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Bernie Suspends Campaign

Are you still under the delusion that Bernie would beat Trump?
That's not clear to me. But I feel beyond any real doubt that Biden is not going to be able to whip up any true enthusiasm on the part of voters who aren't already a part of the Democratic core, and that he will be hurt badly if left-leaning voters are, for reasons social or epidemiological, afraid of physically going to the polls in November as well might be. It would have been a problem for any candidate, but especially for a boring one going up against an exciting one. What are you more willing to risk your life and your last tank of gas for? A jam sandwich, or a piece of burnt toast?

I don't hate Biden*, he's been a reliable politician on the Hill, and I even voted for him in 2008. But I feel very pessimistic about how this all is going to go.

*unless he really did assault those women, that is

Except Bernie is dropping out in large part b/c many of his supposed supporters (in social media and surveys) don't bother showing up when it counts. It's not at all clear that he'd get more people to the polls than Biden. Anyone who doesn't find stopping Trump to be enough motivation and/or who buys into the absurd "just as bad" rhetoric doesn't value the democratic process anyway and would find any excuse to leave it in the hands of others.
Are you still under the delusion that Bernie would beat Trump?
That's not clear to me. But I feel beyond any real doubt that Biden is not going to be able to whip up any true enthusiasm on the part of voters who aren't already a part of the Democratic core, and that he will be hurt badly if left-leaning voters are, for reasons social or epidemiological, afraid of physically going to the polls in November as well might be. It would have been a problem for any candidate, but especially for a boring one going up against an exciting one. What are you more willing to risk your life and your last tank of gas for? A jam sandwich, or a piece of burnt toast?

I don't hate Biden*, he's been a reliable politician on the Hill, and I even voted for him in 2008. But I feel very pessimistic about how this all is going to go.

*unless he really did assault those women, that is

Except Bernie is dropping out in large part b/c many of his supposed supporters (in social media and surveys) don't bother showing up when it counts. It's not at all clear that he'd get more people to the polls than Biden. Anyone who doesn't find stopping Trump to be enough motivation and/or who buys into the absurd "just as bad" rhetoric doesn't value the democratic process anyway and would find any excuse to leave it in the hands of others.
Every four years, a mythical outpouring of young voters is always foretold, to support the progressive cause. '

This prophecy has been spoken of almost as often as the End of World ones, and generally with similar accuracy.
Except Bernie is dropping out in large part b/c many of his supposed supporters (in social media and surveys) don't bother showing up when it counts. It's not at all clear that he'd get more people to the polls than Biden. Anyone who doesn't find stopping Trump to be enough motivation and/or who buys into the absurd "just as bad" rhetoric doesn't value the democratic process anyway and would find any excuse to leave it in the hands of others.
Every four years, a mythical outpouring of young voters is always foretold, to support the progressive cause. '

This prophecy has been spoken of almost as often as the End of World ones, and generally with similar accuracy.

I had for awhile an ounce of sympathy for young voters and the various hurdles they may have in different states to actually get out and vote. But now when I see people standing in line for hours during a pandemic with masks on to exercise their right to vote, I’m going back to my ‘lazy apathetic iGeners with their noses buried in their phones’ opinion.
The Dow spiked 800 points after the announcement. Sanders supporters will say it shows that Biden is in the pocket of the money men. Biden supporters will say that even the money men believe Trump is destroying the economy. Trump supporters will say, "What's a Dow?".
I'd vote for a fuzzy pickle painted blue before I would vote for anything within 2 degrees separation of the criminal piece of shit there now.

I wanted it to be Bernie. It's not. All the rhetoric is gone and I am old enough to recognize that we will get some things we deserve from the mouldy blue pickle, and we would get rather straight fucked by the tiny mushroom penis.

The coronavirus put work from home on many negotiation tables, and that will be discussed next year no matter what happens.
Are you still under the delusion that Bernie would beat Trump?
That's not clear to me. But I feel beyond any real doubt that Biden is not going to be able to whip up any true enthusiasm on the part of voters who aren't already a part of the Democratic core, and that he will be hurt badly if left-leaning voters are, for reasons social or epidemiological, afraid of physically going to the polls in November as well might be. It would have been a problem for any candidate, but especially for a boring one going up against an exciting one. What are you more willing to risk your life and your last tank of gas for? A jam sandwich, or a piece of burnt toast?

I don't hate Biden*, he's been a reliable politician on the Hill, and I even voted for him in 2008. But I feel very pessimistic about how this all is going to go.

*unless he really did assault those women, that is

To be fair, Sanders is the one who was completely unable to whip up any enthusiasm. People stood in line for hours to vote for Biden and Sanders didn't really bring in any new voters or expand beyond his core group of Bernie Bros. Biden is leading and is popular in the swing states which matter and that is the only thing that matters. Your comment sounds like the New York woman back in 1980 who was stunned that Reagan won because she didn't know a single person who'd voted for him.

Sanders doesn't bring in a single state which Biden doesn't bring in better. Biden appeals to moderates who do vote and want an alternative to Trump and Sanders appeals to his core base who don't even vote for him, so they're irrelevant in a democracy. The Democratic ticket is in a far better position right now than they were yesterday.

I hope you're right.
Except Bernie is dropping out in large part b/c many of his supposed supporters (in social media and surveys) don't bother showing up when it counts. It's not at all clear that he'd get more people to the polls than Biden. Anyone who doesn't find stopping Trump to be enough motivation and/or who buys into the absurd "just as bad" rhetoric doesn't value the democratic process anyway and would find any excuse to leave it in the hands of others.
Every four years, a mythical outpouring of young voters is always foretold, to support the progressive cause. '

This prophecy has been spoken of almost as often as the End of World ones, and generally with similar accuracy.

I had for awhile an ounce of sympathy for young voters and the various hurdles they may have in different states to actually get out and vote. But now when I see people standing in line for hours during a pandemic with masks on to exercise their right to vote, I’m going back to my ‘lazy apathetic iGeners with their noses buried in their phones’ opinion.

Remember that this prophecy has been told for decades. It isn’t just this generation. I’ve voted in every election possible since turning 18 with the exception of two very off season small primaries. But everyone can’t be like me. Couldn’t produce enough cheesecake.
I had for awhile an ounce of sympathy for young voters and the various hurdles they may have in different states to actually get out and vote. But now when I see people standing in line for hours during a pandemic with masks on to exercise their right to vote, I’m going back to my ‘lazy apathetic iGeners with their noses buried in their phones’ opinion.
I don't see why one ought to take a smug satisfaction at the sight of voting being needlessly difficult, because that is what I'm seeing here.
Do you think Bernie will return his campaign donations to the people since he doesn't need them anymore? A true socialist would.
I fear it’s a small “Bernie or let it burn” faction that’ll sit home. The ones who have had enough bullshit promises and half measures and are just fed up. I can’t blame them for the attitude but cooler heads must prevail. There’s everything to loose.

I'm sure they'll be blamed, just like last time, whatever the data actually shows.

Well, every factor gets blamed when the voting margin is so slim.
Do you think Bernie will return his campaign donations to the people since he doesn't need them anymore? A true socialist would.

So if he doesn't, that makes liars of his accusers who say he's a true socialist, and makes him honest - he is what he has said he is all along - a democratic socialist. So what.
More important is whether he will return his followers to the mission of ridding us of the orange scourge. Time will tell.
Do you think Bernie will return his campaign donations to the people since he doesn't need them anymore? A true socialist would.

So if he doesn't, that makes liars of his accusers who say he's a true socialist, and makes him honest - he is what he has said he is all along - a democratic socialist. So what.
More important is whether he will return his followers to the mission of ridding us of the orange scourge. Time will tell.

He's doing exactly what he should be doing, leaving himself on the ballot in the primaries, suspending his campaign, and changing to a different battleground than the battle over president. He will get delegates with which leverage on party platform may be secured, and he eventually puts up for the mouldy blue pickle over the orange turd once Sanders has used as much leverage as he dares.

IOW, good politics
So if he doesn't, that makes liars of his accusers who say he's a true socialist, and makes him honest - he is what he has said he is all along - a democratic socialist. So what.
Sigh. A democratic socialist IS a socialist. The word you are looking for is social democrat. A very different animal.
I had for awhile an ounce of sympathy for young voters and the various hurdles they may have in different states to actually get out and vote. But now when I see people standing in line for hours during a pandemic with masks on to exercise their right to vote, I’m going back to my ‘lazy apathetic iGeners with their noses buried in their phones’ opinion.
I don't see why one ought to take a smug satisfaction at the sight of voting being needlessly difficult, because that is what I'm seeing here.

Not at all. It was not my intention to come across as such. Perhaps it's my natural inclination toward sarcasm that creates this perception.
I would like nothing more than to see theirs or the preceding generation step up with a sustained effort to wrest this nation from those who have settled in comfortably to their seats of power. I would like to at least see a sustained campaign on something they are passionate about be it the environment, gun control, defense spending, or the debt they will inherit. Pick something and stick with it. I was heartened to see students rise up after the Parkland shooting only to see it fall out of the news. I was similarly proud to see Greta Thunberg energize so many young people. Perhaps I'm misjudging it but it appeared to me she had so much more success mobilizing students in European nations than in the US. It can be hard to tell watching the likes of MSNBC. There seems to be a pattern of avoiding comments on crowd size or panoramic video of the crowd when it is less than favorable to the cause.
I am not being smug. I am just trying to be honest with myself.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “Thank you, @berniesanders - for your leadership, mentorship, and example. ...”
Thank you, @berniesanders - for your leadership, mentorship, and example.
Thank you for fighting for all of us from the very beginning, and throughout your entire life.
Thank you for fighting the hard, lonely fights in true devotion to a people’s movement in the United States.
Thank you for inspiring me to run for office. You made this broke girl from the Bronx believe that a grassroots movement was possible and winnable, and that everyday, working people are powerful enough to overcome the entrenched interests of corrupted power and systems.
You have shown us that victory is ours for the organizing, even if not always guaranteed. Thank you for demonstrating that it IS possible to serve authentically, without compromising our values or integrity, and with the ferocious urgency and paradigm-challenging leadership that this moment demands.
Thank you for it all. We love you. #NotMeUs
📸: @gabriel.himself
So if he doesn't, that makes liars of his accusers who say he's a true socialist, and makes him honest - he is what he has said he is all along - a democratic socialist. So what.
Sigh. A democratic socialist IS a socialist. The word you are looking for is social democrat. A very different animal.

Right. Anything but a "True Socialist" ... point still stands. His accusers are liars and he has been honest.
Ayanna Pressley endorsed Elizabeth Warren, but she has this tribute:

Ayanna Pressley on Twitter: "@BernieSanders you have been and will always be a tireless champion for working families
You have fought everyday for progressive values and you have brought so many people into this movement who had felt unheard and unseen
Together, the work continues" / Twitter

Bernard Sanders was born in Brooklyn, New York City, on 1941 September 8, the son of a Polish Jewish immigrant and the daughter of two Polish Jewish immigrants. Many of his relatives back in Poland were murdered by the Nazis, and he said about it that A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932. He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including six million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."

That's not quite correct. In 1932, Hitler lost the German presidential election to Paul von Hindenburg, but his party won the largest fraction of the seats in the Reichstag (Parliament). Not a majority, however, and he joined in a coalition with some other parties.

He went to college in Brooklyn College (1959-60), then in the University of Chicago (1960-64), graduating in political science. He described himself as a mediocre student because college stuff was "boring and irrelevant." He was heavily involved with activism back then, especially civil-rights activism. The time was "the major period of intellectual ferment in my life." There is some surviving video of him getting arrested for a sit-in. Someone who remembered him described him as "a swell guy, a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn, but he wasn't terribly charismatic. One of his strengths, though, was his ability to work with a wide group of people, even those he didn't agree with." He read the works of such authors as Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, John Dewey, Karl Marx, and Erich Fromm.
After graduating, BS returned to New York City, where he worked at a variety of jobs, including Head Start teacher, psychiatric aid, and carpenter. But in 1968, he moved to Stannard, VT, a tiny town, because he was "captivated by rural life." He worked as a carpenter, filmmaker, and writer. He created and sold "radical film strips" and other such stuff to schools, and he wrote for the alternative publication The Vermont Freeman. In the mid-1970's, he moved to Chittenden County.

He started electoral politics in 1971 as a member of the Liberty Union Party, an offshoot of the antiwar movement. He ran for governor in 1972 (1.1%) and 1976 (6.1%), and for US senator in 1972 (2.2%) and 1974 (4.1%).

In 1977, he quit and worked as a writer, then director, of the American People's Historical Society. While in it, he made a 30-minute documentary about labor leader Eugene Debs. He ran for President five times in the Socialist Party.

He then decided to run for mayor of Burlington, VT, and in 1981, he won by 10 votes with 43.4% of the vote. He slammed his main opponent, incumbent mayor Gordon "Gordie" Paquette, as being closely associated with a shopping-mall developer. He won again in 1983 with 52.1% of the vote, in 1985 with 56.1%, and in 1987 with 55.9%. In 1986, he ran for governor, losing with 14.4% of the vote. During this time, he called himself a socialist. In 1989, he decided not to run again, becoming a lecturer in political science in Harvard University, and in 1991, in Howard University.

As mayor, BS lead some downtown revitalization projects, like redeveloping the waterfront area into a mixed-use district with housing, parks, and public spaces. He criticized US foreign policy in Latin America, and he praised Noam Chomsky as "a very vocal and important voice in the wilderness of intellectual life in America" saying that he was "delighted to welcome a person who I think we're all very proud of." He also hosted an produced a public-access TV program, "Bernie Speaks with the Community", from 1986 to 1988. In 1987, US News & World Report ranked BS as one of the US's best mayors.

In 1988, BS ran for the US House of Representatives, but he lost with 37.5% of the vote. He tried again in 1990, winning with 56.0%, in 1992, with 57.8%, in 1994, with 49.9%, in 1996, with 55.2%, in 1998, with 63.4%, in 2000, with 69.2%, in 2002, with 64.2%, and in 2004 with 76.2%. A good winning margin.

He alienated members of both parties by arguing that they mostly worked for the rich, but over the years he had more roll-call amendments passed than any of his colleagues. He co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus in 1991.

He voted against some gun-control laws, though he voted for others, but he also voted against the Patriot Act and involvement in Iraq.
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