The only two arguments I don't accept are "God said so" and "Its my body my choice."
What other choices regarding a woman's body do you reserve oversight on? It isn't simply an issue of 'it is happening inside them', it is an issue of 'long after the baby has been born, the consequences of the pregnancy to their body will continue for varying periods of time for varying issues (physical and mental)'.
Its inside her body, but its not her body. The body goes to great lengths to keep the mothers body from "eating" the baby's body (possible baby's body).
I am talking about the Mother's body. That is what takes the physical and mental and psychological toll of pregnancy and birth.
Yuppers, and thats at the heart of it.
You changed it to focus on two separate "bodies". Which, as a point of fact, I did. So the question then becomes when does the mother's choice to do what they want get over ridden by the act of "murder". We know when it exits the mother can't just say "my body my choice". No matter what. we then circle back to the original "when is it human?"
Actually, the question is, when does the state have the right to intercede in the personal decisions a woman makes regarding her own body. The Government needs a warrant to draw blood from a pregnant woman... but now a Government can tell her to remain pregnant and give birth. This seems inconsistent. It has been a while since the rights of the unborn have superceded the rights of the living.
All I am really saying is just present the argument for/against without those two statements. Pro choice leaves out "My body my choice." and the pro lifers leave out "because god said so." I kind of think people doing that might actually make them think just a tad deeper.
Well, the reasonable compromise seemed to be when it was viable without exotic medical support. That seemed like a good meeting place. But this was never about the fetus for the right-wing.
Your first paragraph is mixing up ideas and really won't help close the gap in discourse. You focus on "They can't tell me what to do." and I am focusing on "when is it killing a human even if its inside you." "unborn definition" is the issue I guess. I also disagree with your right wing statement unless you include left wing are as stupid.
Yes, two rational people on both sides of the argument can settler in the middle. I say "rational" meaning both sides understand that they have to remove their emotion from the argument to a degree and just look at it objectively. That's why I try and ask people to remove "god said so" and "My body my choice".
There are rational right wingers. Despite what the left says.
Let me reword it to include both mother and fetus.
When can somebody else tell a parent they can't kill their child? No matter where it is?