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Donald Trump: the Worst First Year Ever?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
I've found some collections of public-opinion data:
Home - Roper Center
Pew Research Center | Nonpartisan, non-advocacy public opinion polling and demographic research
Analytics and Advice | Solve your organization’s most pressing problems - Gallup

The American Presidency Project also has some polling data:
Presidential Data Archive
Presidential Job Approval

The data there start in 1941, well into FDR's presidency. But comparing the first years of every president since FDR, it is evident that Donald Trump has had the worst first year of all of them. Most presidents start off high and gradually decline, with Bill Clinton being the only exception, and he started off higher than DT.
I've found some collections of public-opinion data:
Home - Roper Center
Pew Research Center | Nonpartisan, non-advocacy public opinion polling and demographic research
Analytics and Advice | Solve your organization’s most pressing problems - Gallup

The American Presidency Project also has some polling data:
Presidential Data Archive
Presidential Job Approval

The data there start in 1941, well into FDR's presidency. But comparing the first years of every president since FDR, it is evident that Donald Trump has had the worst first year of all of them. Most presidents start off high and gradually decline, with Bill Clinton being the only exception, and he started off higher than DT.

As long as it's some kind of superlative, it's all trumpian good. Yeah, "best" might be better, but "worst ever in the history of forever" will do in a pinch.
Rasmussen says Trump has a 46% approval rating, which Drudge is touting like a new birthday present.

It's a severe outlier though. No legitimate polling shows that.

But what matters is that polls don't matter until Trump/Trump supporters see one they like. Then it's gospel, set in stone, and the truth in the past, present, and for all time.

As for the worst first year ever, well yeah. Even W, who was also unpopularity elected had better ratings before 9/11 occurred (the auto-boost from that event shouldn't count).

I'm too damn old to leave the country, but I sure wish I wasn't.
Rasmussen says Trump has a 46% approval rating, which Drudge is touting like a new birthday present.

It's a severe outlier though. No legitimate polling shows that.

It is also worth noting that they're comparing it to Obama's approval rating at the same time. Back when the country was in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Depression. The sort of approval rating that led to the Tea Party movement and the opposition party taking Congress a year later.

Good luck with that, Donny.
Other records are more impressive - most lies told in first 11 months, most post offices re-named... why does that moron have to make shit up?


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Trump's first year was better than I think most expected. He's been a lame duck president, inflamed some tension with other nations, made some headlines for being a jackass, but the Earth is still here, and the USA is still a country and life is pretty much as it was a year ago for most Americans.


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Care to draw a tie-in? Even a tenuous one?

I'll help.

Stock market: Greed. Expectations of the investor class that Trump and the GOP would align and rain money. Didn't see that one coming.
But black unemployment? I'm gonna need some help. I mean, Obama's gone. Trump's in. Let's hire more black people?
After years of bashing the black president's economic record, the orange president now takes credit for it.


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Care to draw a tie-in? Even a tenuous one?

I'll help.

Stock market: Greed. Expectations of the investor class that Trump and the GOP would align and rain money. Didn't see that one coming.
But black unemployment? I'm gonna need some help. I mean, Obama's gone. Trump's in. Let's hire more black people?

Or it could be that Trausti being a Trump voter is not super good at numbers.
Trump's first year was better than I think most expected. He's been a lame duck president, inflamed some tension with other nations, made some headlines for being a jackass, but the Earth is still here, and the USA is still a country and life is pretty much as it was a year ago for most Americans.

I expected him to resign in around summer. So yeah, he did better than expected.
Trump's first year was better than I think most expected. He's been a lame duck president, inflamed some tension with other nations, made some headlines for being a jackass, but the Earth is still here, and the USA is still a country and life is pretty much as it was a year ago for most Americans.

Frankly he met my every expectation I had for him.

Also 'Inflamed some tension with other nations' is no small thing. Pissing off your allies and rivals such that they no longer feel like cooperating with you when there was zero reason for you to do that is a fucking catastrophe.

Making a mockery of our nation on the world stage because you're such a jackass that we all suffer losses to our national prestige in the minds of others is a god damn nightmare. Besides the tax bill this is actually the worst thing he has done and if it continues the long term consequences could be devastating.
The economic riddle for 2018 Will the middle and working classes see any gains from the big tax cut | GulfNews.com -- apparently not, it seems.

Rubio: GOP tax bill 'probably went too far' to help corporations | TheHill:
The GOP tax bill reduced the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. Republicans have insisted that the corporate tax cut would yield higher wages and more jobs for U.S. workers.

Several U.S. corporations that supported the tax bill announced raises, bonuses and benefits increases for employees shortly after Congress passed the measure on Dec. 22. These include Boeing, Wells Fargo, Comcast, AT&T and close to a dozen others.

But other corporations are planning to funnel the savings into benefits for executives, board members and shareholders. White House chief economic adviser Gary Cohn was visibly stunned at an October interview when only a handful of CEOs in attendance indicated they would reinvest tax savings in hiring and expanding.
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