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Boycotting Trump's State of the Union Address


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "After much deliberation, I have decided that I will not use my presence at a state ceremony to normalize Trump’s lawless conduct & subversion of the Constitution.
None of this is normal, and I will not legitimize it.
Consequently, I will not be attending the State of the Union." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is a deeply personal decision for each member to make, and a choice I did not take lightly.
I will be hopping on Instagram Live later this evening to connect with my constituents and follow up with their questions about #SOTU." / Twitter

Maxine Waters on Twitter: "To think that I would attend the #SOTU to hear the message of an IMPEACHED president is a thought that in no way would be consistent w/ my fight and struggle against this dishonorable president. I will certainly NOT be there!" / Twitter

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley on Twitter: "The State of the Union is hurting because of the occupant of the White House, who consistently demonstrates contempt for the American people, contempt for Congress & contempt for our constitution. I cannot in good conscience attend tonight's sham #SOTU → [url]https://t.co/DTwG3Y7dK3 https://t.co/Hres8eAFkK" / Twitter[/url]
With a picture of AP standing in front of the Capitol building.
Rep. Pressley's Statement on Decision to Boycott the State of the Union | Representative Ayanna Pressley
The occupant of the White House incessantly stokes fear in people of color, women, healthcare providers, LGBTQ+ communities, low-income families, and many more. He does not embody the principles, the responsibility, the grace, nor the integrity that is required of the President of the United States.

“The State of the Union is hurting because of the occupant of the White House, who consistently demonstrates contempt for the American people, contempt for Congress, and contempt for our constitution - strong-arming a sham impeachment trial in the Senate. This presidency is not legitimate.

“On the eve of Senate Republicans covering up transgressions and spreading misinformation, I cannot in good conscience attend a sham State of the Union when I have seen firsthand the damage Donald J. Trump’s rhetoric and policies have inflicted on those I love and those I represent.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "For Republicans who allegedly “don’t care at all” about us not attending the #SOTU, they sure do seem to have a lot to say about it 🙂" / Twitter
Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Other Democrats Are Boycotting the State of the Union | InStyle.com | InStyle.com
Eight Democrats to boycott Trump State of the Union address | TheHill
Most of the eight Democrats — Reps. Al Green (Texas), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), Maxine Waters (Calif.), Steve Cohen (Tenn.), Earl Blumenauer (Ore.), Hank Johnson (Ga.) and Frederica Wilson (Fla.) — have also opted against attending Trump's past annual addresses to Congress in recent years as an expression of protest against his presidency.
The two other members of "The Squad" of progressive freshman congresswomen, Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (Minn.), confirmed they would attend the address on Tuesday.

Congressman Al Green on Twitter: "Because of an impeached, reckless, ruthless, lawless, shameless, corrupt, & unapologetically bigoted president - who is still engaging in a coverup, the state of the House, the state of the Senate, and the #StateOfTheUnion are divided.
I will NOT attend #SOTU2020." / Twitter

Rush to Boycott State of the Union | Congressman Bobby Rush
“I respect the Office of the President but I do not in any way respect Donald J. Trump, who, for more than three years, has demeaned the office, and who currently stands impeached. It would be painfully hypocritical of me to endure 90 minutes of unrelenting lies and all types of distortions and untruths, while at the same time watching his Republican apologists cheer. I cannot honor this man in any way.”
I know many will watch for its entertainment value but I will not be. I haven't listened to him speak at length for two years or more. I can't. It hurts too much. On teleprompter, he's full of shit. Off, he's an embarrassment.
Immature. As I said last time as well. It's a function of the Congress, not a Trump campaign rally. By making it about their personal feelings toward the president, they have been underscoring this false perception Trump himself has that this is just another excuse to mug for the camera and verbally masturbate himself for the public. I won't be watching, but a congressperson should be attending, and behaving in a polite, professional manner.
Immature. As I said last time as well. It's a function of the Congress, not a Trump campaign rally. By making it about their personal feelings toward the president, they have been underscoring this false perception Trump himself has that this is just another excuse to mug for the camera and verbally masturbate himself for the public. I won't be watching, but a congressperson should be attending, and behaving in a polite, professional manner.

Meh. There are lots of 'shoulds' for that chamber in recent days. This is hardly on the chart.
So was the boycott a success?

They don't want to sit through a Trump speech, I really can't blame them.
Why do you say that?

AOC among the House Democrats boycotting Trump's State of the Union - Axios

AOC has fellow first-time boycotters Reps. Al Green (D-Texas), Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), and Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.).

Third-time boycotters: Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) and Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.).

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "I am attending tonight’s address not to confer any legitimacy on his actions, his statements, or his presidency.
I am attending on behalf of all of those targeted by this President to say, ‘We are greater than hate.’
My presence tonight is resistance." / Twitter

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib on Twitter: "I will be in attendance at tonight’s #SOTU address, but not for Donald Trump. I will be in attendance to uplift the stories and work of my guests, Carly Fraser and Danielle Atkinson. My full statement below: https://t.co/yj1QQNFnCX" / Twitter
(two healthcare activists)

AOC and fellow Democrats have some cutting remarks about why they're skipping the SOTU - ABC News
When asked why Gabbard, a 2020 presidential hopeful, was not attending, she told ABC News' Chris Donato, "If I wanted to watch it, I can watch on TV."

Waters, Rush and Thompson explicitly cited Trump's impeachment in their remarks about why they were skipping.

“I respect the Office of the President but I do not in any way respect Donald J. Trump, who, for more than three years, has demeaned the office, and who currently stands impeached," Rush said in a statement. "It would be painfully hypocritical of me to endure 90 minutes of unrelenting lies and all types of distortions and untruths, while at the same time watching his Republican apologists cheer. I cannot honor this man in any way."
The 2020 Election is going to be disturbingly ugly.
At this point, I'm beginning to hope for lots of gunfire.
No, we don't want that. A gun shot in the Oval Office with Ivanka Trump running out of the Oval Office, shirt ripped off with a gun in her hand saying "I can't take it anymore" and then shooting herself... yeah... that works, but we don't want violence because Trump might have consolidated enough power to thwart off an election. The GOP has given him two ridiculous passes and they clearly seem to be all in.

So this is about turnout in November 2020 and drowning the Republicans with turnout. Granted, the GOP will just fuck over the Democrats with one voting booth in cities, but at least we can say we tried.
Would've been nice of Nancy to instead rip up Trump's military budget, his Space Force proposal, his trade agreement, etc. but she took the high road in those cases by giving him everything he asked for, slay kween
State of the Union 2020: Why Nancy Pelosi tearing up Trump’s speech set off a controversy - Vox - if nothing else, it grabbed a lot of attention, and Trump is a very sore loser.

Pelosi Statement on State of the Union Address | Speaker Nancy Pelosi
“However, President Trump’s address tonight gave no comfort to the 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions or the families struggling to afford the prescription drugs they need. Once again, President Trump was not truthful about his actions in court to destroy pre-existing condition protections. Once again, President Trump pulled his punch on his promise to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices, which House Democrats delivered with the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, H.R.3.

"The manifesto of mistruths presented in page after page of the address tonight should be a call to action for everyone who expects truth from the President and policies worthy of his office and the American people. The American people expect and deserve a President to have integrity and respect for the aspirations for their children.

Congressman Tim Ryan Statement in Response to the State of the Union Address | Congressman Tim Ryan
The first bit of it:
“Tonight I walked out of the State of the Union address. I had enough. It was like watching professional wrestling. it's all fake.

"Tonight’s address clarified one thing: this President has no strategy for the future. While the stock market is trucking along for millionaires and billionaires, our economy is broken for every day, hardworking Americans. This President wants to point to the unemployment rate, but nothing will take away from the fact that wages have been stagnant for years, and it’s harder than ever for families to make ends meet — even as they work two or three jobs. President Trump didn’t say one word about how we are going to fix our broken pension system that’s swallowing money owed to hard-working people.
State of the Union 2020: 3 Democrats walked out of Trump’s speech in protest - Vox - showing a picture of Rashida Tlaib in her Palestinian robe.

Chris Murphy on Twitter: "That was a disgrace. I should not have gone.
It was a re-election pep rally from beginning to end, filled with political stunts and verifiable lie after verifiable lie.
I get it - presidents use their last SOTU to make the case for re-election. But that crossed a line." / Twitter

Chellie Pingree on Twitter: "I would have walked out of that #SOTU full of lies but I promised three of my colleagues a ride home." / Twitter

Ben Jacobs on Twitter: "Dems audibly saying "no no" as Trump announces Rush Limbaugh will be given Presidential Medal of Freedom." / Twitter

Kyle Griffin on Twitter: "Democrats started shouting "HR 3" as Trump mentioned health care. HR 3 is the House Democratic drug pricing bill." / Twitter

Watch: Trump salutes Rush Limbaugh at the State of the Union - YouTube
State of the Union 2020: Trump gave Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom - Vox - "During the State of the Union, Donald Trump bestowed the highest civilian honor on Rush Limbaugh."
And Rush, in recognition of all you have done for our nation, the millions of people today that you speak to and that you inspire, and all of the incredible work you have done for charity, I am proud to announce tonight he will be receiving our country’s highest — you will be receiving our country’s highest civilian honor, the presidential medal of freedom.”

Republicans cheered.

John F. Kennedy established the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963 to honor Americans who have made “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.”

Limbaugh, recently diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer, has devoted his decades-long radio career to building an audience of millions of listeners with his brand of right-wing, xenophobic — and patently racist — populism that Trump borrowed on his rise to power.

Limbaugh fills hours of airtime each week with hateful commentary directed at African Americans, Asian Americans, women, people with disabilities, and pretty much anyone who is not white, straight, and male.
AOC in an Instagram Live video said that it "cheapened" that award, and that it put a "racist" like Rush Limbaugh on the level with Rosa Parks.
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