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Bernie Suspends Campaign


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Bernie Sanders suspends presidential campaign

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday during an all staff conference call announced that he is suspending his campaign for president.

Sanders will address supporters during a livestream at 10:45 a.m. CT. The remarks can be seen at live.berniesanders.com.

Hmmm. It will be interesting to see Bernie's tone and the direction (if any) he instructs for his followers.
You beat me to it. As someone who has disliked his attitude and unrealistic ideas, as well as his stubborn refusal to compromise, I am greatly relieved that he had the good sense to drop out now. I applaud you Bernie for finally doing the right thing!
You beat me to it. As someone who has disliked his attitude and unrealistic ideas, as well as his stubborn refusal to compromise, I am greatly relieved that he had the good sense to drop out now. I applaud you Bernie for finally doing the right thing!

I dislike his attitude, love his unrealistic ideas - except insofar as he pretends they are realistic.
I hope he uses his browbeating habit to whip his "bernie or busters" back in line to rid us of the orange scourge. If he won't force that upon them, he is doing a net disservice to the nation.
If Mr Sanders does not enthusiastically tell his fans to support the Democratic Party’s POTUS nominee, then I hope the party actively works to insure this is his last run.
Bernie Sanders suspends presidential campaign

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday during an all staff conference call announced that he is suspending his campaign for president.

Sanders will address supporters during a livestream at 10:45 a.m. CT. The remarks can be seen at live.berniesanders.com.

Hmmm. It will be interesting to see Bernie's tone and the direction (if any) he instructs for his followers.

He'd better tell them that if they have any hope to have ANYTHING they've campaigned for actually happen, they'd better get out and vote for Biden.
I dislike his attitude, love his unrealistic ideas - except insofar as he pretends they are realistic.


And I, too, hope he is able to convince his most ardent followers, that the best way to get some of what they want is to actively support Biden, and the way to get none of what they want is to take their ardor and go home, hoping the others protect them from Trump - and that they should choose option #1
For all the people wondering if Bernie will support Biden.

In 2016, Bernie did 40 campaign events for Hillary, there is even a video showing them all. The whole “Bernie didn’t support Hillary” narrative is bullshit trying to find someone to blame.
Four more years, then, huh? Fuck.

This is going to be a nightmare. We've proven that no power within the government, not the houses of congress nor the court system, has any power to stop him. Or even curb his excesses. Now we're going to hand him an electoral win to "prove" that the American people still love him. What will Trump's next moves be, given an absolutely free hand to arrange the government as he pleases? What will his priorities be?

I think the best thing that could happen for the nation right now might be an unplanned heart attack. But can even that save us from ourselves?
Four more years, then, huh? Fuck.

This is going to be a nightmare. We've proven that no power within the government, not the houses of congress nor the court system, has any power to stop him. Or even curb his excesses. Now we're going to hand him an electoral win to "prove" that the American people still love him. What will Trump's next moves be, given an absolutely free hand to arrange the government as he pleases? What will his priorities be?

I think the best thing that could happen for the nation right now might be an unplanned heart attack. But can even that save us from ourselves?

Are you still under the delusion that Bernie would beat Trump?
Sanders a little late, but this will help. Now it is time for some VP math.
Four more years, then, huh? Fuck.

This is going to be a nightmare. We've proven that no power within the government, not the houses of congress nor the court system, has any power to stop him. Or even curb his excesses. Now we're going to hand him an electoral win to "prove" that the American people still love him. What will Trump's next moves be, given an absolutely free hand to arrange the government as he pleases? What will his priorities be?

I think the best thing that could happen for the nation right now might be an unplanned heart attack. But can even that save us from ourselves?

Are you still under the delusion that Bernie would beat Trump?
Any one should be able to beat Trump. It more comes down to the electorate and people showing up.
Are you still under the delusion that Bernie would beat Trump?
That's not clear to me. But I feel beyond any real doubt that Biden is not going to be able to whip up any true enthusiasm on the part of voters who aren't already a part of the Democratic core, and that he will be hurt badly if left-leaning voters are, for reasons social or epidemiological, afraid of physically going to the polls in November as well might be. It would have been a problem for any candidate, but especially for a boring one going up against an exciting one. What are you more willing to risk your life and your last tank of gas for? A jam sandwich, or a piece of burnt toast?

I don't hate Biden*, he's been a reliable politician on the Hill, and I even voted for him in 2008. But I feel very pessimistic about how this all is going to go.

*unless he really did assault those women, that is
I dislike his attitude, love his unrealistic ideas - except insofar as he pretends they are realistic.


And I, too, hope he is able to convince his most ardent followers, that the best way to get some of what they want is to actively support Biden, and the way to get none of what they want is to take their ardor and go home, hoping the others protect them from Trump - and that they should choose option #1

I fear it’s a small “Bernie or let it burn” faction that’ll sit home. The ones who have had enough bullshit promises and half measures and are just fed up. I can’t blame them for the attitude but cooler heads must prevail. There’s everything to loose.
I dislike his attitude, love his unrealistic ideas - except insofar as he pretends they are realistic.


And I, too, hope he is able to convince his most ardent followers, that the best way to get some of what they want is to actively support Biden, and the way to get none of what they want is to take their ardor and go home, hoping the others protect them from Trump - and that they should choose option #1

I fear it’s a small “Bernie or let it burn” faction that’ll sit home. The ones who have had enough bullshit promises and half measures and are just fed up. I can’t blame them for the attitude but cooler heads must prevail. There’s everything to loose.

I'm sure they'll be blamed, just like last time, whatever the data actually shows.
Sanders Sisters praise him:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "
Thank you Bernie - for doing your best to fight for all of us, from the beginning, for your entire life.
Thank you for fighting hard, lonely fights in true devotion to a people’s movement in the United States.
Thank you for your leadership, mentorship, and example. We love you.
https://t.co/33x7hm5ErH" / Twitter[/url]
With a picture of AOC with BS.

AOC campaigned for BS in 2016, and some fellow BS campaigners helped her get started in her run for office. So she owes a big debt to BS.

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "Today, our movement faces a setback. ..." / Twitter
Today, our movement faces a setback.

But every single setback is an opportunity to push for progress.

The American people still want to live in a society where their human right to healthcare is guaranteed, where we confront the climate crisis, and where they are not shackled with debt.

In moments like this, I’m reminded of my grandfather. He was born in colonized Somalia, and was never afforded the opportunity to live in a democracy until he came to the United States.

He would tell us every day as he went to caucus and vote that this is a right and an honor. We must always remember to fully utilize it.

He cherished the ability to organize for political change because he knew how rare it was.

In a democracy, we the people still have the ability to create that society.

We need to continue to build coalitions with our neighbors, our family members.

We need to continue put pressure on our elected leaders to fight for the America we deserve.

We always knew it would not happen overnight.

But I know our cause is just.

And I am more committed than ever to fighting for somebody I don’t know. #NotMeUs

For those of you who plan to sit this election out or vote for Trump, just stop.

The livelihoods of millions of marginalized people are at stake.

We must all fight like hell to get Donald Trump out of the White House and end the rise of fascism in this country.
More Sanders Sisters:

Rashida Tlaib on Twitter: "Transformative change doesn't happen from Oval Office or Congress.
It happens when people on the streets demand it. I am grateful for @BernieSanders who beautifully called out the broken systems fueled by #corporategreed on the national stage, but it doesn't stop with him." / Twitter

Rashida Tlaib on Twitter: "*the Oval Office" / Twitter

I think that Rashida Tlaib is right about that. For over 150 years, previous progressive periods in our nation's history had mass movements that pushed for desired changes. The Civil War Era was much more than Abraham Lincoln, the Progressive Era much more than Teddy Roosevelt, the New Deal Era much more than FDR, and the Sixties Era much more than LBJ & MLK. It looks like we are entering a new one, and whoever ends up the most dominant or memorable participant in it, that person will not have done it alone.

Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "Throughout his career, @BernieSanders has demonstrated the kind of authenticity, clarity & passion that working people need in their leaders. ..." / Twitter
Throughout his career, @BernieSanders has demonstrated the kind of authenticity, clarity & passion that working people need in their leaders.

I am so proud to have campaigned fiercely with & for Bernie.

Together, @BernieSanders & I fought for #Medicare4All & humane immigration reform, to take on corporate supremacy & this corrupt administration & to lift up the voices of his multi-racial, multi-generational movement.

.@BernieSanders' work — & our work — is not done.

Our movement is needed to deliver the change that will transform our country & finally take on racial, economic & gender inequality that has plagued us for too long.

We need our movement to be energized & enthusiastic about voting to take back the White House & voting in down-ballot races in November.

Our Democratic nominee must recognize the scale of the challenges we face & must welcome & embrace the movement @BernieSanders has created.

We face an unprecedented public health & economic crisis that has revealed the problems with a ‘me first’ instead of a ‘we first’ society that prioritizes the wealthy & well-connected over regular people & the common good.

We need big thinking & solutions that match the scale of our crisis. I look forward to working with @BernieSanders to continue to champion bold, progressive ideas & lead our movement forward.
I fear it’s a small “Bernie or let it burn” faction that’ll sit home. The ones who have had enough bullshit promises and half measures and are just fed up. I can’t blame them for the attitude but cooler heads must prevail. There’s everything to loose.

I'm sure they'll be blamed, just like last time, whatever the data actually shows.

I caucused for Bernie in '16 and of course voted for him in the primary. Became alarmed at the cocky attitude of the Hillary camp, for which I had acquired a VERY STRONG dislike after seeing and hearing the people who caucused for her. But I voted for her because I didn't want what happened to happen.

I don't have that same feeling for people supporting Biden.

I think Biden will beat Trump handily, to the extent that the election isn't totally rigged. Not just because I feel a little better about "Biden people" than I did about "Hillary people". It's more the fact that Trump "won" by the slimmest of margins, some who voted for him were voting against Hillary, Uncle Vlad's tricks are better known now and many people have been burned by Trump's incompetence, malevolence and greed. And most of all, I don't think "Biden people" have the arrogant complacency that characterized Hillary's campaign.

If this comes to pass in the way I envision, there WILL be big problems in 2024, and my hope would be that someone primaries Biden from the left and wins. God knows that whoever takes over from Trump is going to look really really bad no matter how good they are - Trump has shit all over the WhiteHouse so badly that it's a wonder that anyone would want to move in. Hopefully the remedy to that bad look will come from the left, not some other Republican jackass.
Are you still under the delusion that Bernie would beat Trump?
That's not clear to me. But I feel beyond any real doubt that Biden is not going to be able to whip up any true enthusiasm on the part of voters who aren't already a part of the Democratic core, and that he will be hurt badly if left-leaning voters are, for reasons social or epidemiological, afraid of physically going to the polls in November as well might be. It would have been a problem for any candidate, but especially for a boring one going up against an exciting one. What are you more willing to risk your life and your last tank of gas for? A jam sandwich, or a piece of burnt toast?

I don't hate Biden*, he's been a reliable politician on the Hill, and I even voted for him in 2008. But I feel very pessimistic about how this all is going to go.

*unless he really did assault those women, that is

To be fair, Sanders is the one who was completely unable to whip up any enthusiasm. People stood in line for hours to vote for Biden and Sanders didn't really bring in any new voters or expand beyond his core group of Bernie Bros. Biden is leading and is popular in the swing states which matter and that is the only thing that matters. Your comment sounds like the New York woman back in 1980 who was stunned that Reagan won because she didn't know a single person who'd voted for him.

Sanders doesn't bring in a single state which Biden doesn't bring in better. Biden appeals to moderates who do vote and want an alternative to Trump and Sanders appeals to his core base who don't even vote for him, so they're irrelevant in a democracy. The Democratic ticket is in a far better position right now than they were yesterday.
Are you still under the delusion that Bernie would beat Trump?
That's not clear to me. But I feel beyond any real doubt that Biden is not going to be able to whip up any true enthusiasm on the part of voters who aren't already a part of the Democratic core, and that he will be hurt badly if left-leaning voters are, for reasons social or epidemiological, afraid of physically going to the polls in November as well might be. It would have been a problem for any candidate, but especially for a boring one going up against an exciting one. What are you more willing to risk your life and your last tank of gas for? A jam sandwich, or a piece of burnt toast?

I don't hate Biden*, he's been a reliable politician on the Hill, and I even voted for him in 2008. But I feel very pessimistic about how this all is going to go.

*unless he really did assault those women, that is

Bernie is "exciting" in the same way as a 5-alarm fire. Lots of smoke and noise, interesting to watch for a while, but wouldn't want it to happen to me. And he couldn't even get his alleged "core" of young voters to get off their asses and actually vote for him, while older generations produced record turnouts for Biden.
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