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Are You Ready For The First Presidential Debate?

The Proud Boys have now adopted the "Stand Back, Stand By" line as a slogan and have stated they believe this is the Trump way of giving them permission to fuck up AntiFa shit.

Stormfront declared Trump to be the greatest president ever and stated that he should be king.

I will not provide links.

Trump stated he has the support of the "Portland Sheriff". The Multnomah County sheriff has stated he has never supported Trump and he never will, and also stated Trump has caused more trouble in Portland than relieved it.
Speaking of the Proud Boys, here's video of Gavin McGinness advocating violence. (Apparently FB no longer allows you to shre videos.)


[FBVIDEO]<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FOccupyDemocrats%2Fvideos%2F775980953200938%2F&show_text=0&width=476" width="476" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>[/FBVIDEO]

Oops, figured it out.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">chris wallace hosting this debate <a href="https://t.co/NaR8RNE5ht">pic.twitter.com/NaR8RNE5ht</a></p>— Desus Nice (@desusnice) <a href="https://twitter.com/desusnice/status/1311117415896489993?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]
Joe Biden's best line of the night: "Will you shut up, man?"

I applauded when he said that. Biden had clearly been a little by Trump's bullying interruptions, and he struggled to find a way to respond to his  Gish Gallop rants.

The Gish gallop is a technique used during debating that focuses on overwhelming an opponent with as many arguments as possible, without regard for accuracy or strength of the arguments. The term was coined by Eugenie Scott and named after the creationist Duane Gish, who used the technique frequently against proponents of evolution.

This was not a "debate" in any real sense. It was an embarrassing display of alpha male outrage that made our presidential election look like a circus sideshow.

The Presidential Debate Commission needs to insist that only the microphone be switched on for the person whose time it is to speak. That would allow the moderator to give extra time to the speaker when the opponent tried to interrupt. The problem is that their rules require all debaters to agree to the rules, and they can't get that kind of agreement. So they should insist on it or simply stop organizing debates. These kinds of personal interactions can still take place by opening both microphones up, but under control of a moderator who can shut them off when the time limit is up. And they should tell moderators to consider themselves responsible for keeping to a schedule, not acting as a mere sideline referee.

It was more like a wrestling match, and we all know those matches are legit. :rolleyes:

And sometimes the wrestlers get to just bark it up about how great they are. The people who love this stuff love this stuff.

Can we have an actual debate? That would be nice.
Joe Biden's best line of the night: "Will you shut up, man?"

I applauded when he said that. Biden had clearly been a little by Trump's bullying interruptions, and he struggled to find a way to respond to his  Gish Gallop rants.

The Gish gallop is a technique used during debating that focuses on overwhelming an opponent with as many arguments as possible, without regard for accuracy or strength of the arguments. The term was coined by Eugenie Scott and named after the creationist Duane Gish, who used the technique frequently against proponents of evolution.

This was not a "debate" in any real sense. It was an embarrassing display of alpha male outrage that made our presidential election look like a circus sideshow.

The Presidential Debate Commission needs to insist that only the microphone be switched on for the person whose time it is to speak. That would allow the moderator to give extra time to the speaker when the opponent tried to interrupt. The problem is that their rules require all debaters to agree to the rules, and they can't get that kind of agreement. So they should insist on it or simply stop organizing debates. These kinds of personal interactions can still take place by opening both microphones up, but under control of a moderator who can shut them off when the time limit is up. And they should tell moderators to consider themselves responsible for keeping to a schedule, not acting as a mere sideline referee.

It was more like a wrestling match, and we all know those matches are legit. :rolleyes:

And sometimes the wrestlers get to just bark it up about how great they are. The people who love this stuff love this stuff.

Can we have an actual debate? That would be nice.
Yeah, these are the people that boo'd Roman Reigns because... they don't remember anymore (Bryan Daniels eliminated in Royal Rumble by someone else and Reigns wins), they are pretty sure it was about booking though and how they probably could do it better.
The Proud Boys have now adopted the "Stand Back, Stand By" line as a slogan and have stated they believe this is the Trump way of giving them permission to fuck up AntiFa shit.

Stormfront declared Trump to be the greatest president ever and stated that he should be king.

I will not provide links.

Trump stated he has the support of the "Portland Sheriff". The Multnomah County sheriff has stated he has never supported Trump and he never will, and also stated Trump has caused more trouble in Portland than relieved it.

Yep. You are a 100% correct. The Portland Sherriff is a democrat. Does not like Trump. He's also not afraid of Antifa and can handle the protests without the feds. In fact, he says that the feds made it far worse (which we all know on this forum). I almost started a thread on all the lies that Trump sprouted yesterday. But does it really matter? Everyone knows that he's a liar.
Chris Wallace did a great presentation of how LIbertarianism is a failure of a standalone philosophy.

Libertarian 1: We'll let the adults handle things, I'll just stand over here.
*turns out one of the adults is a manchild narcissistic sociopath*
Libertarian 1: How could this have gone wrong?!

Other Libertarians: It was that LIbertarian 1's fault.

Wow. Every single word you have written is wrong, including "and" and "the".
Well, neither of them did all that well, but neither of them did worse than expected. They both did just well enough to convince their own base that they won the debate and no better.

Neither of them gained much ground, but neither of them really lost much ground.
Joe Biden's best line of the night: "Will you shut up, man?"

I applauded when he said that. Biden had clearly been a little by Trump's bullying interruptions, and he struggled to find a way to respond to his  Gish Gallop rants.

The Gish gallop is a technique used during debating that focuses on overwhelming an opponent with as many arguments as possible, without regard for accuracy or strength of the arguments. The term was coined by Eugenie Scott and named after the creationist Duane Gish, who used the technique frequently against proponents of evolution.

This was not a "debate" in any real sense. It was an embarrassing display of alpha male outrage that made our presidential election look like a circus sideshow.

The Presidential Debate Commission needs to insist that only the microphone be switched on for the person whose time it is to speak. That would allow the moderator to give extra time to the speaker when the opponent tried to interrupt. The problem is that their rules require all debaters to agree to the rules, and they can't get that kind of agreement. So they should insist on it or simply stop organizing debates. These kinds of personal interactions can still take place by opening both microphones up, but under control of a moderator who can shut them off when the time limit is up. And they should tell moderators to consider themselves responsible for keeping to a schedule, not acting as a mere sideline referee.

It was more like a wrestling match, and we all know those matches are legit. :rolleyes:

And sometimes the wrestlers get to just bark it up about how great they are. The people who love this stuff love this stuff.

Can we have an actual debate? That would be nice.

With whom? The President? That would take a actual miracle.

I'm holding out a tiny fragment of hope that Harris and Pence will be able to focus on a topic for a few spare minutes before they get goaded into a brawl by the moderators.
Thanx, Jimmy Higgins, for your link to Donald Trump & Joe Biden 1st Presidential Debate Transcript 2020 - Rev

Trump sets the tone for the worst presidential debate in living memory - The Washington Post
No one alive has ever seen a presidential debate like Tuesday night’s unseemly shout fest between President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden — 90 minutes of invective, interruptions and personal insults. It was an insult to the public as well, and a sad example of the state of American democracy five weeks before the election.
No one alive has ever seen a presidential debate like Tuesday night’s unseemly shout fest between President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden — 90 minutes of invective, interruptions and personal insults. It was an insult to the public as well, and a sad example of the state of American democracy five weeks before the election.

The reality TV star president knows one speed on a debate stage: to attack, to bully his opponent and to ignore the rules. For Wallace, a tough and skilled interviewer, the debate was a nightmare.

“Mr. President! Mr. President,” he exclaimed at one point as Trump refused to stay silent when Biden was answering a question. “Gentlemen!” he said at another moment as the two sparred loudly about Trump’s attack on Biden’s son Hunter.

Rare were the moments when the two nominees actually discussed their differences calmly and clearly in a debate that ranged across several topics, including the coronavirus pandemic, the Supreme Court, the economy, racial justice and violence in American cities. More often than not, rather than engaging in exchanges that even bordered on civil, Trump and Biden talked over and past each other.

Biden came ready to make his points and at times was far more focused in doing so than was the president. ...

Trump played a different game, one of attack and belittle. ...

At times, each declined to answer direct questions about his positions and policy proposals. ...
Biden on packing the Supreme Court and Trump on only paying $750 in Federal income tax in 2016 and 2017
Trump’s challenge Tuesday was to change the race from a referendum on his presidency into a clear choice between him and Biden. ...

Instead he chose otherwise, and it could cost him. ...
The Health 202: Health care was first up in last night's caustic presidential debate - The Washington Post
President Trump incessantly interrupted and insulted his opponent Joe Biden and both men repeatedly talked over each other, in a debate severely lacking in civility even by today's standards.

... But much of the debate couldn't be heard clearly and the candidates jumped quickly between topics to lob accusations and even insults at each other.
The authors listed seven takeaways:
  • Trump mocked Biden for wearing a mask and limiting campaign crowd sizes.
  • Trump steamrolled not only Biden but also the moderator.
  • Biden didn't hold back with insults.
  • Biden tried to talk directly to Americans.
  • Trump claimed insulin has become “as cheap as water.”
  • Biden exaggerated the number of Americans with preexisting conditions.
  • Biden didn't accurately describe his own health-care plan.
With responses

Andrew Egger on Twitter: "It's REALLY wild that Trump is currently running interference against *his own CDC.* Biden brings up Redfield's comments that masks are important; Trump immediately contradicts it." / Twitter

Megan McArdle on Twitter: ""My summary of the first segment: President Trump looked like a belligerent, selfish jerk. Vice President Biden looked like he couldn't handle a belligerent, selfish jerk."" / Twitter

Chris Megerian on Twitter: "The president is interrupting Joe Biden as he tries to speak directly to people who lost loved ones to the coronavirus." / Twitter

Casey Mattox on Twitter: "#Debates2020 run time tonight: 90 min.
Total talk time
Pres. Trump: 90 min.
Biden: 90 min." / Twitter

Ben Shapiro on Twitter: "Perhaps the strategy here is for Trump to tire Biden out. We're all tired, and it's 33 minutes in." / Twitter

Andrew Sullivan on Twitter: "This is excruciating in ways I didn’t even know I could be excruciated." / Twitter

Sarah Kliff on Twitter: "Every presidential debate begins with 30 minutes of health care debate, its in the constitution" / Twitter
Or so it might seem.

Lanhee J. Chen on Twitter: "Biden just said that his public option proposal only applies to those on Medicaid. That's not what his website says... https://t.co/36AWForehF" / Twitter
Seems like Biden misspoke himself.
This isn't disturbing at all:

Army for Trump. Army for Trump.
Both sides are just as bad my fucking arse.
This isn't disturbing at all:

Army for Trump. Army for Trump.
Both sides are just as bad my fucking arse.

Wow, that would be shocking. Could this be a parody? I'm suspicious that even Trump could be so bold.
This isn't disturbing at all:

Army for Trump. Army for Trump.
Both sides are just as bad my fucking arse.

Wow, that would be shocking. Could this be a parody? I'm suspicious that even Trump could be so bold.


I'm starting to wonder if Harry Turtledove's Southern Victory series should be mandatory reading for US schools to highlight the dangers of someone like Jake Featherston.
It was more like a wrestling match, and we all know those matches are legit. :rolleyes:

And sometimes the wrestlers get to just bark it up about how great they are. The people who love this stuff love this stuff.

Can we have an actual debate? That would be nice.

With whom? The President? That would take a actual miracle.

I'm holding out a tiny fragment of hope that Harris and Pence will be able to focus on a topic for a few spare minutes before they get goaded into a brawl by the moderators.

I think that will be a better exchange simply because Trumpo won't be there.

Can't find the article but after yesterday's debacle they are looking at rule changes. I would like to see them not be able to hear when the other person interrupts. Also, the moderator should be behind a curtain, voice only, get that fucker's appearance and personality out of the product. Also, they shouldn't be able to see each other. They can shake when it's all over but during their responses they should be looking at a camera.

It should just be a rational exchange, not something for children.

Who'd have thunk? Trump now doesn't know who the Proud Boys are, never met them.
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