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Poll Dem VP Pic: your choice?

Reflecting that a poll is included in the thread.

Democratic Vice President Pick

  • Josh Shapiro

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Gretchen Whimer

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Cory Booker

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chuck Schumer

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Other?

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • Eric Swalwell

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Andy Beshear

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
Sure, but it is unrealistic to expect that these kinds of attacks can always be anticipated and guarded against. Walz was running for governor, so he probably didn't have the resources to check out the imam's background.
Why not? People running for governor have a campaign staff. They can easily have done due diligence on the Islamist imam.
Not having seen the film that the imam posted a link to, I can't say whether it was really intended to praise Hitler or if the imam himself had seen the film.
What else do you think he might have meant?
He was a popular cleric in the Muslim community, and Walz was campaigning for votes in that community.
That's fruits of Muslim mass migration - politicians who cater to Islamist radicals.
It seems not to have harmed him in his gubernatorial bid in Minnesota,
Minnesota is a weird state, with a large Muslim population. They elected Islamist Keith Ellison as attorney general. They elected Ilhan Omar to Congress. Minneapolis city council voted unanimously to allow amplified blaring of Muslim prayers at 3AM. Weirdos.

Btw, Walz did not only appear at the Nazi Imam's event. The Imam also appeared at Walz' inauguration.
Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration

The connection between the Democratic Party and the Mosque is a two way one.
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At the time, yes. But in 2006, his congressional campaign certainly denied he drove drunk and offered his partial deafness as an excuse.
Walz's 2006 campaign made misleading claims on drink-driving arrest
How dare a politician make a mistake and apologize. What is wrong with him? :unsure:
Nonresponsive to what I wrote. Lying about a DUI is the opposite of admitting a mistake and apologizing.
OMG! you are right!!!! She should have releveled in the stalking, harassments and sexual assault. It should have been a thrill for her!!! Why was she reliving it as the most exciting time of her life!!!!:stupid:
Releveled? And you are assuming she is telling the truth, when even her friend Leland Keyser doubts that what she claims happens.
You are right!!! she should view it from a male perspective!!!!! How dare she be upset!!!! What attention she got to ruin her career and family. :unsure:
I am just saying that accusations require evidence, especially accusations of serious or heinous crimes. Women should not be believed automatically.
Oh Yes!! How dare she not have been flattered by it!! No reason to have therapy about it. What was wrong with her. :brood:
What the fuck are you babbling about? You erroneously claimed that she told people about her claims at the time, and I corrected that.
Your right how dare those dark skinned people be so violent!! 😈
One's skin color should not give one a license to be violent. Even if the Left routinely excuses violence by blacks.
Did my sarcasm make any impression as it flew past your head?
Of course, it is most unlikely that Walz was aware of the 2015 post or the controversy surrounding it. He was simply praising a Muslim host at an event he was attending, and he thought the imam's sermon was good. There is nothing in Walz's background to suggest he has sympathy for antisemitic causes or feels solidarity with Hamas. That is all just part of a partisan smear campaign that has been resurrected from Republican attacks on his gubernatorial run.
The point is that, just like his new boss, Walz shows poor judgment. He showed poor judgment when he drove plastered, he showed poor judgment when he lied about it when running for Congress. This is just another instance of him exhibiting very poor judgment.
It’s a way to make points. Not my problem if you don’t understand it.
I understand it. Just like I understand that it is a way for you to evade points since you cannot address them head on. Because you know I am right.
Just because you stand in a garage does not make you a car.
You would have a great point if US did not already have plenty of subsidies for having children, both direct (TANF, existing child tax credit, EITC which is really a child tax credit in disguise) and indirect (free K-12 education, healthcare, WIC, SNAP, Section 8) subsidies for having children.
You say “we have plenty”, but wouldn’t “Plenty” be [properly defined as “enough to eliminate the effects of child poverty? That would be plenty.

Like the stimulus checks that cut child poverty in half and reduced domestic violence.

How do YOU edfine “plenty”?
Of course, it is most unlikely that Walz was aware of the 2015 post or the controversy surrounding it. He was simply praising a Muslim host at an event he was attending, and he thought the imam's sermon was good. There is nothing in Walz's background to suggest he has sympathy for antisemitic causes or feels solidarity with Hamas. That is all just part of a partisan smear campaign that has been resurrected from Republican attacks on his gubernatorial run.
The point is that, just like his new boss, Walz shows poor judgment. He showed poor judgment when he drove plastered, he showed poor judgment when he lied about it when running for Congress. This is just another instance of him exhibiting very poor judgment.
Did Walz lie about it during his run for Congress or did his staff? And if his staff dud, do you have any evidence he knew they would?
Of course, it is most unlikely that Walz was aware of the 2015 post or the controversy surrounding it. He was simply praising a Muslim host at an event he was attending, and he thought the imam's sermon was good. There is nothing in Walz's background to suggest he has sympathy for antisemitic causes or feels solidarity with Hamas. That is all just part of a partisan smear campaign that has been resurrected from Republican attacks on his gubernatorial run.
The point is that, just like his new boss, Walz shows poor judgment. He showed poor judgment when he drove plastered, he showed poor judgment when he lied about it when running for Congress. This is just another instance of him exhibiting very poor judgment.
You have a stupid tendency to define people's entire lives by one or two small events in their lives. All people are a lot more grey than the black and white (not a racial reference) you try to portray them as.
Sure, but it is unrealistic to expect that these kinds of attacks can always be anticipated and guarded against. Walz was running for governor, so he probably didn't have the resources to check out the imam's background.
Why not? People running for governor have a campaign staff. They can easily have done due diligence on the Islamist imam.

Neither of us have any idea what the Governor's "campaign staff" was like or how well he was funded. Neither of us have seen the film in question that the Imam praised, and it isn't even clear that the Imam knew or felt it had praised Hitler. All of this comes from oppo research done by Republicans during that campaign, and it simply did not stick with the public.

Not having seen the film that the imam posted a link to, I can't say whether it was really intended to praise Hitler or if the imam himself had seen the film.
What else do you think he might have meant?

Who is "he"? Walz? The Imam? I can't read either man's mind, and neither can you. It is absurd to think that the Imam was a terrorist or that Walz had any inkling of the scandal. He didn't know the man, but, according to his remarks, he felt that the man had given a great sermon. All he did was praise the man's eloquence.

He was a popular cleric in the Muslim community, and Walz was campaigning for votes in that community.
That's fruits of Muslim mass migration - politicians who cater to Islamist radicals.

What utter racist claptrap. What kind of "Muslim mass migration" are you talking about? The US has immigrants from all over the world, including a lot of Muslim immigrants. They set up mosques to worship in, just as Christians set up churches and Jews synagogues. Walz does not cater to Islamist radicals, but you and other Republicans clearly want to promote that kind of innuendo along with quite a few other manufactured scandals.

It seems not to have harmed him in his gubernatorial bid in Minnesota,
Minnesota is a weird state, with a large Muslim population. They elected Islamist Keith Ellison as attorney general. They elected Ilhan Omar to Congress. Minneapolis city council voted unanimously to allow amplified blaring of Muslim prayers at 3AM. Weirdos.

Btw, Walz did not only appear at the Nazi Imam's event. The Imam also appeared at Walz' inauguration.
Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration

The connection between the Democratic Party and the Mosque is a two way one.

The Imam supported Walz in 2018, so it is no surprise that he showed up at the inauguration. The Imam has also made pro-Palestinian remarks and anti-Israeli remarks. That is not unusual for a Muslim cleric in the US or other Muslims. They have grievances against Israel, just as Israeli's have grievances against Muslims. I oppose US support for Israel's brutal attacks on Palestinian civilians, and the US administration has at least publicly criticized Nethanyahu and his government for their brutal methods in prosecuting their side of the war.
That's fruits of Muslim mass migration - politicians who cater to Islamist radicals.

What utter racist claptrap. What kind of "Muslim mass migration" are you talking about? The US has immigrants from all over the world, including a lot of Muslim immigrants.
Including Derec, who is also an immigrant.
Of course, it is most unlikely that Walz was aware of the 2015 post or the controversy surrounding it. He was simply praising a Muslim host at an event he was attending, and he thought the imam's sermon was good. There is nothing in Walz's background to suggest he has sympathy for antisemitic causes or feels solidarity with Hamas. That is all just part of a partisan smear campaign that has been resurrected from Republican attacks on his gubernatorial run.
The point is that, just like his new boss, Walz shows poor judgment. He showed poor judgment when he drove plastered, he showed poor judgment when he lied about it when running for Congress. This is just another instance of him exhibiting very poor judgment.
You have a stupid tendency to define people's entire lives by one or two small events in their lives. All people are a lot more grey than the black and white (not a racial reference) you try to portray them as.
Drunk driving thirty years ago. Oh what an uncommon thing it was.
Born of a generation where 74% admit to driving under the influence.
Walz got caught in 1995. I didn't in 1999.
Of course, it is most unlikely that Walz was aware of the 2015 post or the controversy surrounding it. He was simply praising a Muslim host at an event he was attending, and he thought the imam's sermon was good. There is nothing in Walz's background to suggest he has sympathy for antisemitic causes or feels solidarity with Hamas. That is all just part of a partisan smear campaign that has been resurrected from Republican attacks on his gubernatorial run.
The point is that, just like his new boss, Walz shows poor judgment. He showed poor judgment when he drove plastered, he showed poor judgment when he lied about it when running for Congress. This is just another instance of him exhibiting very poor judgment.
You have a stupid tendency to define people's entire lives by one or two small events in their lives. All people are a lot more grey than the black and white (not a racial reference) you try to portray them as.
I guess the idea is that if anyone makes even one lapse in judgment their judgment can never be trusted ever again.

I would expect someone with the integrity of Derec to apply that to everyone in his life, yes?
To me Walz’ culpability for his past rests not on how far in the past it was (it was a long time ago), nor on how many other people did it (it was not considered a career-ending move at the time), nor even on how his campaign back then tried to spin it (many campaigns have done that), but rather,

Walz’ current culpability rests on what he did at the time. He apologized sincerely, he offered to make amends, and he never touched alcohol again.

To me, that is the apology. He didn’t make light of it and he took action to make sure it would never happen again.

I admire that.
To me Walz’ culpability for his past rests not on how far in the past it was (it was a long time ago), nor on how many other people did it (it was not considered a career-ending move at the time), nor even on how his campaign back then tried to spin it (many campaigns have done that), but rather,

Walz’ current culpability rests on what he did at the time. He apologized sincerely, he offered to make amends, and he never touched alcohol again.

To me, that is the apology. He didn’t make light of it and he took action to make sure it would never happen again.

I admire that.
Juxtapose that with Republicans when caught out on something. Specifically, the man at the top of the ticket.

Around the same time that Walz was driving under the influence, Trump cornered a woman he desired in a dressing room of a New York department store and sexually assaulted her. There's no "alleged" about it, in case you're wondering. A jury of his peers unanimously found that he did indeed sexually assault her, and arrived at their decision in under 3 hours.

Rather than do as Walz has done and take responsibility for his actions, Trump doubled-down, defaming his victim repeatedly and incurring even more legal consequences. The judge - ruling to uphold the judgement - pointed out that Trump used the office of the Presidency, the "loudest bully pulpit in America" to attack Carroll. To put it mildly, Trump has no remorse whatsoever, and to this day maintains that he never even met her.

If contrition over nearly 30 year old indiscretions were the sole criteria for judging candidates, then it is Trump and not Walz who must be rejected.
Of course, it is most unlikely that Walz was aware of the 2015 post or the controversy surrounding it. He was simply praising a Muslim host at an event he was attending, and he thought the imam's sermon was good. There is nothing in Walz's background to suggest he has sympathy for antisemitic causes or feels solidarity with Hamas. That is all just part of a partisan smear campaign that has been resurrected from Republican attacks on his gubernatorial run.
The point is that, just like his new boss, Walz shows poor judgment.
Poor judgment as in being convicted of defamation of character... and then committing the same act again?
He showed poor judgment when he drove plastered, he showed poor judgment when he lied about it when running for Congress. This is just another instance of him exhibiting very poor judgment.
Very poor judgment, like as in taking secret documents from the Government, refusing to give them back, and lying about the other ones they still have hidden?
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