Your denials are rationally dependent on them as well.You seem overly dependent on definitions to comprehend anything
Context …thread question… are reason and faith two difference ways of reasoning. In the added context of a Christian God. The conversation advance to providing reasons for a belief in God, because I objected to the notion that all belief in God is not without reason. I was then challenge to provide such reason.God’s eternal simply because he’s defined to be eternal. The definition can only reveal what people have imagined that God is, it can never logically necessitate anything.
Now that we have started you are in protest of one of the most prevalent attributes of the Christian God. He is eternal. Now if you don’t accept this fine. You are free to rationally believe that finite Gods don’t exist. Not only are you free to do so, I will agree with you. But this context is of the Christian God. It is your rejection that is arbitrary not my definition.
Sounds Greek to me. (sorry ?)What if God really did exist but human’s definitions had got it wrong and God is actually a temporal being, a creation of yet other gods?
But actually it would amount to a logical impossibility. Because ………………?
Something would still have to be the necessary, eternal, self-existent, first cause.
Yes, but of those that exist, which of the three “isms” is the best explanation. A necessary eternal creator that transcends the universe, a contingent finite god/s or a contingent universe that magically self-created out of nothing, no god/sAll the various creation myths contain the basic gist of how things have beginnings.
Exactly. I didn’t think you understood. Here is the reason. If nothing (not anything) ever actually did exist then there would still be nothing. But since something does exist then what is the best explanation of its existence. We do observe things (not nothing) that exist so what is the best explanation of their existence.And why do some humans assume that something existing is more remarkable than if there were nothing?
We cannot have an infinite regress. So what got it all started? What is the unmoved mover, the first cause, the necessary entity, the best explanation of existence?
Because something exists there must be something necessary. Something that is eternally self-existing not self-creating. It is impossible for the necessary entity not to exist or else nothing (not anything) would now exist.
For thousands of years the two main rational concepts of this necessary entity were the universe and an eternal creator. About hundred years ago our understanding of the universe changed substantially. Our best scientific understanding now is that the universe is not this necessary entity but is itself contingent. Thus at the moment, leaving only the notion of the self-existing eternal creator as the best explanation of the universe. That is the debate?
That is a reason one may have for rational belief in an eternal God. If a believer holds this understanding then his faith has reasons supported by scientific evidence. Which was my main contention to start with? Faith may be based upon reasons supported by scientific evidence.
Is there a compelling reason you don’t see the importance of this issue or is it just a bad arrangement of chemicals in your brain?Is there a compelling reason or just a rut in the brain that makes it seem “obvious”?
Seriously? Observe you need logic to understand what you observe. The scientific method itself is a logical structure of inquiry.Observation trumps logic.
GOOD LOGIC.We cannot know how reality is by using words and logic, we have to look too.
A good logical argument must have true premises, the conclusion must follow from the premises by the rules of logic and the premises must be more plausible than the opposites.An argument can be both perfectly logical if it’s consistent with itself yet wrong too if one or more of the premises are wrong.
If you claim my caricatures to be straw man then we should step back and mutually reason a valid definition of terms. My x, y and z were attempts the exhaustively reflect the options on the table. Please show me where they were incorrect to the context of the issue we were discussing. If you can show me where I was wrong then I will adjust. But let me point out, despite your earlier denouncements of petty definitions, you must now see they are important or else you would be complaining about them.You sum up "P" "A" and "T" too easily, too self-servingly, with “P thinks x, A thinks y, and T thinks z” in a way it's easy to make your proclamation about who's right and who's wrong.
Exhaustive list of explanation. The universe is;There's absolutely nothing incompatible between the universe having a beginning (of whatever sort it might have had) and a disbelief in God.
Caused externally by some entity that is self-existing.
If you concede that the universe had a beginning then illusion, self-existence are and self-creation are rationally removed as possibilities of explanation. Leaving only an external self-existing cause.
Now please explain how atheism and an eternal, self-existing external cause are compatible.
I really want to understand you. I can’t see where they are compatible in anyway.
I’m willing to hear you out on this. How do the ideologies of a non-theistic, not-metaphysical-naturalist differ from anyone in my “ism” list? And? How would they explain a universe that has a beginning?And also, one can be not-theist and not-metaphysical-naturalist too.
Blame …….NO.“I don’t know” is the only honest answer for now about “where’d it all come from?” You have a hard time dealing with it, and blame us for it. If you have other things to say about God, then it’s time to move on because this turkey of a cosmological argument is dead.
Challenge your refutation ……………….yes.
Your skepticism alone does not refute the cosmological argument as you have stated. It’s only a statement of incredulity. In the face of an argument you must show where to premises are wrong and that you have not done. Your death announcement is without reason until you have done so.
I’m not blaming you. I’m just not willing to accept your skepticism on blind faith. Ironic?