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Poll Dem VP Pic: your choice?

Reflecting that a poll is included in the thread.

Democratic Vice President Pick

  • Josh Shapiro

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Gretchen Whimer

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Cory Booker

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chuck Schumer

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Other?

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • Eric Swalwell

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Andy Beshear

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
This thread is not about Trump, but about Dem Veep pick. Stop derailing!
You might as well give up. I don't think they can help it. Its like Captain Ahab and the white whale. Or Capt Kirk and Khan. Hey...maybe woke Hollywood (if they survive) will make a new Star Trek movie with AI where the crew goes back in time to the 2000's to take on Trump. :)

This thread is not about Trump, but about Dem Veep pick. Stop derailing!
You might as well give up. I don't think they can help it. Its like Captain Ahab and the white whale. Or Capt Kirk and Khan. Hey...maybe woke Hollywood (if they survive) will make a new Star Trek movie with AI where the crew goes back in time to the 2000's to take on Trump. :)

View attachment 47486

Let's hope they arrive soon. It's getting close to the election. Or do you think maybe that kid on the roof was their doing?
Of course, it is most unlikely that Walz was aware of the 2015 post or the controversy surrounding it. He was simply praising a Muslim host at an event he was attending, and he thought the imam's sermon was good. There is nothing in Walz's background to suggest he has sympathy for antisemitic causes or feels solidarity with Hamas. That is all just part of a partisan smear campaign that has been resurrected from Republican attacks on his gubernatorial run.
The point is that, just like his new boss, Walz shows poor judgment. He showed poor judgment when he drove plastered, he showed poor judgment when he lied about it when running for Congress. This is just another instance of him exhibiting very poor judgment.
Who among us has never made a mistake? Why are so many of your posts so negative? Why not look at a person's entire life and the contributions they've made, instead of dwelling on a few mistakes they may have made over the course of their lives. When I think of Walz, I think of a good man who dedicated his life to public service, as a teacher, as a member of the military, and as an elected official. He seems to be an excellent father and husband, a person who cares about others and who has a lot of wisdom based on his experience and what he has learned from his mistakes. I guess I don't understand your negativity, especially when it comes to someone as valued by his family and community as Walz obviously his. Have you never made a mistake in your life? I'm pretty sure, just like the rest of us, you have. I did a lot of dumb, risky things when I was younger. I will admit that, and I will also try to see humor in some of the stupid things I did, since I survived and luckily never harmed anyone.

If we look at some of the other people who are candidates or are in office, we often see obvious criminal like behavior, lies, disregard for others, hypocrisy, incompetence etc. while never admitting they are wrong. I'm not going to worry about a good person who may have used bad judgement a few times in the past, and has admitted he's been wrong at times. It takes a mature adult to do that. I prefer to vote for people who are mature and have gained wisdom via their experiences in life, both positive and negative. Just sayin'.
Of course, it is most unlikely that Walz was aware of the 2015 post or the controversy surrounding it. He was simply praising a Muslim host at an event he was attending, and he thought the imam's sermon was good. There is nothing in Walz's background to suggest he has sympathy for antisemitic causes or feels solidarity with Hamas. That is all just part of a partisan smear campaign that has been resurrected from Republican attacks on his gubernatorial run.
The point is that, just like his new boss, Walz shows poor judgment. He showed poor judgment when he drove plastered, he showed poor judgment when he lied about it when running for Congress. This is just another instance of him exhibiting very poor judgment.

Rubbish. There is no pattern of poor judgement, just a few cases of bad or mistaken decisions in a life full of good and beneficial ones. If you are looking for a pattern of bad judgments, focus on the pasts of the criminal felon Donald Trump and JD Vance, Mr. "cat Lady". Walz had a distinguished record of service in the National Guard, and he did not lie about the rank he held until the day of his retirement. He handled the Minnesota riot as well as any governor could, given the tools he had and his experience in office. His praise for the Imam did not make him antisemitic or pro-terrorist, despite your efforts to hype the Republican spin from his old campaign for governor. Your arguments against him and Harris are really flimsy.
Of course, it is most unlikely that Walz was aware of the 2015 post or the controversy surrounding it. He was simply praising a Muslim host at an event he was attending, and he thought the imam's sermon was good. There is nothing in Walz's background to suggest he has sympathy for antisemitic causes or feels solidarity with Hamas. That is all just part of a partisan smear campaign that has been resurrected from Republican attacks on his gubernatorial run.
The point is that, just like his new boss, Walz shows poor judgment. He showed poor judgment when he drove plastered, he showed poor judgment when he lied about it when running for Congress. This is just another instance of him exhibiting very poor judgment.

Rubbish. There is no pattern of poor judgement, just a few cases of bad or mistaken decisions in a life full of good and beneficial ones. If you are looking for a pattern of bad judgments, focus on the pasts of the criminal felon Donald Trump and JD Vance, Mr. "cat Lady". Walz had a distinguished record of service in the National Guard, and he did not lie about the rank he held until the day of his retirement. He handled the Minnesota riot as well as any governor could, given the tools he had and his experience in office. His praise for the Imam did not make him antisemitic or pro-terrorist, despite your efforts to hype the Republican spin from his old campaign for governor. Your arguments against him and Harris are really flimsy.
He also handled the pandemic pretty well, with his state suffering far fewer deaths than projected and the economy recovering quickly.
Seen elsewhere:
Have you heard about the Never Walz Group? They bought booth space at the MN state fair to hand out anti-Walz stuff. What they failed to do is buy the domain, so someone else did.


Rubbish. There is no pattern of poor judgement, just a few cases of bad or mistaken decisions in a life full of good and beneficial ones.
A number of cases of poor decisions over many years that, yes, do form a pattern.
If you are looking for a pattern of bad judgments, focus on the pasts of the criminal felon Donald Trump and JD Vance, Mr. "cat Lady".
Why? This is not a thread about them, but about the "Dem VP pic[sic]". There is plenty written about Trump and Vance elsewhere.
What this thread is about is the Democratic nominee for vice president. And Harris passed over Shapiro because he was Jewish and supports Israel and that was anathema to the far left of the Democratic Party. Speaking of poor judgment, Kamala's unwillingness to stand to the left-wing fringe has been her Achilles' heel since at least 2019 when she was jumping on every Bernie/Warren bandwagon.

Walz had a distinguished record of service in the National Guard, and he did not lie about the rank he held until the day of his retirement.
No? Didn't he say that he was a rank above which he qualified for?
He handled the Minnesota riot as well as any governor could, given the tools he had and his experience in office.
Riots that caused billions in property damage and several deaths. Extremists were allowed to occupy territory for over a year in one place, and for weeks in another in 2021. So no, he did not handle it well.
His praise for the Imam did not make him antisemitic or pro-terrorist,
Not personally, no, but palling around with extremist, Hitler-supporting imam shows poor judgment. That's Walz in a nutshell. Poor judgment. Just like his boss.
arguments against him and Harris are really flimsy.
They are not.
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Who among us has never made a mistake?
I for one have not driven drunk. And note, to get caught with a DUI, he most likely has driven many times in similar state of inebriation. Which was 0.128% when measured, but obviously higher when he was stopped and even higher than that when he started driving. >0.15% surely.

He is also running for 2nd position in land, one heartbeat away from presidency. Excuse me if I have higher standards for him that I would for some random barfly.
The same goes for all the other poor decisions he has made.
Why are so many of your posts so negative? Why not look at a person's entire life and the contributions they've made, instead of dwelling on a few mistakes they may have made over the course of their lives.
I guess part of my opposition to Walz is that Shapiro was done dirty.
Progressives sound alarm as Shapiro VP stock rises

Harris caved to the far left that was opposed to Shapiro and also advocated for Walz. He wasn't on the short list, he wasn't even in the poll in this thread. He was picked because a) fauxgressives like him and b) because his "weird" quip fits well into the substance -free "vibes and memes" campaign Kamala has been running so far. Weird. Kamala is brat. Coconut trees. Is that really what the Democratic Party is now?

Have you never made a mistake in your life?
None as serious as his. And I am not running for Veep.

If we look at some of the other people who are candidates or are in office, we often see obvious criminal like behavior, lies, disregard for others, hypocrisy, incompetence etc. while never admitting they are wrong.
Compare Walz with others who were in the running for Kami's running mate. Shapiro, Kelly, Basheer etc. None had "obvious criminal behavior, lies" and other epithets you are throwing around here. And all of them, esp. Shapiro would have been a better choice.
Walz is also the most left-wing of those picks. That signals that Harris-Walz ticket is not interested in moving to the center. And the few policy proposals she announced - price controls, even more child tax credits than Biden, taxing unrealized capital gains etc. are from the Left's wish list.
I'm not going to worry about a good person who may have used bad judgement a few times in the past, and has admitted he's been wrong at times.
He lied about his DUI when he ran for Congress.

It takes a mature adult to do that. I prefer to vote for people who are mature and have gained wisdom via their experiences in life, both positive and negative. Just sayin'.
And you do not think Shapiro is mature enough?
Who among us has never made a mistake?
I for one have not driven drunk. And note, to get caught with a DUI, he most likely has driven many times in similar state of inebriation. Which was 0.128% when measured, but obviously higher when he was stopped and even higher than that when he started driving. >0.15% surely.

He is also running for 2nd position in land, one heartbeat away from presidency. Excuse me if I have higher standards for him that I would for some random barfly.

Of course, that happened some 30 years ago, and by all accounts he completely reformed and hasn’t touched a drop again. But, of course, you have very, VERY high standards for the highest offices in the land. HIgh standards! The best standards! Bigly standards!

That’s why you are supporting a man found guilty of sexual abuse and convicted of felony business fraud, a man who instigated an attempted coup to stay in power after he was beaten in a fair vote, a man who stole state secrets, a racist, misogynist narcissistic sociopath.

Because, standards! High standards! The best standards! Bigly standards!


Juxtapose that with Republicans when caught out on something. Specifically, the man at the top of the ticket.
Why? This is a thread about Dems' choice for vice presidential candidate. Walz should be compared with the people who were passed over - specifically those on the top of the short list: Shapiro and Kelly.
Around the same time that Walz was driving under the influence, Trump cornered a woman he desired in a dressing room of a New York department store and sexually assaulted her. There's no "alleged" about it, in case you're wondering. A jury of his peers unanimously found that he did indeed sexually assault her, and arrived at their decision in under 3 hours.
Irrelevant to this thread, but that allegation is bullshit, no matter the civil judgment. EJC is a nutburger who most likely lifted the scenario from the Law and Order:SVU episode with Kevin Pollack.
Rather than do as Walz has done and take responsibility for his actions,
He lied about the DUI when he was running for Congress.

So we have, at the very least:

- driving 96 mph while very drunk
- lying about it when running for Congress
- speaking at an event for an extremist, antisemitic, Hitler-praising imam, praising him as a "master teacher" and also inviting him to speak at his inauguration
- inadequate response to the 2020 insurrection that included occupying territory in the middle of Minneapolis for over a year
- freeing a child murderer
- praising the antisemitic "Uncommitted" movement
Of course, that happened some 30 years ago, and by all accounts he completely reformed and hasn’t touched a drop again.
"Not touching a drop again" does not fill me with confidence. It shows a weak man, one that doesn't trust himself to drink responsibly. I do not have to lay off alcohol completely to know not to drive drunk. Btw, Trump is also a teetotaler.

And that was only the first of the poor decisions on my list.
That’s why you are supporting [Trump]
I don't.
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Why are so many of your posts so negative? Why not look at a person's entire life and the contributions they've made, instead of dwelling on a few mistakes they may have made over the course of their lives.
I guess part of my opposition to Walz is that Shapiro was done dirty.
Progressives sound alarm as Shapiro VP stock rises
"Done dirty"? Sounds like an exaggeration. Shapiro checked a number of boxes and had EV cred. Walz checked a number of boxes and had wider EV cred.
Harris caved to the far left that was opposed to Shapiro and also advocated for Walz.
That article doesn't support your claim. Based on the tea leaves, it looked like it was going to be Shapiro whose stock rose a bit out of no where. Much like Walz's did. But they went with the Midwest flair which might have wider electoral benefits.
He wasn't on the short list, he wasn't even in the poll in this thread. He was picked because a) fauxgressives like him and b) because his "weird" quip fits well into the substance -free "vibes and memes" campaign Kamala has been running so far. Weird. Kamala is brat. Coconut trees. Is that really what the Democratic Party is now?
For fuck sakes, most people don't even know who Walz was, much less "Fauxgressives". If he was so popular among "fauxgressives" why wasn't he on the list?
If we look at some of the other people who are candidates or are in office, we often see obvious criminal like behavior, lies, disregard for others, hypocrisy, incompetence etc. while never admitting they are wrong.
Compare Walz with others who were in the running for Kami's running mate. Shapiro, Kelly, Basheer etc. None had "obvious criminal behavior, lies" and other epithets you are throwing around here. And all of them, esp. Shapiro would have been a better choice.
Walz is also the most left-wing of those picks. That signals that Harris-Walz ticket is not interested in moving to the center. And the few policy proposals she announced - price controls, even more child tax credits than Biden, taxing unrealized capital gains etc. are from the Left's wish list.
  • Kelly
    • Pros
      • Awesome pedigree
      • Ari-fucking-zona EVs!
    • Cons
      • poor speaker
      • Senate seat a great risk
  • Shapiro
    • Pros
      • Popular in PA, but not ridiculously popular
      • Speaks well
      • PA EV's likely
    • Cons
      • East coast marxist paired with a west coast Marxist
      • Not particularly well known
  • Walz
    • Pros
      • Midwestern and connects with people
      • Midwest vibe helps with MI, WI EVs
      • Midwest vibe breaks up 'out of touch coastal Marxist' bs
    • Cons
      • Not particularly well known
      • Already have MN EV's, if his selection doesn't work with WI and MI, didn't pay off
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