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Donald Trump falsely claimed to ‘remember Pearl Harbor’ as he ranted at Japanese PM


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
Stupid orange scumbag....

Donald Trump bizarrely claimed to remember the start of World War II in a tense phone call with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Washington Post reports.

In the tense June call, Trump told Abe that “I remember Pearl Harbor,” referring to the attack that brought the United States into the Second World war, which concluded before Trump was born in 1946.

President Trump has previously been confused about his own birthdate.

Trump’s rant was part of “a blistering critique of Japan’s economic policies,” sources told the Post and complained that the Japanese don’t buy as many American goods as Americans buy Japanese goods.

“The meeting, which left Abe exasperated, epitomized the paradoxical nature of Trump’s closest relationship with a foreign leader,” the Post reports.

Remembers of Pearl Harbor, maybe?

Why bring up Pearl Harbor? Did Trump mention the Holocaust when talking to Merkel about NATO funding?

You bombed us nearly 80 years ago, buy more US products!
It sounds like we need to see this guy's long form birth certificate.
Okay, seriously, that has got to be one of the most tortured interpretations of a fairly common phrase I've seen in a while.

"Remember, remember, the fifth of November..." Doesn't apply only to people who were alive and actively experiencing it during the 17th century :rolleyes:. The quote as reported by the Washington Post doesn't seem to imply anything remotely like how Raw Story characterizes it.
Okay, seriously, that has got to be one of the most tortured interpretations of a fairly common phrase I've seen in a while.

"Remember, remember, the fifth of November..." Doesn't apply only to people who were alive and actively experiencing it during the 17th century :rolleyes:. The quote as reported by the Washington Post doesn't seem to imply anything remotely like how Raw Story characterizes it.
Umm... like I asked, in what context does Pearl Harbor fit into a discussion on trade?
Okay, seriously, that has got to be one of the most tortured interpretations of a fairly common phrase I've seen in a while.

"Remember, remember, the fifth of November..." Doesn't apply only to people who were alive and actively experiencing it during the 17th century :rolleyes:. The quote as reported by the Washington Post doesn't seem to imply anything remotely like how Raw Story characterizes it.

True, you could take it that way, but I subscribe to WaPo and read the entire article. Trump is living in the past. Abe said he seems to think that Japan's economy is what was going on in the 80s and 90s. Trump is totally clueless as to what is going on.....period.

From the WaPo piece for those who can't read it.

Another diplomat said that he could not explain Trump’s Pearl Harbor reference but added that the president relishes historical references and frequently brings up Japan's “samurai past.”

“Although disturbing, this rhetoric hardly veers from Trump’s comments against Japan on the campaign trail,” said Goto, the Japan scholar. “His views of the Japanese economy then were based on the perceptions of the 1980s and ’90s, rather than the realities of today. So it may not be a surprise if his worldview, especially of Asia, is derived back from World War II, rather than today.”

Officials on both sides of the Pacific say that the foundations of the U.S.-Japan relationship remain strong and that Abe speaks with Trump more easily and frequently than he did with President Obama.

But Tokyo’s patience on key economic and security issues appears to be wearing thin.

Conclusions imo, Trump is clueless.
Conclusions imo, Trump is clueless.

Oh don't get me wrong - he's definitely clueless... on a WHOLE host of things! I just don't read that as him claiming to remember pearl harbor as if he had been there... which is what the Raw Story article implied.

I wouldn't blame the writers for that. Recall that Individual-1 also said he saw thousands of muslims in New Jersey celebrating after 9/11, and that the parents of soldiers killed in the Korean War were begging for his help.
His proclivity for claiming to "remember" shit that never happened or that he never witnessed, is well established.
Stupid orange scumbag....

[FONT=&]Donald Trump bizarrely claimed to remember the start of World War II in a tense phone call with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Washington Post reports.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]In the tense June call, Trump told Abe that “I remember Pearl Harbor,” referring to the attack that brought the United States into the Second World war, which concluded before Trump was born in 1946.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]President Trump has previously been confused about his own birthdate.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]Trump’s rant was part of “a blistering critique of Japan’s economic policies,” sources told the Post and complained that the Japanese don’t buy as many American goods as Americans buy Japanese goods.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]“The meeting, which left Abe exasperated, epitomized the paradoxical nature of Trump’s closest relationship with a foreign leader,” the [/FONT]Post[FONT=&] reports.[/FONT]


How dare you suggest Trump was wrong about something? He is clearly the most smartestest man done ever set foot inna White House. Yer jess jealous of his great genius on accounta you dumb libtards wusn't smart enough t' git help from them thar Russkies inna last elekshun! Also HEY LET'S SUDDENLY TALK ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON INSTED! URANIUM ONE! BENGHAZI! HER EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!
Stupid orange scumbag....

[FONT=&]Donald Trump bizarrely claimed to remember the start of World War II in a tense phone call with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Washington Post reports.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]In the tense June call, Trump told Abe that “I remember Pearl Harbor,” referring to the attack that brought the United States into the Second World war, which concluded before Trump was born in 1946.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]President Trump has previously been confused about his own birthdate.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]Trump’s rant was part of “a blistering critique of Japan’s economic policies,” sources told the Post and complained that the Japanese don’t buy as many American goods as Americans buy Japanese goods.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]“The meeting, which left Abe exasperated, epitomized the paradoxical nature of Trump’s closest relationship with a foreign leader,” the [/FONT]Post[FONT=&] reports.[/FONT]


How dare you suggest Trump was wrong about something? He is clearly the most smartestest man done ever set foot inna White House. Yer jess jealous of his great genius on accounta you dumb libtards wusn't smart enough t' git help from them thar Russkies inna last elekshun! Also HEY LET'S SUDDENLY TALK ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON INSTED! URANIUM ONE! BENGHAZI! HER EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice try, troll. A REAL Trumpanzee could never spell "Benghazi" correctly. You've been outed! :p
Conclusions imo, Trump is clueless.

Oh don't get me wrong - he's definitely clueless... on a WHOLE host of things! I just don't read that as him claiming to remember pearl harbor as if he had been there... which is what the Raw Story article implied.

Actually, I was born in 1946, the same year as Trump, and I remember the assassination of Duke Ferdinand. :)

What Trump meant was that he remembered a childhood filled with the rampant anti-Japanese and anti-Asian propaganda, including frequent references to Pearl Harbor every December 7. The way he said it, however, made him sound like a moron--as if he had an actual memory of the event itself rather than just a vicarious experience. Abe probably took him to be saying that he literally remembered it at first. It is further evidence of Trump's mental deterioration. If he had had his wits about him, he would have realized how stupid it sounded to say such a thing.
How dare you suggest Trump was wrong about something? He is clearly the most smartestest man done ever set foot inna White House. Yer jess jealous of his great genius on accounta you dumb libtards wusn't smart enough t' git help from them thar Russkies inna last elekshun! Also HEY LET'S SUDDENLY TALK ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON INSTED! URANIUM ONE! BENGHAZI! HER EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice try, troll. A REAL Trumpanzee could never spell "Benghazi" correctly. You've been outed! :p

I've seen fascists spell it correctly, probably because they use the word so often.
I remember Pearl Harbour, because it was the first Michael Bay film I walked out of the cinema without finishing watching. I am not surprised Trump would feel a special sort of affinity with that type of shit.
Remembers of Pearl Harbor, maybe?

Why bring up Pearl Harbor? Did Trump mention the Holocaust when talking to Merkel about NATO funding?

You bombed us nearly 80 years ago, buy more US products!

Also, the Japanese PM, being an actually skilled individual who knows something about diplomacy and negotiation, didn't bring up the fact that the US nuked Japan....twice....

The "art of the deal" indeed. I meet with the guy who actually wrote it occasionally at Saturday morning tennis, and he cannot forgive himself, and is desperate to make amends. It's terrifying how unskilled trumpo is.
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I think it's smart that he didn't put the idea of nuking Japan into Trump's head. You never know what the crazy idiot will get himself obsessed with.
I remember Pearl Harbour, because it was the first Michael Bay film I walked out of the cinema without finishing watching. I am not surprised Trump would feel a special sort of affinity with that type of shit.

I also remember Pearl Harbor, because when I took my kid to Oahu on vacation not long after the movie came out she insisted that we go to "Pearl Harbor." Because of the movie.

And being a teenager at the time she wasn't really prepared for what she would see. There was a moment when I caught her staring at the wall listing all the sailors who were lost. In that moment, she got it. She was very quiet for the rest of the day.

A teenager 15 years ago "got" what happened at Pearl Harbor more completely than our current President. That's something.
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