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Dogwhistling a la Teleprompter

I believe that it is underestimating him to claim that the poor dumb guy just can't pull off sounding sincere (because he isn't).. and that is just the best he can do.
He is a clinical narcissist, they can't pull off sincere, because they don't care.

I think you guys are both right.

Trump can convincingly peddle any bullshit line in existence as long as he thinks it makes him look good, or will generate praise for him, or will be profitable. He is a clinical narcissist who doesn't give a crap about anyone else, but he's highly motivated by self-interest and a shameless liar. He can and does pretend to feel a certain way when pretending makes him a 'winner' in his eyes.

If he thought his reelection depended on him being sympathetic towards the victims and their families, he would be the Most Sympathetic President EVER. With the Biggest Shoulders to Cry on. Yuge Shoulders. Bigger than Obama's BY FAR. And he would tell us all about the beautiful children affected by the senseless violence and all the good people suffering because of the failure of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats to fix things and Build the Wall.
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#1: If Trump denounces white supremacy, he gets accused of lying.

#2: If he doesn't denounce it, the leftists scream for him to denounce it.

Go back to #1 and repeat cycle. Leftists have painted him into a no win situation.
I believe that it is underestimating him to claim that the poor dumb guy just can't pull off sounding sincere (because he isn't).. and that is just the best he can do.
He is a clinical narcissist, they can't pull off sincere, because they don't care.

I think you guys are both right.

Trump can convincingly peddle any bullshit line in existence as long as he thinks it makes him look good, or will generate praise for him, or will be profitable. He is a clinical narcissist who doesn't give a crap about anyone else, but he's highly motivated by self-interest and a shameless liar. He can and does pretend to feel a certain way when pretending makes him a 'winner' in his eyes.

If he thought his reelection depended on him being sympathetic towards the victims and their families, he would be the Most Sympathetic President EVER. With the Biggest Shoulders to Cry on. Yuge Shoulders. Bigger than Obama's BY FAR. And he would tell us all about the beautiful children affected by the senseless violence and all the good people suffering because of the failure of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats to fix things and Build the Wall.


Sounds like Obama was the bigoted racist xenophobic person that you are projecting onto Trump.
#1: If Trump denounces white supremacy, he gets accused of lying.

#2: If he doesn't denounce it, the leftists scream for him to denounce it.

Go back to #1 and repeat cycle. Leftists have painted him into a no win situation.

Well gee that’s too bad. That’s what happens when you have a liar and a cheat as president.
#1: If Trump denounces white supremacy, he gets accused of lying.

#2: If he doesn't denounce it, the leftists scream for him to denounce it.

Go back to #1 and repeat cycle. Leftists have painted him into a no win situation.

#1: If Trump denounces white supremacy and it's obvious he's just reciting memorized words like a schoolboy and he takes it all back the next morning on Twitter, he gets accused of lying because he was lying.

#2: If he doesn't denounce it, he's a shitty President because it's part of his job to identify and oppose forces, movements, and mobs that attack and oppress Americans.

Leftists didn't paint him into the racist white supremacist alt-right corner. He did that himself. And I'm not sure he sees that as a problem.
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#1: If Trump denounces white supremacy, he gets accused of lying.

#2: If he doesn't denounce it, the leftists scream for him to denounce it.

Go back to #1 and repeat cycle. Leftists have painted him into a no win situation.

Twitter is a more accurate look at what he thinks--and his position didn't change.
I think you guys are both right.

Trump can convincingly peddle any bullshit line in existence as long as he thinks it makes him look good, or will generate praise for him, or will be profitable. He is a clinical narcissist who doesn't give a crap about anyone else, but he's highly motivated by self-interest and a shameless liar. He can and does pretend to feel a certain way when pretending makes him a 'winner' in his eyes.

If he thought his reelection depended on him being sympathetic towards the victims and their families, he would be the Most Sympathetic President EVER. With the Biggest Shoulders to Cry on. Yuge Shoulders. Bigger than Obama's BY FAR. And he would tell us all about the beautiful children affected by the senseless violence and all the good people suffering because of the failure of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats to fix things and Build the Wall.


Sounds like Obama was the bigoted racist xenophobic person that you are projecting onto Trump.


This is my opinion regarding Trump's narcissism, insincerity, and propensity for lying:

Trump can convincingly peddle any bullshit line in existence as long as he thinks it makes him look good, or will generate praise for him, or will be profitable. He is a clinical narcissist who doesn't give a crap about anyone else, but he's highly motivated by self-interest and a shameless liar. He can and does pretend to feel a certain way when pretending makes him a 'winner' in his eyes.

And this is what I think he would post on Twitter if he thought it would make him look good, generate praise for him, or be profitable in some way:

If he thought his reelection depended on him being sympathetic towards the victims and their families, he would be the Most Sympathetic President EVER. With the Biggest Shoulders to Cry on. Yuge Shoulders. Bigger than Obama's BY FAR. And he would tell us all about the beautiful children affected by the senseless violence and all the good people suffering because of the failure of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats to fix things and Build the Wall.

I wasn't talking about deportations or comparing numbers, which btw would be Yuge, the Biggest Numbers EVER, or at least Trump would claim they were if he thought it would play well at his next rally because he's a liar and a narcissist. And a grifter.
Leftists didn't paint him into the racist white supremacist alt-right corner. He did that himself. And I'm not sure he sees that as a problem.
Why should he? Clearly his supporters don't.

The only surprising thing to me about this toddler pretending to be Big Man, is that there are so many Half-Wits in this nation who not only believe him, but actually make bumbling attempts at being his apologists despite how blatantly it reveals their stupidity.
#1: If Trump denounces white supremacy, he gets accused of lying.

#2: If he doesn't denounce it, the leftists scream for him to denounce it.

Go back to #1 and repeat cycle. Leftists have painted him into a no win situation.
So there's absolutely no reason why the white supremacists and the Bubbah militia groups flat out love this guy, right? That's just them being, as 'Ttump' likes to say, low IQ and dumb as a rock?
#1: If Trump denounces white supremacy, he gets accused of lying.

#2: If he doesn't denounce it, the leftists scream for him to denounce it.

Go back to #1 and repeat cycle. Leftists have painted him into a no win situation.
So there's absolutely no reason why the white supremacists and the Bubbah militia groups flat out love this guy, right? That's just them being, as 'Ttump' likes to say, low IQ and dumb as a rock?

The Dayton shooter loved Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Not their fault who loves them and goes crazy. Trump even pointed this out and said, "I don't blame Bernie or Elizabeth just because the shooter liked them."
#1: If Trump denounces white supremacy, he gets accused of lying.

#2: If he doesn't denounce it, the leftists scream for him to denounce it.

Go back to #1 and repeat cycle. Leftists have painted him into a no win situation.
So there's absolutely no reason why the white supremacists and the Bubbah militia groups flat out love this guy, right? That's just them being, as 'Ttump' likes to say, low IQ and dumb as a rock?

The Dayton shooter loved Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Not their fault who loves them and goes crazy. Trump even pointed this out and said, "I don't blame Bernie or Elizabeth just because the shooter liked them."

The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump to do what he did. No such connection has been made between the Dayton shooter and Warren or Sanders.

I suspect you are conservative because your thinking is so simple-minded and immune to nuance.
I suspect you are conservative because your thinking is so simple-minded and immune to nuance.

Shame on you!
Correlation ≠ causation.
The causal arrow goes both ways, and we can't know which way it goes in a given case without more information, right?

Whether the activity you refer to as thinking is of human or artificial origin is another question.

The Dayton shooter loved Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Not their fault who loves them and goes crazy. Trump even pointed this out and said, "I don't blame Bernie or Elizabeth just because the shooter liked them."

The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump to do what he did. No such connection has been made between the Dayton shooter and Warren or Sanders.

I suspect you are conservative because your thinking is so simple-minded and immune to nuance.

Democrats are immune to nuance. Did you know that Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit all have gun violence and loss of life daily? Yet, you guys focus on the mass shooters. It's almost like you guys don't care when shootings happen in inner cities when the loss of life is poor blacks.
The Dayton shooter loved Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Not their fault who loves them and goes crazy. Trump even pointed this out and said, "I don't blame Bernie or Elizabeth just because the shooter liked them."

The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump to do what he did. No such connection has been made between the Dayton shooter and Warren or Sanders.

I suspect you are conservative because your thinking is so simple-minded and immune to nuance.

Democrats are immune to nuance. Did you know that Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit all have gun violence and loss of life daily? Yet, you guys focus on the mass shooters. It's almost like you guys don't care when shootings happen in inner cities when the loss of life is poor blacks.

If you can go for 24 hours without using whataboutism, Uncle Patooka will buy you a bag of jelly beans. Also, do you know where in America you re most likely to get shot? I'll give you a hint; the top 3 most likely states are all Republican states.
Democrats are immune to nuance. Did you know that Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit all have gun violence and loss of life daily? Yet, you guys focus on the mass shooters. It's almost like you guys don't care when shootings happen in inner cities when the loss of life is poor blacks.

If you can go for 24 hours without using whataboutism, Uncle Patooka will buy you a bag of jelly beans. Also, do you know where in America you re most likely to get shot? I'll give you a hint; the top 3 most likely states are all Republican states.

Keep ignoring shootings in inner cities and ghettos. Please explain logically why 50 people dying in mass ghetto shootings are somehow less important than 50 people dying in a mass shooting at a mall.
Democrats are immune to nuance. Did you know that Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit all have gun violence and loss of life daily? Yet, you guys focus on the mass shooters. It's almost like you guys don't care when shootings happen in inner cities when the loss of life is poor blacks.

If you can go for 24 hours without using whataboutism, Uncle Patooka will buy you a bag of jelly beans. Also, do you know where in America you re most likely to get shot? I'll give you a hint; the top 3 most likely states are all Republican states.

Keep ignoring shootings in inner cities and ghettos.
Please explain logically why 50 people dying in mass ghetto shootings are somehow less important than 50 people dying in a mass shooting at a mall.
"Ghetto shootings"? First time I've heard of an El Paso Walmart as a "ghetto".

If you really do not understand why mass killings perpetrated by one or two shooters are different than 50 individual murders, then there really is possibility of rational discussion.
Keep ignoring shootings in inner cities and ghettos.
Please explain logically why 50 people dying in mass ghetto shootings are somehow less important than 50 people dying in a mass shooting at a mall.
"Ghetto shootings"? First time I've heard of an El Paso Walmart as a "ghetto".

If you really do not understand why mass killings perpetrated by one or two shooters are different than 50 individual murders, then there really is possibility of rational discussion.

50 people still lose their lives. :picardfacepalm:

If 50 different people kill one person each day for 50 days, that is still 50 lives lost. A tragedy is a tragedy. It's not somehow more of a tragedy if 50 people get mowed down at once. This is just the media's spin on it. But, Dems are racists. They don't care about poor blacks getting killed daily.
50 people still lose their lives.

If 50 different people kill one person each day for 50 days, that is still 50 lives lost. A tragedy is a tragedy. It's not somehow more of a tragedy if 50 people get mowed down at once. This is just the media's spin on it. But, Dems are racists. They don't care about poor blacks getting killed daily.

"A tragedy is a tragedy" is wrong. The general principle you're using to try to even everything out (to get rid of any details that'll show your overall point is false) is false.

You imagine there are two tragedies to compare - several single murders versus a mass murder. So you've equalized them ("a tragedy is a tragedy") to deflect from the significance of any one of them -- but particularly from the one that you don't want people to focus on: the one where a single guy mowed down a couple dozen people because he had a weapon that no citizen has any business having.

It's not the one tragedy of 50 individual murders versus the one tragedy of one mass murder. You're comparing 51 different tragedies. Whether they're equally tragic doesn't matter. Because no matter how tragic any of them are, a single-murder killer is not comparable to someone who'll shoot dozens of people in a few minutes. Mass murderers are a distinctive phenomenon and need to be puzzled out.

Other tragedies that also need to be puzzled out don't change that.
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