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Donald Trump and the Seven Deadly Sins


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
The usual list of them: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride

How he has committed some of them:

Lust. His comments about pussygrabbing. His peeking into beauty contestants' dressing rooms. His talking about how hot his daughter is.

Sloth. He dislikes reading briefing papers that he considers too long, and he likes them with lots of maps and pictures. His watching TV much of the time. His spending a lot of time at Trump Tower and Mar-a-Lago.

Wrath. His holding of grudges, like against Barack Obama.

Envy. Of Hillary Clinton's popular votes and Barack Obama's Inauguration turnout.

Pride. Of considering himself a very great businessman and a very great leader.
I'd say that if you save up your money and on a special occasion treat yourself to a carefully cooked $50 steak, you might not be a glutton.
regularly ordering $54 dollar steaks, regularly doused with ketchup to restore the flavor burned out of it... That would be gluttony.

WRath? You forgot 'SEE YOU IN COURT!"
Very early on, he started only granting access to reporters who would not challenge him. Reporters who would not ask difficult questions.

I don't know if that's sloth, as in not wanting to put the work into being prepared for tough questions, or pride, as in not wanting anyone else to be in control of a conversation. He's in charge of his image on the screen, so only questions which allow him to take the initiative.
If I owned Mar-a-Lago spending time there goofing off would become my hobby.

I would not see it as a sin.
Here's one for greed: Donald Trump's insistence on continuing to manage his businesses, despite conflict-of-interest problems.
He has broken most of the Commandments as well. Clearly isn't a believer, and he is guilty of coveting, lying, and stealing. Everything but murder.
And didn't he commit murder? I thought he stood in the middle of 5th Avenue and shot a random pedestrian. But his crowd still loved him, so it didn't matter. Only Rachel Maddow talks about it anymore.
And didn't he commit murder? I thought he stood in the middle of 5th Avenue and shot a random pedestrian. But his crowd still loved him, so it didn't matter. Only Rachel Maddow talks about it anymore.

If this did this there would be forensic evidence and possibly some surveillance tapes. (In London they're everywhere). The other points don't amount to anything concrete but don't deter the Marxist organisers of the last women's march and the left has been instigating a lot of this conflict.

Angela Davis: Marxist Supporter of violent revolution
Linda MartinAlcoff: ?
CinziaArruza: Marxist
Tithi Bhattacharya Marxist
Nancy Fraser: Marxist
Barbara Ransby: Marxist
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: Marxist
Rasmea Yousef Odeh: Marxist Convicted Terrorist served 10 years in an Israeli prison
You lied under oath,” Drain said. Referring to a Marxist Palestinian group the U.S. State Department labels a terrorist organization, Drain added: “She was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. I think she was involved in some terrorist activity.”

Now a lot of left wing groups including the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) have been included in this through front groups.
If this did this there would be forensic evidence and possibly some surveillance tapes.
Maybe a double-whoosh?

I guess the command AND the spirit of the thread went right over your head, wp.

More obvious are the names of the Marxists (incl one known terrorist) who organised the 'Women's' March I think this will be overlooked.
More obvious are the names of the Marxists (incl one known terrorist) who organised the 'Women's' March I think this will be overlooked.
Do you really imagine that your derail makes Trump look any better?

...than 7 Marxists one of whom was convicted of terrorism in Israel. The point is they are the pots calling the kettle black. I believe the Marxists have been stirring the pot since before the elections. I was initially suspicious and wanted to see if anyone apart from Angela Davis are revolutionary Marxists. It soon turned out I was looking for one who was not or did not seem to be. 7 out of 8 were Marxists.
...than 7 Marxists one of whom was convicted of terrorism in Israel. The point is they are the pots calling the kettle black.
The point is that we, here, are commenting, tongue in cheek, on Trump. Far as i know, none of us are avowed Marxists, or are compiling a list of Trump's violations of the Marxist Manifesto. You bring up Marxists as a derail.
What's next, something incredibly original like 'Hillary is just as bad?'

And didn't he commit murder? I thought he stood in the middle of 5th Avenue and shot a random pedestrian. But his crowd still loved him, so it didn't matter. Only Rachel Maddow talks about it anymore.

If this did this there would be forensic evidence and possibly some surveillance tapes. (In London they're everywhere). The other points don't amount to anything concrete but don't deter the Marxist organisers of the last women's march and the left has been instigating a lot of this conflict.

Angela Davis: Marxist Supporter of violent revolution
Linda MartinAlcoff: ?
CinziaArruza: Marxist
Tithi Bhattacharya Marxist
Nancy Fraser: Marxist
Barbara Ransby: Marxist
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: Marxist
Rasmea Yousef Odeh: Marxist Convicted Terrorist served 10 years in an Israeli prison
You lied under oath,” Drain said. Referring to a Marxist Palestinian group the U.S. State Department labels a terrorist organization, Drain added: “She was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. I think she was involved in some terrorist activity.”

Now a lot of left wing groups including the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) have been included in this through front groups.
And didn't he commit murder? I thought he stood in the middle of 5th Avenue and shot a random pedestrian. But his crowd still loved him, so it didn't matter. Only Rachel Maddow talks about it anymore.

Oh, come on now! He wouldn't shoot a random pedestrian! He shot a liberal!
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