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Discrimination against Bernie "bros"?

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Young Women Actually Make Up More of Bernie's Base Than Men Do

Polling shows the 2020 candidate’s supporters aren’t just “Bernie Bros.”

By Marie Solis

Sep 20 2019, 11:00am

New findings from The Economist show that women under 45 make up a larger share of Bernie Sanders’ base than do men in their same age group, contradicting a popular narrative that says the 2020 Democratic candidate's supporters are overwhelmingly white and male, to the virtual exclusion of other groups.

This narrative often hinges on the “Bernie Bro,” a term Atlantic writer Robinson Meyer coined during the 2016 election to describe a type of mansplaining internet harasser that some came to see as representative of all Sanders voters. Bernie Bros were a “mob” flooding the Twitter mentions of Hillary Clinton supporters; they were “sexist,” even “enthusiastically” so; and they were loud and aggressive when expressing their uncompromising support for their candidate.

Polling has continually proven that Sanders’ base is much more diverse than the figure of the Bernie Bro would suggest: An analysis of polling between November 2018 and March 2019 found both that Sanders was more popular among people of color than among white people, and that women supported Sanders just as much as men did, “if not more,” according to Vox. Earlier this month, a Univision Noticias poll found Sanders was the candidate Latino voters favored most after current Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden. And The Economist’s latest numbersshow Sanders in the number-two spot behind Biden with Hispanic and Black voters.

Yet the Bernie Bro concept continues to endure, much to the chagrin of Sanders’ women supporters, who say it ignores a significant portion of the Vermont senator’s base.

There are at least as many women, but these women get classified as bros. The supporters get stereotyped as white males. Seems unfair and inaccurate to use this term.
As I wrote elsewhere, you almost never hear of "Bernie Sis's". And as Toni replied "I wonder why". Not much to wonder now is there? It's meant to attack him and his supporters as sexist. It's a desperation ploy since he is so empty on actual scandal.
Young Women Actually Make Up More of Bernie's Base Than Men Do

Polling shows the 2020 candidate’s supporters aren’t just “Bernie Bros.”

By Marie Solis

Sep 20 2019, 11:00am

New findings from The Economist show that women under 45 make up a larger share of Bernie Sanders’ base than do men in their same age group, contradicting a popular narrative that says the 2020 Democratic candidate's supporters are overwhelmingly white and male, to the virtual exclusion of other groups.

This narrative often hinges on the “Bernie Bro,” a term Atlantic writer Robinson Meyer coined during the 2016 election to describe a type of mansplaining internet harasser that some came to see as representative of all Sanders voters. Bernie Bros were a “mob” flooding the Twitter mentions of Hillary Clinton supporters; they were “sexist,” even “enthusiastically” so; and they were loud and aggressive when expressing their uncompromising support for their candidate.

Polling has continually proven that Sanders’ base is much more diverse than the figure of the Bernie Bro would suggest: An analysis of polling between November 2018 and March 2019 found both that Sanders was more popular among people of color than among white people, and that women supported Sanders just as much as men did, “if not more,” according to Vox. Earlier this month, a Univision Noticias poll found Sanders was the candidate Latino voters favored most after current Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden. And The Economist’s latest numbersshow Sanders in the number-two spot behind Biden with Hispanic and Black voters.

Yet the Bernie Bro concept continues to endure, much to the chagrin of Sanders’ women supporters, who say it ignores a significant portion of the Vermont senator’s base.

There are at least as many women, but these women get classified as bros. The supporters get stereotyped as white males. Seems unfair and inaccurate to use this term.
I’d actually be surprised if half or more of Sanders’ supporters are women. All of his supporters that I know IRL are male. All of them.
As I wrote elsewhere, you almost never hear of "Bernie Sis's". And as Toni replied "I wonder why". Not much to wonder now is there? It's meant to attack him and his supporters as sexist. It's a desperation ploy since he is so empty on actual scandal.

Bernie bros doesn’t refer to his supporters. It refers to a particular subset of his s supporters who attack any one who doesn’t express full throated unwavering support and worship of Sanders and visciously attacks other candidates and their supporters. They are mostly male but not entirely so.

As for why the term? Partially and maybe largely it’s an alliteration. Also because of an insistence of strict adherence to full support with no voiced doubts however small or reasonable. See this definition of ‘bro:’

Young Women Actually Make Up More of Bernie's Base Than Men Do

Polling shows the 2020 candidate’s supporters aren’t just “Bernie Bros.”

By Marie Solis

Sep 20 2019, 11:00am

New findings from The Economist show that women under 45 make up a larger share of Bernie Sanders’ base than do men in their same age group, contradicting a popular narrative that says the 2020 Democratic candidate's supporters are overwhelmingly white and male, to the virtual exclusion of other groups.

This narrative often hinges on the “Bernie Bro,” a term Atlantic writer Robinson Meyer coined during the 2016 election to describe a type of mansplaining internet harasser that some came to see as representative of all Sanders voters. Bernie Bros were a “mob” flooding the Twitter mentions of Hillary Clinton supporters; they were “sexist,” even “enthusiastically” so; and they were loud and aggressive when expressing their uncompromising support for their candidate.

Polling has continually proven that Sanders’ base is much more diverse than the figure of the Bernie Bro would suggest: An analysis of polling between November 2018 and March 2019 found both that Sanders was more popular among people of color than among white people, and that women supported Sanders just as much as men did, “if not more,” according to Vox. Earlier this month, a Univision Noticias poll found Sanders was the candidate Latino voters favored most after current Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden. And The Economist’s latest numbersshow Sanders in the number-two spot behind Biden with Hispanic and Black voters.

Yet the Bernie Bro concept continues to endure, much to the chagrin of Sanders’ women supporters, who say it ignores a significant portion of the Vermont senator’s base.

There are at least as many women, but these women get classified as bros. The supporters get stereotyped as white males. Seems unfair and inaccurate to use this term.
I’d actually be surprised if half or more of Sanders’ supporters are women. All of his supporters that I know IRL are male. All of them.

I know plenty of female Bernie supporters.
As I wrote elsewhere, you almost never hear of "Bernie Sis's". And as Toni replied "I wonder why". Not much to wonder now is there? It's meant to attack him and his supporters as sexist. It's a desperation ploy since he is so empty on actual scandal.

Bernie bros doesn’t refer to his supporters. It refers to a particular subset of his s supporters who attack any one who doesn’t express full throated unwavering support and worship of Sanders and visciously attacks other candidates and their supporters. They are mostly male but not entirely so.

As for why the term? Partially and maybe largely it’s an alliteration. Also because of an insistence of strict adherence to full support with no voiced doubts however small or reasonable. See this definition of ‘bro:’


That's how I've always taken the term as. And would include females in it too. Anyone overly fanatical about Bernie.
Toni said:
I’d actually be surprised if half or more of Sanders’ supporters are women. All of his supporters that I know IRL are male. All of them.

That says something about you, not Bernie. The stats are the stats. And even if the majority of Bernie supporters were men, certainly there would still be plenty of women. And they are ignored when you push the "Bernie Bro" rhetoric.
Toni said:
I’d actually be surprised if half or more of Sanders’ supporters are women. All of his supporters that I know IRL are male. All of them.

That says something about you, not Bernie. The stats are the stats. And even if the majority of Bernie supporters were men, certainly there would still be plenty of women. And they are ignored when you push the "Bernie Bro" rhetoric.

Stats also had Hillary winning 2016 with a healthy margin.

Oh,wait: she DID.
As I wrote elsewhere, you almost never hear of "Bernie Sis's". And as Toni replied "I wonder why". Not much to wonder now is there? It's meant to attack him and his supporters as sexist. It's a desperation ploy since he is so empty on actual scandal.
It is probably simply the allure of alliteration. Nothing sinister about it at all.
There are at least as many women, but these women get classified as bros. The supporters get stereotyped as white males. Seems unfair and inaccurate to use this term.

I thought Bernie Bros was a name that a subset of his supporters gave to themselves and used on reddit.
It was coined as a perjorative to stereotype Bernie supporters in 2015 by the media. It's referenced in the op.
There are at least as many women, but these women get classified as bros. The supporters get stereotyped as white males. Seems unfair and inaccurate to use this term.

I thought Bernie Bros was a name that a subset of his supporters gave to themselves and used on reddit.

I thought it was a not unfriendly term for Bernie supporters. Until today, I never heard anything that would label it as derogatory.
Hells bells. I thought “bro” was nothing more than a synonym for “friend” undeserving of a Wikipedia page.
It's the real reason why the republicans have so much more power than the democrats despite the fact that they are far fewer in number. The right comes together to fight for bigger causes. The left doesn't come together as well, and fight bitter squabbles often based on minor slights.
I wouldn't call it discriminatory against Bernie's supporters who are female.

It is a particularly derogatory term applied to the fanatics who said they would never vote for Hillary if she won, and would either stay home, or actually vote for trump. They are the basket of deplorables that belong to Bernie's base.

If you need context for that, go look up Hillary's actual words and the context in which it was used.
It's the real reason why the republicans have so much more power than the democrats despite the fact that they are far fewer in number. The right comes together to fight for bigger causes. The left doesn't come together as well, and fight bitter squabbles often based on minor slights.

There is a difference between unity and hive mind. I appreciate debate, questioning and exploration of ideas and individuals to reach the best possible choices. The grudge holding? Not so much.
As I wrote elsewhere, you almost never hear of "Bernie Sis's". And as Toni replied "I wonder why". Not much to wonder now is there? It's meant to attack him and his supporters as sexist. It's a desperation ploy since he is so empty on actual scandal.

Well, when you call any woman who doesn't fall in line with you a "bitch " and a "cunt" repeatedly, it's not too hard to conclude that you're a bit of a misogynist, no?

But the word "Bro" wasn't meant to portray all of Bernie's followers, or Bernie, as sexist. It's a reference to the type of person under discussion - disproportionally white and male, and fanatical, with a nasty habit of spewing slurs at women, people of color (I recall TNC being flooded with bros calling him a "stupid nigger" because he said that he wished Sanders would reconsider the idea of reparations - and TNC outright supported Sanders!) and likely LGBT folks as well, although I haven't heard much from that group. Oddly, the only people who insist that *every* Bernie Sanders supporter is being called a "bro"...are Bernie Sanders' supporters.

A lot of us were running into these lunatics online starting in june-july 2015, long before his first presidential primary or even strong polling for him - Black Twitter dubbed them "Bernie Stans", but since many people somehow still didn't get that reference, "Bro" won out. And while famous and semi-famous people are used to that kind of abuse, the average person will immediately walk away from the movement entirely - no way they're going to get into a group where they get abused and threatened for the slightest disagreement, when there are alternatives that have the same goal in mind.
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Young Women Actually Make Up More of Bernie's Base Than Men Do

Polling shows the 2020 candidate’s supporters aren’t just “Bernie Bros.”

By Marie Solis

Sep 20 2019, 11:00am

New findings from The Economist show that women under 45 make up a larger share of Bernie Sanders’ base than do men in their same age group, contradicting a popular narrative that says the 2020 Democratic candidate's supporters are overwhelmingly white and male, to the virtual exclusion of other groups.

This narrative often hinges on the “Bernie Bro,” a term Atlantic writer Robinson Meyer coined during the 2016 election to describe a type of mansplaining internet harasser that some came to see as representative of all Sanders voters. Bernie Bros were a “mob” flooding the Twitter mentions of Hillary Clinton supporters; they were “sexist,” even “enthusiastically” so; and they were loud and aggressive when expressing their uncompromising support for their candidate.

Polling has continually proven that Sanders’ base is much more diverse than the figure of the Bernie Bro would suggest: An analysis of polling between November 2018 and March 2019 found both that Sanders was more popular among people of color than among white people, and that women supported Sanders just as much as men did, “if not more,” according to Vox. Earlier this month, a Univision Noticias poll found Sanders was the candidate Latino voters favored most after current Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden. And The Economist’s latest numbersshow Sanders in the number-two spot behind Biden with Hispanic and Black voters.

Yet the Bernie Bro concept continues to endure, much to the chagrin of Sanders’ women supporters, who say it ignores a significant portion of the Vermont senator’s base.

There are at least as many women, but these women get classified as bros. The supporters get stereotyped as white males. Seems unfair and inaccurate to use this term.

Well Don life is not fair and politics is the worse of humanity. It has been reduced to biting, kicking, and scratching to get an edge.

I heard the term 'micro grievance'. It covers all the petty whining going on. The camping has become about grievances.

Oh it so unfair...'.
It's the real reason why the republicans have so much more power than the democrats despite the fact that they are far fewer in number. The right comes together to fight for bigger causes. The left doesn't come together as well, and fight bitter squabbles often based on minor slights.

There is a difference between unity and hive mind. I appreciate debate, questioning and exploration of ideas and individuals to reach the best possible choices. The grudge holding? Not so much.

Totally agree and well said.
I don't see the term "Bernie Bros" being used as much as before. Now they are referred to as "Bernie bots". A bot can be male or female. Okay? :D
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