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Another Trump Rape Surfaces

Supposedly, she still has "The Dress".
What are the chances of getting a DNA test out of him?
Far better than getting a usable sample from that dress after 25 years.

Presumably she never washed that dress or had it cleaned (gross!) but did she just hang it up in the back of her closet and left it there for 25 years? The article kind of implies that. And she even wore it to a photo shoot - alleged cum stain and all. That's a cross-contamination nightmare.

But then again, she is a nutcase who even made Anderson Cooper go "WTF‽" and her story doesn't pass the smell test. It is also similar to what happened in a L&O:SVU episode.

It's only fitting that that instead simply being the party of pillage, the GOP should be known as the party of rape and pillage.

Btw did Andrew Cuomo change parties or are we now suddenly not to believe all women?
Cuomo denies former aide's sexual harassment allegations
Supposedly, she still has "The Dress".
What are the chances of getting a DNA test out of him?
Far better than getting a usable sample from that dress after 25 years.

Presumably she never washed that dress or had it cleaned (gross!) but did she just hang it up in the back of her closet and left it there for 25 years? The article kind of implies that. And she even wore it to a photo shoot - alleged cum stain and all. That's a cross-contamination nightmare.

But then again, she is a nutcase who even made Anderson Cooper go "WTF‽" and her story doesn't pass the smell test. It is also similar to what happened in a L&O:SVU episode.

It's only fitting that that instead simply being the party of pillage, the GOP should be known as the party of rape and pillage.

Btw did Andrew Cuomo change parties or are we now suddenly not to believe all women?
Cuomo denies former aide's sexual harassment allegations

DNA can be reconstructed after VERY long times, but she may have had samples taken and analyzed years ago.

But since your specious right wing argument of convenience equates harrassment with rape, there are dozens of other examples of Trump rapes.

Also note that the mayor of NYC is not “the de facto leader” of a political party.
Presumably she never washed that dress or had it cleaned (gross!) but did she just hang it up in the back of her closet and left it there for 25 years?

I kinda thought the same about Lewinsky. Why keep a dirty dress like that unless you are setting someone up?

While I avoid learning about prurient things like this case, I also heard a couple of credible sources describe her as lacking credibility.
Presumably she never washed that dress or had it cleaned (gross!) but did she just hang it up in the back of her closet and left it there for 25 years?

I kinda thought the same about Lewinsky. Why keep a dirty dress like that unless you are setting someone up?

While I avoid learning about prurient things like this case, I also heard a couple of credible sources describe her as lacking credibility.

Lewinsky may have kept her dress as a personal memento (i.e. she had seduced the top "alpha male" of the world, and that was the proof), as well as show her friends (not that they would believe her necessarily). Same with Trump's rape accuser. Also, just because someone's sperm is on clothing doesn't mean it was rape, just that there was sex. Like Lewinsky.
Presumably she never washed that dress or had it cleaned (gross!) but did she just hang it up in the back of her closet and left it there for 25 years?

I kinda thought the same about Lewinsky. Why keep a dirty dress like that unless you are setting someone up?

While I avoid learning about prurient things like this case, I also heard a couple of credible sources describe her as lacking credibility.

Lewinsky may have kept her dress as a personal memento (i.e. she had seduced the top "alpha male" of the world, and that was the proof), as well as show her friends (not that they would believe her necessarily). Same with Trump's rape accuser. Also, just because someone's sperm is on clothing doesn't mean it was rape, just that there was sex. Like Lewinsky.

But not plausible, in my opinion.

She was banging a married dude and knew it. That dress was not proof of anything, short of sophisticated DNA analysis. She could have had it cleaned and put it up on a shelf or something, as personally meaningful. A memento of when she was a slutty adultress, banging the Leader of the Free World. (Who was also a slutty adulterer. At least Trump was doing porno stars.) Lewinsky claimed that she cared about her fuckbuddy, but she carefully maintained evidence that could destroy him.

Nah, I'm not buying that. I still think she set him up, at the behest of the GOP.
Don't get me wrong, I also think Slick Willy a sleazebag who liked getting his rocks off banging vulnerable women.
I'm trying to consider state of mind here of a sexually assaulted woman. She had been wearing the dress when raped. Allegedly. After this traumatic experience, why is there an assumption she would want to re-wear the dress and thus clean it? Can people experience these traumas differently and have different reactions...so that one person may want to super clean everything afterward, someone else may want to throw them out, but a different woman may want to just remove the unclean clothes and never think about them again...like put them in a closet corner, just let them drop off...hang out under covers in the fetal position for a week....then, get up, hang up the clothes in the back of the closet so no one sees them on the floor and they are hidden behind other clothes...then get back on track with other life stuff. Another possibility is that somewhere in the back of her mind at the time, she had wanted to turn him in and use the dress as evidence....but then she just didn't have the ability to go through all the additional trauma of coming out with it and so kept procrastinating. Sexual assault or rape is a thing that people can keep inside for a lifetime or decades before talking about it. So, it doesn't seem implausible to me, though, I am more skeptical of the totality of the story. Also, I am skeptical that one could even test the DNA properly at this point so this discussion may be a red herring. Anyway, has she even been living at the same location for the past 25 years? Seems like something that is verifiable...
... just because someone's sperm is on clothing doesn't mean it was rape, just that there was sex. Like Lewinsky.

It would however, belie Trump's assertion that he never met her (depending on what the definition of "met" is, of course).
... just because someone's sperm is on clothing doesn't mean it was rape, just that there was sex. Like Lewinsky.

It would however, belie Trump's assertion that he never met her (depending on what the definition of "met" is, of course).

Also shoots "she's not my type" right in the... leg.
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