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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

8- 2-2019 Instagram Ocasio2018 Ocasio-Cortez Live Video QA talking about many issues - YouTube

Wearing a plaid dress(?) with two front pockets and a thin belt -- sort of like some of my shirts.

AOC's NYC apartment is nicer than her DC one for home-cooking videos. Chicken tikka marsala. Had some trouble with the InstaPot, but got it working.

Public option vs. Medicare for All? AOC prefers M4A. A principle level, an economic level, and a political level. Medical insurance should not be for-profit. Economics: supply and demand, elasticity of demand (how price-sensitive it is). Medical treatments are a classic example of inelastic demand - one is willing to pay just about anything. She rebuts arguments against high prices. Very high and nobody can afford it. Pharm conpanies often spend a lot of money on things like stock buybacks. A lot of med research is taxpayer-financed. Med researchers often motivated by wanting to help people.

She has moral objections to for-profit medical insurance. The Veterans Administration: meds 40% cheaper because it has high bargaining power.

Labor unions? Does this mean that some unions' fighting for healthcare coverage is all in vain? Several of them support M4A.

Hard to impeach an unfit President? Hard to get the votes.

The Ricky scandal in Puerto Rico - Ricardo Rosselló had to resign. Hurricane Maria - one of the biggest natural disasters - 3,000 - 4,000 died - most in aftermath of storm. Loss of electricity. The Federal response has been awful. It seemed to me that President Trump had a grudge against Puerto Rico that he doesn't have against Florida or Texas, other places hit by big hurricanes in recent years. AOC: it was criminally negligent.

Some journalists leaked 900 pages of RR and his staff text chats. They disparaged journalists and NYC councilmembers, and mocked the hurricane victims. Blatant corruption. This led to massive protests against the regime, and RR resigned. Lots of top officials resigned. Corruption like association with Wall Street and fossil fuels. AOC liked the protests - part of PR's decolonization. Opposes Promesa board as colonialism, like in Flint.

During that scandal, AOC was careful to avoid stating early in it that she wanted RR to resign, because she didn't want to seem like some colonial overlord (overlady?).
Continuing AOC's 8-2-2019 livestream

AOC agrees with some Republicans' viewpoints. Especially the more libertarian ones. A lot of Congressional Republicans identify with libertarianism but are anti-immigrant, something that AOC considers un-libertarian. She is also very antiwar and opposed to military intervention. I'm not sure that I can agree with that, and she seems like Jeannette Rankin, the only one to vote against declaring war on Japan after Japan's Pearl Harbor attack. She also voted against entering World War I. In both cases, she served only one term and was not re-elected. Around 1970, she wanted to run again to vote against the Vietnam War, but her health was bad.

She also supports civil liberties, like opposing "runaway government surveillance", supporting due process, and opposing unreasonable searches and seizures (the wording of the 4th amendment). She also stated that many Republicans are no longer very principled, being a "political mob" with blind loyalty to the President that jumps between supporting and opposing principles as is expedient.

Also individual choice, she doesn't think that government should be in women's wombs. She doesn't like racial or ethnic restrictions on immigration, either.

Then on making mental health care more accessible - it's a part of her M4A, like dental and vision. Getting help for depression should be like getting help for the flu, she says. She also says that one shouldn't feel ashamed of going to some mental therapist.

Finally, running for office. Ask yourself: why? That will shape your campaign, which office you run for, and what you do when in office. AOC started as an activist, and that clarified the agenda that she was fighting for.
I don't think that AOC herself has gotten into this issue, but check some renewable-energy news sites some time. I've seen oodles of possibilities:
  • Li-ion and similar batteries
  • Flow batteries
  • Compressed air
  • Liquid air
  • Synfuels
  • Railcars moved up and down hills
The GND itself is written to be technology-neutral, so as not to choose winners and losers.

Li-Ion and the like: To date, nowhere near good enough. The cost of the storage is considerably higher than the cost of the power it stores. Yes, there are utility-scale Li-Ion systems already deployed--but they are for providing very fast power while you spin up something else.

Flow batteries: The technology isn't ready.

Compressed air: Unless you have a convenient airtight cave these are either very expensive or very inefficient. (Unless they are part of some industrial process that can make use of both the heat and cold they would otherwise waste.)

Liquid air: Even more inefficient than compressed air.

Synfuels: Useful to de-carbon vehicles but very inefficient for storage.

Railcars: That didn't come from any competent engineer.

Loren, what do you think of this? It's pretty pricey but if it does what it says it can do...


To hold power, fine. It's Li-Ion, it still is expensive and won't last that long.
From Apparently AOC is a good tipper : AOC on reddit. She splits the bill with her bf and tips 30%. That's a result of her experience as a bartender.

Sara Nelson and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talk GND - YouTube - Sara Nelson is the blue-shirted blond woman in the video who heads a flight attendants' union. She talked about global warming producing increasing air turbulence, making the air less and less flyable.

Sara Nelson on Twitter: "What a year. This amazing woman wasn’t even an elected member of Congress yet in this picture from one year ago. How can that be possible? https://t.co/RdQVZ54A5A" / Twitter - a picture of SN with AOC

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When people chastise millennials for not having or delaying starting their families after growing up in a recession, here’s one big reason why: https://t.co/IL0l7bgli5" / Twitter
elizabeth bruenig on Twitter: "$8,000 to give birth. son of a b https://t.co/O9xjr0Wier" / Twitter

The Right wants to have it both ways: (1) complain about people who have children that they can't afford and (2) complain about the low birthrate that results from people refusing to have children that they can't afford.
AOC makes student loan payment during congressional hearing on loans
Ocasio-Cortez opened her remarks by telling the witnesses and audience that she had made a student loan payment while attending the hearing.

"I literally made a student loan payment while I was sitting here at this chair, and I looked at my balance, and it was $20,237.16," she said. "I just made a payment that took me down to $19,000 so I feel really accomplished right now."

She called for action on the nation's student debt.

“I’m hearing people on this committee say it’s not our job," Ocasio-Cortez said, referring to congressional Republicans' testimony during the hearing. "This is our job.”

The committee had been discussing ways to address the nation's estimated $1.5 trillion in student debt and featured testimony from consumer advocates and experts.
Members of Congress are rich with student debt
... 68 members, or 13 percent of Congress, reported that either they or their family members are mired in student debt.

Collectively, the 44 Democrats and 24 Republicans have higher education liabilities of $2.5 million, according to recent financial disclosures. The median student loan debt is $15,000, while average debt is $37,000.

Eight members have student loan debt in excess of $100,000. And all 68 have obligations of at least $10,000.

AFR on Twitter: "We are clipping videos from today's hearing on the $1.5 Trillion #StudentDebtCrisis. Find them in this thread, starting with this unexpected question about [MENTION=990]CO[/MENTION]ngBillPosey's view on @TaylorSwift13. #HassleForATassle https://t.co/ozmcOoVspH" / Twitter

AFR on Twitter: [MENTION=990]CO[/MENTION]ngbillposey @taylorswift13 @RepPerlmutter @CFPB @theSBPC @Navient @hasanminhaj @NydiaVelazquez @PHEAAaid @NCLC4consumers @NydiaVelasquez @BetsyDeVosED @CRLONLINE @RashidaTlaib @GuamCongressman @RepDean
.@AOC gets the *Republican* witness to admit he wrote a paper that undermines the *main argument* Republicans have been making in today's #StudentDebtCrisis hearing.
#HassleForATassle https://t.co/7ZuumbgGTn" / Twitter

Republicans blame Obama's policies, when those policies did not make much change in the amount of debt.

AFR on Twitter: [MENTION=990]CO[/MENTION]ngbillposey @taylorswift13 @RepPerlmutter @CFPB @theSBPC @Navient @hasanminhaj @NydiaVelazquez @PHEAAaid @NCLC4consumers @NydiaVelasquez @BetsyDeVosED @CRLONLINE @RashidaTlaib @GuamCongressman @RepDean @AOC
.@RepAOC: “@Navient forwarded wrong information to credit reporting agencies saying that permanently disabled veterans had defaulted on their loans...when they hadn’t!”
And ITT was “issuing loans that they knew had a default rate of 64%?”
Persis Yu (@NCLC4Consumers): Yes https://t.co/5ostUl9XZo" / Twitter
From the responses to that first snippet of student-loan hearing:

Ryan Bourne on Twitter: "I disagree with @AOC on most major policy issues, but she takes her Committee duties incredibly seriously, always asks relevant and intelligent questions, and according to my colleague @CatoEdwards puts the time in on staying in attendance for long sessions too. https://t.co/JXHbf2xnML" / Twitter

Clark Starr on Twitter: "@RealBankReform @AOC @-Congbillposey @taylorswift13 @RepPerlmutter @CFPB @theSBPC @Navient @hasanminhaj @NydiaVelazquez @PHEAAaid @NCLC4consumers @NydiaVelasquez @BetsyDeVosED @CRLONLINE @RashidaTlaib @GuamCongressman @RepDean
This is the kind of thing we lost when Franken resigned. Thank you @AOC for your dilligence." / Twitter

HempHog on Twitter: "@RealBankReform @AOC @-Congbillposey @taylorswift13 @RepPerlmutter @CFPB @theSBPC @Navient @hasanminhaj @NydiaVelazquez @PHEAAaid @NCLC4consumers @NydiaVelasquez @BetsyDeVosED @CRLONLINE @RashidaTlaib @GuamCongressman @RepDean
That is how you conduct an investigation." / Twitter

Andrew on Twitter: "@RealBankReform @AOC @-Congbillposey @taylorswift13 @RepPerlmutter @CFPB @theSBPC @Navient @hasanminhaj @NydiaVelazquez @PHEAAaid @NCLC4consumers @NydiaVelasquez @BetsyDeVosED @CRLONLINE @RashidaTlaib @GuamCongressman @RepDean Summary:
Republicans are saying the move from federal family education loans to direct loans (passed under Delocrats) caused the balloon in student debt. The Repub witness wrote a paper in which it specifically said direct loans are not to blame for the record levels of debt." / Twitter

Carolyn Ballesty on Twitter: "@RealBankReform @AOC @-Congbillposey @taylorswift13 @RepPerlmutter @CFPB @theSBPC @Navient @hasanminhaj @NydiaVelazquez @PHEAAaid @NCLC4consumers @NydiaVelasquez @BetsyDeVosED @CRLONLINE @RashidaTlaib @GuamCongressman @RepDean
I love how she smiles when thanking him for digging his own grave" / Twitter

Just the opposite of Donald Trump in diligence, and someone who can be very diligent while having a very positive personality.
I don't think that AOC herself has gotten into this issue, but check some renewable-energy news sites some time. I've seen oodles of possibilities:
  • Li-ion and similar batteries
  • Flow batteries
  • Compressed air
  • Liquid air
  • Synfuels
  • Railcars moved up and down hills
The GND itself is written to be technology-neutral, so as not to choose winners and losers.

Li-Ion and the like: To date, nowhere near good enough. The cost of the storage is considerably higher than the cost of the power it stores. Yes, there are utility-scale Li-Ion systems already deployed--but they are for providing very fast power while you spin up something else.

Flow batteries: The technology isn't ready.

Compressed air: Unless you have a convenient airtight cave these are either very expensive or very inefficient. (Unless they are part of some industrial process that can make use of both the heat and cold they would otherwise waste.)

Liquid air: Even more inefficient than compressed air.

Synfuels: Useful to de-carbon vehicles but very inefficient for storage.

Railcars: That didn't come from any competent engineer.

Loren, what do you think of this? It's pretty pricey but if it does what it says it can do...


Someone will be laughing all the way to their bank! $12.000 AUD can pay all your power bills for well over a decade, by which time the battery has to be replaced well before then!
That's dumb! Look, there can be no investigation into Trump and his actions unless the Trump Admin hands over documents. There are a number of cases in the courts right now determining whether his Admin is required to hand over documents... even in cases where there is law stating they must. Until the Trump Admin is compelled to release any documents, there can be no impeachment investigation. Cart and horse!
 United States congressional hearing - AOC has been in action in Congress for only half a year, but she has already done some legendary ones.

As to why the Green New Deal resolution failed in the Senate, that is because most Democratic Senators boycotted the vote on it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Because I encouraged them to vote present, along w/ others.
McConnell tried to rush the #GreenNewDeal straight to the floor without a hearing.
The real question we should be asking: Why does the Senate GOP refuse to hold any major hearings on climate change? https://t.co/de8oKOXeJf" / Twitter

Kirsten Gillibrand on Twitter: "Today's #GreenNewDeal vote is a partisan stunt to side-step needed debate on climate action, and give Republicans cover to put oil lobby checks over our kids. I've come to expect nothing less from @senatemajldr.
I'll be voting "present." I don't play ball with bad-faith farces." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: We are breaking up the Green New Deal
“One of the things I think is really exciting," said the first-term New York Democrat, is that "the legislation that we are planning on introducing is not one broad sweeping piece of legislation.”

Ocasio-Cortez said, “We are breaking it up into parts.”
In a MSNBC town hall last spring, AOC agreed with former Rep. Bob Inglis that it's best not to try to do one big monstrosity of a bill, shortly after rebuking someone who called BI a "moron".

One bit of it will be doing electric cars.
Ocasio-Cortez said she plans to introduce a bill this month aimed at transitioning the U.S. to carbon-neutral buildings, which she called a “Green New Deal housing plan.”

The Green New Deal calls for providing "safe, adequate housing” for everyone and the complete transition away from gasoline-powered cars.

“We are really excited about it,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “That’s going to be dropping this month, and it’s going to be really a focus on buildings, which is one of the three major industries we have to focus on when it comes to reducing carbon emissions.”
She held a town hall last month on public housing.
Mother Jones on Twitter: "DAMN. @AOC just challenged Republican lawmakers to go on the record and "knowingly vote against impeachment" of Donald Trump: "They can have that stain on their careers for the rest of their lives." https://t.co/Vp8KOJS46B" / Twitter - more of AOC's statement to the news media on impeachment. AOC is shaping up as a great moral voice.

14 Progressive 2020 Candidates Who Could be the Next AOC (US House)
Brand New Congress - 3 candidates (US House)
Justice Democrats - 8 challengers, 7 incumbents (US House)
Our Revolution - mostly local, some state candidates for the 2019 elections
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) - no endorsement
That DailyDot list and the BNC and JD candidate lists all overlap.
8- 27-2019 Instagram Ocasio2018 Ocasio-Cortez Live Video QA - YouTube - she is wearing a short-sleeve black dress with patterns of white dots on it. The video was recorded on a smartphone, and AOC herself used her smartphone for this livestream.

AOC had bad news. She just returned from her road-trip vacation, and there wasn't much left in her cupboards. She also didn't want to go shopping rather than talk to her Instagram fans. So she made some macaroni and cheese from a box of it.

How to save the climate? She woke up 3:30 AM in her vacation. The possibility of disease organisms frozen in glaciers and tundra that could be released by it melting.

BBC - Earth - There are diseases hidden in ice, and they are waking up
5 Deadly Diseases Emerging from Global Warming | Live Science
From BBC:
In August 2016, in a remote corner of Siberian tundra called the Yamal Peninsula in the Arctic Circle, a 12-year-old boy died and at least twenty people were hospitalised after being infected by anthrax.

The theory is that, over 75 years ago, a reindeer infected with anthrax died and its frozen carcass became trapped under a layer of frozen soil, known as permafrost. There it stayed until a heatwave in the summer of 2016, when the permafrost thawed.

This exposed the reindeer corpse and released infectious anthrax into nearby water and soil, and then into the food supply. More than 2,000 reindeer grazing nearby became infected, which then led to the small number of human cases.
Me: there could be human versions, like someone infected with smallpox whose corpse gets revealed by melting ice. Present-day populations are very vulnerable to that disease, since it is now extinct in human populations and only exists in some labs. Nevertheless, that doesn't seem like something worth losing sleep over. It's been possible to contain outbreaks of diseases like Ebola, and with good enough sanitation and epidemiology, one may be able to contain outbreaks of these zombie diseases from corpses in melting glaciers.

AOC: Mosquitoes flying further northward and carrying diseases as they go. A consequence of warmer climate - warm-climate flora and fauna moving into higher latitudes.
More 8-27-2019 from AOC:

Sea-level rise - every coastal city drowned. I checked this assertion, and I find that many big cities have shockingly low elevation. That happened because the climate was very stable for the last few millennia, making it safe to build those cities there.

Droughts in the Midwest - that's a bit US-centered, but there will likely also be droughts in other midlatitude places, like Europe.

"Artificially having to create our food supply" because it can't be grown out in the open. Me: indoor farming could do it, and also growing fungi and the like in vats, like Quorn.

Also, because of the Sun scorching the Earth too much. AOC doesn't seem very familiar with the physics of the greenhouse effect. To strip it down, CO2 acts like a blanket, and the more CO2 the thicker the blanket and the more heat it traps. Going into more detail, it does so by the Earth glowing in near-infrared light. With no atmosphere, it can all escape. Greenhouse gases like CO2, CH4, and H2O absorb and reradiate some of it, making some of it return. This returning heats up the Earth's surface and makes it hotter, until enough infrared light is able to escape. N2 and O2 are much weaker at greenhouse-effect making, and Ar not at all. What makes something a greenhouse gas is its patterns of electric charge and whether a vibration will create an electric dipole moment.

But she's absolutely right that the alternatives to spending a lot of money now are (1) death and (2) spending even more money later on. Absolutely right.

She concedes that she has fears for the future. She has wanted to adopt children her entire life, and she thinks that she may have one less biological child than what she might want. If she can have one. "I haven't tried" (laughs) She wants to have a mixed family.

She says that we need to make very big changes in lifestyle. We must ban single-use plastic (IMO: bad idea - such plastics can be very useful in some cases). She sometimes spends too much time on some questions, like in her town halls.
Still more 8-27-2019 from AOC:

A vegetarian / vegan diet? She doesn't go that far, but she avoids eating lots of meat and similar foods. She opposes factory farming and its animal suffering, and when at the restaurant where she had worked, she would buy meat at a nearby farmers' market. She's also a vegetarian on some days and a vegan on some other days. She nevertheless doesn't like the idea of shaming people for eating meat, especially if it is difficult to avoid doing so.

Vegetarian vs. Vegan: What's the Difference? - Nature's Path - Vegetarians eat animal products like milk and eggs, vegans don't - a vegan is a super vegetarian.

Rather curiously, she didn't mention vegetarian fake meats and fake cheeses and fake milks, though she does drink fake milk.

Then a question about what one can do if one is not "old enough". AOC responded by noting that one can never be too young to be an activist. She notes that her campaigners included a lot of teenagers. For collecting ballot signatures, one had to be at least 18. So she got them to work checking on signatures.

What was the biggest thing AOC learned on vacation? She reflected on some things during it. She stands by her opinions on the Electoral College, calling it "bogus" and a "scam". As to urban vs. rural, she notes that rural voters in blue states are effectively disenfranchised by being outvoted by the cities in those states. States like NY and CA. But with a national popular vote, these people's votes would also count.

AOC reiterated that the EC is electoral affirmative action for a certain small bit of the voters. Why that group? Why not Indian reservations? Or Puerto Rico? Or black people?
Yet more 8-27-2019 from AOC:

It was the first big break from work that AOC took a long time, though she did have a self-care break not long after she was elected. In her restaurant job, she had to work overtime and double shifts to earn enough money for a vacation. Typically only 5 days of vacation.

THe gains of productivity, when not accompanied by wage increases, instead go to the top. She said "corporations", and I think that that's simplistic. I prefer "economic elite".

People should have leisure time, rather than working all their lives for the benefit of the economic elite and then dying.

More advanced society - single-payer, education up to college, not allowing profits before human beings. Advanced ideas. Guaranteed R&R - vacations.

Dean Phillips - MN Rep, really, really nice person.

If one wants a gap year but one's parents want one to go to college right away.

AOC: try to have a plan for what one wants to do. Get accepted, then do a gap year. Some friends did, some friends didn't, success in both cases. AOC was a community organizer and an educator after college, then became a waitress/bartender. Friends, family felt that she had squandered her potential. She had lots of self-doubt. But her restaurant experience came in handy for running for office, though she didn't know that at the time.

Me: Squandered? More like failed to find a good career opportunity -- or create one.

AOC: Should run toward something and take risks, rather than running away.
The last bit of 8-27-2019 from AOC:

Is this new generation too delicate? NO, she says. This generation of youth is "badass". More informed and sensitive in a positive way. Very knowledgable in lots of history, like history of activist movements. Not everybody, of course. Being willing to go to the streets rather than expect government to take care of important things. "You are the government". By not being activist, one allows others to take over.

That seems overoptimistic about the present youth movements, and I recall similar claims about the Sixties-era youth, that they had left the backward attitudes of their parents behind.

Fox News ridiculed her as ignoring the Sixties generation, and there is a lot of truth in that. In an interview not long before, AOC said about this generation's activism that there wasn't anything like it since the Sixties -- something that she struggled to remember.
AOC is a fan of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his civil-rights activism. However, that may have left her with a rather limited view of Sixties activism, since much of it came after the main era of civil-rights activism. The Sixties counterculture, opposing the Vietnam War, revived feminism, gay rights, etc.

Consider that a big event in the Sixties counterculture, the Woodstock music festival, happened in 1969. That was 20 years before she was born and 40 years before she was 20. The Sixties era was something from the history books for her, and I think that her statement shows that being self-taught can have gaps. In fact, a lot of what she says makes her seem self-taught to me.

Cyclical theory (American history) - Wikipedia - what we are experiencing now is a late stage of a conservative era: problems piling up that society's elites are not willing to do much about, if they accept that those problems exist. By comparison, AOC's political platform fits right in with a Schlesinger liberal period. Even her calling herself a democratic socialist does so.

She then signed off to eat her mac and cheese.
NowThis on Twitter: "‘I’d like to apologize to you on behalf of the United States of America for the dehumanizing policies that they are pursuing.’ — @AOC blasted the Trump admin for allowing kids with life-threatening illnesses to be deported https://t.co/Ma8kCdcO4x" / Twitter
I think that she's shaping up as a great moral voice, if nothing else. She's calling out the Trump Administration and its Republican enablers for their cruelty and grotesque moral ugliness. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Stephen Miller who is behind this policy. He once ran for student gov't on a platform of giving the school's janitors more work. So he may want to see how much he can get away with.

NowThis on Twitter: "‘Housing is a human right.’ — Watch @AOC explain why the U.S. can’t call itself an advanced society until housing is fixed https://t.co/Xz67oa6INh" / Twitter - she talked about rents going far up and the global elite laundering its money by buying apartments and then not living in them -- cashboxes in the sky. AOC is reportedly working on a housing bill.

Oliver Willis on Twitter: ".@AOC tells Trump Homeland Security officials its actually not legal for them to evade questions. They still duck and evade. https://t.co/2JTyIo1blJ" / Twitter - she noted that it went to the Supreme Court that being in the middle of litigation is not a valid reason to refuse to answer questions.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Medicare for All is the best healthcare plan for working and middle class Americans.
It guarantees critical healthcare, like insulin treatments, as a right, & at a lower cost too.
Corporate choice plans virtually guarantee profits for insurers, not healthcare for Americans." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "There are certain industries whose lobbying power is bipartisan.
Big pharma & private insurance are huge ones. Their lobbyist influence is rife in Washington and in elections. Know that." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Systemic racism is a root ideology that propped up an extractive economic system that prioritizes profit over human & environmental considerations.
The injustices of slavery evolved into Jim Crow, redlining, the War on Drugs, mass incarceration, & beyond: https://t.co/ox9co5QkeB" / Twitter

A good way to trigger a capitalism apologist is to describe how capitalistic plantation slavery was. It was all cash crops, crops grown for the money from selling them. Slaves were bought and sold like farm animals. Etc. Some slaveowners were anticapitalist, but what they did with their plantations and their slaves gave them away.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Weapons of war, specifically designed to kill human beings en masse, should not be available for purchase." / Twitter
Maybe too strong for me to endorse, but at the very least, such people should have to have some strong gun permit.
The two newsworthy AOC moments that stuck out in my mind were:

1. Her witless knee-jerk dismissal of Trump siding with Kim-Jong Un rather than Bolton

2. The bizarre ad that played during last night's debate that showed her face being engulfed in flames

The more I hear from her, the more convinced I am that she has no understanding of the history of imperialism throughout the last century. It's her biggest blind spot, and rears its head every time she tries to talk about basically anything happening outside of the United States. Bernie has a milder version of the same problem. There are actually no mainstream anti-imperialist American political figures; to even suggest that North Korea is anything less than a brainwashed hellworld, that Venezuela is something other than a hole in the ground run by a despot, is political suicide.
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