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Covid-19 miscellany

Even with all the evidence and people dropping like flies,

Perhaps this will help you understand but I doubt it. People are not "dropping like flies", the vast, VAST majority of people who contract this virus recover unscathed. In fact, most people who have contracted this virus never knew they had it. If you are so scared or are vulnerable, stay home. The rest of us will get on as best we can.

Repeating this ad nauseum doesn't make it so.

We now have more Covid deaths than WWII combat deaths. The only war it hasn't surpassed is the Civil War.
ThE dEmOcRaTs KiLlEd HiM!!!11

EvErYtHiNg Is A cOnSpIrAcY!!!111

Much more likely is that, being a Republican, he didn't take the virus seriously.


Just throwing this out, here. Maybe. May. Be. The reason the US has a higher Covid death rate than East Asia is that Americans are unhealthy and fat.

Throw it where it belongs--the trash.

East Asia has a very low death rate because they're taking it seriously. We have a very high death rate because we are doing the biological equivalent of charging machine guns.

Just throwing this out, here. Maybe. May. Be. The reason the US has a higher Covid death rate than East Asia is that Americans are unhealthy and fat.

Good ol' conservatives. Always looking for ways to justify innocent people dying.

Hey, they're "pro-life", dontcha know.
New Zealand lifts all Covid restrictions, declaring the nation virus-free

At midnight local time (12:00 GMT), all of New Zealand moved to level one, the lowest of a four-tier alert system.

Under new rules, social distancing is not required and there are no limits on public gatherings, but borders remain closed to foreigners.

New Zealand has reported no new Covid-19 cases for more than two weeks.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told reporters she did "a little dance" when she was told the country no longer had any active virus cases.

"While we're in a safer, stronger position, there's still no easy path back to pre-Covid life, but the determination and focus we have had on our health response will now be vested in our economic rebuild," Ms Ardern said.
Consider the story above then consider this one.

Florida man coughed, sneezed, spit throughout a Best Buy after refusing mask, deputies say

A Florida man who didn’t want to wear a mask in a Best Buy on Saturday was booked on a disorderly conduct charge after he coughed, spit and sneezed throughout the store, deputies said.

Employees at a Vero Beach location of the chain told the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office that they asked Alton George Ashby multiple times to wear a mask to prevent the spread of coronavirus, per store policy.

Ashby, 51, of Palm Bay “was going to Geek Squad to get help” but walked up with no mask, store manager Steve Adibin told deputies.

Ashby then proceeded to “cough and spit all over (the) Geek Squad counter then continued to walk around the connected department to do the same thing,” according to the arrest affidavit.

He’s also accused of pulling a package of masks down onto the floor, spraying a soda drink, sneezing all over counters, wiping his hands on shelves, and refusing to leave, the report states.

After he was pulled over in the Cadillac sedan he left the Best Buy in, Ashby later explained his behavior to by saying he’s been going through a lot this year and got carried away, according to the affidavit.

Ashby posted $500 bond and is due in court January 5, jail records show.

This is why we can't have nice things like New Zealand has.
Couple others who have caught the little c. Emmanuel Macron and Rep. Joe "You Lie" Wilson, who subsequently deleted this facebook post,

joe wilson covid.jpeg
According to this Salon.com article the Trump Administration has cut back on plans to distribute the Pfizer vaccine, claiming that Pfizer has production difficulties.

Pfizer spokesmen deny this: they have millions of doses awaiting delivery instructions, and are confused that the (GOP-infested) federal government has rescinded its orders. States receive no intelligible answers and aren't sure how to proceed: not only are they being delivered fewer doses than promised but, because vaccination requires a second dose, they don't know how many people to give the doses to.

The WH has provided no explanation for who is lying and why. (Where is Sarah Huckabee when we need her? :) )

It seems likely that Trump is just hoping to use vaccine denial to extort more money for his personal fortune. Why don't we just do what we should have done 4 years ago: Offer this criminal a billion dollars to go away and fuck off?
Perhaps Trump believes that leaving office with one more failure to hang around his neck is good for his bottom line. I don't see how but Trump doesn't do anything unless there is a personal gain for him in it. He must believe that a few more tens of thousands of deaths is good for him personally. How I don't know.
Former Alabama state senator dies of Covid at 78, warns in last words, 'We messed up'

"We let our guards down. Please tell everybody to be careful. This is real, and if you get diagnosed, get help immediately," former Sen. Larry Dixon said.

I double-checked the date. December. With a D. Eight months after sapient humans with an Internet connection knew we were on the verge of the worst pandemic in recent history, and with U.S. Covid deaths at a quarter million, a GOP bigwig figures out that Covid-19 "is real." At least he was kind enough to try to inform his fellow Trump supporters.

How do Republicans even tie their own shoelaces? Do they know how to use toilet paper?
According to this Salon.com article the Trump Administration has cut back on plans to distribute the Pfizer vaccine, claiming that Pfizer has production difficulties.

Pfizer spokesmen deny this: they have millions of doses awaiting delivery instructions, and are confused that the (GOP-infested) federal government has rescinded its orders. States receive no intelligible answers and aren't sure how to proceed: not only are they being delivered fewer doses than promised but, because vaccination requires a second dose, they don't know how many people to give the doses to.

The WH has provided no explanation for who is lying and why. (Where is Sarah Huckabee when we need her? :) )

It seems likely that Trump is just hoping to use vaccine denial to extort more money for his personal fortune. Why don't we just do what we should have done 4 years ago: Offer this criminal a billion dollars to go away and fuck off?

Divert them, sell them to the highest bidder.
Can a Televised Vaccination Undo Months of Skepticism? - The New York Times - "A few minutes of morning television distilled the various ways that President Trump and his political allies have undermined confidence in the science about the virus."
It was the kind of live television event that the reality show star president has often staged himself. Vice President Mike Pence stepped in front of a bank of cameras on the White House campus on Friday to receive the new coronavirus vaccine, hailing it as “safe and effective” no fewer than eight times. He urged people to wear masks, wash their hands and do whatever they can to help defeat a disease that has killed more than 300,000 Americans.

Intended as a public service announcement as the country reaches a milestone in fighting the pandemic, these 10 minutes of morning television also distilled the various ways that President Trump and his political allies have repeatedly undermined confidence in the science about the virus and fed suspicion and misinformation.

No sooner had the vice president congratulated a health care worker who stuck him in the arm — “Great job, great job. I didn’t feel a thing,” Mr. Pence said, his voice muffled by the mask covering his face — than Mr. Trump logged into Twitter and undercut him. Mr. Trump posted a message from a right-wing radio host who questioned the effectiveness of masks, writing: “‘Masks work’ is the mantra. Not allowed to say anything else.”

On Fox News, which carried the vice president’s vaccination live and aired his plea urging “every American to continue to do your part,” a spat erupted among the hosts of “Fox & Friends” over whether the public health orders that have shuttered businesses in some states were doing more harm than good.
Then the details of their squabble over the virus's dangers vs. the debilitating effects of lockdowns. Other countries have been willing to finance their citizens and/or businesses to keep them going, so why not the US?
AOC Instagrammed late yesterday about getting a COVID-19 vaccine: http://www.instagram.com/aoc

Here's a rundown on what she said in it.

She found out the night before that a COVID-19 vaccine was available to COngress as part of a "continuity of governance" plan. To keep top officials alive in case of a big disaster. She said that she would never advise people to do something that she wasn't willing to do herself. Like wear a mask, which she did in that video.

She showed a checklist of medical concerns, like being pregnant, having recently taken another vaccine, possible allergies to the ingredients of the vaccine that she was to take, etc. Also whether one is aware that one should show up 21 days from then for a follow-up shot.

Then a video of her getting an injection of that vaccine. Looks like an inside-the-muscle injection. She then rested in another room so that the doctors can check for anything troublesome. Some people get headaches or dizziness after needles in general or seeing blood, she says. She herself didn't have such problems. She was with four others, Rep. Rashida Tlaib MI-13, Rep. Jamie Raskin MD-08, Rep. Steny Hoyer MD-05, and one other, with orangish-blond hair.

She showed a vaccination-record card, and she explained that some vaccines require 2 shots to be fully effective. She noted that some people faint when they see needles or get an IV.

Side effects of the vaccine are usually mild, like soreness of the injection site, fatigue, and headaches. Fever sometimes happens. AOC noted that she received the info on the vaccine from the House physician, and she took a swipe at Republican Reps using socialized healthcare even as they campaign against it.

The vaccine is worth getting even if one was COVID-19-positive. It can make one's immunity stronger.

Answering about allergies, she noted that the doctors check on whether one has a history of allergic reactions to vaccines or this vaccine's components.

How much did it hurt? For her, not at all, less than a flu shot that she got.

The vaccine she took was the Pfizer one.
AOC continued with why she got it so quickly. She noted that some healthcare workers are now getting it, and she repeated that bit about continuity of governance during national emergencies. Presidential Policy Directive 40.

Three hours later, she stated that she felt no ill effects. As to mixing vaccines, that won't work. Fertility issues? We don't have much data on that, it seems. Of the 70,000 people in the vaccine trials, anyone known to be pregnant was excluded. But there are now trials on pregnant people, and some of those in the initial trials were pregnant without knowing it. Nothing suspicious yet about those cases. She linked to Coronavirus Vaccine and Pregnancy: The Latest Guidance for Women – NBC Chicago

We don't know for sure how long COVID-19 immunity lasts. For instance, one needs a tetanus booster shot only every 10 years, while one needs a flu shot every year.

The Pfizer vaccine was approved the previous week, while the Moderna one was approved yesterday, when AOC got vaccinated.

The Pfizer one must be stored at -75 C, while the Moderna one can be stored in usual freezer temperatures.

As to the prospect of losing one's vaccination card, AOC says she totally understands, with being handed oodles of slips of paper per day. Take a picture of it with your smartphone when you get it. Or a tablet or a webcam or a digital camera.

The vaccine wasn't tested on anyone under 16, because children have more active immune systems than adults. So they may react more strongly. But clinical trials with children are now underway.

Finally, she got into why one ought to keep on wearing masks. Immunity is not immediate and may take some time to develop after one's final dose of vaccine. She notes success in going maskless because they have defeated the virus, by wearing masks, doing mass testing, and getting everybody to follow lockdowns -- and to economically support them as they do so. "It's a group project, folks."
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