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Biased media refuses to credit Trump for giving raise to military personnel


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism


The liberal media conspiracy at Military Times are claiming that military personnel have received raises nearly every year for the last 30 years despite the fact that Trump clearly stated that the military has not received raises in over 10 years. Who are you going to believe? The lying liberal media, or the smartest, most patriotic, most God-appointed president in American history?

The liberal media conspiracy just won't stop bashing Trump with lies every chance they get! They just don't want to give him credit for anything because they don't want to acknowledge his greatness! MAGA!
Maybe the military all remember the news stories about Trump trying to cut this years pay raise below the mandated minimum...
I mean, why give him credit for a fight he lost?
Recently Trump tweeted:

Why doesn’t the Fake News Media state that the Trump Administration’s Anti-Trust Division has been, and is, opposed to the AT&T purchase of Time Warner in a currently ongoing Trial. Such a disgrace in reporting!

To which I replied:

That's been literally everywhere you dumb ass.

Everyone knows militarytimes.com is funded by George Soros.

They are obviously part of a Soros-funded conspiracy to convert America to communo-fascism!

- - - Updated - - -

Recently Trump tweeted:


[FONT=&]Why doesn’t the Fake News Media state that the Trump Administration’s Anti-Trust Division has been, and is, opposed to the AT&T purchase of Time Warner in a currently ongoing Trial. Such a disgrace in reporting![/FONT]

To which I replied:

[FONT=&]That's been literally everywhere you dumb ass.[/FONT]

You're telling me Trump was wrong about that?

FAKE NEWS!!!!! [/concservolibertarian]
Wow. So Trump isn't exactly generous here... but the military raises under Obama were pretty miserly. I mean, enlisted are already paid pretty much crap... but still. Seems like a basic adjustment in line with inflation would be deserved.
Wow. So Trump isn't exactly generous here... but the military raises under Obama were pretty miserly. I mean, enlisted are already paid pretty much crap... but still. Seems like a basic adjustment in line with inflation would be deserved.


Basic pay for the military did increase by 2.4 percent on Jan. 1, 2018 — the largest in eight years. But pay increases are determined by a statutory formula, and Trump in fact requested an amount below the automatic adjustment for 2018. Congress overrode the president’s proposal, and Trump ultimately agreed to fully fund the increase as determined by federal law.

So Trump tries to cut the pay increase, fails at that, then takes credit for the increase. Wutta fucking slime ball.
Wow. So Trump isn't exactly generous here... but the military raises under Obama were pretty miserly. I mean, enlisted are already paid pretty much crap... but still. Seems like a basic adjustment in line with inflation would be deserved.


Basic pay for the military did increase by 2.4 percent on Jan. 1, 2018 — the largest in eight years. But pay increases are determined by a statutory formula, and Trump in fact requested an amount below the automatic adjustment for 2018. Congress overrode the president’s proposal, and Trump ultimately agreed to fully fund the increase as determined by federal law.

So Trump tries to cut the pay increase, fails at that, then takes credit for the increase. Wutta fucking slime ball.

Wow. So the whole system is out to screw the military, and Trump is just one more asshole in the mix.
"God-appointed"????????????? Still sinking in.

Of course, just like how God appointed Bush, and of course Regan. Obama?... god was taking a nap that day, same with Clinton.


Bush admitted to war crimes in press conferences, while Trump is corrupt, a traitor, and defends Nazis. Can you possibly imagine a more Christian politician than Trump and Bush II?

Well, actually, I can. In the Bible, god doesn't just defend people who want genocide. He actually commits it. On multiple occasions.
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