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A Wall of Border Guards?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
President Trump ought to take a hint from Lycurgus, legendary lawgiver of Sparta. When someone asked him whether the people of Sparta should build a wall around their city, he responded "The city is well fortified which has a wall of men instead of brick."

So he ought to hire a lot of border guards and brag that "America has a wall of brave men and women instead of a wall of steel and concrete."
President Trump ought to take a hint from Lycurgus, legendary lawgiver of Sparta. When someone asked him whether the people of Sparta should build a wall around their city, he responded "The city is well fortified which has a wall of men instead of brick."

So he ought to hire a lot of border guards and brag that "America has a wall of brave men and women instead of a wall of steel and concrete."

I don't think either speaker or audience would be smart enough to grasp that idea. If it were suggested to Trump, he would probably say that the guards couldn't be expected to stand out in the sun all day like that.
President Trump ought to take a hint from Lycurgus, legendary lawgiver of Sparta. When someone asked him whether the people of Sparta should build a wall around their city, he responded "The city is well fortified which has a wall of men instead of brick."

So he ought to hire a lot of border guards and brag that "America has a wall of brave men and women instead of a wall of steel and concrete."

They do try. We have more than 20,000 personnel on our southern border, not counting the informal posses that ride out of conservative hellholes every night to "volunteer".


Border crossings are one-quarter of that from two decades ago. But to hear some people talk, you'd think it was the reverse.
I was thinking of this as a way for President Trump to save face on the wall issue, since his beloved and promised wall does not seem to be going very far. But bilby may be right that this solution would go far over his head.
I still waiting for Canada to start building its wall against the delusional Trumpanzees. And sorry, Mexico, you're paying for that wall, too, because Trump is sending you the bill.
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