I understand the urges for one who is a denier to use some of that vast quantity of sand out there in which to bury one's head but now you're getting silly.
untermenche calls this magic and not understandable.
Neurogrid: AMixed-Analog-Digital MultichipSystem for Large-ScaleNeural Simulations
ABSTRACT | In this paper, we describe the design of Neurogrid,a neuromorphic system for simulating large-scale neuralmodels in real time. Neuromorphic systems realize the functionof biological neural systems by emulating their structure.Designers of such systems face three major design choices:1) whether to emulate the four neural elementsVaxonal arbor,synapse, dendritic tree, and somaVwith dedicated or sharedelectronic circuits; 2) whether to implement these electroniccircuits in an analog or digital manner; and 3) whether tointerconnect arrays of these silicon neurons with a mesh or atree network. The choices we made were: 1) we emulated allneural elements except the soma with shared electronic circuits;this choice maximized the number of synaptic connections; 2) werealized all electronic circuits except those for axonal arbors in ananalog manner; this choice maximized energy efficiency; and3) we interconnected neural arrays in a tree network; this choicemaximized throughput. These three choices made it possible tosimulate a million neurons with billions of synaptic connections inreal timeVfor the first timeVusing 16 Neurocores integrated on aboard that consumes three watts.
Scientists have modeled the entire ant NS. There are some pretty good simulations of mouse brains ferchrissake.
Your post is a very clear indication that you don't understand what the problem of subjective consciousness, i.e. the subjective experience of qualia, is.
I could simulate on a big computer some behaviour. That, say, of some little bug. Say my simulation is very accurate and I can predict what individual bugs will do depending on the state of their physical environment. Assume it works to perfection. You'd say, "problem solved". Yet, what the simulation does not do is create anything like the little bugs themselves. Same thing for consciousness. We may well one day be capable of predicting the behaviour of a human being, and we already have a good idea of how to go about it, but what we've no idea how to do it, is to explain how material things like energy, elementary particles and such can give rise to our subjective experience.
The only solution I remember that you ever put forward was just to claim that subjective experience and qualia are illusory. However, to me, the existence of subjective experience and qualia, as such, is impossible to deny. And, denying it, frankly, is a complete absurdity.
What seems reasonable to doubt, however, is the reality of what our subjective experience suggests there is, i.e. a physical world and what we think it is made of, electrons and such.
We can still live our lives as if we knew these things. I can drive a car without causing an accident. Still, when an accident does happen, we suddenly realise we didn't know what we thought we knew.
I don't think that anyone sane could come to believe that there isn't a material world. But saying that isn't the same thing as saying that we know there is one, or know what it is made of, and how it came to exist to begin with.
Keep your blinkers in place. It's a big world out there.