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Current senior WH adviser identified as "significant person of interest" in Russia probe

Russia at times feeds false information into communication streams it suspects are monitored as a way of sowing misinformation and confusion among U.S. analysts. But officials said that it’s unclear what Kislyak would have had to gain by falsely characterizing his contacts with Kushner to Moscow, particularly at a time when the Kremlin still saw the prospect of dramatically improved relations with Trump.
Maybe russians are not as dumb as Trump administration and knew all along that Trump is a fucking clown and the only thing he can be used for is to make the new administration drown in scandals and ineffective.

Or it could be exactly what it looks like - Trump family is filled with idiots.
Russia at times feeds false information into communication streams it suspects are monitored as a way of sowing misinformation and confusion among U.S. analysts. But officials said that it’s unclear what Kislyak would have had to gain by falsely characterizing his contacts with Kushner to Moscow, particularly at a time when the Kremlin still saw the prospect of dramatically improved relations with Trump.
Maybe russians are not as dumb as Trump administration and knew all along that Trump is a fucking clown and the only thing he can be used for is to make the new administration drown in scandals and ineffective.

Or it could be exactly what it looks like - Trump family is filled with idiots.

All we can see is; an investigation and then assumptions based on non specifics with no smoking gun with a conclusion. How can an idiot beat the other candidates and win the Presidency. the allegations seem more to be rooted in Butt-hurt over the election results.

Unless factual information is produced, the investigations will turn into a joke, at least with the international media.
Maybe russians are not as dumb as Trump administration and knew all along that Trump is a fucking clown and the only thing he can be used for is to make the new administration drown in scandals and ineffective.

Or it could be exactly what it looks like - Trump family is filled with idiots.

All we can see is; an investigation and then assumptions based on non specifics with no smoking gun with a conclusion. How can an idiot beat the other candidates and win the Presidency. the allegations seem more to be rooted in Butt-hurt over the election results.

Unless factual information is produced, the investigations will turn into a joke, at least with the international media.
I think it's "all of the above" situation. Democrats have their "Butt-hurt" moment, republicans have this idiot president and his retarded family who have no clue about anything, and russians which took some rather passive interest in Trump campaign. I think Trump&Co are rather naive and thought that running the government is no different from their stupid deal-making business.

This makes Trump's random tweets seem trivial by comparison, doesn't it?

I mean, a private citizen who had no authority whatsoever beyond being married to the then President-elect's daughter met with a former Russian intelligence officer and offered to give them a back channel to the incoming administration.

We know about this because our own spying efforts revealed that the Russian went back to his superiors and basically said "you're not going to believe this shit, but..."

And the kicker?

The meeting also was attended by Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser.

Not just Trump's first national security adviser, but a retired General and onetime head of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

A senior intelligence official watched Kushner offer up a secret back channel to the Kremlin, and did nothing.

Before even setting foot in the White House, a member of the Trump family offered to betray his country to the Russians, and the Russians declined.

Holy fucking shitballs.
Ford, there was no betrayal, just stupidity. Having said that, I think it's important to understand background of these events. Obama administration was trying to make life harder for Trump with regards to Russia and in other areas where they disagree, so Trump people thought it would be a good idea to contact Russians and tell them to wait until Trump is in office.
Ford, there was no betrayal, just stupidity. Having said that, I think it's important to understand background of these events. Obama administration was trying to make life harder for Trump with regards to Russia and in other areas where they disagree,
I think everyone from Obama down to the guy that details the limousines that Trump and his posse were unprepared for being an administration. THere was no need to do ANYTHING to make it harder for Trump.
so Trump people thought it would be a good idea to contact Russians and tell them to wait until Trump is in office.
Did Trump think the Russians incapable of reading a calendar to see what day the inauguration was? What, no one in Moscow could figure out when Trump would actually have the power to deal?
Ford, there was no betrayal, just stupidity. Having said that, I think it's important to understand background of these events. Obama administration was trying to make life harder for Trump with regards to Russia and in other areas where they disagree, so Trump people thought it would be a good idea to contact Russians and tell them to wait until Trump is in office.
By setting up multiple candlestine meetings and then lying about it? Unbelievable.
Yeah, even if the content of the meetings were innocent, the lying to conceal them is criminal.
Ford, there was no betrayal, just stupidity. Having said that, I think it's important to understand background of these events. Obama administration was trying to make life harder for Trump with regards to Russia and in other areas where they disagree, so Trump people thought it would be a good idea to contact Russians and tell them to wait until Trump is in office.
By setting up multiple candlestine meetings and then lying about it? Unbelievable.

Yeah, funny how nobody in the Trump campaign or transition team had any contact with the Russians. Until they were caught lying about it.

p.s. I have Barbos on ignore for a reason. Only so much Kremlin propaganda I can take.
Originally posted by whichphiloophy:
All we can see is; an investigation and then assumptions based on non specifics with no smoking gun with a conclusion. How can an idiot beat the other candidates and win the Presidency. the allegations seem more to be rooted in Butt-hurt over the election results.

I see this claim again and again from Trump supporters. You guys really do seem to live on another planet, or at the very least have a very odd view of humans and their motivations. Put plainly: this defense is stupid, and people that use it should feel stupid for doing so.

The democrats are running around with admittedly, a lot of angst over losing this election. There are various reasons for this, and even a cursory reading of any left leaning political articles, social media, or news programs will reveal those reasons. Top contenders are 1) Hillary ran a lousy campaign. 2) Hillary is a lousy choice to run (for various reasons). 3) The democrats have essentially lost their way and are not connecting with working class and poor people. Even 4) We're not listening to the "pain" of the average Trump voter and right wing idiots that continuously vote against their own interests.

Very, very rarely have I seen a democrat blame the campaign loss solely on the Russian interference in the campaign. It cannot be determined how much that swayed the election. But we DO know it happened, and we DO know Russia did this.

Think rationally for just one damned minute. IF we found out Trump even willfully conspired with the Russians, what would happen? Would democrats get an automatic presidency out of it? Obviously fucking not. We'll end up with fucking plastic man Pence most likely, or even someone else further down the line, but we will STILL have a republican administration. Therefore, it does us NO GOOD to make up a fake Russian story just so we have an excuse for losing.

What everyone should be concerned about is how unfit Trump is for office, and how to prevent interference in our democratic process from now on, which is something that republicans should also be very interested in, if they were only half as patriotic as they claimed to be all these years. Sadly, this doesn't appear to be the case.

Making up motivations for people (that don't even make sense as motivating factors) doesn't help the situation. The very problem that any Trump supporter has is that as all these revelations which come up in our media very much have a tendency to bear out. So thus far, we have an administration that seems in an awful hurry to establish back channels of communications with the Kremlin that bypass normal bureaucratic lines of communication, for unknown reasons.

As this evidence continues to mount with new revelations day after day, it reveals the Trump supporters to look like the conspiracy theorist, reality denying personality types that they are. Once everything comes to a head, and this administration practically collapses in disgrace, his supporters will continue to insist that the "deep state" or some such nonsense would not tolerate "putting America first". There will always be that rabid fan base of deniers that as easy pickings for this con man, his family, and like minded individuals.
I think it will be more like the Phantom Menace. Remember how when it came out, there were tons of Star Wars fans who wouldn't admit it sucked and came up with all sorts of reasons that it was actually good?

Then, a few years later, you couldn't find anyone who ever liked it in the first place.

Trump supporters will be the same. They're too into it now, so they're Phantom Menacing themselves and won't be able too see the problems. A few years from now, though, most of them will have always been against him from the beginning.
I think everyone from Obama down to the guy that details the limousines that Trump and his posse were unprepared for being an administration. THere was no need to do ANYTHING to make it harder for Trump.
That's not what I said. Obama tried to make life harder with regards to Russia, that's why he sent bunch of russian diplomats back to Russia.
so Trump people thought it would be a good idea to contact Russians and tell them to wait until Trump is in office.
Did Trump think the Russians incapable of reading a calendar to see what day the inauguration was? What, no one in Moscow could figure out when Trump would actually have the power to deal?
No, not that. Russians were reassured that Trump was a good (with respect to Russia) guy.
That's not what I said. Obama tried to make life harder with regards to Russia, that's why he sent bunch of russian diplomats back to Russia.
That would only make sense if he closed the entire embassy and kicked all the Russians out of the country.
On the other hand, if they were found to be actively involved in espionage, then kicking those Russians out of the country would make it easier for Trump...
No, not that. Russians were reassured that Trump was a good (with respect to Russia) guy.
Why is there a need for a clandestine meeting for that, then?
Or MULTIPLE meetings?
And lie about them....?

When my oldest son was five, he wanted to take a toy to school. His mom found him carrying it out to the car. Told him it was against the rules and to go put the toy in his bedroom.
He stomped off to his bedroom, came back and said, "I'm not taking a toy to school and don't look in my pockets!"

I'm sure he would agree with Trump that the 'leak' is the real crime, here. He did nothing wrong.... Until Mom looked in his pockets.
That would only make sense if he closed the entire embassy and kicked all the Russians out of the country.
On the other hand, if they were found to be actively involved in espionage, then kicking those Russians out of the country would make it easier for Trump...
That's not how it's done. Each side pretty much knows who is who and kicks out only when they feel it would be advantageous to them politically.
No, not that. Russians were reassured that Trump was a good (with respect to Russia) guy.
Why is there a need for a clandestine meeting for that, then?
Or MULTIPLE meetings?
And lie about them....?
Yes, they are stupid.
Why is there a need for a clandestine meeting for that, then?
Or MULTIPLE meetings?
And lie about them....?

Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that they were trying to conceal anything from US intelligence services!

Nope. Nothing to see here. Move along. What's Russian for "no big deal?"
That's not how it's done. Each side pretty much knows who is who and kicks out only when they feel it would be advantageous to them politically.
Since you have a history of just making shit up, i'd like to see some support for this, that it's only done for political advantage?
Barbos, I don't think you do either.
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