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Congress to appropriate $12 billion to $15 billion for 'wall'

Well, it is infrastructure spending. Sure, could have used that money to repair crumbling bridges or help address the growing problem of poor quality menu selections in the VIP lounges of private airports, but you do get a half-assed attempt to start building a wall that's going to be abandoned long before it's completed instead. It will forever stand as a monument to the stupidity of the American people in picking their leaders, so that's something.

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I also can't wait for the first reaction to the news reports about the contractors using illegal immigrant labor to build the wall.

Thats what I expect also, it will get started, I'm sure, but its not going to be anywhere near finished when he leaves office, and the next president is not going to pour any more money into a sinkhole that aint even gonna fix any problems. It will be like those ghost town tourist attractions, people can buy a piece of the wall, and maybe do a little dance at the end of the wall and get it filmed.

Its going to be monumental though. Monumentally stupid :p
At least he is a man if his word, unlike Obama who promised to close GTMO and never did.

This is something a three year old is likely to say.

His word is insane. His ideas are insane. A wall serves no useful purpose to Americans. It is just an unnecessary expense.

It is not good that an insane fool lives up to his insane ideas.

Nothing good about it in the least.
You can't build a wall when the border is a river we don't own.
At least he is a man if his word, unlike Obama who promised to close GTMO and never did.

This is something a three year old is likely to say.

His word is insane. His ideas are insane. A wall serves no useful purpose to Americans. It is just an unnecessary expense.

It is not good that an insane fool lives up to his insane ideas.

Nothing good about it in the least.

I guess my sarcasm was lost on you and a lot of other people.
Looks like Ryan and McConnel are willing to spend our money to build yuge, grand monument to trump's ego for posterity.

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The U.S.-Mexico border area is one of the most biodiverse regions of the country; it includes three important wildlife refuges and Big Bend National Park (which cuts through 118 miles of border). Environmental groups have already spoken out against the risks that the fence would pose to endangered and migratory species, including, for example, bighorn sheep in California whose genetic diversity depends on the cross-border migratory corridors. Yet while this could generate local backlash, it won’t ultimately stop the fencing. The Real ID Act of 2005 allows the Department of Homeland Security to waive 37 federal laws to construct border fencing, including the Endangered Species Act, in building this particular barrier.

The border is also defined in places by the Rio Grande and Colorado River, which are bilaterally managed through a series of treaties. These agreements ban the United States and Mexico from erecting physical barriers that would disrupt the water flow, block the rivers’ floodplains, or induce flooding. For Trump’s border wall, this would mean pushing its construction deeper into U.S. territory.

As for tribal land, Trump will face lashback from as many as 26 federally-recognized Native American communities located along our southern border. This includes the Tohono O’odham Nation, whose land spans across 75 miles of borderland and has already vocally opposed the construction of a border wall on its territory. Federal law requires the Bureau of Land Management to carry out consultations with tribal governing bodies before making any changes to the use of reservation land, and building a wall would require a stand alone bill in Congress to condemn the land.

And with respect to cross-border farmers and ranchers, Trump’s executive order doesn’t specify how he plans to gain access to the 67 percent of borderland that the federal government doesn’t currently own, most of which is located in Texas. During the Bush administration’s border fence construction push, many property owners rejected the federal government’s initial offers to buy their land. In response, the government filed eminent domain lawsuits, driving up fence expenditures and causing construction delays. It’s unclear if Trump will follow the same playbook, but it is unlikely to be a smooth or short process.

This is something a three year old is likely to say.

His word is insane. His ideas are insane. A wall serves no useful purpose to Americans. It is just an unnecessary expense.

It is not good that an insane fool lives up to his insane ideas.

Nothing good about it in the least.

I guess my sarcasm was lost on you and a lot of other people.

Sarcasm is usually lost in print.

Don't blame the victim.
when in doubt...

This is something a three year old is likely to say.

His word is insane. His ideas are insane. A wall serves no useful purpose to Americans. It is just an unnecessary expense.

It is not good that an insane fool lives up to his insane ideas.

Nothing good about it in the least.

I guess my sarcasm was lost on you and a lot of other people.

The big shit faced grin often helps those other people get it :D
Regarding a Mexico import tax, Graham has regained his sense of humor:
"Simply put, any policy proposal which drives up costs of Corona, tequila, or margaritas is a big-time bad idea. Mucho Sad. (2)"

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 26, 2017
What about American businesses that rely on illegal immigration? Like Trump Industries.

Without illegal immigrants, grass still gets cut, beds still get made and skilled jobs doctors, dentists and businesses still open.
HK had ideal laws. It was easy to import labour and they were protected by government legislation (or the employer goes to jail) where they received the same rate as local citizens.
It works very well now though it hasn't eliminated all exploitative practices.

Allowing illegal immigrants perpetuates exploitation. Taking in labour that is needed on a fixed (extendable) contract basis which then allows a visa and at full pay rates is a win win situation.

Now the spoiler is the wall should reduce the flow of illegals( apart from any tunnels they build).
Regarding a Mexico import tax, Graham has regained his sense of humor:
"Simply put, any policy proposal which drives up costs of Corona, tequila, or margaritas is a big-time bad idea. Mucho Sad. (2)"

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 26, 2017

If Mexico pays US$20 billion plus project cost overrun the tax on Corona etc could be reduced by a few cents. :)
At least build it with a causeway on top for tourists, then recoup the money that way! Could charge extra for binoculars to view the slum towns at the foot of it!
Hmmmmm.....lets think about this. Congress approves funding for fucked up unneeded wall. Congress refuses needed funds to close GTMO but Obama was still able to reduce the population 10 fold.
At least he is a man if his word, unlike Obama who promised to close GTMO and never did.
Hmmmmm.....lets think about this. Congress approves funding for fucked up unneeded wall. Congress refuses needed funds to close GTMO but Obama was still able to reduce the population 10 fold.
At least he is a man if his word, unlike Obama who promised to close GTMO and never did.

How does the US keep out illegal immigrants without border security. Certainly giving the bum's rush to convicted criminals who are also illegals can't be a bad thing.
Kind of reminds me of former Alaskan Half Governor, Sarah Palin's "Bridge to Nowhere".

"I said no thank you"... after the project was already cancelled.

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Now the spoiler is the wall should reduce the flow of illegals( apart from any tunnels they build).
The flow of illegals was already down quite a bit.
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