No such thing is ''known.''
Only because you are ignoring the most rational interpretation of the evidence. Or possibly you are over restricting justified belief to the absolutism of mathematical proof.
There is no available evidence to interpret in terms of creation. As it now stands, the universe may or may not have had a beginning, it may or may not be a part of greater system, quantum interpretation may entail wave collapse or the many worlds interpretation.
None of these models and interpretations necessarily require the action of a creator as an explanation for the existence of the universe.
They are not my interpretations, but the state of our understanding based on the available literature.
It is not science, but the theists themselves who insists that a creator is a necessary explanation.
How much is known vs how much is unknown?
13.7 billion vs Planck. Do the math.
The most rational inference, the most rational understanding of the evidence is that time began?
No, you are confusing the beginning of the universe in its current form with the beginning of time. As I've already said, the universe may be cyclic or part of a larger system, if that is the case, time did not begin 13.7 billion years ago, only the start of this cycle of inflation.
Really again?
Then you have to ignore the opposing scientific evidence that our expansion rate is accelerating and that the material density of the universe is nowhere near the quantity needed to reverse this acceleration. Cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin’s math indicates that the universe certainly had a starting point ……………A cyclic universe runs into the second law of thermodynamics, which says that any system left to itself eventually reaches the state of maximum disorder, called thermal equilibrium. So if the universe were cyclic, then in every cycle, the disorder in the universe would increase. Eventually the universe would reach this thermal equilibrium state, which is a totally featureless mixture of everything—this is not what we see around us.
All of the models you mention are incomplete. There are several different models of a cyclic universe, some based on quantum interpretations, colliding branes for example, expansion > collision with neighbouring brane > collapse > new cycle begins.
The point is, these are just models based on various interpretations of physics, branes, etc.
''In the
cyclic universe, at regular intervals of trillions of years, these two branes smash together. This creates all kinds of excitations—particles and radiation. The collision thereby heats up the branes, and then they bounce apart again. The branes are attracted to each other through a force that acts just like a spring, causing the branes come together at regular intervals. To describe it more completely, what's happening is that the universe goes through two kinds of stages of motion. When the universe has matter and radiation in it, or when the branes are far enough apart, the main motion is the branes stretching, or, equivalently, our three-dimensions expanding. During this period, the branes more or less remain a fixed distance apart. That's what's been happening, for example, in the last 15 billion years. During these stages, our three dimensions are stretching just as they normally would. At a microscopic distance away, there is another brane sitting and expanding, but since we can't touch, feel, or see across the bulk, we can't sense it directly. If there is a clump of matter over there, we can feel the gravitational effect, but we can't see any light or anything else that it emits, because anything it emits is going to move along that brane. We only see things that move along our own brane.''
''Next, the energy associated with the force between these branes takes over the universe. From our vantage point on one of the branes, this acts just like the dark energy we observe today. It causes the branes to accelerate in their stretching to the point where all the matter and radiation produced since the last collision is spread out, and the branes become essentially smooth, flat, empty surfaces. If you like, you can think of them as being wrinkled and full of matter up to this point, and then stretching by a fantastic amount over the next trillion years. The stretching causes the mass and energy on the brane to thin out and the wrinkles to be smoothed out. After trillions of years, the branes are, for all intents and purposes, smooth, flat, parallel and empty.''
On the other hand, we have no indication of the existence of a creator. So, as a model, a creator as an explanation for the existence of the universe has no evidential basis or support.
You can't model creation by using an unknown, unknowable, non testable agent.
It's just speculation.
I’m assuming you mean a larger NATURAL system lest we be on the same page.
Don't be so pedantic....everything I've said implies a natural system. After all that is what I am arguing. I shouldn't need to spell it out in every remark I make.