Trump or PCR have to say. But do you really want to live in tyranny? Do you really want to live in the world that existed before the Bill of Rights became written?
and a vote for Trump would not be for tyranny?? Do I really want to live in the world that existed before the entire Constitution became written? Because it’s clear that Trump has zero respect for the Constitution or the laws derived from it. When it’s a binary choice then indeed Harris the lesser of evils despite what she may or may not have said here.

We are supposed to believe that the same man who calls the Press “the enemy of the people” has more respect for the first amendment than Harris? Please…
You don't have to vote for Trump or Harris. That is still your right...until they take that away too.
If The Felon wins you will not have a meaningful vote in the future. His intentions are quite clear.
I'm not sure what the solution is either because I want free speech and not tyranny. The people who seem to have the best ideas IMO say that we should encourage more speech in order to put down bad ideas better.

And I do believe it was better in the old days when there was regulation to provide both sides of an argument.

But what Harris says in her interview government taking down a social site is horrible IMO. That is the exact opposite of providing more free speech.
The problem is you don't recognize free speech when you see it.

Musk is most certainly not for free speech. He's for MAGA speech.

Facebook, likewise, is using a very conservative organization to identify "disinformation" and taking down leftist things on the flimsiest of pretexts.
I'm not sure what the solution is either because I want free speech and not tyranny. The people who seem to have the best ideas IMO say that we should encourage more speech in order to put down bad ideas better.

And I do believe it was better in the old days when there was regulation to provide both sides of an argument.

But what Harris says in her interview government taking down a social site is horrible IMO. That is the exact opposite of providing more free speech.
The problem is you don't recognize free speech when you see it.

Musk is most certainly not for free speech. He's for MAGA speech.

Facebook, likewise, is using a very conservative organization to identify "disinformation" and taking down leftist things on the flimsiest of pretexts.
Interesting developments in the “free speech” category

They are At it again

Everyone agrees that a society where all points of view are expressed is ideal, but to be an “absolutist” where weaponized speech is used to disrupt and divide for personal or political gain is of zero value to anyone
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