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That's Cadet Bonespurs to you, bub. Show some respect for the man's brave service to his country!
That's Cadet Bonespurs to you, bub. Show some respect for the man's brave service to his country!

You mean the orangish guy who is afraid to visit cemeteries in the rain?

Cemeteries can be pretty scary places. Add in the rain and it could be downright terrifying. Having the Secret Service and a bevy of Marines and such available to defend you wouldn't make me feel any more secure. No, best to stay in a hotel room many miles away.
Ah. Thanks

Tammy Duckworth (a veteran who lost multiple limbs while serving) called Trump "Cadet bonespurs" to mock him for using that as n excuse to avoid serving when there was an actual draft.

Of course, Tammy is a stupid meaniehead. What she did doesn't count as serving the country, but Trump's multiple deferments for an imaginary foot boo-boo (that strangely didn't keep him out of sports) counts as true service to the country. What? That argument doesn't make sense to you? Well, listen here! I'll have you know that HEY LET'S SUDDENLY TALK ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON INSTEAD! URANIUM ONE! BENGHAZI! BUT HER EMAAAAAAAAAAAAAILS! [/conservolibertarian]
I dislike that nickname because it implies there is something wrong with avoiding being drafted to fight in Vietnam
I dislike that nickname because it implies there is something wrong with avoiding being drafted to fight in Vietnam

When you support the war but use nefarious means to avoid joining it, you deserve all the derision you can get.

I dislike that nickname because it implies there is something wrong with avoiding being drafted to fight in Vietnam

I think it depends on the reason for avoidance. Refusing to report, moving to Canada, or other means of avoiding the draft because you feel the war is unjust? That's one thing. Using your family's wealth or position to avoid service because you've got more important things to do like relax at daddy's vacation home? That's different.

And as the above photo shows, we've got a lot of people who avoided service who then go onto wave the flag and "support the troops."

What's really appalling about Cadet Bonespurs is that he just couldn't be bothered to serve, then he spends his campaign trashing those who volunteered to fight in Vietnam.
Pisses me off. I had Plantar Fasciitis while in service, got treatment while in A school, finished second, went on to tour the med a couple times. /bullshit justification or rationale or excuse or distraction.

On the other hand, probably did that because my service predated Vietnam era.

Actually my only gripe is that it was privileged who got deferments. No one should have had to go there and fight in that fictional piece of shit.

Please note I was in the Navy and a missile fire control technician, privileged by knowledge, so I probably could have avoided VN entirely while serving in Navy had I been in service during VN era.
I dislike that nickname because it implies there is something wrong with avoiding being drafted to fight in Vietnam
I don't find anything wrong with dodging the Viet Nam draft. I do find fault with draft dodging hawks, however.

My Dad dodged the Viet Nam Draft.
He did it by joining the Army National Guard.
He is up front about his motivations and his fears.
Trump, on the other hand, likes to talk as if he's a great military expert, would really like to lead a great, quick, victorious war against others, but has not visited deployed troops in two years. He talks up his support of the military, while stripping funding from VA and other programs that directly affect the troops.
Ya I was thinking about this after I learned what it was about. I agree that if one objected to that war and still believes that the war was wrong, I don't see anything wrong with having tried to avoid the draft. On the other hand people who supported, and still support that war, but avoided the draft are something otherwise.

I was too young to be drafted. I was 12 when the US withdrew. But I think that I would have objected to the war and done what I could to avoid it.
I dislike that nickname because it implies there is something wrong with avoiding being drafted to fight in Vietnam
I don't find anything wrong with dodging the Viet Nam draft. I do find fault with draft dodging hawks, however.

My Dad dodged the Viet Nam Draft.
He did it by joining the Army National Guard.
He is up front about his motivations and his fears.
Trump, on the other hand, likes to talk as if he's a great military expert, would really like to lead a great, quick, victorious war against others, but has not visited deployed troops in two years. He talks up his support of the military, while stripping funding from VA and other programs that directly affect the troops.

Excellent point. I ran a draft and military counseling center in Columbus, Ohio, during the war. When Ohio State rioted and the National Guard was called in, relations between the protesters and occupying soldiers on campus was good. That was because just about everyone serving in the Guard at the time had joined in order to avoid combat in Vietnam. Dan Quayle in neighboring Indiana got a sweet deal in the Indiana National Guard because of his family connections. GW Bush became a fighter pilot in the service of Texas and patrolled the skies (when he wasn't AWOL) to keep Texans safe from Communist bombers.

When I counseled people on their rights under the Selective Service laws and helped them get deferments (when eligible), the first thing I told them was that they weren't really hindering the war effort. If you didn't go to fight in Vietnam, someone else's body would go in your place. And it was usually someone who did not enjoy as privileged a niche in the American social hierarchy--minorities and poor people. The worst cases were people who were trying to fake medical disabilities, homosexuality, or mental--something that most potential draftees could not do.

The entire point of the Selective Service system was not just to populate the military with fighters. Most military service did not involve actual combat. However, the point of the system was to "channel" an entire generation of men into life choices that the government valued--the clergy, agricultural work, defense industry work, longer volunteer service in the military as an alternative to a low-level combat role, and so on. It wasn't just about fighting. It was about channeling young men's lives.
I dislike that nickname because it implies there is something wrong with avoiding being drafted to fight in Vietnam

It is fine to be against Vietnam if you are ethically and morally consistent and also against things like the US attack of Iraq in 2003.

If you are an insane war monger like Cheney not doing your duty when your nation called is an act of cowardice.

GW got out of Vietnam a little more honorably but it was still an act of cowardice to go the route he did. He was a trained pilot. He could have gone with his political connections.
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