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Afghan "train, advise and assist" 1984 style

=/= all of them.

And it's obvious I'm talking about the Americans that want to leave. I always assume we're adults here and can read between lines so pardon the edit.

None of them wanted to leave. They were warned months ago to get out. They didn’t for whatever reason, but certainly not because they couldn’t.

You, I & the damn Whitehouse didn't see the swift take over coming but American civilians in Afganistan were supposed to see it comming so it's their fault. Got it.
=/= all of them.

And it's obvious I'm talking about the Americans that want to leave. I always assume we're adults here and can read between lines so pardon the edit.

None of them wanted to leave. They were warned months ago to get out. They didn’t for whatever reason, but certainly not because they couldn’t.

You, I & the damn Whitehouse didn't see the swift take over coming but American civilians in Afganistan were supposed to see it comming so it's their fault. Got it.
That is not what SLD said, but just in case you didn't see this before; and I'm not sure just how much more blunt the US government could have been towards free US citizens. And this 'get out immediately' came more than 5 weeks before Kabul fell to the Taliban.

Americans have been told over and over to GET OUT for well over a month. Part of the problem is also that people are not necessarily keeping the US embassy informed when they arrive or depart. And since we are not a police state, that is ok. At some people are responsible for their own safety.

One reference from 6 July:
On April 27, the U.S. Embassy’s chargé d’affaires, Ross Wilson, tweeted that non-essential U.S. personnel would leave. The spokesperson would not say how many people left under that order, saying only that staff numbers are constantly being assessed.

Wilson blamed the departure on “increasing violence & threat reports in Kabul.” He also posted a U.S. Embassy site warning to all American citizens to leave Afghanistan immediately on any available commercial flight. And to Americans planning to visit Afghanistan, the order was clear: don’t.
=/= all of them.

And it's obvious I'm talking about the Americans that want to leave. I always assume we're adults here and can read between lines so pardon the edit.

None of them wanted to leave. They were warned months ago to get out. They didn’t for whatever reason, but certainly not because they couldn’t.

You, I & the damn Whitehouse didn't see the swift take over coming but American civilians in Afganistan were supposed to see it comming so it's their fault. Got it.

Yep, you're right. Biden and his staff underestimated how fast the Afghan army would fall. The buck stops with Biden. Fuck face Trump could always get away with blaming intelligence officers when faulty decisions were made. Democrats can't. That's okay.

Regardless, it's my understanding that most of the American civilians in Afghanistan are NGOs, missionaries and resource extractors. They were warned to leave more than a year ago. I just do not think that we can justify occupying a country just to keep them safe.
You, I & the damn Whitehouse didn't see the swift take over coming but American civilians in Afganistan were supposed to see it comming so it's their fault. Got it.

Yep, you're right. Biden and his staff underestimated how fast the Afghan army would fall. The buck stops with Biden. Fuck face Trump could always get away with blaming intelligence officers when faulty decisions were made. Democrats can't. That's okay.

Regardless, it's my understanding that most of the American civilians in Afghanistan are NGOs, missionaries and resource extractors. They were warned to leave more than a year ago. I just do not think that we can justify occupying a country just to keep them safe.

I don't speak that Rep Vs Dem language nor do I see world issues through Rep Vs Dem lenses. I understand that Biden is making the best choices he possibly can (I hope). I understand that the American's that want to leave now , had opportunities to leave at anytime well before America's exit. My opinion is that we should not have been there, to begin with, so also I have no issue with the withdrawal. My issue is with the unforeseen speed of the Taliban take over and America's response to American's put in danger as a result. The oh well you've been warned "buh bye!" attitude is a shit one in my opinion. I think there was nothing we can really do about it and the situation was/is extremely volatile, but to just go oh fucking well to American's (and allies) left behind is just poor form. Biden isn't even doing that, he laid down that weak-ass Matlock voice of his saying we're not done with the Taliban. At least he seems to know he can't go around washing his hands of this mess so easily.
The staging of the evacuation was messed up, but again, no one saw the Afghan Army dropping weapons immediately either. That complicated things greatly. But all things being equal, this ended much better than it was looking like it would. Low bar, but it is still a bar.

Yeah, the people having conniption fits about "the exit" are basically the people that haven't been paying attention at all.

The simplest explanation: the government really believed its own bullshit regarding the ANA. They thought they would be able to hold out for at least a few months, if not years. Turns out they got about a week, and it only cost them a couple trillion dollars.
It isn't that simple. Often when mistakes are made, the wrong questions were asked.

Could the Afghan military defend against the Taliban? Yes. On paper, they had the training and weapons to make it work for some period of time, probably months. The probably months should have led us to another question.

The next question in hindsight, wasn't "How long would the Afghan military hold off the Taliban?" It was "If the Afghan military isn't expected to be able to hold off the Taliban for more than a period of months, why would they try to hold them off at all?" Almost no one asked this question. I mean no one, except maybe some analysts that were ignored.

The United States had 2003 as a brilliant example of why maybe the CIA and US Military should have seen this coming. The Iraqi military very easily could have resisted and held back the American military, but they were never going to win. So they surrendered before we even began our incursion. Self-preservation led to the lay down of weapons. So in the end, the US trained a military force that could fight and defend itself... if the US had a presence and they knew that it was most likely true there would be no beheadings.

Basically, the exit went about as well, and in a lot of ways better, than pretty much the entire war.
This is why I hate the term "war". Afghanistan was an occupation, not a war. Our occupation led to the freeing of half the nation's population... many of whom have gone into hiding. Sports, education, exposed faces... where the US had help provide decent stability life had changed tremendously for the good... for 15 or so years. Afghanistan's Cricket team is one of the best in ODI and T20 globally. Or at least was. Their captain, Rashid Khan was playing in the Hundred's tournament in England when this went down and his family is stuck, possibly at risk. Male cricketers don't know if their lives (their family's lives) at risk. Women cricketers darn well know they are.

Yes, the exit went much better than expected, and the US didn't abandon all of Afghanistan. They helped a lot get our, whom would have been at greatest risk of reprisal from the Taliban. The rest of the nation, though, primarily in the cities... they have been recaptured and their lives are at a level of anxiety we can not imagine.

The US fucked up in Afghanistan, all of that fuck up didn't make everything worse. Things were better in many places in the country, primarily urban areas. It wasn't perfect, it wasn't hell. It is transitioning back to different levels of hell for Afghanis now.

So I find it hard to take people howling about the exit and how terrible it was very seriously.
Biden's numbers dropped because it looked bad, but as I noted in a Faux article title, almost no Americans give a damn about Afghanistan or the Afghanis. So their embarrassment over the withdrawal will evaporate quite quickly. The withdrawal wasn't a disaster, there was a bombing and tragedy, but otherwise, it couldn't have been done any better... and most ironically with the approval and assistance of the Taliban.
You, I & the damn Whitehouse didn't see the swift take over coming but American civilians in Afganistan were supposed to see it comming so it's their fault. Got it.

Yep, you're right. Biden and his staff underestimated how fast the Afghan army would fall. The buck stops with Biden. Fuck face Trump could always get away with blaming intelligence officers when faulty decisions were made. Democrats can't. That's okay.

Regardless, it's my understanding that most of the American civilians in Afghanistan are NGOs, missionaries and resource extractors. They were warned to leave more than a year ago. I just do not think that we can justify occupying a country just to keep them safe.

I don't speak that Rep Vs Dem language nor do I see world issues through Rep Vs Dem lenses. I understand that Biden is making the best choices he possibly can (I hope). I understand that the American's that want to leave now , had opportunities to leave at anytime well before America's exit. My opinion is that we should not have been there, to begin with, so also I have no issue with the withdrawal. My issue is with the unforeseen speed of the Taliban take over and America's response to American's put in danger as a result. The oh well you've been warned "buh bye!" attitude is a shit one in my opinion. I think there was nothing we can really do about it and the situation was/is extremely volatile, but to just go oh fucking well to American's (and allies) left behind is just poor form. Biden isn't even doing that, he laid down that weak-ass Matlock voice of his saying we're not done with the Taliban. At least he seems to know he can't go around washing his hands of this mess so easily.

I didn't mean to compare you to the Trumpsters. I was more pointing out the double standard. Here's my problem with your theory: if Biden had had perfect intelligence, and knew that the Afghan government would fall so quick: what should he have done different? In my mind, the only way to ensure that all Americans get out and all our allies with no mistakes would be to remain. Probably to surge more troops into Afghan and prop them up further. I've been a "we should leave" at some point for quite awhile. But I'm perfectly happy to say that I could be wrong. An argument could be made that we should remain. I'm willing to listen to the arguments. But I think that Biden made the right call. However, to claim that we should withdraw, and expect to get all people out with no causalities and weapons left behind is fantasy land (no disrespect intended).
I don't speak that Rep Vs Dem language nor do I see world issues through Rep Vs Dem lenses.

^ That is most often a preface for yet another "both sides" slanted argument.

just go oh fucking well to American's (and allies)

Yeah "just" doing that, after months of stern warning and evacuating more than 120,000 people... such a travesty, right?

Don't cry too many tears for them, Zipr. After all, the main purpose to which they would have been put, is photo-ops. They can still do that, and it will still provide months of talking points for right wing propagandist liars.
This one chaps my ass: AP June 22, 2021: I think I'll take my wife and four daughters to visit family in Afghanistan

I know some families are close and I'm not unsympathetic to the thought of possibly seeing family for the last time, if that is what Javed Habibi was thinking at the time. Perhaps not. Perhaps he is completely oblivious to world events beyond the plight of Britney Spears. I don't know. But his first duty was to the safety of his immediate family. In that his quote is that the "US government lied to them", I'm guessing the latter.

AP And then there are still these 30 children stuck

Now they will likely rely on whatever NGO who knowingly risk their lives to save people from their poor decisions.
^ That is most often a preface for yet another "both sides" slanted argument.

Well was it a preface?

Yeah "just" doing that, after months of stern warning and evacuating more than 120,000 people... such a travesty, right?

I guess I deserved this assumption that I'm overlooking all that considering my initial take was overly critical of Biden. My view has been adjusted after reading Biden's address later that evening on the 31st as well as subsequent posts from users here. Biden said his administration is still helping people get out after the 31st which was the cause for my initial concerns so it seems Biden & I are on the same page. I really really however do not like this whole working along with the Taliban crap. I guess it's necessary though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
^ That is most often a preface for yet another "both sides" slanted argument.

Well was it a preface?

Yeah "just" doing that, after months of stern warning and evacuating more than 120,000 people... such a travesty, right?

I guess I deserved this assumption that I'm overlooking all that considering my initial take was overly critical of Biden. My view has been adjusted after reading Biden's address later that evening on the 31st as well as subsequent posts from users here. Biden said his administration is still helping people get out after the 31st which was the cause for my initial concerns so it seems Biden & I are on the same page. I really really however do not like this whole working along with the Taliban crap. I guess it's necessary though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

IMHO the bombing at Kabul was the Taliban saying "you need to work with us, and if you stay beyond August 31st this is what you can look forward to"
Well was it a preface?

I guess I deserved this assumption that I'm overlooking all that considering my initial take was overly critical of Biden. My view has been adjusted after reading Biden's address later that evening on the 31st as well as subsequent posts from users here. Biden said his administration is still helping people get out after the 31st which was the cause for my initial concerns so it seems Biden & I are on the same page. I really really however do not like this whole working along with the Taliban crap. I guess it's necessary though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

IMHO the bombing at Kabul was the Taliban saying "you need to work with us, and if you stay beyond August 31st this is what you can look forward to"

Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.
I guess I deserved this assumption that I'm overlooking all that considering my initial take was overly critical of Biden. My view has been adjusted after reading Biden's address later that evening on the 31st as well as subsequent posts from users here. Biden said his administration is still helping people get out after the 31st which was the cause for my initial concerns so it seems Biden & I are on the same page.
Huzzah! :)
I really really however do not like this whole working along with the Taliban crap. I guess it's necessary though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No one likes the idea of working along with the Taliban. But the reality is, it helped Americans (and Afghans) get out of Afghanistan. It might, this time around, help with anti-terror efforts in Afghanistan.

We weren't willing to commit what was necessary to keep Afghanistan free, so if we want something, we need to ask the people we let take it back over. Life is a bitch like that.
No one likes the idea of working along with the Taliban. But the reality is, it helped Americans (and Afghans) get out of Afghanistan. It might, this time around, help with anti-terror efforts in Afghanistan.

We weren't willing to commit what was necessary to keep Afghanistan free, so if we want something, we need to ask the people we let take it back over. Life is a bitch like that.

Pretty much this.
Like it or not, a bunch of diaperheads just kicked the ass of a nuclear tipped superpower.
We are now the one's who have to play ball by their rules.
No one likes the idea of working along with the Taliban. But the reality is, it helped Americans (and Afghans) get out of Afghanistan. It might, this time around, help with anti-terror efforts in Afghanistan.

We weren't willing to commit what was necessary to keep Afghanistan free, so if we want something, we need to ask the people we let take it back over. Life is a bitch like that.

Pretty much this.
Like it or not, a bunch of diaperheads just kicked the ass of a nuclear tipped superpower.
We are now the one's who have to play ball by their rules.

I dunno, I wouldn't consider being thrown from my vehicle and waiting 20 years for the person who took it to leave it on the side of the road before I could get it back a win.
I don't give a shit. Bush, Trump, Obama & Biden's decisions all lead to American's being left behind in Afghanistan in 2021. Just because the withdrawal is both necessary and may have been done as best as Biden could have done doesn't mean I should be like "oh well" to those left behind.

Who was left behind? It's my understanding that the 200 remaining Americans decided to stay there on their own. The Americans who were killed were killed by terrorists. If you can invent a magical protection orb that can prevent terrorist attacks my hats off to you. But that terrorist act probably wasn't preventable. And to hold Biden responsible for their deaths is a much higher standard than any other president has been held to.

It's not a much higher standard, it is the standard for the President of the US. I mentioned more than Just Biden so I don't know who you're talking about that is holding only Biden to that standard. To my knowledge (and Biden's admission Yesterday), not all of the remaining American's decided to stay so I don't know where you got all of them want to stay.

Edit: And negotiating with the Taliban is just insane to me. I hardly recognized America during the Trump Administration and now Biden is treating the Taliban like they are an official government or some shit.
Edit2: Ain't the Taliban allies to those who organized the attack on 911? If so that makes this even more nuts.

Because the Taliban *won*. This is what happens when you *lose a war*. You negotiate with the victors. At least, that is what reasonable, competent leaders would do.

For now, the Taliban *is the de facto government*.

I mean, I get that you are angry. Cool. I could probably take that anger more seriously if it had been expressed at some point during the last 20 years, where **much bigger** fuck ups were occurring daily in Afghanistan. But noted, Gospel is angry.
=/= all of them.

And it's obvious I'm talking about the Americans that want to leave. I always assume we're adults here and can read between lines so pardon the edit.
And it sounded like conventional means to evacuate them weren't options, so the US is looking at alternate means. If they are picking people by the dozen, that is difficult to justify holding an airport at much greater risk of attack to troops than strategic withdrawal of Americans in particular areas. This is by no means clean or the optimal way to move forward, but we also don't want Biden blabbing about how the US military, with the help of (can you believe it) The Taliban, to get these stragglers our safely.

Jebus, had the Taliban played ball like this in 2001, there would have been no invasion of Afghanistan. And maybe that is a lesson they learned.

Of all things that has occurred, the most unlikely expected outcome was Taliban support for the withdrawal of Americans, as in the Taliban were actively involved in the process. Who the heck saw that coming?

The Taliban totally did try to play ball. We invaded and overthrew them anyway. The only people who had no interest in "playing ball" was the US. We wanted blood and revenge. I hope the 2 trillion dollar price tag was worth it.

Also, why wouldn't you expect them to be involved? *Why wouldn't the Taliban support the withdrawal of Americans*? That is pretty much their entire goal.

See, this is just a great example of the total lack of understanding Americans have about the Taliban and Afghanistan overall.
The same Taliban that stood in the way of the US getting to Al-Qaeda and fought the US Tooth and nail as the main target in this 20-year war. The same Taliban that was in charge of Afghanistan where the 911 attack was planned under their watch is to be trusted with getting American's out safely?
Dude, seriously and I say this without the intent to cause offense, but this is a completely ignorant perspective.
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