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Democrats 2020

That's because he (Sanders) is a fucking loony. For a minute, I thought I was watching SNL. And what was up with his face ? He went bright red a couple of times, he's not going to survive being president.

Yeah, giving everyone healthcare and making education affordable is so radical and looney.

To be fair, his claim about Bernie being loony is a variant of criticisms from half the Party and media. They typically go like this: he doesn't know how he's going to pay for it, what a loony. Or it's impossible to implement those things! Even though, as an objective observer will note, they are implemented in other countries and they come from progressive taxation. The further argument expressed by a more nuanced crew is also disingenuous in talking about immense cost because it narrowly defines cost as strictly in terms of tax, not cost out of the purse that we already pay for things. I will add that Bernie doesn't really go far enough in his explanation of what's wrong with the price--it isn't that healthcare is twice as much as in other OECD countries--it's that is grows because in a for-profit industry, the profits have to keep increasing. That's the real reason for half the opposition, that various persons want their investment portfolios to continue to grow at the expense of the common person, and even the common good to an extent. None of this from me is meant to say that ObamaCare is evil or that expanding it is valueless. We could, though, in theory streamline things much more by having M4A and reduce cost if done properly. So let's not make TSwizzle appear to be just another loud-mouthed conservotard, he's saying things very similar to what other Bernie critics say, repeating a warped disingenuous narrative. Now, on the other hand, if he starts foaming at the mouth calling Obama a gay Musim, I will withdraw my post.
That's because he (Sanders) is a fucking loony. For a minute, I thought I was watching SNL. And what was up with his face ? He went bright red a couple of times, he's not going to survive being president.

Yeah, giving everyone healthcare and making education affordable is so radical and looney.

Too bad his proposals do the exact opposite.
That's because he (Sanders) is a fucking loony. For a minute, I thought I was watching SNL. And what was up with his face ? He went bright red a couple of times, he's not going to survive being president.

Yeah, giving everyone healthcare and making education affordable is so radical and looney.

Too bad his proposals do the exact opposite.

[Citation needed]

Eliminating rent seeking behaviors around healthcare will absolutely reduce costs, both administrative and otherwise.

Same with education. If I'm not paying 20 years of interest PLUS tuition, and using pooled social money, that's 20 years of interest less on the price tag.

Not to mention that the money is already there for education, especially in a bloated military budget not tuned to a future of informational rather than shooting wars.
Actually Trump and Sanders look more suited for being put in a mental institution.. They're worthy of being transported in a padded wagon in straitjacket to a house for the delusionally insane. One thinks he's all powerful while the other acts like a giver of commandments from on high.

Birds, pods and all that shiet

That's what America's political environment has reduced us to, when the only political centrist in the international sense is deemed loony for it

Authoritarian presentations are not centrist in any democratic political environment. My way or the highway isn't satisfactory from any one seeking to lead a group, much less a nation.
Everyone arguing against M4A is literally saying tens of thousands of people should die from treatable illness because they are too poor to deserve treatment.
That is false if they prefer a public option along with Medicare.

What you seem to be unable to grasp is that Medicare as it exists would be a downgrade for a significant portion of the population. To be fair, Mr. Sanders' version of M4A promises to be an upgrade or horizontal movement for all. But is understandable that many voters are not confident of that promise being fulfilled for whatever reason.

Isn't that all anyone on that stage last night is doing, making promises?
Yes, but Medicare is a know product with well-known defects. Sanders' promise to make a reformed and better product available to all and many voters are wary that the promise can be fulfilled: they fear their healthcare coverage will end up reduced and/or costing them more.
That's because he (Sanders) is a fucking loony. For a minute, I thought I was watching SNL. And what was up with his face ? He went bright red a couple of times, he's not going to survive being president.

Yeah, giving everyone healthcare and making education affordable is so radical and looney.

Too bad his proposals do the exact opposite.

Still waiting for that libertarian healthcare proposal from you.
Trumpism is the concept that the President has almost unlimited powers. A sitting US president cannot be indicted or investigated. The US Constitution gives a sitting president almost unlimited powers to act as he wishes. A President can rule by Presidential decree and his wishes are the rule of law. A sitting US president is in effect, the US "Chief Legal Officer". A president as Commander in Chief can make unilateral decisions regarding our military's deployment.

And the US Senate seems to agree whole heartedly. As do the GOP Representatives in the House. And this seems to be a rather well supported set of claims among the Tea Bagging Party knuckle draggers and Trump supporting conservatives of the US and conservative media windbags.

It is beginning to look like Bernie is going to win the Democratic primaries. And can beat Trump if we take the polls seriously. And stands a good chance of becoming the next elected US Emperor. Who will have all the expanded rights as president the conservatives claim for Orango the Clown.

And if Bernie becomes Emperor, we will have to rub the piggy little conservative snouts in all of these claims of expanded presidential powers with few if any checks and balances. Bernie is King you silly little fools, shut up and bow down to Bernie I, Majestic Emperor of the USA. You wanted a king, you get one!

If Bernie does indeed win, this is going to be such jolly good fun!
I also don't think that the debates matter much in the Presidential race. Clinton cleaned Trump's clock and she lost (based on electoral votes). I personally think she made a mistake by not calling him out when he was stalking her around the stage. If it had been me, I would have paused the debate and publicly asked if someone could help Donald find the little boys' room. He was doing that thing that toddlers do when they are about to go pee pee.
All of the people in America who would be impressed by that voted for Hillary Clinton in the general election

I think she should have asked him if he was trying to see her notes, and then held them up for him to see and pointed out the facts that disproved his assertions.
Worth repeating.

If we really want a winner maybe someone running should suggest we get rid of the two term limitation for presidents thereby really energizing the base. Hell it would be nice if democratic candidates opened up the possibility of Obama on the supreme court.

Do you really want someone on the SCOTUS who believes that the president has the power to order the execution of any US Citizen without a trial?
If some little US citizen shit runs away to the Middle east, joins a terrorist organization that has declared war on the US, and cannot easily be arrested and brought to the US to stand trial, ending his war against the US, he deserves a good hell fire missile on his bearded ugly head. Wringing one's hands over a drone strike at an open traitor leading a terrorist war on the US and its allies is silly.

If some little US citizen shit runs away to the Middle east, joins a terrorist organization that has declared war on the US, and cannot easily be arrested and brought to the US to stand trial, ending his war against the US, he deserves a good hell fire missile on his bearded ugly head. Wringing one's hands over a drone strike at an open traitor leading a terrorist war on the US and its allies is silly.


So, American citizens are now guilty until proven innocent, allegations made by the Administration are Irrefutable Proof, and the President can order the military to execute any (all?) of them because he's both Commander-in-Chief and Overlord of the Justice Department?

Talk about a good reason to vote for Bernie Sanders!
If some little US citizen shit runs away to the Middle east, joins a terrorist organization that has declared war on the US, and cannot easily be arrested and brought to the US to stand trial, ending his war against the US, he deserves a good hell fire missile on his bearded ugly head. Wringing one's hands over a drone strike at an open traitor leading a terrorist war on the US and its allies is silly.


And you should not be on the Supreme Court either. Due process matters. It protects you as well.

Maybe I should accuse you of being a terrorist. Do you trust Trump to remember due process?
If some little US citizen shit runs away to the Middle east, joins a terrorist organization that has declared war on the US, and cannot easily be arrested and brought to the US to stand trial, ending his war against the US, he deserves a good hell fire missile on his bearded ugly head. Wringing one's hands over a drone strike at an open traitor leading a terrorist war on the US and its allies is silly.


And you should not be on the Supreme Court either. Due process matters. It protects you as well.

Maybe I should accuse you of being a terrorist. Do you trust Trump to remember due process?
That is a trick question because it is not possible to remember something that one never knew.
If some little US citizen shit runs away to the Middle east, joins a terrorist organization that has declared war on the US, and cannot easily be arrested and brought to the US to stand trial, ending his war against the US, he deserves a good hell fire missile on his bearded ugly head. Wringing one's hands over a drone strike at an open traitor leading a terrorist war on the US and its allies is silly.


So, American citizens are now guilty until proven innocent, allegations made by the Administration are Irrefutable Proof, and the President can order the military to execute any (all?) of them because he's both Commander-in-Chief and Overlord of the Justice Department?

Talk about a good reason to vote for Bernie Sanders!

This is not a mere case of committing crimes. This is a case of waging war on the US. Soldiers in a war do not get arrested and tried. They get killed on a battle field. These are the sad facts of life. When the SS set up headquarters in Holland after Holland's defeat at the hand of the Wehrmacht, the RAF sent a squadron of Mosquito bombers to bomb their new headquarters, killing many SS officers.
That is how war works. If an America citizens squats in a foreign nation and incites acts of war to jihadists attacking America, if that fool has gone to war with the US, declaring a terrorists war on the US, he is going to get war and a battlefield death. Like those SS officers the British RAF obliterated.

These are the ways of war. The US has dealt with enough Jihadist generals now that all know the rules, go to war, be prepared to die in a war. There are still fools who know this is how it works but are willing to still commit terrorist acts of war. Choose to be a war commander and egg on terrorists in acts of war, get hell fired from above. Inshallah! They know what they are doing and the risks. It is not really that much different from a robber knowing he could be arrested for his robbery or to be shot by a store clerk while attempting a robbery. Does any sensible person wring their hands over lack of a fair trial when a gun waving robber gets killed on the spot? Or starts shooting at the cops and gets killed by returning fire? Did the British have a moral obligation to arrest those SS officers and give them a fair trial in WW2?
If some little US citizen shit runs away to the Middle east, joins a terrorist organization that has declared war on the US, and cannot easily be arrested and brought to the US to stand trial, ending his war against the US, he deserves a good hell fire missile on his bearded ugly head. Wringing one's hands over a drone strike at an open traitor leading a terrorist war on the US and its allies is silly.


So, American citizens are now guilty until proven innocent, allegations made by the Administration are Irrefutable Proof, and the President can order the military to execute any (all?) of them because he's both Commander-in-Chief and Overlord of the Justice Department?

Talk about a good reason to vote for Bernie Sanders!

This is not a mere case of committing crimes. This is a case of waging war on the US. Soldiers in a war do not get arrested and tried. They get killed on a battle field. These are the sad facts of life. When the SS set up headquarters in Holland after Holland's defeat at the hand of the Wehrmacht, the RAF sent a squadron of Mosquito bombers to bomb their new headquarters, killing many SS officers.
That is how war works. If an America citizens squats in a foreign nation and incites acts of war to jihadists attacking America, if that fool has gone to war with the US, declaring a terrorists war on the US, he is going to get war and a battlefield death. Like those SS officers the British RAF obliterated.

These are the ways of war. The US has dealt with enough Jihadist generals now that all know the rules, go to war, be prepared to die in a war. There are still fools who know this is how it works but are willing to still commit terrorist acts of war. Choose to be a war commander and egg on terrorists in acts of war, get hell fired from above. Inshallah! They know what they are doing and the risks. It is not really that much different from a robber knowing he could be arrested for his robbery or to be shot by a store clerk while attempting a robbery. Does any sensible person wring their hands over lack of a fair trial when a gun waving robber gets killed on the spot? Or starts shooting at the cops and gets killed by returning fire? Did the British have a moral obligation to arrest those SS officers and give them a fair trial in WW2?

Citizens of the United States of America have Rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. These Rights cannot be rescinded by a President or Congress. The only way they can be lost is through a specific legal process to revoke their citizenship in Federal Court.

For an involuntary loss of citizenship, an attorney acting on behalf of the US government has to present compelling evidence in Federal Court that a citizen has committed an offense that can result in it, such as serving in a foreign government or serving in the army of a government that was at war with the US. As always, the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It's a pretty high bar for the government to meet. Judges don't strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights lightly.

If, and only if, the government wins the case and the judge officially strips the accused of their citizenship can it treat that person like a non-citizen. And even then there are Constitutional protections if the person is on US soil.

What you are proposing is to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights on the say so of the government, and give the President the power to kill them at will. That is a very bad idea.
A fool committing a robbery may indeed be shot dead by a victim of his robbery who is a good man with a gun, and who stands his ground. We do not arrest the man who killed him for denying the robber a right to a fair trial. A fool who wilfully goes to a foreign land to lead a Jihadist war against the US likewise has given up his right not to be killed on his chosen battlefield.

It is ridiculous to require the US to send people into a very risky land far away to arrest somebody who has no intention of being arrested and makes that task almost impossible in a jihadist infected area of a foreign land. It is also stupid to sit around wringing our hands and making no effort to stop the fools savage and brutal war mongering because some people wring their hands and say we need to treat that fool like a common criminal. He is a traitor and a self selected soldier in a war he has declared and acted on.

The law is, lead military lethal military actions against the US or its allies or innocent civilians at large and you get a military reaction. These self selected war lords know this is going to happen so we do not have feel sorry for them, they chose their fates, knowingly and with full knowledge of the risks that being a jihadist war lord entails. Their trial is the leaving a trail of evidence that calls their attention to the US military, intelligent services, or intelligence services of trusted allies. when one becomes effective enough at being a war lord to in the estimation of the military to warrant the cost of tracking, and spending a lot of money on an expensive operation and an expensive hell fire missile, that expense is not done lightly or without good reason.

Again, go war lording, expect a war lord's death from above.

"If the people raise a howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity-seeking. If they want peace, they and their relatives must stop the war."
- General William Tecumsah Sherman
He’s an anarchist. Perhaps with communist leanings. I think he should advocate for the overthrow of some other country and see how far that gets him.

Beg your pardon, but I am not an anarchist. I am a Marxist-Leninist

In other words, you're a commo! In case you're not aware. The Soviet Union collapsed many years ago, to your consternation no doubt!
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