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Dogwhistling a la Teleprompter

If 50 different people kill one person each day for 50 days, that is still 50 lives lost. A tragedy is a tragedy. It's not somehow more of a tragedy if 50 people get mowed down at once. This is just the media's spin on it. But, Dems are racists. They don't care about poor blacks getting killed daily.

How idiotic. Tell your programmer that "If 50 different people kill one person each day for 50 days", in English that could mean 50 lives lost or it could mean 2500 lives lost. It can only be presumed that you are saying is that people are killed every day, therefore none of it matters and democrats are racists. Very alt-white of you. But...
No, Half-life (which I assume is your oh-so clever allusion to the fact that most of your posts are auto-composed from trite snippets of Repub-putinist propaganda).
When the President says he wouldn't mind it if his supporters shoot immigrants, a supporter writes a manifesto quoting him, then goes out and selectively targets HISPANICS, not immigrants...
Well, that is what, in English, is called RACISM.
So is your apologetic stupidity. The greatest tragedy is the reality of a racist mobster president encouraging racist murders, flouting the Constitution and torturing children - he is everything he ever accused Hillary of being and oh so much less.
"Ghetto shootings"? First time I've heard of an El Paso Walmart as a "ghetto".

If you really do not understand why mass killings perpetrated by one or two shooters are different than 50 individual murders, then there really is possibility of rational discussion.

50 people still lose their lives. :picardfacepalm:

If 50 different people kill one person each day for 50 days, that is still 50 lives lost. A tragedy is a tragedy. It's not somehow more of a tragedy if 50 people get mowed down at once.
Yes, it is in the obvious sense that mass murders are rarer events.
This is just the media's spin on it. But, Dems are racists. They don't care about poor blacks getting killed daily.
Using your reasoning, so are conservatives and Republicans. Using your reasoning, why don't conservatives get upset about the tragedy of 100s of people murdered with guns every year. After all, it is 100s of people!
The Dayton shooter loved Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Not their fault who loves them and goes crazy. Trump even pointed this out and said, "I don't blame Bernie or Elizabeth just because the shooter liked them."

The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump to do what he did. No such connection has been made between the Dayton shooter and Warren or Sanders.

I suspect you are conservative because your thinking is so simple-minded and immune to nuance.

Democrats are immune to nuance. Did you know that Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit all have gun violence and loss of life daily? Yet, you guys focus on the mass shooters. It's almost like you guys don't care when shootings happen in inner cities when the loss of life is poor blacks.

Neither side cares much about criminals killing criminals.
"Ghetto shootings"? First time I've heard of an El Paso Walmart as a "ghetto".

If you really do not understand why mass killings perpetrated by one or two shooters are different than 50 individual murders, then there really is possibility of rational discussion.

50 people still lose their lives. :picardfacepalm:

If 50 different people kill one person each day for 50 days, that is still 50 lives lost. A tragedy is a tragedy. It's not somehow more of a tragedy if 50 people get mowed down at once. This is just the media's spin on it. But, Dems are racists. They don't care about poor blacks getting killed daily.

If the Dems had their way that problem would have been solved long ago. It's the hypocritical Republicans that won't budge on gun control or the poverty that traps these people in ghettos. It became a case of beating a dead horse. Now that the news has become a constant replay of the carnage of mass shoutings on the altar of the 2nd Amendment some of us have this crazy hope that the Republicans will finally come to their senses. Now that dozens of innocent children are mowed down at one time and duck-and-cover drills have been resurrected in public schools. Even the good old country-western music lovers aren't safe from being slaughtered like sheep in a range war, you'd think maybe for the grace of GOD ALMIGHTY there might be a crack in their facade. Only Mitch McConnell knows.

ETA- It's called gaslighting folks:
3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.

They know how important your kids are to you, and they know how important your identity is to you. So those may be one of the first things they attack. If you have kids, they tell you that you should not have had those children. They will tell you'd be a worthy person if only you didn't have a long list of negative traits. They attack the foundation of your being.
7. They know confusion weakens people.

Gaslighters know that people like having a sense of stability and normalcy. Their goal is to uproot this and make you constantly question everything. And humans' natural tendency is to look to the person or entity that will help you feel more stable—and that happens to be the gaslighter.
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Somehow I get the feelin' I'm sitting on the Group W bench -
... And they all moved away from me on the bench there, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I said, "And creating a nuisance." And they all came back, shook my hand, and we had a great time on the bench.
If the Dems had their way that problem would have been solved long ago. It's the hypocritical Republicans that won't budge on gun control or the poverty that traps these people in ghettos. It became a case of beating a dead horse. Now that the news has become a constant replay of the carnage of mass shoutings on the altar of the 2nd Amendment some of us have this crazy hope that the Republicans will finally come to their senses. Now that dozens of innocent children are mowed down at one time and duck-and-cover drills have been resurrected in public schools. Even the good old country-western music lovers aren't safe from being slaughtered like sheep in a range war, you'd think maybe for the grace of GOD ALMIGHTY there might be a crack in their facade. Only Mitch McConnell knows.

ETA- It's called gaslighting folks:
3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.

They know how important your kids are to you, and they know how important your identity is to you. So those may be one of the first things they attack. If you have kids, they tell you that you should not have had those children. They will tell you'd be a worthy person if only you didn't have a long list of negative traits. They attack the foundation of your being.
7. They know confusion weakens people.

Gaslighters know that people like having a sense of stability and normalcy. Their goal is to uproot this and make you constantly question everything. And humans' natural tendency is to look to the person or entity that will help you feel more stable—and that happens to be the gaslighter.

I am curious what you think these "poverty traps" are in black cities that are run by black dems.
50 people still lose their lives.

If 50 different people kill one person each day for 50 days, that is still 50 lives lost. A tragedy is a tragedy. It's not somehow more of a tragedy if 50 people get mowed down at once. This is just the media's spin on it. But, Dems are racists. They don't care about poor blacks getting killed daily.

"A tragedy is a tragedy" is wrong. The general principle you're using to try to even everything out (to get rid of any details that'll show your overall point is false) is false.

You imagine there are two tragedies to compare - several single murders versus a mass murder. So you've equalized them ("a tragedy is a tragedy") to deflect from the significance of any one of them -- but particularly from the one that you don't want people to focus on: the one where a single guy mowed down a couple dozen people because he had a weapon that no citizen has any business having.

It's not the one tragedy of 50 individual murders versus the one tragedy of one mass murder. You're comparing 51 different tragedies. Whether they're equally tragic doesn't matter. Because no matter how tragic any of them are, a single-murder killer is not comparable to someone who'll shoot dozens of people in a few minutes. Mass murderers are a distinctive phenomenon and need to be puzzled out.

Other tragedies that also need to be puzzled out don't change that.

A mass murder is one tragedy? This makes no sense. So, by your logic 2 individuals who kill 2 people is 2 tragedies and is considered worse than the holocaust, which was 6 million dead, because that is 1 tragedy instead of 6 million tragedies.

Democrats are immune to nuance. Did you know that Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit all have gun violence and loss of life daily? Yet, you guys focus on the mass shooters. It's almost like you guys don't care when shootings happen in inner cities when the loss of life is poor blacks.

Neither side cares much about criminals killing criminals.

Is that racist? Why do you assume they are all criminals killing each other? You don't think any of them walk down the street and just shoot someone?
Is that racist? Why do you assume they are all criminals killing each other? You don't think any of them walk down the street and just shoot someone?

No, they don't. Provide a couple dozen examples of people doing that, and we can talk about it. Otherwise your wutabout FAILS like the rest of your crap "arguments".
Democrats are immune to nuance. Did you know that Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit all have gun violence and loss of life daily? Yet, you guys focus on the mass shooters. It's almost like you guys don't care when shootings happen in inner cities when the loss of life is poor blacks.

Neither side cares much about criminals killing criminals.

Is that racist? Why do you assume they are all criminals killing each other? You don't think any of them walk down the street and just shoot someone?

because in America murder is a criminal act. If you don't like that fact, go back to the country your family came from.
A mass murder is one tragedy? This makes no sense.

So, by your logic 2 individuals who kill 2 people is 2 tragedies and is considered worse than the holocaust, which was 6 million dead, because that is 1 tragedy instead of 6 million tragedies.


If you want to change from "a tragedy" to a mass murder being x number of tragedies, that's fine. That's an issue of semantics - the holocaust was both a tragedy and a great many tragedies.

So why not skip that and get to the actual point? By my logic, the 'amount of tragedies' is not the main concern about mass murders. It's that there was means to wipe out a lot of people in one go, and the desire to do such a thing, that are the distinctive problems of a mass murder. Instead of the game of semantics, you'd have to address THAT to address the point of my post.
Democrats are immune to nuance. Did you know that Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit all have gun violence and loss of life daily? Yet, you guys focus on the mass shooters. It's almost like you guys don't care when shootings happen in inner cities when the loss of life is poor blacks.

Neither side cares much about criminals killing criminals.

Is that racist? Why do you assume they are all criminals killing each other? You don't think any of them walk down the street and just shoot someone?

It's not all criminals killing criminals but most murder victims have appreciable rap sheets of their own.
A mass murder is one tragedy? This makes no sense.

So, by your logic 2 individuals who kill 2 people is 2 tragedies and is considered worse than the holocaust, which was 6 million dead, because that is 1 tragedy instead of 6 million tragedies.


If you want to change from "a tragedy" to a mass murder being x number of tragedies, that's fine. That's an issue of semantics - the holocaust was both a tragedy and a great many tragedies.

So why not skip that and get to the actual point? By my logic, the 'amount of tragedies' is not the main concern about mass murders. It's that there was means to wipe out a lot of people in one go, and the desire to do such a thing, that are the distinctive problems of a mass murder. Instead of the game of semantics, you'd have to address THAT to address the point of my post.

But the point remains that when all these murders happen in the inner cities, no leftist says a peep screaming in outrage. Not even Jesse Jackson. But, they scream in outrage when a white man kills a lot of people.
A mass murder is one tragedy? This makes no sense.

So, by your logic 2 individuals who kill 2 people is 2 tragedies and is considered worse than the holocaust, which was 6 million dead, because that is 1 tragedy instead of 6 million tragedies.


If you want to change from "a tragedy" to a mass murder being x number of tragedies, that's fine. That's an issue of semantics - the holocaust was both a tragedy and a great many tragedies.

So why not skip that and get to the actual point? By my logic, the 'amount of tragedies' is not the main concern about mass murders. It's that there was means to wipe out a lot of people in one go, and the desire to do such a thing, that are the distinctive problems of a mass murder. Instead of the game of semantics, you'd have to address THAT to address the point of my post.

But the point remains that when all these murders happen in the inner cities, no leftist says a peep screaming in outrage. Not even Jesse Jackson. But, they scream in outrage when a white man kills a lot of people.

Jesse Jackson condemning black on black inner city violence

Five seconds. It literally took me five seconds to prove you are full of shit. But Jackson said that nearly fifty years ago, maybe his tune has changed.


At the forum, he warned against qualifying gun death by the geography of the crime or the race or income of the victim. He mentioned Illinois cities dealing with daily gun violence as being on par with quieter towns like Newtown, Connecticut where 20 first-graders and 6 adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary.

"If it is an innocent in Chicago or East St. Louis they have a problem. If it's Sandy Hook or Parkland, Florida, we have a problem. Well, all of us have a problem when people cannot go to school or go to church. None of us is safe until all of us is safe."

Five seconds was all it took to eviscerate your argument.
If the Dems had their way that problem would have been solved long ago. It's the hypocritical Republicans that won't budge on gun control or the poverty that traps these people in ghettos. It became a case of beating a dead horse. Now that the news has become a constant replay of the carnage of mass shoutings on the altar of the 2nd Amendment some of us have this crazy hope that the Republicans will finally come to their senses. Now that dozens of innocent children are mowed down at one time and duck-and-cover drills have been resurrected in public schools. Even the good old country-western music lovers aren't safe from being slaughtered like sheep in a range war, you'd think maybe for the grace of GOD ALMIGHTY there might be a crack in their facade. Only Mitch McConnell knows.

ETA- It's called gaslighting folks:
3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.

They know how important your kids are to you, and they know how important your identity is to you. So those may be one of the first things they attack. If you have kids, they tell you that you should not have had those children. They will tell you'd be a worthy person if only you didn't have a long list of negative traits. They attack the foundation of your being.
7. They know confusion weakens people.

Gaslighters know that people like having a sense of stability and normalcy. Their goal is to uproot this and make you constantly question everything. And humans' natural tendency is to look to the person or entity that will help you feel more stable—and that happens to be the gaslighter.

I am curious what you think these "poverty traps" are in black cities that are run by black dems.

It's wherever you find large communities with no realistic prospect for economic advancement for multiple generations. They have no resources among themselves and no way to attract investment and jobs that would pay enough to provide some savings. That's the key issue. If you believe in capitalism as the basis for a healthy economy then you have to include everyone. And I don't really care how it's accomplished but people need to have a reasonable chance of putting money aside for emergencies, or lending to family, or investing on a business, or just taking advantage of a sale on canned beans. Capitalism means having the freedom to make choices for a better future, and the only way to learn how to do it is practice. What they have now isn't much better than slavery. That's why fathers feel worthless and gravitate towards crime. Their best entrepreneurs end up in prison and the kids grow up without father figures. It's the only way to show that at least they tried. And it's not a cultural problem. It's the human condition. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what you'd do if you were stuck in the same situation. What if the face in the mirror was a black man?
I am curious what you think these "poverty traps" are in black cities that are run by black dems.

It's wherever you find large communities with no realistic prospect for economic advancement for multiple generations. They have no resources among themselves and no way to attract investment and jobs that would pay enough to provide some savings. That's the key issue. If you believe in capitalism as the basis for a healthy economy then you have to include everyone. And I don't really care how it's accomplished but people need to have a reasonable chance of putting money aside for emergencies, or lending to family, or investing on a business, or just taking advantage of a sale on canned beans. Capitalism means having the freedom to make choices for a better future, and the only way to learn how to do it is practice. What they have now isn't much better than slavery. That's why fathers feel worthless and gravitate towards crime. Their best entrepreneurs end up in prison and the kids grow up without father figures. It's the only way to show that at least they tried. And it's not a cultural problem. It's the human condition. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what you'd do if you were stuck in the same situation. What if the face in the mirror was a black man?

Why do Asians not have this problem of feeling "trapped" with nowhere to go?
Why do Asians not have this problem of feeling "trapped" with nowhere to go?

Have you interviewed everyone in Asia to make sure you're not just making shit up again?
Oh well then, I guess that post has the exact same (lack of) value as the rest of your crap.
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