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Democratic debates

Oh boy, I had to leave for half an hour and am back to Klob praising the illegals. Now Pete is on it too. WE SHOULD HAVE ENGLISH AS OFFICIAL LANGUAGE!!! Especially as a nation with many immigrants, we need something to hold us together - and a common language is a good thing to do that. Klob is 100% wrong to denounce her former position on that.
I agree with TSwizzle. It looks increasingly like 4 more years. :(]

Not even in the military that preaches unit cohesiveness is this a rule. In fact, going back to 1990, I recall reading the regulation that speaks specifically against this. Military members can speak whatever language they wish whether acting in an official capacity or not. Whatever gets the job done and gets the message across.
What holds us together is treating each other with respect.
Well, Warren really set the stage for last night’s debate. She came out snarling and snapping at everyone and didn’t let up. Bernie stole her progressive mojo and now she is fighting for her life and trying once again to shuffle to the center, to redefine herself yet again, to be viable. In a debate that should have gone hard on Trump, Trump laughed and Elizabeth Warren orchestrated it.
To think how I admired her during the Obama administration and today, after last night’s debate, she is my last choice.

"Any minute now Bloomberg is going to tell Smithers to release the hounds."

"Bloomberg brought a wallet to a knife fight."

It's much sadder than that. Bloomberg doesn't have to do anything. Warren will get a small financial bump from the debate. It will not be enough to compete effectively against Bloomberg for Super Tuesday votes. For example, she may get $10M compared to $100M he may dump. He doesn't even need to address her and he can just wait her out.
This is the first debate that I tried to watch. I made it through the first hour before falling asleep. I was very disappointed with all of the candidates. All they seemed to do is snipe at each other, while not really presenting any good reason as to how they could win in the general. Imo, they just gave Trump and company a lot more fodder to be used against the eventual nominee. Stone face Bloomberg needs to go home and count his money. Liz needs to calm down. Amy wasn't nearly as good as she was when she gave her speech after the last debate. Pete just looked like a person who needs a lot more experience before he's ready for prime time. Biden was Biden, no better and no worse. Sanders always looks like a raving maniac to me, waving his arms and saying the same things that he's been saying for years, while never convincing enough people in Congress that he might be on to something.

Of course any of these people would be far superior to Trump, who btw, just appointed a Trump toady, totally unqualified jerk to be the acting DNI! So, whoever gets the nomination will certainly get my vote. None of them can match the corruption and incompetence of Trump, but none of them seem to be able to unify the party and that's a huge problem for the Dems.
Does anybody want to talk about how every candidate except the one who is winning said that the party should fuck over whoever wins at the convention
Handy infographic to remind anyone why Bloomberg is running for POTUS

Does anybody want to talk about how every candidate except the one who is winning said that the party should fuck over whoever wins at the convention

Seriously, can we? It's great when almost all the candidates running for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY NOMINATION unanimously express their willingness to subvert the will of the people and install whoever reminds them of the last person who lost. Do they realize that Milwaukee will be the epicenter of a national protest that will shut down the fucking country if Bernie gets a plurality of delegates but is denied the nomination...?
Does anybody want to talk about how every candidate except the one who is winning said that the party should fuck over whoever wins at the convention

Yeah, they all have Sanders's position from 2016. Odd, how he flipped on that.
Does anybody want to talk about how every candidate except the one who is winning said that the party should fuck over whoever wins at the convention

Yeah, they all have Sanders's position from 2016. Odd, how he flipped on that.

You're not wrong. But that knife slices both ways. Bernie never claimed to be the unity candidate
... More importantly, Warren came to Klobuchar's defense, when she was being unfairly attacked for failing a reporter's "gotcha" test on whether she recalled the name of the president of Mexico. Reporters are good at trapping candidates with those kinds of cheap snap quiz questions. What reporters ought to be doing is asking intelligent questions about policy issues, but that would require spending some time doing research.

That was noble of her but I don't think Klobuchar appreciated it judging by the expression on her face. The whole episode seemed to make her very uncomfortable, but it didn't look good to have to be rescued.
Does anybody want to talk about how every candidate except the one who is winning said that the party should fuck over whoever wins at the convention

Winning at the convention means getting the majority of delegate votes, on first or subsequent ballots, not just the plurality. Nobody is proposing fucking over whoever wins at the convention.
Does anybody want to talk about how every candidate except the one who is winning said that the party should fuck over whoever wins at the convention

Yeah, they all have Sanders's position from 2016. Odd, how he flipped on that.

You're not wrong. But that knife slices both ways. Bernie never claimed to be the unity candidate

In your own words, Sanders wanted to "fuck over" the real winner last time, and not just the plurality winner.
Does anybody want to talk about how every candidate except the one who is winning said that the party should fuck over whoever wins at the convention

Winning at the convention means getting the majority of delegate votes, on first or subsequent ballots, not just the plurality. Nobody is proposing fucking over whoever wins at the convention.

If someone gets the plurality, who other than that person should be the nominee based on the will of the voters? By definition, no one got more votes than the plurality winner, so anyone they pick will satisfy FEWER people than the plurality winner. Thus making it strategically advisable to have many candidates in the primary, so that the lack of a majority winner is more likely than it would otherwise be, allowing the party establishment (and not their constituents) to select the nominee.
You're not wrong. But that knife slices both ways. Bernie never claimed to be the unity candidate

In your own words, Sanders wanted to "fuck over" the real winner last time, and not just the plurality winner.
All I know is if Sanders ends up as the candidate for the Democrats, PH is the last person we want "making the case" for Sanders.
This is the first debate that I tried to watch. I made it through the first hour before falling asleep. I was very disappointed with all of the candidates. All they seemed to do is snipe at each other,
What Warren did to poor Bloomberg was more than sniping. It was a full on Gatling gun barrage.
(Elizabeth Warren, Las Vegas, 1/19/2020, colorized)

Joking aside, she did damage Bloomberg, but I do not think she really helped herself - she helped Biden out much much more.

while not really presenting any good reason as to how they could win in the general. Imo, they just gave Trump and company a lot more fodder to be used against the eventual nominee.

Stone face Bloomberg needs to go home and count his money.
He is down, but not out. Still a lot of rounds to go in this fight.

Liz needs to calm down.
Yes, and she also came across as very sanctimonious. Complaining about him having used some off-color language is ridiculous. And if there is an agreement for a settlement in exchange for an NDA, that should be honored.

Amy wasn't nearly as good as she was when she gave her speech after the last debate.
Pete really frazzled her with that Obrador comment.

but none of them seem to be able to unify the party and that's a huge problem for the Dems.
Tbh, that's what they said about Trump too. Remember the Never Trumpers? Yeah, me neither. :)
You're not wrong. But that knife slices both ways. Bernie never claimed to be the unity candidate

In your own words, Sanders wanted to "fuck over" the real winner last time, and not just the plurality winner.

Sanders didn't deserve to win in 2016. He didn't have the most votes or the movement he has today, and the electorate was not in the place it is now with regard to what he's proposing. I didn't agree with his position in that election.
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