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Democrats 2020


All I'll add is may the god Apollo help America should this lunatic by some virus from outer space striking America come voting day, in 2019 and infecting the voting public, manage to get elected to the top job in country.

Geller report is still a source more likely to give you lies than truth. Not following link.
You should not post links to sources that are full of extremist lies when you are in a serious discussion.

Overall, we rate the Geller Report Questionable based on extreme right bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies as well as extreme anti-Islamic views and numerous false claims.
Hillary isn't going to be anyone's VP. Bloomberg, should he somehow become the nominee is very intelligent. I think he would ask a much younger woman of color to run as his VP. I bet that Kamala Harris is chomping at the bit to be chosen as VP, and just the other day, Stacy Abrams implied that she's still interested in a possible run as VP. Those two would inspire black and female voters, two of the most important parts of the Democratic base.

Hillary is done. She knows it and so do the rest of us.
Hillary isn't going to be anyone's VP.
I agree. I think that she would jump at the opportunity to be the nominee again as a "compromise candidate" at a brokered convention. I do not think the convention would offer it to her though.

Bloomberg, should he somehow become the nominee is very intelligent.
He is. I also like that he is not a lawyer like most of them but an electrical engineer.

I think he would ask a much younger woman of color to run as his VP. I bet that Kamala Harris is chomping at the bit to be chosen as VP,
First of all, it's champing at the bit. Second, I think you are right, and she would be a smart choice. Senator from California is not exactly a swing state (just like NY isn't) but other than that she would balance the ticket nicely.

and just the other day, Stacy Abrams implied that she's still interested in a possible run as VP.
She thinks she'll be president by 2040.
I am not saying that this is impossible, but she has not shown presidential potential so far. And she is definitely not ready to be Veep in 2020. She has only been a state rep, and all her districts, 89th, 88th and 84th are so non-competitive that she had been running unopposed.
She made a mistake not to run for the open Senate seat this year. That would have allowed her to build a more substantial resume and history of actually being able to win a competitive election, which she hasn't done so far.

Those two would inspire black and female voters, two of the most important parts of the Democratic base.
Kamala is orders of magnitude more accomplished though, and not that much older (9 years).

Hillary is done. She knows it and so do the rest of us.
It really is shaping up to be a dramatic scenario for the Democrats come the convention, unless Pete or Amy really ramp it up
Speaking of Amy, she had her "Aleppo" moment. Ok, Steyer too, but he has the excuse that he is just a vanity candidate. :)

or Warren makes a big come back.
She would really have to win an early state or come a strong second in both NV and SC. I don't see either scenario happening. I can definitely see her dropping out after SC. Which would open Bernie to win Massachusetts pretty easily and overall claim strong plurality of delegates after Super Tuesday, with Pete, Amy, Mike and Joe splitting the moderate pie. Or at least Pete, Mike and Joe should Klomentum stall and she drops out after SC.

Because otherwise you've got Bernie, whose nomination would make a major statement for progressive liberalism, or Bloomberg (with Hillary maybe as VP? LOL!), whose nomination would be a major statement about the fall of libaralism and the rise of oligarchy, with a guy who outright buys the presidency.

You can't outright buy the presidency. Tom Steyer showed that. Bloomberg's candidacy is still more like to crash and burn than to succeed, and that uncertainty, even if he should succeed, shows that you can't buy a presidency. You can just use your money to get enough attention, but the rest is up to the voters.
Marco Rubio had "Marcomentum" despite being in 3rd place in Iowa,
And how could one forget Joementum in 2004!
with Pete Buttigieg having "Pete-mentum" in Iowa this year. Is there now "Klomentum"?
Yes, there definitely seems to be. Time will tell if it will be conserved through Nevada.

As with Republicans in 2016, the defining characteristic of the 2020 Democratic race has been the unwieldy size of the field. The same identity crisis lurking under the Republican clown car afflicted this year’s Democratic contest: Because neither donors nor party leaders nor pundits could figure out what they should be pretending to stand for, they couldn’t coalesce around any one candidate.
It also reminds me of 2012 Republican primaries where the rank and file knew they did not like Romney but could not decide who should be the nominee instead of the nominee. So you had surges by Perry, Cain ("nine, nine nine!"), even Newt and Santorum.

These constant mercurial shifts in “momentum” — it’s Pete! It’s Amy! Paging Mike Bloomberg! — have eroded the kingmaking power of the Democratic leadership. They are eating the party from within, and seem poised to continue doing so.
Serves them right for shoving Hillary down our throats in 2012.

So that's what's likely to get him to victory.
The failure of Warren to catch on plus the division in the moderate lane will likely get him the plurality of delegates. But not the magic number 1991.

All I'll add is may the god Apollo help America should this lunatic by some virus from outer space striking America come voting day, in 2019 and infecting the voting public, manage to get elected to the top job in country.

Geller report is still a source more likely to give you lies than truth. Not following link.
You should not post links to sources that are full of extremist lies when you are in a serious discussion.

Overall, we rate the Geller Report Questionable based on extreme right bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies as well as extreme anti-Islamic views and numerous false claims.

Right, got ya! The only sources that count are leftists and the anti truth bullshit they expose [?]. Could you by any chance at all point out where Geller is telling porky pies?
Geller report is still a source more likely to give you lies than truth. Not following link.
You should not post links to sources that are full of extremist lies when you are in a serious discussion.

Right, got ya! The only sources that count are leftists and the anti truth bullshit they expose [?]. Could you by any chance at all point out where Geller is telling porky pies?

the website of anti-Muslim commentator Pamela Geller — claimed Tlaib had said the thought of the extermination of millions of Jews gave her a “warm feeling.”


Anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller posted an obvious fake and claimed it was an example of "migrant crime" in Europe.


On 1 June 2017, the web site Geller Report published an image of black smoke rising above Vatican City under the headline “Breaking: Vatican City Bombing”:


Cribbing off an article in the right-wing site Breitbart, anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller wrote:

Puerto Rico’s leftist leaning politicos have been on a rant against President Donald Trump over what they say was his failure to give them the money they need for Hurricane Maria cleanup — but then they turn around and give out $100 million in government employee bonuses.

The governor’s office said the bonuses had been part of an approved budget.


All false.

And that was just the first page of the search.
Well, I know that a phrase like "vote blue no matter who" is meant to be an unthinking absolute, not a negotiable policy, subject to moral, logical, or legal critique.

But I'm not the only person who finds Michael Bloomberg to be the bridge too far. Our vote is the foundation of our agency as citizens, and I will not use it to endorse a person who I truly feel will be harmful to the nation. Sorry. If the the DNC cannot bring itself to endorse soneone who isn't a racist monster with gallons of innocent blood already on their hands, they're the wrong party to lead us out of the Trump Era and we need to find something new to rally behind.

From the linked article:

"In the 12 years Bloomberg was in office, he ordered the NYPD to stop and frisk people, almost exclusively Black and Brown people, a staggering 5,081,689 times. And those are just the stops that the NYPD reported! Completely innocent people were strip searched, punched, kicked, slammed, beaten, groped, tasered, choked, and shot in these stops. Drugs were planted. People were framed.

Tens of thousands of people were arrested, sent to Rikers for crimes they did not commit, then eventually released without ever even going to court. Some spent days in jail where they lost their jobs. Single parents lost custody of their kids. Others didn’t spend days in Rikers, but weeks, months, and even years for crimes they didn’t commit. While they were there, like young Kalief Browder, they were beaten and tortured by both guards and inmates, forced into solitary confinement for years on end, then simply released without even an explanation.

When Kalief was released, he was broken, and took his own life.

Experts say tens of thousands of other innocent men, women, and children were either coaxed by prosecutors and police into taking plea deals so that they could simply be released for time-served, or just chose to take the deals to just escape the madness of jail – only to be released back into Bloomberg’s New York where they were routinely stopped and frisked again and again and again."

Even calling it "stop and frisk" should be a crime; it makes it sound like all anyone had to fear was a light pat-down. Not a mass beating of anyone who happened to be around, followed by mass incarceration.
the website of anti-Muslim commentator Pamela Geller — claimed Tlaib had said the thought of the extermination of millions of Jews gave her a “warm feeling.”


Anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller posted an obvious fake and claimed it was an example of "migrant crime" in Europe.


On 1 June 2017, the web site Geller Report published an image of black smoke rising above Vatican City under the headline “Breaking: Vatican City Bombing”:


Cribbing off an article in the right-wing site Breitbart, anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller wrote:

Puerto Rico’s leftist leaning politicos have been on a rant against President Donald Trump over what they say was his failure to give them the money they need for Hurricane Maria cleanup — but then they turn around and give out $100 million in government employee bonuses.

The governor’s office said the bonuses had been part of an approved budget.


All false.

And that was just the first page of the search.

In before "but snopes.com, facts, and dictionaries are Leftist!"


On 1 June 2017, the web site Geller Report published an image of black smoke rising above Vatican City under the headline “Breaking: Vatican City Bombing”:


Cribbing off an article in the right-wing site Breitbart, anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller wrote:

Puerto Rico’s leftist leaning politicos have been on a rant against President Donald Trump over what they say was his failure to give them the money they need for Hurricane Maria cleanup — but then they turn around and give out $100 million in government employee bonuses.

The governor’s office said the bonuses had been part of an approved budget.


All false.

And that was just the first page of the search.

In before "but snopes.com, facts, and dictionaries are Leftist!"

Didn’t Snopes “factcheck” the Babylon Bee?



Cribbing off an article in the right-wing site Breitbart, anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller wrote:

Puerto Rico’s leftist leaning politicos have been on a rant against President Donald Trump over what they say was his failure to give them the money they need for Hurricane Maria cleanup — but then they turn around and give out $100 million in government employee bonuses.

The governor’s office said the bonuses had been part of an approved budget.


All false.

And that was just the first page of the search.

In before "but snopes.com, facts, and dictionaries are Leftist!"

Didn’t Snopes “factcheck” the Babylon Bee?

That was a parody:

Either way, your dismissiveness was predicted.
Opinion | Dems Beware: Don’t Be Like Mitt in 2012 - POLITICO

Back then, Mitt Romney had an easily winnable election. But he lost it. That article discusses three things that his campaign did wrong, with ways that the Democrats can avoid doing so this year.

First, do not make this election solely about Donald Trump.

Romney made the election about Obama, rather than doing much to introduce himself and his policies.
Romney left a vacuum of information that the Obama campaign, and other Democratic groups, were more than happy to fill with information about Romney’s far-right positions, his pro-corporate policies and his long career of carrion capitalism. Remember the Obama campaign ad with Mitt Romney singing “America the Beautiful” that featured his record of shipping jobs overseas and using off-shore tax havens?

The Democrats ought to have something more than rejection of Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders does so, but Hillary had much less of one, and the competing centrists don't have much of one either.

Second, find ways to frame this economy on your own terms.
Romney’s entire strategy was to lay the blame for the sluggish economy at Obama’s feet, while claiming that his business experience made him better suited to jumpstart the recovery. But Obama won handily because he reframed the economic question before voters. Instead of an up-or-down vote based on the unemployment rate or weak growth, the Obama campaign turned a question of economic performance into one of economic fairness by focusing on how Romney’s policies favored the wealthy over the middle and working class.
The Democrats should do that also. Bernie Sanders does that, while the centrists are much less willing to do so. I doubt that Mike Bloomberg would ever do so.

Third, get out of the liberal Twitter bubble.

The Romney campaign used the Fox News caricature of Obama as a Muslim Marxist loser, and his campaigners expected an easy win. They were shocked at his loss.

Mike Bloomberg has an ad about how vulgar Trump is, but that sort of thing should not be the centerpiece of an anti-Trump campaign. What the Democrats should do is use Karl Rove's strategy: attack an opponent's greatest strengths. Like talk about the economic failures of the Trump presidency as evidence that he is not the economics genius that he presents himself as being. I think that Bernie Sanders will do that, but I'm not sure about the centrists.
Bernie breaks out of the pack - POLITICO - "In Nevada, rival campaigns privately concede the race is for second or third place."
While few expect that Sanders can carry more than a third of the vote in Nevada, nearly everyone believes that will be enough to win in a field where the moderate vote remains splintered. It is becoming a source of celebration for Sanders' supporters and an urgent problem for those who want to prevent him from claiming the nomination.
Does he have "Bermentum"?

BS acts like he's running against Mike Bloomberg.
“Regardless of how much money a multi-billionaire candidate is willing to spend on his election,” Sanders told activists in Las Vegas, “we will not create the energy and excitement we need to defeat Donald Trump if that candidate pursued, advocated for and enacted racist policies like stop-and-frisk, which caused communities of color in his city to live in fear.”

The anti-BS Democrats fear that the Democratic Party is acting like the Republican Party in 2016, where several experienced politicians lost to an outsider with a fervent base.
The amount of Democrats coming out of the woodwork to support Michael Fucking Bloomberg is awesome and shows why the party is beyond redemption and needs to be torched to the ground at this point. The guy is basically a more racist, shrewder, richer, more underhanded, just as misogynistic, shorter Donald Trump who has more political experience so he knows how to broadcast the right virtue signals to blend into any existing platform. He exists in this race to protect the interests of the rich. And, because of course he is, Bloomberg is like all the other rich sociopaths in having a spot in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.

Nobody should vote for Bloomberg and nobody should vote for a party that nominates him, and the fact that he's even under consideration by Democratic voters absolutely proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that they would have voted for Donald Trump in 2016 if he ran as a Democrat and adjusted his rhetoric accordingly.
lpetrich said:
The anti-BS Democrats fear that the Democratic Party is acting like the Republican Party in 2016, where several experienced politicians lost to an outsider with a fervent base.
Sanders has vulnerabilities, but he ain't Trump level incompetent.
The amount of Democrats coming out of the woodwork to support Michael Fucking Bloomberg is awesome and shows why the party is beyond redemption and needs to be torched to the ground at this point. The guy is basically a more racist, shrewder, richer, more underhanded, just as misogynistic, shorter Donald Trump who has more political experience so he knows how to broadcast the right virtue signals to blend into any existing platform. He exists in this race to protect the interests of the rich. And, because of course he is, Bloomberg is like all the other rich sociopaths in having a spot in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.

Nobody should vote for Bloomberg and nobody should vote for a party that nominates him, and the fact that he's even under consideration by Democratic voters absolutely proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that they would have voted for Donald Trump in 2016 if he ran as a Democrat and adjusted his rhetoric accordingly.

Preach it!
I will!

All an oligarch has to do to convince everybody he's on their side is funnel a pittance of his net worth to whatever woke causes his committee of lawyers and PR people tell him makes the southernhybrid's of the world nod their heads in approval, and suddenly nobody cares that he has been Trump's golf buddy for years, has a history of recommending cuts to Medicare and Social Security, oppresses minorities in his home state with a brutal police force, and is literally buying his way through the primary in ways that are far more blatant and undemocratic than anything Russia did with Facebook ads saying Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton were secret lesbian lovers.

It doesn't matter if you're more of a chauvinistic abuser of women than Trump in your private or business life, as long as you kick some money to the foundations you send your victims running to, at which point everybody just believes whatever you say on TV about respecting women and being liberal. And in the end, it proves that among the centrist moderates, nobody cares about Bernie's fucking age, nobody cares that he isn't a fucking Democrat, nobody cares that his campaign staff had sexism allegations in 2015, because if any of that mattered none of you would be considering this decaying ghoul of a man who literally backed Republican candidates for office since before iPhones and shouts at women to have abortions. When the chips are down, they care about CLASS INTERESTS, and like Bloomberg, are just angry white people raging at power slipping from their grasp as Bernie gets closer and closer to winning. It's the only reason Bloomberg is even running, and the people who are willing to give up everything they claim to believe in for his gravy train are just dead to me
Take this poll with a grain of salt.

Shows Steyer leading Klobuchar in Nevada. Undecided equals Steyer. So chunk up the salt. I wish this were true and Klobuchar was about to hit oil. She is as moderate as I want running.
Take this poll with a grain of salt.

Shows Steyer leading Klobuchar in Nevada. Undecided equals Steyer. So chunk up the salt. I wish this were true and Klobuchar was about to hit oil. She is as moderate as I want running.

The demographics of this poll are... interesting.


Latinos make up about 30% of Nevada's population
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