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Climate Change(d)?

Climate experts noted today that hurricane Helene, which is currently forming in hurricane alley during the peak of hurricane season, is undeniable proof of climate change. "This situation is completely unprecedented," said global warming expert and local dog groomer Rodney Carlson. "I've never seen a hurricane of this magnitude forming in hurricane alley during the hurricane season, and my records go back over 75 days! Clearly, this can only be explained by global warming."

At publishing time, climate experts warned that climate change was also expected to cause freezing weather and heavy snow in the Canadian Rockies this winter, followed by high temperatures across Texas next July.


It really is an end of times religion for you.

It is a catastrophic 71 degrees in Santa Monica, oh the humanity!!11!!!
The rain totals are outrageous. Usually these totals involve slow meandering storms as was seen in Houston. Some areas at 1000-yr event level.

As Playball40 notes, the west coast of Florida, which wasn't "hit" set records for surge. This thing was a hurricane for two days.
Climate experts noted today that hurricane Helene, which is currently forming in hurricane alley during the peak of hurricane season, is undeniable proof of climate change. "This situation is completely unprecedented," said global warming expert and local dog groomer Rodney Carlson. "I've never seen a hurricane of this magnitude forming in hurricane alley during the hurricane season, and my records go back over 75 days! Clearly, this can only be explained by global warming."

At publishing time, climate experts warned that climate change was also expected to cause freezing weather and heavy snow in the Canadian Rockies this winter, followed by high temperatures across Texas next July.

It really is an end of times religion for you.
No one in your quote said it was the "end of times". This hurricane existed for 48 hours, broke surge records in parts of Florida it didn't even hit, and plunged 1000-yr storm level amounts of rain over areas while moving briskly at 30 mph. This wasn't normal 40 years ago. This storm will cost a fortune in water related damage, hundreds of miles from the coast.
It is a catastrophic 71 degrees in Santa Monica, oh the humanity!!11!!!
But the homeless are shitting on your front porch.
It is a catastrophic 71 degrees in Santa Monica
Thanks for the LOCAL WEATHER report,
but it’s in the wrong thread.
Sometimes I wonder if he has is suffering from mild cognitive decline, since this thread isn't about the weather in Santa Monica, but we keep getting weather reports from Santa Monica. :shrug:

I have known a few climate change deniers who will probably hold fast to their denial even if they float away when the homes on the coast line they live in start falling into the sea. We used to love to visit the Outer Banks in NC when we lived in Raleigh, but now sadly, quite a few homes are falling into the sea. What could possibly be causing that?
Nature? lol!

Rapid intensification (RI) is an essential process in the development of strong tropical cyclones and a major challenge in prediction. Although much effort has been devoted to studying basin-wide temporal-spatial fluctuations, variations of global RI events in offshore regions remain uncertain. thermodynamic environments present more favorable conditions for this trend, and climate models show that global ocean warming has enhanced such changes. Although the frequency of TCs has been declining based on observational data and numerical projections errors in intensity forecasting have not substantially decreased in recent decades rendering its forecasting particularly challenging owing to the uncertainty in onset time and duration In recent work, Balaguru Increasing hurricane intensification rate Near the US Atlantic Coast. showed that the intensification rate increased in coastal areas (defined as within 200 nautical miles from the coast) of the United States, although they did not explicitly analyze the trend of RI events. clear trends have not been defined despite the direct threat posed by RI in offshore regions. etc.

Hardly damning evidence. Earth's climate has always fluctuated and has natural variation.

Baffling so many people think that the climate is static.
Death is natural. Why do you get upset over murder?

And nobody is pretending climate is static. We can see the forces at work and for the most part estimate their effects. Noise, and it normally dominates in the yearly temperature but since it's a deviation from a baseline there's a tendency to return to the baseline. Man's effect is small--but it's moving the baseline. Simple test: Look at which side is presenting reasoned arguments and which side is trying to sow doubt. Always bet against the side trying to sow doubt.
I wonder if Florida will be habitable in the future. Unless buddings are raided on concrete above 40 feet or so.

There are videos of houses on the shore on the east coast slipping into the surf.

Coastal waters temperature trends

Gulf bathtub water

This week was the hottest the Gulf of Mexico has been on record.

The weekly average Gulf sea surface temperatures broke 88 degrees for the first time since 1981. That average takes into account all sectors of the Gulf.

The reading is a staggering 2.6 degrees Fahrenheit above the 1991 to 2020 average.

For the scientifically unsophisticated like TSwizzle a 2 degree rise in temperature for a large body of water like the Gulf Of Mexico represents a huge increase in thermal energy. Intensity of mid west thunderstorms depend on the temperature difference between hot and cold air fronts as they meet.

Higher wtaer content in the air, more rain.
Climate experts [blah blah blah] ....


Well now we know where The Swizz Thing gets its info. The link is to Babylon Bee, a "satire" site. Here are some of the latest headlines at this right-wing "joke" site.
The Babylon Bee said:
It really is an end of times religion for you.

"Religion"? Isn't that almost the OPPOSITE of science? By that measure the Swizz Thing is more religious than any ordinary Bot or Human.
It is a catastrophic 71 degrees in Santa Monica, oh the humanity!!11!!!

The Thing doesn't know about Florida? Phoenix? Even Edwards AFB?? It "thinks" the Earth has only a single location?

The companies developing chat-bots are trying to make their AIs smarter and smarter. The Swiz Thing -- if it is a chat-bot -- seems to be programmed to be a parody of stupidity!

Earth's climate has always fluctuated and has natural variation.
Why do you believe this?
It has. The question is not whether nature could do a change as big as we are seeing (unquestionably, the fossil record shows it), but whether nature is doing such a change (clearly not). And just because nature has done it doesn't make it something we shouldn't try to address. Should the dinosaurs have declared the rock natural and rejected the Orion option because it involved nuclear weapons in large quantities? The large scale use of nuclear weapons obviously is a bad thing! Humanity does seem to have a problem along those lines, not wanting to look at the answer that almost certainly produces the maximum deflection in the minimum time given the bottleneck imposed by launch and transit.
Phoenix is a good example.

It was long known as a place with low allergens and low humidity. A pace for those with brething problems.

Large scale air conditioning and open air water mist cooling changed thn local climate. And agriculture.

Earth's climate has always fluctuated and has natural variation.
Why do you believe this?
It has. The question is not whether nature could do a change as big as we are seeing (unquestionably, the fossil record shows it), but whether nature is doing such a change (clearly not). And just because nature has done it doesn't make it something we shouldn't try to address.
Yes, we all know this. But the question was for TSwizzle because my point is that he claims this without having seen historical climate change himself (unless he’s tens of thousands or more years old) so he’s willing to believe the climate scientists when they tell him the climate “has always fluctuated and has natural variation” but is unwilling to believe the same scientists when they tell him that the current variations are unnatural and will lead to potentially catastrophic consequences. He focuses on the actions and rantings of non-scientists while summarily dismissing the actual scientific results. So, my question was aimed at the heart of his hypocrisy, to which his only response was a petulant eye roll. It’s a way of responding to me without having to actually respond, and I expect it, so the question at this point is mostly to needle him, just like he needles us with constant announcements of the temperature in Santa Monica (which I presume he also gets from experts on the weather and doesn’t measure himself).

Earth's climate has always fluctuated and has natural variation.
Why do you believe this?
It has. The question is not whether nature could do a change as big as we are seeing (unquestionably, the fossil record shows it), but whether nature is doing such a change (clearly not). And just because nature has done it doesn't make it something we shouldn't try to address.
Yes, we all know this. But the question was for TSwizzle because my point is that he claims this without having seen historical climate change himself (unless he’s tens of thousands or more years old) so he’s willing to believe the climate scientists when they tell him the climate “has always fluctuated and has natural variation” but is unwilling to believe the same scientists when they tell him that the current variations are unnatural and will lead to potentially catastrophic consequences. He focuses on the actions and rantings of non-scientists while summarily dismissing the actual scientific results. So, my question was aimed at the heart of his hypocrisy, to which his only response was a petulant eye roll. It’s a way of responding to me without having to actually respond, and I expect it, so the question at this point is mostly to needle him, just like he needles us with constant announcements of the temperature in Santa Monica (which I presume he also gets from experts on the weather and doesn’t measure himself).

Well the current climate change is “natural” in the sense that humans are part of the natural world, not separate from it, but apart from that your response undercutting the root of his total hypocrisy is right on.
Well the current climate change is “natural” in the sense that humans are part of the natural world
We like to think we are fucking things up faster than nature ever did. But let’s not forget impact events or vulcanism. Ya get another Chixilub, I gar-on-teeya the weather in Santa Monica will change very rapidly indeed.
Watched a show on it,.

1816, also known as the 'Year Without Summer,' 'Poverty Year,' and 'Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death. ' The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 triggered a change in the global climate.Apr 4, 2023

The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 triggered a change in the global climate. The heavier material fell to the ground and the ocean’s surface. However, when lighter particulates reached the stratosphere, they spread out and created an aerosol cloud the size of Australia.The cloud blocked sunlight from reaching the earth and changed the global climate by 2-7 degrees Fahrenheit, the effects of which devastated much of the world in what should have been the summer of 1816. Crops failed across Europe and the U.S. due to the cold or lack of sunshine causing grain and oat prices to soar, torrential rains flooded crops in Ireland, novel strains of cholera killed millions in India, crime became rampant, and people starved in many countries.
Watched a show on it,.

1816, also known as the 'Year Without Summer,' 'Poverty Year,' and 'Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death. ' The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 triggered a change in the global climate.Apr 4, 2023

The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 triggered a change in the global climate. The heavier material fell to the ground and the ocean’s surface. However, when lighter particulates reached the stratosphere, they spread out and created an aerosol cloud the size of Australia.The cloud blocked sunlight from reaching the earth and changed the global climate by 2-7 degrees Fahrenheit, the effects of which devastated much of the world in what should have been the summer of 1816. Crops failed across Europe and the U.S. due to the cold or lack of sunshine causing grain and oat prices to soar, torrential rains flooded crops in Ireland, novel strains of cholera killed millions in India, crime became rampant, and people starved in many countries.
Would we do any “better” coping with such a thing if it happened tomorrow?
I doubt it. Certainly the body count would be higher, even if an individual’s survival chances might be better.
How long will these home last?

Santa Monica beach home.
Sorry, I have ZERO sympathy for any fool who builds this close to the beach.
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