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Biden claims nobody would have died from COVID-19 if Trump had 'done his job'


Mar 31, 2007
Video here:

"If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people — I’m not making this up. Just look at the data. Look at the data."

Politico and WashPo have fact-checked Biden's statement, and have come to the startling conclusion that Biden is wrong! As it turns out, even the most praised leaders have a COVID-19 body count!

It’s obvious he meant the people who would not have died had Trump done his job. He was focused on those people, that percentage. Why would anyone think anything different? He simply neglected to preface his statement properly.
Big deal. He misspoke.
It’s obvious he meant the people who would not have died had Trump done his job. He was focused on those people, that percentage. Why would anyone think anything different? He simply neglected to preface his statement properly.
Big deal. He misspoke.

Lol! The "I'm not a Trumpsucker" is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for something with which to tar ol' sleepy Joe.

If the shoe were on the other foot, the line would be "If only one fewer person would have died, wouldn't it be worth kicking the failed President to the curb and electing Donald Trump <or whatever Republican nominee>?" As it is, they're still shining about the seven people who died of Ebolaq while Obama was President.
Since it's an autocratic republitard in the WH, the difference between him killing 200,000 people and ONLY killing 190,000 people, is a critical matter that weighs heavily in favor a re-electing the fucker and letting him murder ANOTHER 190,000...

Fucking pseudo-conservative morons are starting to really piss me off.
Video here:

"If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people — I’m not making this up. Just look at the data. Look at the data."

Politico and WashPo have fact-checked Biden's statement, and have come to the startling conclusion that Biden is wrong! As it turns out, even the most praised leaders have a COVID-19 body count!

Fine. I'll give you that the US rates are ONLY about from 80 to 117 times the rates of New Zealand and South Korea. Still it's seems rational to say that a rate about 100 times as high as another nation is like comparing watermelons to to limes. Or, "I kid you not, look at the statistics american death rates are about 100 times higher than nations which have their acts together."

Metaphor, do you actually want to continue with this line of silliness? Its only going to make Trump look the fool supported by fools. If you want us bring up 100 to 1 performance comparisons go for it.
Okay. Trump’s only responsible for about 180,000 deaths. I think that would be a fair number to hang on him considering our population in comparison to other countries and our obesity rate.
Also, we do not look at these comments in a vacuum. They are viewed in the light of a lifetime of public comments. When viewed as such, do you think Biden misspoke or lied? We’re it Trump making the comment given his track record?
So, what you may now try to present as a double standard, isn’t as Biden has long established himself as an individual who will mangle many a statement and Trump has long established himself as a fucking liar.
It’s obvious he meant the people who would not have died had Trump done his job. He was focused on those people, that percentage. Why would anyone think anything different? He simply neglected to preface his statement properly.
Big deal. He misspoke.

I'm sorry to have drawn any attention to it, and I humbly apologise.
It’s obvious he meant the people who would not have died had Trump done his job. He was focused on those people, that percentage. Why would anyone think anything different? He simply neglected to preface his statement properly.
Big deal. He misspoke.

Lol! The "I'm not a Trumpsucker" is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for something with which to tar ol' sleepy Joe.

If the shoe were on the other foot, the line would be "If only one fewer person would have died, wouldn't it be worth kicking the failed President to the curb and electing Donald Trump <or whatever Republican nominee>?" As it is, they're still shining about the seven people who died of Ebolaq while Obama was President.
Since it's an autocratic republitard in the WH, the difference between him killing 200,000 people and ONLY killing 190,000 people, is a critical matter that weighs heavily in favor a re-electing the fucker and letting him murder ANOTHER 190,000...

Fucking pseudo-conservative morons are starting to really piss me off.

I'm sorry to have drawn any attention to it, and I humbly apologise for being a "pseudo-conservative moron".
Okay. Trump’s only responsible for about 180,000 deaths. I think that would be a fair number to hang on him considering our population in comparison to other countries and our obesity rate.
Also, we do not look at these comments in a vacuum. They are viewed in the light of a lifetime of public comments. When viewed as such, do you think Biden misspoke or lied? We’re it Trump making the comment given his track record?
So, what you may now try to present as a double standard, isn’t as Biden has long established himself as an individual who will mangle many a statement and Trump has long established himself as a fucking liar.

To say it is either mis-speaking or lying is a false dichotomy. Biden may be mistaken. He may truly believe that every single person could have been saved.

Tell me, why do you think drawing attention to something Biden said means I support Trump?
I'm sorry to have drawn any attention to it, and I humbly apologise for being a "pseudo-conservative moron".

Apology accepted. Now ... can't you come up with a more substantive criticism of Biden? Something on the scale of having caused some tens (or hundreds) of thousands of needless American deaths? You know, like Trump has done?

...why do you think drawing attention to something Biden said means I support Trump?

Well, since it is a foregone conclusion that either Trump or Biden will be president from 2021-2025, and EVERY post you make regarding Biden is an attempt to cast him in a negative light, your support for another four years of Trump corruption (or your complete and utter lack of understanding of presidential election dynamics) is an inescapable conclusion.
Metaphor, do you actually want to continue with this line of silliness? Its only going to make Trump look the fool supported by fools. If you want us bring up 100 to 1 performance comparisons go for it.

What "line of silliness"? Do you mean "dissenting" from the board by not adding my voice to the chorus of endless and boring Trump hatred?
Okay. Trump’s only responsible for about 180,000 deaths. I think that would be a fair number to hang on him considering our population in comparison to other countries and our obesity rate.
Also, we do not look at these comments in a vacuum. They are viewed in the light of a lifetime of public comments. When viewed as such, do you think Biden misspoke or lied? We’re it Trump making the comment given his track record?
So, what you may now try to present as a double standard, isn’t as Biden has long established himself as an individual who will mangle many a statement and Trump has long established himself as a fucking liar.

10,000 in the US? I doubt it, even with a very competent executive, Americans are incapable of doing the sorts of things necessary to combat the virus to bring deaths down to that level. People were shooting each other over wearing masks within the first few weeks. I don't think if say, Clinton or Obama would have been President that the New York / New Jersey outbreak would have been ameliorated by much, certainly not to bring the deaths down to only 10k. I think something like 50k is more realistic. But probably higher. More like 100k.
People were shooting each other over wearing masks within the first few weeks.

I'm sure that Trump ridiculing people wearing masks and yelpng about Democrats trying to curtail the freedoms of people in red States (while the pandemic was hitting mostly Blue States) had nothing to do with that.
Yah sure, right.
Since countries with actual leadership have held down the per capita death rate to as little as 1/100th the rate in the US, it could be construed that as few as 2,000 deaths might have occurred in the US if we had had leadership.
But hell - let's multiply that tenfold in consideration of the American stupidity in which you seem to believe. That STILL leaves 180,000 deaths caused by Trump's dereliction of duty.
I'm sorry to have drawn any attention to it, and I humbly apologise for being a "pseudo-conservative moron".

Apology accepted. Now ... can't you come up with a more substantive criticism of Biden?

That seems like such a small task, and yet it is an Herculean one for a pseudo-conservative moron. While obviously I lack the cognitive werewithall to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the best and brightest on the board, but I do hold out hope that I might be able to continue to post. I'm mentally and morally unworthy I know, but even if my cup won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full?
Biden is wrong. Americans would have died regardless. This does seem a peculiar complaint by Metaphor as clearly Trump's actions on COVID-19 have led to the deaths of over 100,000 people. He has denied the significance of the pandemic, encouraged people not to wear masks, and has repeatedly interferred with the CDC in dealing with the pandemic from the hydroxychloroquine bullshit to recommendation guidelines to seizing PPE and equipment headed to states to deal with the pandemic.

Trump did much much worse than just nothing.
Okay. Trump’s only responsible for about 180,000 deaths. I think that would be a fair number to hang on him considering our population in comparison to other countries and our obesity rate.
Also, we do not look at these comments in a vacuum. They are viewed in the light of a lifetime of public comments. When viewed as such, do you think Biden misspoke or lied? We’re it Trump making the comment given his track record?
So, what you may now try to present as a double standard, isn’t as Biden has long established himself as an individual who will mangle many a statement and Trump has long established himself as a fucking liar.

10,000 in the US? I doubt it, even with a very competent executive, Americans are incapable of doing the sorts of things necessary to combat the virus to bring deaths down to that level. People were shooting each other over wearing masks within the first few weeks. I don't think if say, Clinton or Obama would have been President that the New York / New Jersey outbreak would have been ameliorated by much, certainly not to bring the deaths down to only 10k. I think something like 50k is more realistic. But probably higher. More like 100k.
That comes down to if anyone else would have had their ass flapping out over the Atlantic while bragging about the China travel ban. Two or three weeks quicker response to Europe would have saved tens of thousands of lives in NY, NJ, MA.
Metaphor, do you actually want to continue with this line of silliness? Its only going to make Trump look the fool supported by fools. If you want us bring up 100 to 1 performance comparisons go for it.

What "line of silliness"? Do you mean "dissenting" from the board by not adding my voice to the chorus of endless and boring Trump hatred?

That's been the most perplexing thing to me about Trump supporters. He's obviously conning them. Why don't they hate him too?
Okay. Trump’s only responsible for about 180,000 deaths. I think that would be a fair number to hang on him considering our population in comparison to other countries and our obesity rate.
Also, we do not look at these comments in a vacuum. They are viewed in the light of a lifetime of public comments. When viewed as such, do you think Biden misspoke or lied? We’re it Trump making the comment given his track record?
So, what you may now try to present as a double standard, isn’t as Biden has long established himself as an individual who will mangle many a statement and Trump has long established himself as a fucking liar.

10,000 in the US? I doubt it, even with a very competent executive, Americans are incapable of doing the sorts of things necessary to combat the virus to bring deaths down to that level. People were shooting each other over wearing masks within the first few weeks. I don't think if say, Clinton or Obama would have been President that the New York / New Jersey outbreak would have been ameliorated by much, certainly not to bring the deaths down to only 10k. I think something like 50k is more realistic. But probably higher. More like 100k.

With good, effective leadership designed to help the general population understand the threat and the steps necessary to contain it? Yes, Americans are more than capable of doing just that. Think of WWII with ration cards (food and gas) and meatless Mondays and no nylons or butter, black outs enforced by local authorities. Yeah, we can. It helps if leadership isn't worried more about their reelection than the welfare of the people.

Frankly, I would also hang some of the deaths globally on Trump's head. The world has been accustomed to following the US leadership and simply put, there has been none except the road straight to hell for the past 3.5 years.
Metaphor, do you actually want to continue with this line of silliness? Its only going to make Trump look the fool supported by fools. If you want us bring up 100 to 1 performance comparisons go for it.

What "line of silliness"? Do you mean "dissenting" from the board by not adding my voice to the chorus of endless and boring Trump hatred?

That's been the most perplexing thing to me about Trump supporters. He's obviously conning them. Why don't they hate him too?

They agree with him on most things. For some, it's only the abortion issue. They cannot see the children harmed or dead because of his policies. Sure, they think he's crass and 'plain spoken.' Maybe not a nice person but the person needed for these times.
People were shooting each other over wearing masks within the first few weeks.

I'm sure that Trump ridiculing people wearing masks and yelpng about Democrats trying to curtail the freedoms of people in red States (while the pandemic was hitting mostly Blue States) had nothing to do with that.
Yah sure, right.
Since countries with actual leadership have held down the per capita death rate to as little as 1/100th the rate in the US, it could be construed that as few as 2,000 deaths might have occurred in the US if we had had leadership.
But hell - let's multiply that tenfold in consideration of the American stupidity in which you seem to believe. That STILL leaves 180,000 deaths caused by Trump's dereliction of duty.
Sure Trump had something to do with it, I'm not suggesting otherwise. I'm suggesting that America, you know, a place where Trump has a rather large following, wouldn't have reacted that differently. Your idea that the USA could have realized death rates like those in South Korea are just not realistic, in my view. I mean, have you met Americans?

This idea seems to have taken hold that Trump is some sort of aberration, something that doesn't truly represent America. That isn't true. Trump isn't some Pied Piper. He's just a typical No-Nothing nativist nationalist. Something which American history is filled with, and he just happens to have been the most successful one. Because that is a representative of a large part of America.
Note how the clip starts just as he says those words. This makes me strongly suspect that this is a deceptive edit, the context would be apparent if we heard what came just before this.
Okay. Trump’s only responsible for about 180,000 deaths. I think that would be a fair number to hang on him considering our population in comparison to other countries and our obesity rate.
Also, we do not look at these comments in a vacuum. They are viewed in the light of a lifetime of public comments. When viewed as such, do you think Biden misspoke or lied? We’re it Trump making the comment given his track record?
So, what you may now try to present as a double standard, isn’t as Biden has long established himself as an individual who will mangle many a statement and Trump has long established himself as a fucking liar.

10,000 in the US? I doubt it, even with a very competent executive, Americans are incapable of doing the sorts of things necessary to combat the virus to bring deaths down to that level. People were shooting each other over wearing masks within the first few weeks. I don't think if say, Clinton or Obama would have been President that the New York / New Jersey outbreak would have been ameliorated by much, certainly not to bring the deaths down to only 10k. I think something like 50k is more realistic. But probably higher. More like 100k.

With good, effective leadership designed to help the general population understand the threat and the steps necessary to contain it? Yes, Americans are more than capable of doing just that. Think of WWII with ration cards (food and gas) and meatless Mondays and no nylons or butter, black outs enforced by local authorities. Yeah, we can. It helps if leadership isn't worried more about their reelection than the welfare of the people.

Frankly, I would also hang some of the deaths globally on Trump's head. The world has been accustomed to following the US leadership and simply put, there has been none except the road straight to hell for the past 3.5 years.

Sure, if it is in the context of war, then Americans are great at coming together and accomplishing pretty impressive national feats. Nowhere near, say, the Soviet Union, but nothing to sneeze at.

America can be good at a lot of things, but the sorts of things that motivates the American id are not really coming together to help the common good because there is a pandemic that might kill a few hundred thousand people, most of them old and poor. Sorry, I just don't see any evidence of that, neither historically nor in my day to day life.

Maybe if coronavirus sunk a warship or something.
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