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#BLM leader calls for Trump assassination


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs

Secret Service should pay him a visit. And why isn't Twitter banning his ass? Milo was banned because he retweeted some mean things about Leslie Jones but this BS is allowed?
Ya, that does seem to be a clear call for violence against the President Elect and that guy should be arrested.
I heard some guy got badly burned after trying to start a fire in a protest at the Trump Hotel in DC. These people are fucking stupid. They can't possibly be true liberals. *shifty eyes*
I see no specific threats, but it is irresponsible. Milo Yiannopoulo was stalking and harassing a woman through Twitter.
Since tweets can be easily fabricated, and since Deray is openly against violence, the first step is to verify this tweet.

In other words, is this something he actually said?

My guess is "no", but let's go for it...

ETA: this is also clearly out of context, and makes no reference to killing anyone. Sorry, Derec, but you need to work much harder to show that McKesson is advocating killing anyone.
Also, given that the anti-BLM folks have openly advocated for black people to be shot and killed at random, I'm not sure why I should pay attention to their hypocritical objections to murder now, regardless of what Deray actually said.

Also, given that the anti-BLM folks have openly advocated for black people to be shot and killed at random, I'm not sure why I should pay attention to their hypocritical objections to murder now, regardless of what Deray actually said.


He claims it was a fake. And his recent history doesn't show anything similar.
Poor Derec. As gullible and desperate to confirm your own preconceptions as always. Honestly its starting to become pathetic.
He claims it was a fake. And his recent history doesn't show anything similar.
Tweets can be deleted. Btw, do you think his talk at Yale where he defended looting was "fake" too?

Yes, but as explained in the tweet the dates were in the wrong format and time stamps don't align.

- - - Updated - - -

Something critical of the BLM in the Black Community News


George Soros is being reported as the paymaster in some media.

He controls all liberals.
Tweets can be deleted. Btw, do you think his talk at Yale where he defended looting was "fake" too?

Yes, but as explained in the tweet the dates were in the wrong format and time stamps don't align.

- - - Updated - - -

Something critical of the BLM in the Black Community News


George Soros is being reported as the paymaster in some media.

He controls all liberals.

Maybe a fake.
Ya, that does seem to be a clear call for violence against the President Elect and that guy should be arrested.
It's kinda unfair that clarity is so one-sided. There could be 15 reasons to think something negatively about a black man running in a ski mask with a smoking gun and the slightest hint at inductive reasoning that leaves no room for a guaranteed conclusion will be pounced upon like horniness gone wild, yet here the door is open for nonviolent possibilities and you think it's clear? Of course it's clear, but have you forgotten to factor in race?
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