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Birtherism 2.0

Newsweek is such a right-wing rag.

When a reporter asked Trump he said "I just heard that, I heard it today that she doesn't meet the requirements ... uh, and by the way the lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, talented lawyer. I have no idea, that's right, I would have th-, I would have assumed the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for Vice President. But that's a very serious ... you're saying that, you're saying that she doesn't qualify because she wasn't born in this country."

What a profound endorsement of the idea. Surely Trump could not have stated it any more strongly. There is no way someone, upon reading that transcript, could come to any conclusion other than "Hell yeah Trump is absolutely certain that Kamala isn't a natural born citizen."

If you haven't realised by now Trump only communicates via innuendo, rumour and implication then you are pretty fucking stupid. I know you are not stupid. So that just leaves me wondering why you are being so disingenuous.

I find myself wondering about people being disingenuous as well - those who claim that statement is somehow a ringing endorsement of Birtherism 2.0.

Well, I can't help you with your ignorance on the whole birther issue so I guess you're just going to have to figure it out on your own.
I find myself wondering about people being disingenuous as well - those who claim that statement is somehow a ringing endorsement of Birtherism 2.0.

Well, I can't help you with your ignorance on the whole birther issue so I guess you're just going to have to figure it out on your own.

I know about the original birther issue, but if you think that after reading what Trump actually fucking said and seeing less than an endorsement of this new birtherism is ignorance, there really is now help for you

"I just heard about it today, I don't know" is definitely a far cry from "hell yes she is foreign", for sane people at least.
It's very different, though. They're not questioning Harris's place of birth. The debate is about constitutional interpretation only. And of course she's eligible, and the courts would recognize that if there is a case - which they might alternatively reject the case on some technicality, like no standing to sue, or not a matter for the courts, etc.
Trump knew exactly what he was doing. He's done this over and over and over. He tries to smear Ted Cruz back in '16 with some kind of murky involvement of Cruz's father with JFK's assassination. When he's called on it, he insists that the reporter should be asking The National Enquirer about it, not Trump, because Trump is just repeating what he read. That is in no way acting responsibly -- but Trump has never shown responsibility on issues of truth versus rumor-spreading. Earlier this year, he repeats some insane and seamy gossip about a staffer who once worked for Joe Scarborough and was found dead at her workplace, and he states that maybe this "case" should be reinvestigated. The deceased woman's family goes public, begging the President to stop talking about her and to stop implying there was something sinister about her death. Isn't that choice, for a President to be exhorted to leave a dead woman's memory alone?

On Kamala and citizenship, the "case" against her eligibility is nonexistent, unless you're a rightie with a Q-Anon level of understanding reality.
If Trump can't understand her eligibility, he's too goddamn stupid to be President. The Constitution should be something he knows with exactitude -- do you believe Trump has ever read it? (Honestly, do you?)
If Trump simply believes he stands to gain by promoting nutty scandals and conspiracies in public, he lacks the moral stature to be President. Put it together with the asinine things he's said about Obama wiretapping him, the FBI officials committing TREASON by looking into why a Presidential campaign should be discussing intel deals with the Russkies, the stuff he continues to say about hydroxychloraquine, mask use, the safety of schools opening in the next two weeks, the alleged fraud level in mail-in votes (which of course he and his family use) and you have...well, you have the same man who promoted Birtherism starting in 2011. A liar. A rumor-monger. Making a judgment on Trump's character could have been done by anyone in 2011 -- he is a vicious, sadistic liar who doesn't care what he says about others, willing to put out any lie that might catch the attention of the non-readers who love this stuff.
Not much as far as I know, but I haven't been digging.

I. Posted. The. Quote.

I am aware. I had read it before anyway. That is not much, though. As I mentioned, he hasn't said much as far as I know, but I haven't been digging. Now I dug a bit, but haven't found anything else. So, I think he's probably not said much.
Natural born citizen?

Does that mean c-section babies aren't allowed?

Does that mean test tube babies aren't allowed?
Test tube babies ought to be ok, the law talks about birth and not conception. But people born via c-section have no souls and their allegiance is to no country but Hell itself, so obviously they shouldn't be allowed to be president.

I should know, I'm one of them...
Newsweek is such a right-wing rag.

When a reporter asked Trump he said "I just heard that, I heard it today that she doesn't meet the requirements ... uh, and by the way the lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, talented lawyer. I have no idea, that's right, I would have th-, I would have assumed the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for Vice President. But that's a very serious ... you're saying that, you're saying that she doesn't qualify because she wasn't born in this country."

What a profound endorsement of the idea. Surely Trump could not have stated it any more strongly. There is no way someone, upon reading that transcript, could come to any conclusion other than "Hell yeah Trump is absolutely certain that Kamala isn't a natural born citizen."

There is a slight but error in your transcription. Trump did not say " I have no idea, that's right,..", but " I have no idea if that's right...", so he was saying he did not know whether the theory was correct.
Newsweek is such a right-wing rag.

Actually what you say above is now true. Today's Newsweek is not your father's Newsweek.

The magazine was sold recently to a conglomerate with ties to a S. Korean Rev. Moon type who claims to be the son of gawd. Now lots of Breitbart, Daily Wire reporters and editors have been hired on. The magazine since then has taken a decidedly right-wing bent. While the editor, one of the new hires, has apologized for publishing the birtherism, she has not taken down the post.
Newsweek is such a right-wing rag.

When a reporter asked Trump he said "I just heard that, I heard it today that she doesn't meet the requirements ... uh, and by the way the lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, talented lawyer. I have no idea, that's right, I would have th-, I would have assumed the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for Vice President. But that's a very serious ... you're saying that, you're saying that she doesn't qualify because she wasn't born in this country."

What a profound endorsement of the idea. Surely Trump could not have stated it any more strongly. There is no way someone, upon reading that transcript, could come to any conclusion other than "Hell yeah Trump is absolutely certain that Kamala isn't a natural born citizen."

There is a slight but error in your transcription. Trump did not say " I have no idea, that's right,..", but " I have no idea if that's right...", so he was saying he did not know whether the theory was correct.

Essentially not outright endorsing it, but a non-committal statement that implies that there is reasonable doubt. Like a number of republicans do to connect things in people's minds without saying anything they could be legally held to. For example the FOX Question, or the Bush administration repeatedly talking about 9/11 and Saddam in the same sentence, but not specifically saying he was connected to it.
Instead of insults, why don't you address what I said.

Apparently the important thing is whether or not there exist a position that is too vapid for you. I'm sure Jason has a vapidity meter that can provide a conclusive answer. Meanwhile, the ownership of Newsweek now resting in the hands of a delusional, often RW extremist, self deluded nutbar is not of any importance to the question of its political bent. Nor is Jason's ignorance thereof.
Instead of insults, why don't you address what I said.

Apparently the important thing is whether or not there exist a position that is too vapid for you. I'm sure Jason has a vapidity meter that can provide a conclusive answer. Meanwhile, the ownership of Newsweek now resting in the hands of a delusional, often RW extremist, self deluded nutbar is not of any importance to the question of its political bent. Nor is Jason's ignorance thereof.

Wow, you seem offended that I said that about Zipr instead of you.
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