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Democrats 2020

She would do very well by pointing out the incompetent cabinet members of Trump's administration she would immediately fire. Then the incompetent economic advisers she would show the door. Goodbye Betsy DeVos. Ben Carson. Rinky-dink Perry. Goodbye Larry Kudlow.

Enter Alexandria "we can just print money" Occasional Cortex?

Are you still running under the delusion that Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility?
Is easy to spot the rubes, isn't it? ;)
I really don't think we acknowledge enough that Elizabeth Warren was claiming to be a fucking native American and the first woman of color to teach at Harvard until she was like 65 years old. Like, I don't care about that and I'll still vote for her if she's the nominee, but it's embarrassing and will remind people who thought Clinton was phony of Clinton herself, who had her whole "abuela" thing and would get articles like this written about her


It's already starting, and you can just hear the same mass of voters tuning out and staying home if it continues. I mean, tell me this isn't an Onion headline:


Also, not that it means anything but...

You'll imply that it does regardless?

Warren's daughter is the chairwoman of Demos, a foundation that donated $45k to WFP in 2018, in their first donation to the group

It's truly amazing how, anyone but Bernie is just axiomatically corrupted by someone donating to their cause or campaign. Give a speech? You were paid for your vote (even though you weren't in office and had no vote). Received a donation? You are a corporate shill bought and paid for.

Oh, except when it comes to the donations from other organizations deemed benign. They don't influence you in any way, but if it's a particular institution, then, BOOM! Not that it means anything...

Your capacity for irony is truly unparalleled.
Why Ex–Sanders Supporters Are Backing Warren

Warren “has a track record of finding that nexus between visionary structural change and also the tools to operationalize it.”

I’m just dying to see someone operationalize Medicare for All. Obama couldn’t even get a public option on the ACA with a very friendly legislature.
Pie in the sky promises to garner votes.
Under similar friendly conditions, a public option would fly today but that’s it. Oh course, pragmatic Pete Buttigieg got it right with his “provide a public option and they will come” comment. Damn right they will. Anyone tired of fighting with billing will. They’ll come in droves.
This ain't it, chief

Also, not that it means anything but Warren's daughter is the chairwoman of Demos, a foundation that donated $45k to WFP in 2018, in their first donation to the group

If the WFP is so corrupt, why would Sanders try to get the endorsement anyway?

I'm just pointing out that they (or more accurately, their leaders) aren't necessarily a reflection of the worker movement. They're not bad as a party, but they endorsed AOC's opponent in 2018, and favored Cuomo over Teachout in 2014 (though later they backed Cynthia Nixon against Cuomo). The fact that they won't release the breakdown of how the membership voted versus how the leadership voted, even though that info was public in other races, and this all took place shortly after they received a large donation from Warren's daughter, is not a good look for them.
Why Ex–Sanders Supporters Are Backing Warren

Warren “has a track record of finding that nexus between visionary structural change and also the tools to operationalize it.”

I’m just dying to see someone operationalize Medicare for All. Obama couldn’t even get a public option on the ACA with a very friendly legislature.
Pie in the sky promises to garner votes.
Under similar friendly conditions, a public option would fly today but that’s it. Oh course, pragmatic Pete Buttigieg got it right with his “provide a public option and they will come” comment. Damn right they will. Anyone tired of fighting with billing will. They’ll come in droves.

The "someone" that needs to do something to get M4A passed isn't in Washington, it's the mass of people organizing to gain concessions from Washington, and leveraging our power as the group that enables society to even function. The French government is afraid of its citizens, and has granted them multiple demands in the continuing Yellow Vest uprisings. The Puerto Rican protests forced a corrupt leader to step down. In the US, the shutdown of the federal government didn't end until there was tangible resistance in the form of airport workers basically threatening to ground the country if they didn't get paid. Teachers and students are striking together all over the place, hotel workers are forming unions, GM is denying health insurance to its striking workers and making national news, Amazon was in the spotlight due to public scrutiny of its wages... pressure works, it works fast, it works better than waiting for the right legislator, and it's as easy as agreeing to rely on each other for a little while--imagine if even half the working population went on a general strike, and demanded unconditional medicare for all. We'd have it next week.
Ugh, up to 12 again? Back to 2 nights again? :confused:
I’m just dying to see someone operationalize Medicare for All. Obama couldn’t even get a public option on the ACA with a very friendly legislature.
Pie in the sky promises to garner votes.
Under similar friendly conditions, a public option would fly today but that’s it. Oh course, pragmatic Pete Buttigieg got it right with his “provide a public option and they will come” comment. Damn right they will. Anyone tired of fighting with billing will. They’ll come in droves.

The "someone" that needs to do something to get M4A passed isn't in Washington, it's the mass of people organizing to gain concessions from Washington, and leveraging our power as the group that enables society to even function. The French government is afraid of its citizens, and has granted them multiple demands in the continuing Yellow Vest uprisings. The Puerto Rican protests forced a corrupt leader to step down. In the US, the shutdown of the federal government didn't end until there was tangible resistance in the form of airport workers basically threatening to ground the country if they didn't get paid. Teachers and students are striking together all over the place, hotel workers are forming unions, GM is denying health insurance to its striking workers and making national news, Amazon was in the spotlight due to public scrutiny of its wages... pressure works, it works fast, it works better than waiting for the right legislator, and it's as easy as agreeing to rely on each other for a little while--imagine if even half the working population went on a general strike, and demanded unconditional medicare for all. We'd have it next week.

People know their healthcare/prescription costs are killing them but they do not know what Medicare for All is or what it would be. Most Americans have never known anything other than healthcare through their employer. They have nothing to compare it to. It's hard to get jazzed about an unknown. This why I think Buttigieg's plan is the best way. Give everyone a good public option. My perception of it is what I've had my entire adult life in the navy and through the VA. You get what you need, when you need it and you never see a bill. Crybabies get a packet of Motrin.
Sanders just bordering the center? Boy you need to see your analysts!

Yes, Sanders is a center-left social democrat who favors an expanded welfare state and worker-friendly policies. He wants to achieve them by using the existing mechanisms of electoral change, but with an emphasis on popular mobilization. He is the best candidate running for president, despite these limitations.
Sanders just bordering the center? Boy you need to see your analysts!

Yes, Sanders is a center-left social democrat who favors an expanded welfare state and worker-friendly policies. He wants to achieve them by using the existing mechanisms of electoral change, but with an emphasis on popular mobilization. He is the best candidate running for president, despite these limitations.

Dear PH! You can't simply redefine what is left, right and centrist because you want to make Sanders look mainstream. Sanders if far left. If his supporters are far left, they need to admit it. There is no way that Sanders is going to win the nomination. He's nuts and none of his pie in the sky ideas would have be passed and even if he taxed every single wealthy person a very high tax rate, it would not be nearly enough to pay for his extremist plans. My most recent favorite one is his plan to disallow real estate profits by flippers, or people who don't actually live in the homes they own etc. How is that even a federal issue? Every time Sanders comes up with some new idea, it makes him seem even crazier.

Whenever I've taken a survey to determine where I fall on the spectrum, I come out center let, not left of center, but center left. But, by your definitions, I'd be center right or far right.
Sanders just bordering the center? Boy you need to see your analysts!

Yes, Sanders is a center-left social democrat who favors an expanded welfare state and worker-friendly policies. He wants to achieve them by using the existing mechanisms of electoral change, but with an emphasis on popular mobilization. He is the best candidate running for president, despite these limitations.

Dear PH! You can't simply redefine what is left, right and centrist because you want to make Sanders look mainstream. Sanders if far left. If his supporters are far left, they need to admit it.
I'm a Sanders supporter, and I'm far left, and I'm not afraid to admit it. But I don't pretend Sanders is, because he is to the right of me and others in my camp on many things.

There is no way that Sanders is going to win the nomination. He's nuts and none of his pie in the sky ideas would have be passed and even if he taxed every single wealthy person a very high tax rate, it would not be nearly enough to pay for his extremist plans. My most recent favorite one is his plan to disallow real estate profits by flippers, or people who don't actually live in the homes they own etc. How is that even a federal issue? Every time Sanders comes up with some new idea, it makes him seem even crazier.
Kind of a strange thing to get worked up about, but you can believe whatever you want. To many people, continuing to allow such things is even crazier.

Whenever I've taken a survey to determine where I fall on the spectrum, I come out center let, not left of center, but center left. But, by your definitions, I'd be center right or far right.
Yes, and my definition is correct everywhere in the world except for the bubble of American politics
I can totally see Warren taking out Bernie, and winning the nomination, and I can see her losing to Trump. That's the one way I can see Trump winning.

Yeah, that Yang guy you support can totally beat Bonespurs. :rolleyes:

He can. Easily. He and Bernie are the only two who have shown in polls that they can take some of Trump's supporters. Yang has also shown that he can take many of Bernie's, Warren's, and Biden's supporters. He polled at 12% in one poll, putting him in solid 4th, and gaining. He realizes why Trump got elected and he's addressing the same problem (people out of jobs and with dismal economic futures) with better precision (automation is the problem; not immigration) and with better solutions (UBI; not building a wall).

Warren, in contrast is going to be completely undone by the Pocahontas thing. She pretended to be a minority race for personal gain. She may beat Trump, if he's truly pounded into the ground (or impeached) but she has a better chance to lose than anybody up on that debate stage aside from maybe Biden. All the others but those two would easily beat Trump. If you want a corporate democrat that can beat Trump, Klobuchar, Castro, Harris, Booker, and Mayor Pete all can.
Whenever I've taken a survey to determine where I fall on the spectrum, I come out center let, not left of center, but center left. But, by your definitions, I'd be center right or far right.
Yes, and my definition is correct everywhere in the world except for the bubble of American politics

I think that an exaggeration, but you do have a point. Canada's Conservative Party is pro-abortion and pro-gay and trans rights. They are also for universal single payer health care. That's our Conservatives.
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