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After 2018 election: who impressed you the most who may win the Democratic Primary in 2020?

Harry Bosch

Jul 4, 2014
Basic Beliefs
To me, it's clearly Beto. He nearly beat a conservative in Texas. In TEXAS. Is there another democrat in the entire country who could beat a popular republican in Texas? Beto is inspirational. Tough. Well funded. Very articulate. He's smart - but down to earth. I'm jumping on the band wagon. Who's with me?
Yeah, I think Beto is currently the strongest potential candidate. Don't really know much about his political views, but unless he has some really out-there views, his pledge not to take PAC money is good enough for me to forgive most things.
I think Beto too. He has national appeal. But there are several others who are going to emerge as relatively new faces.

What I do know is that the Dems can't run tired old retreads. I personally think Elizabeth Warren would be an excellent POTUS, and if she's on the ballot in 2020, I'd be delighted to vote for her. However, even without the constant smear campaign the GOP has embarked upon against her, she doesn't have the charisma to win the office. It's a sad fact, but it's inescapable.
I don't think she will run, but I would love to see Tulsi Gabbard run for president. Although, I would also like to see her as a Senator.

Someone who I think would be interesting if he gained traction would be Richard Ojeda.
How about Hillary?
Hillary Will Run Again
Third time's the charm.
WSJ said:
Richard Nixon came back from his loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960 and won the presidency in 1968. He will be the model for winning again.
Am I reading WSJ or the Onion?
- took a break of one presidential election. He did not try it back to back.
- he did not lose a contentious primary as well.
- he was 55 when he won in 1968 and 47 when he lost in 1960. Hillary will be 73 in 2020.
- last but not least, he lost to John F(ucking) Kennedy, not Donald fucking Trump! After Kennedy, Humphrey was chump-change.
To me, it's clearly Beto. He nearly beat a conservative in Texas. In TEXAS. Is there another democrat in the entire country who could beat a popular republican in Texas? Beto is inspirational. Tough. Well funded. Very articulate. He's smart - but down to earth. I'm jumping on the band wagon. Who's with me?

He just lost his election and is too unseasoned. Last congressman to win presidency was over a 100 years ago. I don't think one was even nominated by a major party in quite a while either.
And he quit his House seat, so I don't see him getting more seasoned by 2020 by for example taking a leadership role in the House. So I think his best bet would be as a running mate. Biden/Beto? Brown/Beto? Harris/Beto? Why not-o?
To me, it's clearly Beto. He nearly beat a conservative in Texas. In TEXAS. Is there another democrat in the entire country who could beat a popular republican in Texas? Beto is inspirational. Tough. Well funded. Very articulate. He's smart - but down to earth. I'm jumping on the band wagon. Who's with me?

He just lost his election and is too unseasoned. Last congressman to win presidency was over a 100 years ago. I don't think one was even nominated by a major party in quite a while either.

Oh brother, as if there are any real rules about who can run and expect win now.
Oh brother, as if there are any real rules about who can run and expect win now.

If anything, I think after Trump we will desire a quite conventional president. Kind of like they say about popes, "fat pope will follow thin pope".
And there is good reason congressmen have met little success. If you demonstrate you can win statewide, that brings you closer to win enough states to get you over 270. Most congressional districts are kind of limited in what kind of electorate they have. Winning statewide at least demonstrates you can play among both urban and rural voters.

Are you disagreeing with me that Beto would be better for Veep at this point in his career?
I don't know enough about him to guess what he should do, except that his highest office being congressman will have little do with his electoral chances.
He just lost his election and is too unseasoned.

Is Beto more seasoned, or less seasoned, than the man who won the presidency in 2016?

Oh, come on. Only republitards will vote for a political novice who is dirt ignorant about history, economics, military leadership and everything else.
I think the Dems should get Martha McSally to switch parties, nominate her and make Beto her running mate. :D
He just lost his election and is too unseasoned.

Is Beto more seasoned, or less seasoned, than the man who won the presidency in 2016?
It would be a bit Lincoln of him to win the Presidency. My question is, "Who is he?" Granted, Obama had limited Executive experience, but he was clearly being groomed for the job 4 years previously! I don't see that with O'Rourke, who was supposed to get his ass handed to him this passed election. I think O'Rourke makes a great VP nominee for a solid Presidential nominee. He hasn't even served in the Senate. His experience is limited.
He just lost his election and is too unseasoned.

Is Beto more seasoned, or less seasoned, than the man who won the presidency in 2016?
It would be a bit Lincoln of him to win the Presidency. My question is, "Who is he?" Granted, Obama had limited Executive experience, but he was clearly being groomed for the job 4 years previously! I don't see that with O'Rourke, who was supposed to get his ass handed to him this passed election. I think O'Rourke makes a great VP nominee for a solid Presidential nominee. He hasn't even served in the Senate. His experience is limited.

I don't disagree with you. But I really think that we need someone inspirational and extremely charismatic. I'm sad to say that it's going to take a great candidate to beat Trump in 2020. Beto may be our best chance.
It would be a bit Lincoln of him to win the Presidency. My question is, "Who is he?" Granted, Obama had limited Executive experience, but he was clearly being groomed for the job 4 years previously! I don't see that with O'Rourke, who was supposed to get his ass handed to him this passed election. I think O'Rourke makes a great VP nominee for a solid Presidential nominee. He hasn't even served in the Senate. His experience is limited.

I don't disagree with you. But I really think that we need someone inspirational and extremely charismatic. I'm sad to say that it's going to take a great candidate to beat Trump in 2020. Beto may be our best chance.

Beto could be the next JFK. Yes, I said it. But not yet. He is still too green (not the political party).
To me, it's clearly Beto. He nearly beat a conservative in Texas. In TEXAS. Is there another democrat in the entire country who could beat a popular republican in Texas? Beto is inspirational. Tough. Well funded. Very articulate. He's smart - but down to earth. I'm jumping on the band wagon. Who's with me?

He just lost his election and is too unseasoned. Last congressman to win presidency was over a 100 years ago. I don't think one was even nominated by a major party in quite a while either.
And he quit his House seat, so I don't see him getting more seasoned by 2020 by for example taking a leadership role in the House. So I think his best bet would be as a running mate. Biden/Beto? Brown/Beto? Harris/Beto? Why not-o?

He served three terms as a Congressman on the House of representitives. he is indeed a seasoned and capable politician. Warren/Beto. Or even Sanders/Beto. Works for me.
The thing about Beto - and pardon me for being cynical here - is that the Democrats have 2 years to craft him into whatever they want him to be. They should take advantage of that.

The current occupant of the White House is an almost entirely created phenomenon. He was a fixture in the public consciousness in the 80s, but fell out of the spotlight until the producers of The Apprentice rehabilitated his image. Trump was a bit of a joke until NBC sold him as a smart businessman who could make your dreams come true if you won his game show. When that failed they reinvented him as the host of the "celebrity" version of the show that had D-list celebs and former reality show "stars" competing to suck up to the Donald and avoid getting the "you're fired" treatment.

It was all bullshit. Bullshit that Trump himself bought into, and his followers lapped up like the reality show fans they were.

Of course, Beto isn't a former billionaire, but what the Democrats need to do over the next year or so is take the time to craft him as this outsider candidate. Which shouldn't be so hard because he's actually that.
This is, in my opinion, a really accurate take on this topic. It's Twitter, though, so it's in 240 character bites. :p

Brian Fallon said:
After 16, no one thinks holding up a mirror to Trump - or engaging him tit for tat- is a winning strategy. However, sticking to a plan of ignoring Trump is a lot harder in a one-on-one matchup than for House challengers running individualized races.

The challenge is, it is extremely difficult to be more newsworthy than Trump - with his provocative-by-design utterances- on any given day. This makes it difficult for even laserlike focus on strictly policy-focused messages - like preexisting conditions- to "win the day"

No cable news producer will devote their "A block" to a report on Trump attacking Judge Curiel for being Mexican-American and then pivot to a straightforward package about the Democratic nominee's plan to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Because the "A block" segment in this scenario was rightfully hard-hitting on Trump for making racist comments about a judge, any producer feels compelled to then have an equally hard-hitting segment on the Dem nominee even if they didnt do anything remotely as controversial

This is how contrived - or overblown - controversies are born. In time, the Dem realizes that rollouts on expanded EITC won't cut it, and will leave the network correspondent traveling with them forced to come up with some new hook to talk about, say, emails, or DNA tests, again

But - aha! - guess how the Dem nominee in this scenario can reassert control over their news destiny. It turns out the rollout of an expanded EITC does not get anyone on the assignment desk's attention, but firing back at Trump at does.

This creates a sugar high of satisfaction - a false sensation of being on offense for once, rather than being on defense about some contrived controversy. But the joke is on you, because in reverting to an exchange of salvos, you are playing Trump's game.

You can give a thoughtful speech documenting Trump's many examples of acting racist. But at his evening rally, he will - with no supporting evidence - simply call you a racist back. And the next day's stories will read "Candidates trade barbs".

Especially with Trump as the sitting President, and much of the media taking view that "if the President says it, it must be taken as news," it will not be easy to avoid being sucked into Trump's vortex - no matter what a candidate promises themselves at the start of the race.

This is why I tend to think that the theory that "all Democrats need to do is nominate a bland, inoffensive guy and let Trump beat himself" is wrong. An uninteresting character is most susceptible to being sucked into the vortex because they cannot command attention on their own.

A nominee best situated to be able to ignore Trump is one who commands a media ecosystem apart from Trump. Whose life story is inherently fascinating enough to draw endless human-interest stories. Whose social media videos in the car or carving flank steak are deemed interesting.

This type of person can talk about economic inequality or universal health care and have it actually break through because the messenger is authentic and intriguing enough from a storytelling standpoint to exert their own gravitational pull on the media cycle - away from Trump.

In conclusion, Dem primary voters shouldn't make some pundit-driven judgment about "who can best beat Trump." They should follow their heart & vote for someone who inspires. Because the same quality that inspires caucus-goers will enable them to transcend Trump attacks in the general.

It'll need to be a white man. Because that seems to be the only thing Republicans care about. So if it's a white man again they'll get a lot of votes back they lost because of racism and misogynism.
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