Everyone arguing against M4A is literally saying tens of thousands of people should die from treatable illness because they are too poor to deserve treatment.
The fact that it would save hundreds of millions of dollars is an irrelevant detail in the end; even if it would cost more, a sane and compassionate society would do it anyway because people shouldn't die from diseases that are easily cured because of being poor or unemployed. That's the entire issue, and you are either on board with fighting for it as hard as possible and using every tool at your disposal to do so, or you're a craven asshole who things now is the time to triangulate on basic human rights.
The fact that it would save hundreds of millions of dollars is an irrelevant detail in the end; even if it would cost more, a sane and compassionate society would do it anyway because people shouldn't die from diseases that are easily cured because of being poor or unemployed. That's the entire issue, and you are either on board with fighting for it as hard as possible and using every tool at your disposal to do so, or you're a craven asshole who things now is the time to triangulate on basic human rights.