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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

For a big facility, one won't use lots of small diesel or gas generators. One will use a few big ones. Like what they use in electric power plants and ships. Yes, except for nuclear-powered ships, nearly all ships use diesel engines -- giant diesel engines.

Back to the thread's main subject, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@ocasio2018) • Instagram photos and videos has a recent Instagram story featuring AOC getting her boyfriend to model a dark green cap with "New Deal" on it.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Twitter: AOC on Spanish Struggles - translations here are Google Translate without editing

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’m really proud of this interview!
Growing up, Spanish was my first language - but like many 1st generation Latinx Americans, I have to continuously work at it & improve.
It’s not perfect, but the only way we improve our language skills is through public practice. #Palante https://t.co/FpGIFSQiRp" / Twitter

Univision Nueva York on Twitter: "En exclusiva, la congresista @AOC habla sobre su propuesta de eficiencia energética, de lo que opina del presidente y sus políticas, además de la importancia de la comunidad latina y los inmigrantes para el país. https://t.co/oTYD4Mp29E" / Twitter
In exclusive, the congresswoman @AOC He talks about his proposal for energy efficiency, what he thinks of the president and his policies, as well as the importance of the Latino community and immigrants for the country.

“Trump tiene una agenda de intimidación”: la congresista Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez habla en exclusiva con Univision | Video | Univision 41 Nueva York WXTV | Univision
La representante a la Cámara por el Distrito 14 de Nueva York habló en exclusiva con Noticias Univision 41 sobre su propuesta de eficiencia energética, lo que opina del presidente y sus políticas, además de la importancia de la comunidad latina y los inmigrantes para el país.

"Trump has an intimidation agenda": Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks exclusively with Univision

The representative to the Chamber for the 14th District of New York spoke exclusively with Univision 41 News about her proposal for energy efficiency, which she thinks of the president and his policies, as well as the importance of the Latino community and immigrants for the country.
For a big facility, one won't use lots of small diesel or gas generators. One will use a few big ones. Like what they use in electric power plants and ships. Yes, except for nuclear-powered ships, nearly all ships use diesel engines -- giant diesel engines.

Back to the thread's main subject, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@ocasio2018) • Instagram photos and videos has a recent Instagram story featuring AOC getting her boyfriend to model a dark green cap with "New Deal" on it.

Has the Bimbo from NY explained what the back up power would be under her and her loony friends GND?
For a big facility, one won't use lots of small diesel or gas generators. One will use a few big ones. Like what they use in electric power plants and ships. Yes, except for nuclear-powered ships, nearly all ships use diesel engines -- giant diesel engines.

Back to the thread's main subject, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@ocasio2018) • Instagram photos and videos has a recent Instagram story featuring AOC getting her boyfriend to model a dark green cap with "New Deal" on it.

Has the Bimbo from NY explained what the back up power would be under her and her loony friends GND?
I don't think that AOC herself has gotten into this issue, but check some renewable-energy news sites some time. I've seen oodles of possibilities:
  • Li-ion and similar batteries
  • Flow batteries
  • Compressed air
  • Liquid air
  • Synfuels
  • Railcars moved up and down hills
The GND itself is written to be technology-neutral, so as not to choose winners and losers.
Ocasio Cortez Instagram Live Video 6-17-2019 remarks compares ICE detention to 'concentration camps' - YouTube (2019 Jun 19) - she wears black pants and a black T-shirt: "Rematriate the Land" - like repatriate, but for motherland instead of fatherland.

More Ikea furniture: a file cabinet. Hard to escape paper. She tries to get all-wood furniture, and also used furniture. She then gets into over-the-counter insurance-covered birth-control pills, proposed in a bill by her good friend Ayanna Pressley, a bill she cosponsors.

Stagnant wages in a booming economy. Ordinary workers are struggling - their income is stagnant while expenses keep going up. Then capitalism vs. socialism. A free market or a mixed economy need not be her definition of capitalism - investor-only and elite-owner-only capitalism. Businesses can be worker-owned cooperatives, for instance, with employees instead of investors or rich people doing the owning. Socialism need not mean government owning everything.

AOC seems rather muddled about this issue, but I think that I understand what she's getting at, that there ought to be alternatives to investor-only capitalism. But since it's investors who have much the money, it will be an uphill battle.

Then generational shifts in attitude and how recent capitalism has not been very beneficial for many people. Some things are cheap, like smartphones, but some things are expensive, like housing and medicine. So instead of governments owning businesses, as in Marxist-Leninist states, it is businesses owning governments, often by financing politicians' careers. AOC and some other Congresspeople have avoided that by accepting only small donations.

Business-owned government has gotten us stagnant wages and increasing student loans - something that makes it hard to start a family, buy a house, and buy a car. AOC does not consider herself an ideologue - she thinks of herself as a pragmatist, and she thinks of herself as having some goals and considering how to achieve them. She considers economic systems social technologies.

Then at 30:40, she drops her big bombshell: she calls the border camps concentration camps. Just like the Japanese internment camps of WWII. She was not the first, but it's her prominence that made her description so well-known. She asks what does it say about the character of a nation to have such facilities.

Then back to assembling her file cabinet. Free compost soil in NYC. She talks about avoiding single-use plastics, and she also insists that we shouldn't shame people for making less sustainable choices if they cannot easily avoid such choices. She also talks about using metal razors instead of single-use disposable ones - she discovered that stainless-steel single-blade ones are cheaper in the long run than disposable ones, from their durability.

AOC has reusable mugs and reusable water bottles. Her trick is to have more than one of them. She can leave one in the sink if she has to come home late at night and use another one. She also says that one shouldn't beat oneself up if one has to use a disposable coffee cup ever so often. If one can use a reusable one most of the time, that is still good. That's what I think about renewable energy. Even if one has to use fossil fuels half of the time, it's still a partial victory.

She also purchases much of her clothes in thrift shops. The dark blue dress that she wears in her profile is a designer dress (~$500) she bought at a thrift shop for $35. One can even sell back to a thrift shop the clothes that one doesn't want. Also consignment shops.

Also, bamboo toothbrushes and bamboo silverware, presumably because they are biodegradable. Also, reusable straws. AOC has a stainless-steel one and there are also glass ones. Doesn't want an outright ban of plastic straws. Prefers making straws optional. I agree. I also like her showing off her metal straw.
Well, here's what you wrote and it's even on this page:
Take what you can get.

Make a simple mistake and one gets crucified! Now I know how Jeshua felt 2000 years ago. Any simpleton would guess I meant more than just a single supermarket.

That's not the problem. You have objections with no quantification except erroneous ones. If you want to make a substantive point that resonates with rational people like myself, use numbers that make sense and don't write posts like a bimbo.
The GND itself is written to be technology-neutral, so as not to choose winners and losers.
Except that it's anti-nuclear.

As to other possibilities, every storage option has charge and discharge losses as well as getting worn out and having to be replaced over x cycles.

Li-ion battery technology is interesting first and foremost because of high capacity per kg. That is most important for things like electric cars but really not at all important for fixed installations like grid-level storage. FLow battery technology would be most interesting for that approach, but I do not think it's ready yet for prime time. Right now, it's natural gas that is used to buffer intermittencies inherent in solar and wind power.
For a big facility, one won't use lots of small diesel or gas generators. One will use a few big ones. Like what they use in electric power plants and ships. Yes, except for nuclear-powered ships, nearly all ships use diesel engines -- giant diesel engines.
It's not really diesel - it's typically heavy fuel oil.
The GND itself is written to be technology-neutral, so as not to choose winners and losers.
Except that it's anti-nuclear.
How so?
For a big facility, one won't use lots of small diesel or gas generators. One will use a few big ones. Like what they use in electric power plants and ships. Yes, except for nuclear-powered ships, nearly all ships use diesel engines -- giant diesel engines.
It's not really diesel - it's typically heavy fuel oil.
That's true of the engines' fuel, even if not of the engines themselves.  Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C is described by that article as the largest reciprocating engine ever built -- it's a giant diesel engine.
That document is unofficial, and it's not needed. It's already known there is a lot of anti-nuclear sentiment in the Democratic party, so a lot of Congress would be against it. There are no specifics set out yet on anything. If or when a GND bill is proposed, those details will be worked out. The pro people will need to speak up.
AOC likes to have gentle fun at the expense of her detractors:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Remember when Fox News made the grave mistake of actually telling people what we’re fighting for?
Ah, memories. https://t.co/RbliPl46Th" / Twitter

Right-wingers have mentioned Maxine Waters and Vito Marcantonio as two possibilities for AOC to be like. When she mentioned her aversion to military adventures, I thought of this woman:

 Jeannette Rankin (June 11, 1880 – May 18, 1973) She grew up in a ranch in Montana, and she noted that while both sexes labored side by side in ranch tasks, only men had a political voice or a right to vote. She went to college, then did a variety of jobs, like dressmaking and teaching and social work, then got into women's suffrage activism, getting women the right to vote.
Rankin later compared her work in the women's suffrage movement to promoting the pacifist foreign policy that defined her congressional career. She believed, with many suffragists of the period, that the corruption and dysfunction of the United States government resulted from the lack of women's participation. As she said at a disarmament conference in the interwar period, "The peace problem is a woman's problem".
I think that that is doubtful at best, but that was a common reason back then for keeping women out of politics and broader society more generally. JR and other early feminists then argued that this supposed feature of women was not a liability but an asset.

Women got the vote in Montana in 1914, the seventh state to do so, and in 1916, JR campaigned for a Montana seat of the US House of Representatives, going across the state, campaigning on a progressive platform, and being supported by her brother, a big-name Republican.

She got elected, with her election being big news. In her victory speech, she stated that "I am deeply conscious of the responsibility resting upon me" as the only woman in Congress. To this day, she is the only woman who has ever been elected to Montana's House delegation.

When President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany in April 1917, to "make the world safe for democracy", she joined several other Congresspeople in voting against it. Being the only woman gave her a high profile, and her action got very mixed reviews. She also tried to improve working conditions for ordinary workers, and she also helped push a Constitutional amendment giving women voting rights in all states. It passed the House but not the Senate. She was not re-elected in 1918, and after she left office, the amendment passed both houses. It then went on to the states, becoming the 19th Amendment.

She bought a small farm in Georgia and lived very simply, though she continued her activism, supporting pacifism, welfare efforts, and a Constitutional amendment outlawing child labor. Late in the 1930's, she started seeing how unsuccessful her pacifist efforts were, as FDR did a military buildup and aided Britain. So in 1940, she ran for Congress in Montana again, unseating a prominent quasi-fascist in the primary and winning the general election.

On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The next day, Congress voted unanimously to declare war on Japan with one exception - Jeannette Rankin. Many people got outraged at her, and at one point, she hid in a telephone booth. When Congress declared war on Germany and Italy two days later, she abstained. She did not run in 1942.

She then traveled the world, and in the late 1960's, she returned to antiwar activism yet again, objecting to the Vietnam War. She thought of running for Congress yet again, but she then decided that her health was too poor for that.
I don't think that AOC herself has gotten into this issue, but check some renewable-energy news sites some time. I've seen oodles of possibilities:
  • Li-ion and similar batteries
  • Flow batteries
  • Compressed air
  • Liquid air
  • Synfuels
  • Railcars moved up and down hills
The GND itself is written to be technology-neutral, so as not to choose winners and losers.

Li-Ion and the like: To date, nowhere near good enough. The cost of the storage is considerably higher than the cost of the power it stores. Yes, there are utility-scale Li-Ion systems already deployed--but they are for providing very fast power while you spin up something else.

Flow batteries: The technology isn't ready.

Compressed air: Unless you have a convenient airtight cave these are either very expensive or very inefficient. (Unless they are part of some industrial process that can make use of both the heat and cold they would otherwise waste.)

Liquid air: Even more inefficient than compressed air.

Synfuels: Useful to de-carbon vehicles but very inefficient for storage.

Railcars: That didn't come from any competent engineer.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recognizes her cisgender privilege during podcast interview
Tom Elliott on Twitter: ".@AOC: I acknowledge my "privilege" in being born "cisgendered"
"I'm a cisgendered woman, I will never know the trauma of feeling like I'm not born in the right body. That is a privilege I have no matter how poor my family was when I was born." https://t.co/QkviNMtLmv" / Twitter

That's a great approach to privilege. Accept that one is privileged in some ways, that one got a head start in some ways.

PASSIONATE SPEECH: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) fires up crowd in Maryland - YouTube - praising Rep. Jamie Raskin as everything a Congressmember should be - voraciously intellectual, relentlessly principled, eminently compassionate, and able to quote Jefferson at the drop of a dime. She also talked about the many vs. the few, how the Founders had great ideals while owning slaves, and MLK's unfinished business.

CMV: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is a dangerous figure for the Democratic Party to hedge their future on. : changemyview
The Tea Party candidates ended up breaking into two basic camps. Those who were most extreme ended up marginalized in Congress and replaced without a whole lot of fanfare during the next election cycle. The ones who were successful in Congress (e.g., Ted Cruz) quickly learned how to advocate for their positions without posturing to overthrow all of Congress and, in so doing, have earned respect.

Who in Congress represents what she represents? Many expected a Tea Party like wave amongst Democrats and for some reason AOC, and AOC alone is the only new member who seems to represent the same rebelliousness the Tea Party was and still is all about. I think some of the attention we give her comes straight from the fact that she is all there is of a storyline that was supposed to happen, but didn't.
I don't think that AOC herself has gotten into this issue, but check some renewable-energy news sites some time. I've seen oodles of possibilities:
  • Li-ion and similar batteries
  • Flow batteries
  • Compressed air
  • Liquid air
  • Synfuels
  • Railcars moved up and down hills
The GND itself is written to be technology-neutral, so as not to choose winners and losers.

Li-Ion and the like: To date, nowhere near good enough. The cost of the storage is considerably higher than the cost of the power it stores. Yes, there are utility-scale Li-Ion systems already deployed--but they are for providing very fast power while you spin up something else.

Flow batteries: The technology isn't ready.

Compressed air: Unless you have a convenient airtight cave these are either very expensive or very inefficient. (Unless they are part of some industrial process that can make use of both the heat and cold they would otherwise waste.)

Liquid air: Even more inefficient than compressed air.

Synfuels: Useful to de-carbon vehicles but very inefficient for storage.

Railcars: That didn't come from any competent engineer.

Loren, what do you think of this? It's pretty pricey but if it does what it says it can do...

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