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Are You Ready For The First Presidential Debate?

Chris Wallace as debate moderator asked "Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups..."

Trump mutters "sure" at this point,

Then Wallace continues "And to say that they need to stand down and not add tp the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and as we have seen in Portland"

Trump then starts to talk while Wallace asks the final part of his question, hard for anyone to process this... I think Wallace asks "are you prepared to specifically.."

Trump: " I would say that almost everything I see is from the left.wing, not from the right wing"

Wallace "what are you saying?"

Trump: "I'm willing to do anything, I want to see peace"

Wallace "Then do it, sir?

Biden "Do it, say it"

Trump "You wanna call 'em... whattayou wanna call em? Give me a name give me a name"

Wallace: "white supremacists and right wing militia"

Biden interjects "Proud Boys" in the middle of that

Trump "The Proud Boys stand back and stand by, but I'll tell you what somebody's gotta do something about Antifa and the left, because this is not right wing problem"

Biden "His own FBI director said"

Trump "This is a left wing problem"

Biden "the threat comes from white supremacists. Antifa is an idea not an organization"

Trump "you gotta be kidding"

Biden "that is what his own FBI director said"

Trump "well you know what, he is wrong"

Presidential debate: Rules to change after Trump-Biden spat

It really wasn't a spat. The BBC is just being kind. It was Trumpo being a belligerent child and Biden holding him to it. But it does look like there will be some changes.

One new measure could be to cut the microphones if the candidates try to interrupt each other, US media report.

Good article. Worth the read.
Seen on FB: The next debate needs to be moderated by a black mom with a flip flop in her hand.
I believe I have a simpler and more elegant solution. The stage will have rostra for Trump and Biden, a desk for the moderator, and a table of shoes manned by Al-Zaidi. He's the Iraqi who threw the shoe at Bush II back whenever. Al-Zaidi will agree to the following terms: he will only throw a shoe at T or B when a light, to be controlled by the moderator, comes on at his table. There will be two lights, one for Trump and one for Biden, so that Al-Zaidi will have no doubt about his mission. Also, the moderator will push the proper button with no announcement. The candidates will be forewarned: rant out of turn and expect an Iraqi sandal aimed at your head.
I fail to see any flaw in this set-up. League of Women Voters, you may use it free of charge.
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One new measure could be to cut the microphones if the candidates try to interrupt each other, US media report.

Wallace says he's 'sad' about how the presidential debate he moderated turned out | Just The News - "The Fox News star was lauded for his performance moderating the 2016 presidential debate between candidates Trump and Clinton."
Moderator Chris Wallace Calls Debate 'a Terrible Missed Opportunity' - The New York Times
The veteran anchor conceded he was initially “reluctant” to step in during the Trump-Biden matchup. “I’ve never been through anything like this,” he said.

“I’m just sad with the way last night turned out.”
He concedes that he was slow to act on Trump's violations of debate rules.
“I’ve read some of the reviews. I know people think, well, gee, I didn’t jump in soon enough,” Mr. Wallace said, his voice betraying some hoarseness from the previous night’s proceedings. “I guess I didn’t realize — and there was no way you could, hindsight being 20/20 — that this was going to be the president’s strategy, not just for the beginning of the debate but the entire debate.”

... “I’m a pro. I’ve never been through anything like this.”

“You’re reluctant — as somebody who has said from the very beginning that I wanted to be as invisible as possible, and to enable them to talk — to rise to the point at which you begin to interject more and more,” Mr. Wallace said. “First to say, ‘Please don’t interrupt,’ then ‘Please obey the rules,’ and third, ‘This isn’t serving the country well.’ Those are all tough steps at real time, at that moment, on that stage.”
He seems like he was caught off-guard by Trump's misbehavior.

He did not like the idea of muting a candidate's microphone.
“As a practical matter, even if the president’s microphone had been shut, he still could have continued to interrupt, and it might well have been picked up on Biden’s microphone, and it still would have disrupted the proceedings in the hall,” he said.

And he noted that cutting off the audio feed of a presidential candidate is a more consequential act than some pundits give it credit for. “People have to remember, and too many people forget, both of these candidates have the support of tens of millions of Americans,” he said.
Well, neither of them did all that well, but neither of them did worse than expected. They both did just well enough to convince their own base that they won the debate and no better.

Neither of them gained much ground, but neither of them really lost much ground.

For a really frank and truthful debate I'd like to see Fox's Laura Ingram and MSNBC's Rachel Maddow have a debate. No holds barred. Not sure who would moderate it though. But as for insightful discussion of the issues I think they'd both bring the best candid, comprehensive perspective on their side's views.

moderator: nice mean gal Ellen De Generes, or Oprah
Chris Wallace as debate moderator asked "Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups..."

Trump mutters "sure" at this point,

Then Wallace continues "And to say that they need to stand down and not add tp the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and as we have seen in Portland"


Trump "The Proud Boys stand back and stand by, but I'll tell you what somebody's gotta do something about Antifa and the left, because this is not right wing problem"

Stand back & stand by is distinct from stand down. Considering that the Proud Boys have taken this statement up in their own imagery defeats any point you're trying to make about how you can finely parse the statement to read whatever you intend to read into it, but their understanding of the phrase is clear. That you can try reading the statement differently than everyone else is a parlor trick, since we're not considering the ambiguities of language as a general concept, but specifically the meaning that people are taking from his statements. That you read it differently only demonstrates that you're on an island, not that you have some privileged insight.

That Trump could have chosen to respond to any of 'white supremacists' or 'right-wing militia', or 'Proud Boys' means that he accepted them as members of the set of people to whom Wallace was referring. Nothing about this line of defense makes sense. It requires that we (1) reinterpret what Trump said, (2) consider in retrospect whether he knew that the Proud Boys are white supremacists, (3) suspend knowing that they are indeed white supremacists, and (4) have inexplicable amnesia about the original question posed by Wallace. Indeed, with the ability to respond after the debate, putatively with the advantage of having talked to his staff, he still didn't say that white supremacy is bad - he said I didn't know the Proud Boys were white supremacists.

Q: Do you condemn white supremacists
A. This is a left wing problem

Reading anything else from that quote is the equivalent of Bible code numerology,
It's fucking depressing, but Joe Rogan is probably the closet thing for a competent moderator, and he'd be the first to tell you how unqualified he is. Personally though, I think making concessions to Trump simply because he is a bombastic cunt is a very bad idea.

I remember posting here how much right wingers in Australia emulate US conservatives so here is a op-ed from a well known piece of garbage named Andrew Bolt.

“Biden also passed the very low bar set by his opponents. Many thought he'd have another senior moment and lose his train of thought. He didn’t,” according to Mr Bolt.

“Biden, for all his insults, managed a rare trick: of acting the thug but looking weak. He looked older, thinner, and more frail than Trump.

“He just seemed like a geriatric down the street threatening to punch you in your head. You may admire the old timer for his spirit, but you mark him down for forgetting himself.

“So of the two men – if I had to say which had the energy and force of a leader - it wasn't Biden.”

Nothing happens in a vacuum. Right wing cunts in Australia are going to be emboldened and be even more cuntish as a result of this debate. And just to be clear, Trump is not responsible for conservatives on the other side of the planet behaving like fuckwits - the fuckwits are the ones responsible. But I also remember a time when the global sentiment was that trying to emulate the US President was considered a positive thing.

So you've told us, in sexist terms, about right wing Australian women. What about the right-ring Australian dicks, to use equivalent terminology?
Seen on FB: The next debate needs to be moderated by a black mom with a flip flop in her hand.

Samuel L Jackson.

I said two minutes, motherfucker.
So, we are going to have six 15 minute periods.

My persona will be as follows:

  1. Danny Roman
  2. Zeus Carter
  3. Mace Windu
  4. Agent Neville Flynn
  5. Shaft
  6. Jules Winfield

Yes, I am armed.
So you've told us, in sexist terms, about right wing Australian women. What about the right-ring Australian dicks, to use equivalent terminology?

There are no right wing Australian dicks, they're all a pack of cunts ;) .

On topic: I really don't understand why the format of the US Presidential debates should be changed. The purpose of them is to provide insight to American citizens on who they are voting for in the upcoming election. In that respect, this debate was an unmitigated success. Changing the rules simply to accommodate Trump is just another shitty attempt to pander to the baby. Fuck him. If he can't do civil discourse, voters need to know that.
AOC doubles down on Joe: Trump 'just melted on stage,' Biden 'outperformed' him | Just The News
"I mean, when it comes to a debate, it's between two people, right," Ocasio-Cortez said during an interview on Capitol Hill with Just the News on Wednesday. "And I think that there was no question that he outperformed Donald Trump in every class and category because Trump just melted on stage. He just had no cohesive argument to say about anything. And not only that, but I'm going to go with the guy who's not a white supremacist."
Melted? A strange way to put it.
"Trump specifically name-checked the Proud Boys," she replied. "He specifically name-checked an actual white supremacist organization, and I can guarantee you that, I mean, first of all, Biden has denounced this violence on numerous occasions, and Trump has a habit of encouraging his white supremacist brethren. So, of course, this is going to be an issue where Trump has to be asked about this, because he is not clear. And in fact, the few actions that he has taken, he's been encouraging of, you know, violent neo-Nazis."
Or else Trump is just plain desperate to get the right-wing-militia vote.

Biden rejected the Green New Deal in the debate, and AOC was asked about that.
"I'm proud to have been part of the Climate Unity Task Force, and I think that we really, really made a lot of improvements to the initial plan put up by Biden's team, and so I'm looking forward to it," she said.

"The whole point is we have to shift our thinking from thinking this is a 50-year solution problem to this now needing to be an immediate commitment problem," Ocasio-Cortez continued. "And it's not just about wildfires in California, it's wildfires in California, it's hurricanes that are battering our coasts, it's droughts, it's floods in the Midwest, the climate crisis is here. And it is taking people's entire livelihoods away. And we can't be making promises to those people for what we're going to do 50 years from now. We need to start making commitments today."
Even if he does not explicitly endorse the GND, AOC seems happy that he has gone part of the way.
"We've worked with his team to set out a timeline, of course, my number is going to be very aggressive, but I'm very encouraged about the fact that we've worked with his team, put down 2035 as a marker, because before then, 2050 was a marker, and that's way too late," she said. "It's a death sentence for so many people. And so I'm very encouraged."

"I came in at 2030," she added. "He's coming in at 2035 on some of our pegs, not necessarily for the phasing out of all fossil fuels, but for us to make very strong strides towards carbon neutrality, so, and then zero, so I'm thankful for that."
So she doesn't feel like she's been screwed over by the Bidenites.
Maybe for one of these debates, they toss a question to the candidate, then the mic goes quiet. A dot covers his mouth.
A scrawl crosses the bottom of the screen.
WANNA HEAR MORE OF THIS SHIT? To turn on Trump's mic, text 'TTT' to the network now! To turn on Biden's mic, text 'BBB.'

Each text will cost you 10 cents, which will be donated to the T(rump) or B(iden) campaign.

Then have the running totals as a pie chart displayed where the candidates can see them.
Jim Carrey is going to play Joe Biden on SNL on Saturday. Now back to your regularly scheduled thread.
Now that Trump has come down with COVID-19, it is unlikely that there will be any more presidential debates. Maybe the vice-presidential debate will still take place, but I don't expect Mike Pence to try to bully Kamala Harris. She is less likely than Joe Biden to let him get away with that kind of tactic.
How Gender Shapes Presidential Debates — Including Between Two Men : NPR
The interruption-fest did not go unnoticed on Twitter — particularly among women.

"Chris Wallace now feels the pain of women in meetings," FiveThirtyEight reporter Clare Malone tweeted. Comedian Sarah Cooper, meanwhile, imagined the overwhelming politeness that would result from two women debating each other.

As a headline at humor website Reductress put it, "Study Reports Biden Interrupted Almost as Much as Average Woman in Meeting."
What does Trump saying

"Sure .... Sure, I'm willing to do that"

in reference to Chris Wallace asking him if he is willing to denounce white supremacy mean?

The actual tactic is that Wallace is playing on Trump's asshole stubbornness and after getting that declarative statement about the question he makes a brilliant move to ask it again and tap into this Trump personality defect and get him to be defensive, In Trump's mind and in reality he already said "Sure, I'm willing to do that".

What is really wanted is for Trump to say "Sure, I'm willing to do that" six ways from Sunday until he gets annoyed.
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