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Anti-Gay Reverend Being Outed On Gay Dating App


Dec 4, 2006
Basic Beliefs

A Michigan pastor who'd previously expressed anti-gay sentiments resigned this week after his profile on Grindr was revealed.

Matthew Makela resigned from the St. John’s Lutheran Church in Midland, Michigan, shortly after the website Queerty published photos and texts on Monday revealing Makela's activity on Grindr, an app where men can seek out same-sex relationships and encounters.

Makela confirmed that the Grindr profile was his in an email exchange with Queerty, but declined to comment further. The former pastor did not immediately return a request for comment from The Huffington Post.

Queerty, which said it had received the screenshots from an anonymous source, has listed several examples of Makela making derogatory remarks about gays and transgender people.

Love the church's response.
Kempin urged his congregation to avoid reading stories about Makela. "If you click on a website to see, or respond to what is being said -- even in a positive way -- you are only rewarding those who are trying to shame the Makelas," the statement said.
So if he's gay, reporting that he's gay is an attempt to shame him.

No one seems to have worried about the transgenders when he said "the transgender movement is going to assist opportunistic sickos in preying upon children and others."
No worry expressed about rewarding those trying to shame gays, transgenders, etc.
I think it's important for everyone to remember that just because yet again another Christian turns out to be a closeted homosexual doesn't mean that all Christians are closeted homosexuals. He is an outlier who isn't representative of Christians as a whole.
I think it's important for everyone to remember that just because yet again another Christian turns out to be a closeted homosexual doesn't mean that all Christians are closeted homosexuals. He is an outlier who isn't representative of Christians as a whole.

But he is, I submit, representative of Christian pastors who write and speak out disparagingly in public about homosexuality. A very large number of those have been subsequently outed as homosexual.
I think it's important for everyone to remember that just because yet again another Christian turns out to be a closeted homosexual doesn't mean that all Christians are closeted homosexuals. He is an outlier who isn't representative of Christians as a whole.

But he is, I submit, representative of Christian pastors who write and speak out disparagingly in public about homosexuality. A very large number of those have been subsequently outed as homosexual.

If by "a very large number" you mean "a very small number", then you are correct. These people tend to be dicks because they're dicks, not because they secretly like dick.
MICHIGAN: Mother Says Outed "Grindr Pastor" Told Her Gay Teen Son To Kill Himself


A mother came forward with new accusations against the local pastor who resigned after being outed as gay. She said what that pastor told her son nearly drove him to suicide. Jennifer Kish is angered over the recent revelation that Matthew Makela might be gay, not because of his alleged sexual preference, but because of how he treated her son while they were parishioners at his church. Makela is a Midland pastor who resigned after being outed by a website. The website said it outed Makela because of his outspoken stance in recent years against homosexuality, a stance one woman said was particularly harmful to her family. Kish said her then 17-year-old son Tyler suffered from serious depression and was considering suicide because he was told by Makela he was going to hell because he was gay. "If he's going to hell for being gay then he might as well commit suicide," Kish said. Makela is the subject of scrutiny because of the alleged hypocrisy. The website Queerty posted a conversation it claims shows Makela soliciting sex with another man on the app Grindr, an app geared toward gay and bisexual men.
I think we forget that, while they are hypocrites, it's extremely probable that they were raised and brainwashed to hate themselves for their homosexuality, so it's not entirely fair to make fun of them.
Okay, I can kinda understand why some Christians want to deny evolution. Being descended from apes vs being god's special children. I get that.

And the whole creationism thing? Sure, it is a primitive, parochial belief, but still - being god's special creation vs a collection of star stuff? I at least understand the appeal.

But denying the existence of the internet?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but while there are parts of the Bible that can be interpreted to deny evolution, the big bang, and global warming (okay that last one's a stretch), there's nothing whatsoever in either the old or new testament which declares that god will hide your dick pics, dating profiles, or messages from anyone.
Whenever anybody growls and snarls about how they queers, you may be sure they're gay.

Eldarion Lathria
another case

Pastor Spends $60K Of Church’s Money To Feed His Addiction To Gay Dating Websites
I think we forget that, while they are hypocrites, it's extremely probable that they were raised and brainwashed to hate themselves for their homosexuality, so it's not entirely fair to make fun of them.

I tend to agree with this. The self-hatred must be horrific to live with. That doesn't excuse the damage they do to others, but it does make it harder to ridicule them.

It is the intolerant religious fundamentalism they were raised in that deserves the ridicule.
It is the intolerant religious fundamentalism they were raised in that deserves the ridicule.
But the problem is ,they are now part of the intolerant religious fundamentalism that deserves the ridicule.

I'm okay with considering them as victims, and it's tragic, but if we're going to mock or question or fight 'the fundamentalism,' we're going to have to tar them with the same brush.
I think we forget that, while they are hypocrites, it's extremely probable that they were raised and brainwashed to hate themselves for their homosexuality, so it's not entirely fair to make fun of them.

I've often wondered what the internal thought process must be for someone with this burden. Maybe it's like a person who diets all day long and stuck to their calorie count, but at midnight opens the fridge to get cold water and ends up eating 8 slices of deli ham and all the leftover potato salad. There is no real reasoning process when the temptation is within reach. You just do it and all the possible consequences simply are not in your head.
I think we forget that, while they are hypocrites, it's extremely probable that they were raised and brainwashed to hate themselves for their homosexuality, so it's not entirely fair to make fun of them.

Just as unfair to jail a criminal if he was raised in a depressed economy, then, I guess. They were raised that way. Stop jailing the victims!
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