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Did Black Lives Matter cost Hillary the presidency?

An increase in propaganda is not better for anyone. An increase in information is better by propaganda is not information. As it is, there is a tremendous amount of self-selection in propaganda sources which simply reinforces ignorance and rigidity in thinking.
I don't disagree. That is why I rely more on news sources from outside the US. Our MSM likely began their intentional bias in reporting much earlier but I didn't really begin to notice it until the early 1970s. I would love to see unbiased news but, given that we don't have that, bias news from both sides is better than being stuck with only one side.

Faux News opened my eyes to MSM bias. If you've been listening to network news and the CNNs of the world, their bias is insidious, whereas Fox wears it on their sleeve.
I used to believe MSNBC most of the time, but thanks to Fox, I now hear them as Fox's mirror image. Even local news channels reporting on local events contain shocking amounts of bias, if you're listening for it.
Vast majority of it by you and other #BLM supporters.
Coming from the "Oh noes, some black people are scaring/inconveniencing me because of the Black Panthers" crowd, that would be hilarious if it were not so abysmally pathetic.

I am pretty sure if HRC had won, you'd have started a thread "HRC should thank the BLM for getting her the POTUS".

Case in point.
You can feel free to demonstrate that CNN has the same level of propaganda for the left wing as Fox News and then AM Radio does for the right wing.
Not so much CNN but MSNBC is really the counterpart to Fox. And AMy Goodman's Democracy Now is hardly less biased than Rush Limbaugh. And what about Young Turks, Thom Hartman Radio Show etc.?
It wasn't a failure of democrats to come out and vote. She's going to wind up with more votes than did Obama in the 2112 election.
I assume you mean 2012 and not Sasha or Malia's grandchild running a century later. Obama won 65.9e6 votes in 2012. Hillary has 63.6e6. Do you really think they will find more than 2 million votes?
I am so happy to read about your experiences with road work in your part of Georgia. However, that still does not make them universal or even widespread.
Don't get me wrong, there are still significant delays with road work. But my point was that
a) road workers do not go out of their way to cause more delays, unlike protesters.
b) if road work is not done, roads would deteriorate and cause even more delays in the long run. So road work serves a road related purpose. Protesting over dead thugs does not.

Your point is obvious: it is ok to be inconvenienced if YOU approve of the reason for the inconvenience.
No, my point is that there is a qualitative difference between road work and blocking traffic because you are upset about something. See my surgery/stabbing analogy. Both involve a sharp instrument cutting into your abdomen (for example), but they are qualitatively different things.
Again, your experience and perspective is personal and not universally shared.
Not all perspectives are equally valid. If your perspective is that there is no meaningful difference between protesters shutting down a road and road work, then your perspective is invalid.

I'm pretty sure google works in GA and as far as I know, they haven't burned all the books or closed the libraries, although there is really very little difference in the outcome if you choose not to avail yourself of resources than if they were indeed not available. But the fault is yours in one case, and so is the remedy.
Civil disobedience is a wide topic. The problem is not lack of resources, but too many. So you'd have to be more specific about what you mean. Perhaps (and not unlikely) I already know it.
Coming from the "Oh noes, some black people are scaring/inconveniencing me because of the Black Panthers" crowd, that would be hilarious if it were not so abysmally pathetic.

I am pretty sure if HRC had won, you'd have started a thread "HRC should thank the BLM for getting her the POTUS".

Case in point.
There is no need to admit you are posting nonsense, simply stop doing it.
You right.

Derec is scared of black people.
That must be bitch. That would be like me if I were scared white people and living in Casper Wyoming, a city whiter than the ghost.

Or perhaps you should conclude that your thesis is wrong and that I am not scared or black people. Or even dislike black people.
But that would require a great deal of self-awareness on your part.

- - - Updated - - -

There is no need to admit you are posting nonsense, simply stop doing it.
Are you even capable of making a reasoned argument or are ad hominems all you have left?
Derec, we see you.

I have personally been seeing you since Sept. 2003. That is a Looooooooooong list of posts by you that jive on a particular theme.
And during that time I have a long list of posts on many different themes.

Black people are the source of evil.
You need to check your eyeglass prescription then.

You may not have meant it that way in the past, you may not now mean it that way noe, but in the 13 years I have been reading your posts, you have done nothing to vary from that theme.
Or perhaps you should conclude that your thesis is wrong and that I am not scared or black people. Or even dislike black people.
But that would require a great deal of self-awareness on your part.

So you've just been kidding us this whole time. I knew it! Well done, Derec.
"IF" ? Again? I don't suppose you have any evidence that your "IF" is actually taking place any more
Most colleges and universities have left-leaning administrations who have exercised viewpoint discrimination. So it is not exactly a leap.
than you have evidence of a cop who was convicted of something in disregard for "the facts or circumstances".
You need to work on your reading comprehension, Elixir.
I did not write that a cop was convicted of something in disregard of facts and circumstances. I wrote that this is what #BLMers are demanding. A good example is when they resumed rioting in Ferguson when the investigation found that Officer Wilson was justified and no chargers were filed.

That said, there have been cases where police were wrongfully convicted, but that was not the point of my statement.
Admit it - you are simply scared of black people.
I won't because it is not true.

No, Dartmouth has a gun to their heads. :rolleyes: Sheesh, dude. If alumni didn't learn to think for themselves whilst they attended Dartmouth, they shouldn't be donating, they should be suing for their money back. Just like the dupes who got suckered into Trump U.
Are they "thinking for themselves" only if they end up agreeing with you?

Again with your patented "IF"... and just exactly what constitutes 'this lax'? Where does it begin and end - with YOUR say-so?
The black and white world of a bigot only makes sense when chopped up into little segments that can each be identified as good or bad. You seem to live in such a world, Derec.
Huh? We have a situation where #BLM activists
a) disrupted a library, harassed students ("fuck your comfort") etc.
b) destroyed a "Blue Lives Matter" display.
Darthmouth didn't do anything in either instance. Do you think that's right?
Why would BLM cost hillary the election when hillary's relationship with the movement one would generously call cold? To my knowledge Hillary never endorsed the movement or directly accepted their platform into her campaign.
It was more lukewarm than cold and thus she was viewed with suspicion from both sides.
And as I said in my OP, when there is unrest voters tend to go with the candidate they perceive as being more pro-law and order.

Far more likely is that her unwillingness to accept BLM in any real capacity cost her votes than anything else.
I doubt it. There are more votes in the meaty middle of the bell curve than on the fringes. And radicals are hard to please. Just think of 2000 election. You had a Texan with an oil executive for a running mate run against Mr. Manbearpig Global Warming and still almost 3 million Green voters thought there wasn't a dime's worth of difference between the two.
Lastly, US presidential elections are done by state. She would not have gained a single EV if she ran up the margin in states that are very left wing where a more pro-#BLM attitude might have helped.
So Derec I'm not sure where the assumption that BLM is somehow linked to the Clinton campaign comes from other than maybe some campaign BS where she stood next to a BLM organizer for ten seconds I just never saw.
Like Elixir, you also need to work on your reading comprehension. I never claimed they were linked to the Clinton campaign.
Are you even capable of making a reasoned argument or are ad hominems all you have left?

There is no real reason to think the BLM cost HRC the election when there is a simpler explanation - that HRC cost herself the election. But you feel the need to try to blame the BLM for yet something else.

Abstracting from the cluelessness and the irony of your response, you are still only fooling yourself.
The coverage was mainly from the Internet where the Deplorables love to congregate. Pushed along by the right-wing AM Radio assholes.
You are apparently one of the small percentage of people who trust the MSM for their news. According to Gallup polling, only 32% think they are reliable.
Is that supposed to prove the msm is not trustworthy? That result could reflect that people want more self-serving bias in their news than the msm provides.
I find Al Jazeera (that I watch over the internet) to be much more reliable and informative than US MSM. They have also covered BLM. Anyone who wants to have any idea of what is happening in the world has to go to the internet to find it because the US networks have become more opinion than news. I also went to the internet to watch the full unedited speeches of both Clinton and Trump. I found that what both were saying was often quiet different than the impression that the edited snippets shown on MSM gave. I would think that anyone who only relied on MSM to inform them about the positions of the candidates had no idea what their positions really were.
The internet is a big place with lots more junk sources than credible ones. You can find reliable news on the internet but it's a matter of the will and the ability to do so. And the most reliable places overall are mainstream sites.
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