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Democratic debates

CBS piling on Bloomberg by asking all the others leading questons about him. Warren is already on reruns - yawn. She is in danger of becoming a caricature of a feminist zealot become flesh. And it has been shown that Warren was in fact not fired for being pregnant - yet another of her autobiographical lies.

Pete was making great points about cost of Bernie's programs and the downticket danger of a Bernie candidacy.
Warren forgot to add that her SecEd would be vetted by a "trans" 9 year old. Also, being against testing is crazy.

That was a very bizarre joke (?) by Bloomy.

Steyer pandering to blacks with a call for reparations (aka free money for being a certain shade)

Biden doing surprisingly well. No "other Biden" nonsense.
Warren forgot to add that her SecEd would be vetted by a "trans" 9 year old. Also, being against testing is crazy.

That was a very bizarre joke (?) by Bloomy.

Steyer pandering to blacks with a call for reparations (aka free money for being a certain shade)

Biden doing surprisingly well. No "other Biden" nonsense.

You forgot the "IMO" part.
You forgot the "IMO" part.
Goes without saying.

"Why am I stopping. Noone else stops." Good one, Joe.

Great answer by Pete on healthcare and Denmark.

Not fucking Matthew 25 again! Is that the only chapter their Bible has?
Four more years.

Of Trump?

What if the coronavirus hits hard here, after he blandly assured us today it was all under control, and there ends up being widespread panic and confusion, and people going down with symptoms but not wanting to get tested because of the out-of-pocket costs, or end up going to work and spreading it because they work for companies that don't pay sick leave. Dow Jones is down 6% in 2 days, some industries already hit hard (tourism, manufacturers and retailers reliant on China), and Trump could end up vulnerable politically because he fired response teams earlier in his term and cut funds for critical government agencies like the CDC. Add in shortages of prescription drugs (from China), testing kits, masks, etc, and you have the makings of a national Katrina.

Trump has been skating on the economy Obama bequeathed him, and was fortunate the Iranians responded proportionately to his rash and insane drone execution. He's had no true crisis to apply his stable genius to yet, and if the economy stutters or tanks he's not going to be able to blame Obama, Comey, the Ukranians, CNN or Shifty Schiff for the mess. He's already polling behind the frontrunner Sanders in 2 of the 3 key battleground states, and would likely be chewed up and spat out in any debate, having had to face nothing more taxing than softball Fox News interviews these past few years.

I don't think a 2nd term is anything like a given at this point, no matter who he ends up facing.
What if the coronavirus hits hard here, after he blandly assured us today it was all under control, and there ends up being widespread panic and confusion, and people going down with symptoms but not wanting to get tested because of the out-of-pocket costs, or end up going to work and spreading it because they work for companies that don't pay sick leave. Dow Jones is down 6% in 2 days, some industries already hit hard (tourism, manufacturers and retailers reliant on China), and Trump could end up vulnerable politically because he fired response teams earlier in his term and cut funds for critical government agencies like the CDC. Add in shortages of prescription drugs (from China), testing kits, masks, etc, and you have the makings of a national Katrina.
A two day market drop after record highs is neither here nor there. The Coronavirus could trigger a global recession, which would be bad for many people, including Trump, but the markets could also bounce back quickly if the pandemic doesn't prove as bad as feared.

Trump has been skating on the economy Obama bequeathed him, and was fortunate the Iranians responded proportionately to his rash and insane drone execution.
What was overly timid and insane is Trump letting Iran off the hook after they a) downed our drone b) attacked Saudi oil facilities c) attacked our embassy in Baghdad (immediate cause of the Soleimani assassination) and d) gave dozens of US soldiers TBI.

I don't think a 2nd term is anything like a given at this point, no matter who he ends up facing.
Yes. It's very up-in-the-air and a lot can happen by November, one way or another.
A two day market drop after record highs is neither here nor there. The Coronavirus could trigger a global recession, which would be bad for many people, including Trump, but the markets could also bounce back quickly if the pandemic doesn't prove as bad as feared.

Based on what I am seeing in Asia, that recession is already in progress. The only question is how bad it can be. Since Donald Trump takes credit for anything that happens during his watch, no matter what his connection to the event, then he will surely take credit for an economic downturn and global pandemic. Ha. Ha. Just kidding. He only takes credit for good things that happen, like cancer rates going down. He will blame economic downturns on anything and anyone else other than himself, even though he has done all he could to destroy the government's ability to respond to economic and medical crises.

What was overly timid and insane is Trump letting Iran off the hook after they a) downed our drone b) attacked Saudi oil facilities c) attacked our embassy in Baghdad (immediate cause of the Soleimani assassination) and d) gave dozens of US soldiers TBI.

Sorry you didn't get your war. Maybe next time. Think of all those women, children, and old people who managed to survive because of Trump's incompetent failure to blow up the Gulf region. Don't worry. He still has half a year to blow things up. :rolleyes:

I don't think a 2nd term is anything like a given at this point, no matter who he ends up facing.
Yes. It's very up-in-the-air and a lot can happen by November, one way or another.

From your lips to Putin's ear.
Rebecca Watson on Twitter: "uhhh I just turned on the #DemDebate2020 to see Bloomberg saying he bought politicians" / Twitter
She followed up with
Rebecca Watson on Twitter: ""I bought them."
- Mike Bloomberg, referring to the four people in the audience who whoop like they're at the Wendy Williams show every time he says something #DemDebate2020" / Twitter

Let's see how a good debate moderator might handle the recent Presidential debate.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Errol moderates NYC debates. He knows a thing or two about how to wrangle energetic candidates! 😉⬇️ https://t.co/3EbqNbTFtU" / Twitter
Errol Louis on Twitter: "When the candidates start talking over each other, the moderators should:
1) Bring the whole thing to a dead halt
2) Give them an order in which to speak ("you, then you senator, then you Mr. Mayor," etc.)
Not complicated. You have to keep control." / Twitter

JQ LLC / Impunity City on Twitter: "@errollouis @nahmias This was designed to be chaotic.
Those two billionaires should not even be on the stage. @TulsiGabbard is polling higher than both of them, and money's the reason she's not there.
Noticed Mike ran one of his ads during the break? That's never happened before." / Twitter

vin on Twitter: "@jqllc @errollouis @nahmias @TulsiGabbard Tulsi is definitely not polling higher than either of them, I wish she was but that just isn't true" / Twitter

TJ 'Edwards' on Twitter: "@jqllc @errollouis @nahmias @TulsiGabbard He also hasn't been able to buy himself an audience before. Courtesy of Tom Perez and the morally / ethically (possibly also financially?) bankrupt DNC, seats were on sale for $1700-3200 a pop.
Three guesses which candidate bought all those seats." / Twitter

Of the two billionaires, I think that I'd prefer Tom Steyer. He's an environmentalist. Mike Bloomberg has no such cause.
I think the last debate can be summed up quite nicely with this.:

There is something fundamentally wrong with your country when this is the best you can get for leadership. There are a lot of smart American people, and yet Trump is made leader. I think a complete rebuilding of the election process is in order.
If Bernie wins the presidency, I can imagine Bloomberg running against him in 2024, as a Republican.

I'm more fascinated by the prospect of Bloomberg honoring his commitment to support the eventual candidate, no matter whom. Would he pump hundreds of millions into boosting Sanders if he does win the primary? Would Sanders even take his money? During a town hall last week Sanders dodged that question, and was probably right to do so. I've no idea how that notion would sit with his base.

Sanders funding model is a differentiator right now, especially with Warren caving on PACs, but would candidate Sanders really face down the might of the RNC, Trump, Trump's supporters, their myriad PACs and the massed corporate might of Wall St, Silicon Valley, Big Pharma, Insurers, Oil, Gas and Fracking, with a million or so small donors?
There is something fundamentally wrong with your country when this is the best you can get for leadership. There are a lot of smart American people, and yet Trump is made leader. I think a complete rebuilding of the election process is in order.

Both Trump in 2016 and Sanders in 2020 are energizing voters who believe the political process is corrupt and serves narrow oligarch interests. I don't think Trump was wrong about this in 2016, on the back of an economic recovery that only the rich benefitted from (under Obama's watch), but he's now running on his record in 2020, and I don't see anything tangible he's done in power to address inequality. In fact his tax cuts have widened that gap, along with attacks on labor law enforcement, and attempts to drastically cut welfare safety nets and thrown millions off of health insurance. His tariffs have hurt farmers, and he's having to bail them out. Meanwhile, corporations took his very generous handout and used it for stock buybacks and executive bonuses, hardly any of it filtered down to workers. Trump's populist rhetoric is going to sound very hollow in 2020.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Not a single climate change question. Horrifying." / Twitter
with response
Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "A disgrace. https://t.co/O4G9u0xfDr" / Twitter

Daniel Medina on Twitter: "There was also not one question on immigration. https://t.co/lLujhml9Nn" / Twitter

Who won the Democratic debate? 4 winners and 2 losers. - Vox

I've been tracking the candidates' debate clothing in the Democrats 2020 thread, as an indicator of what is typical of dress for leadership positions. The candidates' clothing is much like in the previous debates, with the men all wearing business suits, Elizabeth Warren wearing black pants and shirt with a loose red jacket, and Amy Klobuchar wearing a dark purple jacketed dress.

In this and previous debates, all of the men's business suits have matching dark pants and jackets, black or dark gray or dark blue. Their shirts are all white or light blue. But they have a lot of variation in their ties, and I haven't been trying to track that.
Incredibly disappointed that the only person onstage with a remotely reality-based take on President Xi is Michael Fucking Bloomberg. I get that Bernie needed to be in defensive mode this week, but it's a clear sign that he has many blind spots, and America has a long way to go before the foreign policy ideals of its leaders are anything close to credible.
Incredibly disappointed that the only person onstage with a remotely reality-based take on President Xi is Michael Fucking Bloomberg. I get that Bernie needed to be in defensive mode this week, but it's a clear sign that he has many blind spots, and America has a long way to go before the foreign policy ideals of its leaders are anything close to credible.

The whole Cuba nonsense was a pointless distraction. Sanders needs a better strategy for defanging these idiotic questions. Nobody getting bankrupted by hospital bills in 2020 gives a flying fuck about Cuba's literacy programs in the 1980s. Anderson Cooper was patting himself on the back yesterday on CNN after the debate on CBS for stirring this shit up, but the MSM has a ridiculous blind spot when it comes to left wing autocrats vs the kind we like to sell military hardware and crowd control tools and intel to. I thought it was brave of Sanders to call out the Saudis last week, but he needs to realize the MSM doesn't do nuance, and there are armies of establishment trolls out there ready and willing to gete outraged over anything that can be twisted into At Least Hilter Made The Trains Run On Time.
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