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At this point, does collusion even matter?

So what? Putin is making it sound like Russia made no attempt to influence the US election. We both know that's a lie...
Speak for yourself. I don't know that. I know that Hillary paid a firm to do an investigation into the hacking and that firm lied in their report.

Evidence please.
I suspect that Uncle Vlad told you to say that. Sounds a lot like FAKE NEWS.|
Meanwhile, 17 independent intelligence agencies agree with me and call you a liar. Did Hillary do THAT too, or was it Obama?
Speak for yourself. I don't know that. I know that Hillary paid a firm to do an investigation into the hacking and that firm lied in their report.

Evidence please.
I suspect that Uncle Vlad told you to say that. Sounds a lot like FAKE NEWS.|
Meanwhile, 17 independent intelligence agencies agree with me and call you a liar. Did Hillary do THAT too, or was it Obama?
Evidence of what? that DNC hired CrowdStrike to "investigate"? 17 "independent" intelligence agencies were not independent, they were looking at the same report which turned out to be not independent and a lie in the first place
I keep going back to Flynn and Kislyak. All this talk about surveillance and bullshit from Trump. But the Flynn and Kislyak phone call was picked up due to Putin's mistake. Putin apparently tipped his hand a bit too much in not reacting at all to the Obama actions on the hacking. This led to a large review of surveillance information, one of which picked up the Flynn and Kislyak phone call.

Flynn lied about the conversation on multiple times, and multiple ways. He allegedly lied to VP Pence about the call.

But here is the thing, why did the call happen? Was Flynn the power behind the call or was he acting on orders? The discussion was establishing (or perhaps it was already established) the tack the Trump Admin would take with Russia. Who was pulling the strings?
Evidence please.
I suspect that Uncle Vlad told you to say that. Sounds a lot like FAKE NEWS.|
Meanwhile, 17 independent intelligence agencies agree with me and call you a liar. Did Hillary do THAT too, or was it Obama?
Evidence of what? that DNC hired CrowdStrike to "investigate"? 17 "independent" intelligence agencies were not independent, they were looking at the same report which turned out to be not independent and a lie in the first place
A lie? About Russian hacking of the DNC server and specifically about the server?
Yes, a lie. FBI was not allowed to look in DNC server. Hillary&Co only trusted CrowdStrike which was later found lying in their report. We have been over this already. CrowdStrike were hired fabricate a report blaming russians which they did.
Just to expand on my earlier thoughts, the key thing about the Flynn conversation was that it implies that the connections already existed, that the tack on Russia was already established. It'd seem odd to get all chummy chummy with Russia at that point.
Yes, a lie. FBI was not allowed access to DNC server. They only trusted CrowdStrike which was later found lying in their report. We have been over this already. CrowdStrike were hired fabricate a report blaming russians which they did.
I'm sorry, that'd be hearsay from you. For someone demanding "evidence" for anything, it is a bit hypocritical you to be making accusations without evidence being provided.
Yes, a lie. FBI was not allowed to look in DNC server.

But YOU were, right?
Otherwise how could you possibly know?
Your denials are awfully thin there comrade - the evidence, according to 17 intelligence agencies, is more than compelling: PUTIN HACKED THE DNC AND TRIED TO GET TRUMP ELECTED.
Get over it, barbie - your boss is BUSTED.
Yes, a lie. FBI was not allowed to look in DNC server.

But YOU were, right?
No, I was not.
Otherwise how could you possibly know?
Dude, stop playing dumb. I know because truth came out
Your denials are awfully thin there comrade - the evidence, according to 17 intelligence agencies, is more than compelling: PUTIN HACKED THE DNC AND TRIED TO GET TRUMP ELECTED.
Get over it, barbie - your boss is BUSTED.
Denial is all yours, CrowdStrike are liars, they effectively admitted it themselves when they changed their report. 17 intelligence agencies can kiss my ass because they have not been allowed to make independent assessment in the first place, they were fed shit prepared by CrowdStrike and DNC.
Speak for yourself. I don't know that. I know that Hillary paid a firm to do an investigation into the hacking and that firm lied in their report.

Evidence please.
I suspect that Uncle Vlad told you to say that. Sounds a lot like FAKE NEWS.|
Meanwhile, 17 independent intelligence agencies agree with me and call you a liar. Did Hillary do THAT too, or was it Obama?

It's a bit of a fallacy if someone has to disprove an accusation that has no evidence in the first place. Stating one has a credible horse's bottom or two as a source but no evidence just isn't good cricket.

If the 17 agencies say there was interference then let them provide the proof.
Just to expand on my earlier thoughts, the key thing about the Flynn conversation was that it implies that the connections already existed, that the tack on Russia was already established. It'd seem odd to get all chummy chummy with Russia at that point.
Yes, a lie. FBI was not allowed access to DNC server. They only trusted CrowdStrike which was later found lying in their report. We have been over this already. CrowdStrike were hired fabricate a report blaming russians which they did.
I'm sorry, that'd be hearsay from you. For someone demanding "evidence" for anything, it is a bit hypocritical you to be making accusations without evidence being provided.
Evidence of Crowdstrike fabricating their report was provided just fine.

- - - Updated - - -

Denial is all yours, CrowdStrike are liars, they effectively admitted it themselves when they changed their report.
Which report?
their report.
Just to expand on my earlier thoughts, the key thing about the Flynn conversation was that it implies that the connections already existed, that the tack on Russia was already established. It'd seem odd to get all chummy chummy with Russia at that point.

I'm sorry, that'd be hearsay from you. For someone demanding "evidence" for anything, it is a bit hypocritical you to be making accusations without evidence being provided.
Evidence of Crowdstrike fabricating their report was provided just fine.
As usual, you have provided no links to support your claims.
I don't think any evidence has been revealed (yet) that Trump is in collusion or even a willing dupe of the Russians. If they interfered in the election (which they may or may not have - we don't have really solid evidence of that yet either) that doesn't mean he was in any way cooperating with them. We should be careful not to leap to conclusions. That said, I would not be at all surprised if he was.
IF THE RUSSIANS hacked the DNC, all they really did was reveal things about that mare's nest we should be knowing about them anyway. The DNC has become a grotesquely repurposed organization with an agenda so similar to that of the Republicans it is merely vying for the opportunity to do what the Republicans are doing anyway. There stilll are a few good Democrats hanging in there....but they are damned few and have been sufficiently disenfranchised by the right wing of the party. They need to leave the party en mass and start to only publicly support progressive ideas. Get this privileged crowd of rich millionaire assholes off by themselves where they can look as bad as they are. The DNC has today the same value system as the old DLC...take corporate money and deliver value to corporations. Hardly worth a second look those scum bags...Clinton, Wasserman Shultz, Shumer, Pelosi, Feinstein, etc. etc. etc.
Denial is all yours, CrowdStrike are liars, they effectively admitted it themselves when they changed their report.
Which report?
their report.
Their 2014 report?
No, 2016

I didn't realize Google was a report.
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