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Poll Dem VP Pic: your choice?

Reflecting that a poll is included in the thread.

Democratic Vice President Pick

  • Josh Shapiro

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Gretchen Whimer

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Cory Booker

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chuck Schumer

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Other?

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • Eric Swalwell

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Andy Beshear

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
Of course, that happened some 30 years ago, and by all accounts he completely reformed and hasn’t touched a drop again.
"Not touching a drop again" does not fill me with confidence. It shows a weak man, one that doesn't trust himself to drink responsibly. I do not have to lay off alcohol completely to know not to drive drunk.

Now you’re a doctor in addition to a pundit? If he really had a problem with alcohol, the consensus medical opinion seems to be to say clean and sober, which means no alcohol ever. But you know best I guess, about this “weak man” who is a retired U.S. Army NCO, a former school teacher and football coach, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and the current governor of Minnesota and Democratic vice presidential nominee who has had a stable and loving marriage for 30 years and is raising two kids. What a weak record, of a weak man! :rofl: Say, what is YOUR record in life?
And that was only the first of the poor decisions on my list.
That’s why you are supporting [Trump]
I don't.
Riiiiiiiiight ….
Who among us has never made a mistake?
I for one have not driven drunk. And note, to get caught with a DUI, he most likely has driven many times in similar state of inebriation.
. BS. Why do you feel the need to make up mire petty reasons to smear someone who made a mistake 30 years ago?
And even if your conjecture is true, so what? He stopped 30 years ago. You’d have a point if it had occurred in the past 5 years or so. But it didn’t, so you will forgive the posters sho think your analysis in this matter is either silly or malicious smearing. It is something a church ladywohkd bring up

Derec said:
I guess part of my opposition to Walz is that Shapiro was done dirty.
Unless you have evidence Walz had something with it, you are attacking an innocent bystander for the misdeeds of others.

Derec said:
He lied about his DUI when he ran for Congress.
Did he or did a staffer? You got a link to support your claim?

You claim you will vote for the Harris Walz ticket. So what if you can find petty and frankly dumbass nitpicks about the VP pick because your preferred candidate wasn’t chosen? Are you under the impression it will somehow change the choice?

Focusing on the inevitable petty examples of “poor judgment “ about Walz while studiously avoiding ferreting out and trumpeting the inevitable petty examples of poor judgment by other candidates in other threads, you end up appearing like a witless partisan rather than an informed citizen who is truly concerned about the pressing issues facing our nation and the world.
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Not personally, no, but palling around with extremist, Hitler-supporting imam shows poor judgment. That's Walz in a nutshell. Poor judgment. Just like his boss.
Derec, I truly feel for your anguish. It must be an internal battle royale to vote for people you despise so much. I’m glad to have your vote, of course, don’t get me wrong, but I really do feel for you how painful it is to give it.
"Done dirty"? Sounds like an exaggeration. Shapiro checked a number of boxes and had EV cred. Walz checked a number of boxes and had wider EV cred.
He is also more acceptable to the anti-Israel crowd.
An ‘uncommitted’ delegate finds hope in Tim Walz

Asma Mohammed via Politico said:
First, we’re really relieved that [Pennsylvania Gov. Josh] Shapiro wasn’t the pick. He’s a former [Israel Defense Forces] volunteer, and beyond that, had taken some really hard lines against the First Amendment with protesters and student protesters who wanted their voices heard.
Gov. Walz has been a big supporter of Israel, [but] he also had some nice things to say about the “uncommitted” movement, about these are people who are a part of the party, and they also deserve to be heard.
So to me Walz is a movable target. I think that we can elicit some more wins from him.
That article doesn't support your claim. Based on the tea leaves, it looked like it was going to be Shapiro whose stock rose a bit out of no where.
I disagree that Shapiro's stock rose out of nowhere. He would have been a logical pick. A popular and moderate governor of a battleground state. Knows how to get shit done. Would "fix" some of the deficiencies that Kamala Harris has as a candidate.
I also think it is obvious that the hard left did not want him, and that Kamala Harris is not exactly known for standing up to the hard left. She is more comfortable courting them.
Much like Walz's did. But they went with the Midwest flair which might have wider electoral benefits.
Now, Walz did rise out of nowhere after his "weird" quip. And the 'flair" is one of the things that irks me about the choice. Kamala's campaign is way too much about "vibes" as it is. Kamala is brat. You did not fall out of a coconut tree. Now she is relying on vibes and flair around Walz as "midwestern dad" as opposed to any substance.

For fuck sakes, most people don't even know who Walz was, much less "Fauxgressives". If he was so popular among "fauxgressives" why wasn't he on the list?
Politics buffs knew who he was. I knew who he was. But you are right in that the fauxgressives really latched onto him once he became better known after his "weird" quip.

  • Pros
    • Awesome pedigree
    • Ari-fucking-zona EVs!
  • Cons
    • poor speaker
    • Senate seat a great risk
Can't disagree with any of that.

  • Pros
    • Popular in PA, but not ridiculously popular
    • Speaks well
    • PA EV's likely
  • Cons
    • East coast marxist paired with a west coast Marxist
    • Not particularly well known
Marxist? Shapiro is a moderate, from a purple state. He would have actually balanced Kami's ticket.
  • Pros
    • Midwestern and connects with people
    • Midwest vibe helps with MI, WI EVs
    • Midwest vibe breaks up 'out of touch coastal Marxist' bs
  • Cons
    • Not particularly well known
    • Already have MN EV's, if his selection doesn't work with WI and MI, didn't pay off
I doubt he will be very helpful getting Kami over the top in MI or WI. She might win those states, but then again she might have won them with other running mates too. MN is solidly blue, so that doesn't matter.
And note you mentioning "vibes". It's all about "vibes" with him. He is supposed to be "vibing" as a moderate because he is from the Midwest, never mind that MN is a solidly blue state and never mind Walz' actual record as a governor.
Derec, I truly feel for your anguish. It must be an internal battle royale to vote for people you despise so much. I’m glad to have your vote, of course, don’t get me wrong, but I really do feel for you how painful it is to give it.
It is hard. Against anybody other than Trump, I would not be voting for these two brats.
I for one have not driven drunk. And note, to get caught with a DUI, he most likely has driven many times in similar state of inebriation.
. BS. Why do you feel the need to make up mire petty reasons to smear someone who made a mistake 30 years ago?
How is it BS? The chances of getting caught drunk driving are <<1, which means that anybody busted for DUI has probably driven that way many times.
FBI: Average drunk driver has driven drunk more than 80 times before first arrest
And even if your conjecture is true, so what? He stopped 30 years ago.
He did not just fall out of a coconut tree at 60 years old. He exists in the context of everything he has done before.
And again, your Ilk has attacked Kavanaugh for what he allegedly did 30 years before at 17 years old. I think what Walz actually did 30 years ago at the age of 30 is far more relevant.
You’d have a point if it had occurred in the past 5 years or so. But it didn’t, so you will forgive the posters sho think your analysis in this matter is either silly or malicious smearing.
If only the Left was consistent about the 5 year rule, we could have saved ourselves that awkward Senate hearing in 2018. Or the lawsuits about what some hack writer alleged happened in a Bergdorf changing room around the same time as the Walz DUI.
It is something a church ladywohkd bring up
What? ladywohkd?
Unless you have evidence Walz had something with it, you are attacking an innocent bystander for the misdeeds of others.
I did not say he had something to do with it, but he is the beneficiary of it.
And a lackluster choice for running mate who is not really complementing Kami well.
Did he or did a staffer? You got a link to support your claim?
It was the campaign. The buck stops with the candidate.

You claim you will vote for the Harris Walz ticket. So what if you can find petty and frankly dumbass nitpicks about the VP pick because your preferred candidate wasn’t chosen? Are you under the impression it will somehow change the choice?
I am just venting. Just because I will begrudgingly vote for the lesser weevils, does not mean that I can't or shouldn't criticize them.

Focusing on the inevitable petty examples of “poor judgment “ about Walz while studiously avoiding ferreting out and trumpeting the inevitable petty examples of poor judgment by other candidates in other threads, you end up appearing like a witless partisan rather than an informed citizen who is truly concerned about the pressing issues facing our nation and the world.
These are not "petty examples". They are pretty glaring lapses of judgment. Dismissing them makes you appear like a "witless partisan".
Now you’re a doctor in addition to a pundit? If he really had a problem with alcohol, the consensus medical opinion seems to be to say clean and sober, which means no alcohol ever.
I will give you that. If he is an actual alcoholic, then he should stay away.
But you know best I guess, about this “weak man” who
... did not stand up to the 2020 mob when they destroyed businesses in Minneapolis and took over territory for over a year. He also did not stand up to them when they demanded that he free the child murderer Myon Burrell.
Say, what is YOUR record in life?
Am I running for Veep?
Riiiiiiiiight ….
Right! I don't have to support Trump to be able to criticize Harris/Walz when appropriate.
I for one have not driven drunk. And note, to get caught with a DUI, he most likely has driven many times in similar state of inebriation.
. BS. Why do you feel the need to make up mire petty reasons to smear someone who made a mistake 30 years ago?
How is it BS? The chances of getting caught drunk driving are <<1, which means that anybody busted for DUI has probably driven that way many times.
Ignoring that the estimate is unmeasurable in any meaningful sense, what makes you think Mr Walz was an average drunk driver?
Derec said:
He did not just fall out of a coconut tree at 60 years old. He exists in the context of everything he has done before.
And again, your Ilk has attacked Kavanaugh for what he allegedly did 30 years before at 17 years old. I think what Walz actually did 30 years ago at the age of 30 is far more relevant.
I did no such thing. So please stop with this ilk bs.
Derec said:
If only the Left was consistent about the 5 year rule, we could have saved ourselves that awkward Senate hearing in 2018. Or the lawsuits about what some hack writer alleged happened in a Bergdorf changing room around the same time as the Walz DUI.
Sexual assault is a much more serious offense than DUI. While I think something that happened at 17 years old is problematic in assessing the character of an adult 30 years later, it is a double standard for you to deny it points to character. And are you seriously saying Kavanaugh’s treatment justifies your pettiness?

Derec said:
It was the campaign. The buck stops with the candidate.
So you knowingly misrepresented his actions. Didn’t he correct his staffer’s error/lie?

Derec said:
I am just venting. Just because I will begrudgingly vote for the lesser weevils, does not mean that I can't or shouldn't criticize them.
I didn’t suggest otherwise. But criticism on substantive issues is more convincing.
Derec said:
These are not "petty examples". They are pretty glaring lapses of judgment. You dismissing them make you appear as a "witless partisan".
No, I appear as an normal adult, not some prudish churchlady.
Not personally, no, but palling around with extremist, Hitler-supporting imam shows poor judgment. That's Walz in a nutshell. Poor judgment. Just like his boss.
Derec, I truly feel for your anguish. It must be an internal battle royale to vote for people you despise so much. I’m glad to have your vote, of course, don’t get me wrong, but I really do feel for you how painful it is to give it.

Yea, these arguments against Walz are pretty damn weak. Nothing burgers...
"Done dirty"? Sounds like an exaggeration. Shapiro checked a number of boxes and had EV cred. Walz checked a number of boxes and had wider EV cred.
He is also more acceptable to the anti-Israel crowd.
An ‘uncommitted’ delegate finds hope in Tim Walz
Anti-Semites aren't a particularly large voting bloc for the Democrats. If you appreciated much in the way of demographics for US Elections, the Democrats need turnout among their base and support among those living in the suburb. These are the people the Democrats give the most care and make critical decisions based on.

You keep waving this flag of Anti-Semitism, but the reality is, the Anti-Semites were marching after Trump won his election. Some of them storming the US Capitol Building.

There are certainly Anti-Semitic folk that vote Democrat, but it isn't base the Democrats are reaching out to.
That article doesn't support your claim. Based on the tea leaves, it looked like it was going to be Shapiro whose stock rose a bit out of no where.
I disagree that Shapiro's stock rose out of nowhere. He would have been a logical pick. A popular and moderate governor of a battleground state. Knows how to get shit done. Would "fix" some of the deficiencies that Kamala Harris has as a candidate.
I provided reasons why he was a good pick already. I was responding to the claim of him having a high stock value, which did appear out of no where. Not as no where as Walz, but Shapiro wasn't he obvious choice when it appeared Harris was going to be running.
I also think it is obvious that the hard left did not want him, and that Kamala Harris is not exactly known for standing up to the hard left. She is more comfortable courting them.
And you keep thinking the far left has any sway in the Democrat Party. The Democrats can't go far left, the suburbs would shift to the GOP so hard, it'd be detectable on a seismograph.
Much like Walz's did. But they went with the Midwest flair which might have wider electoral benefits.
Now, Walz did rise out of nowhere after his "weird" quip. And the 'flair" is one of the things that irks me about the choice. Kamala's campaign is way too much about "vibes" as it is. Kamala is brat. You did not fall out of a coconut tree. Now she is relying on vibes and flair around Walz as "midwestern dad" as opposed to any substance.
Yes, think of politics like professional wrestling. You never quite know what is going to click. And Walz clicked. He is the VP nominee. The VP nominee to is enhance the ticket, connect to a particular demographic or set of demographics and hopefully secure EVs in a state or region. Walz is a Governor. A good Governor. He served in the National Guard for over two decades. He was a teacher. This idea that Walz has no substance is entirely fictional.
For fuck sakes, most people don't even know who Walz was, much less "Fauxgressives". If he was so popular among "fauxgressives" why wasn't he on the list?
Politics buffs knew who he was. I knew who he was.
You knew who he was because of a black riot in Minnesota. Not because you are in tuned to Minnesota politics.
  • Pros
    • Awesome pedigree
    • Ari-fucking-zona EVs!
  • Cons
    • poor speaker
    • Senate seat a great risk
Can't disagree with any of that.

  • Pros
    • Popular in PA, but not ridiculously popular
    • Speaks well
    • PA EV's likely
  • Cons
    • East coast marxist paired with a west coast Marxist
    • Not particularly well known
Marxist? Shapiro is a moderate, from a purple state. He would have actually balanced Kami's ticket.
Sure, that is EXACTLY what the GOP would have said.
  • Pros
    • Midwestern and connects with people
    • Midwest vibe helps with MI, WI EVs
    • Midwest vibe breaks up 'out of touch coastal Marxist' bs
  • Cons
    • Not particularly well known
    • Already have MN EV's, if his selection doesn't work with WI and MI, didn't pay off
I doubt he will be very helpful getting Kami over the top in MI or WI. She might win those states, but then again she might have won them with other running mates too. MN is solidly blue, so that doesn't matter.
And note you mentioning "vibes". It's all about "vibes" with him. He is supposed to be "vibing" as a moderate because he is from the Midwest, never mind that MN is a solidly blue state and never mind Walz' actual record as a governor.
Yes, I already noted all of this in the Cons section. Why are you repeating it?
Not personally, no, but palling around with extremist, Hitler-supporting imam shows poor judgment. That's Walz in a nutshell. Poor judgment. Just like his boss.
Derec, I truly feel for your anguish. It must be an internal battle royale to vote for people you despise so much. I’m glad to have your vote, of course, don’t get me wrong, but I really do feel for you how painful it is to give it.

Yea, these arguments against Walz are pretty damn weak. Nothing burgers...
Keep hitting him with enough and it can raise doubt as to his honesty in general.
I think the best counter is what can be seen in the Political Humor section: just pile on with more and make a joke out of it, like Coach Walz told his players to give 110%.
Not personally, no, but palling around with extremist, Hitler-supporting imam shows poor judgment. That's Walz in a nutshell. Poor judgment. Just like his boss.
Derec, I truly feel for your anguish. It must be an internal battle royale to vote for people you despise so much. I’m glad to have your vote, of course, don’t get me wrong, but I really do feel for you how painful it is to give it.

Yea, these arguments against Walz are pretty damn weak. Nothing burgers...
Keep hitting him with enough and it can raise doubt as to his honesty in general.
I think the best counter is what can be seen in the Political Humor section: just pile on with more and make a joke out of it, like Coach Walz told his players to give 110%.
I'm not sure this poster has ever visited the humor section of this forum. Its all black and white. No gray, no humor.
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