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Donald Trump: the Worst First Year Ever?

The economic riddle for 2018 Will the middle and working classes see any gains from the big tax cut | GulfNews.com -- apparently not, it seems.

Rubio: GOP tax bill 'probably went too far' to help corporations | TheHill:
The GOP tax bill reduced the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. Republicans have insisted that the corporate tax cut would yield higher wages and more jobs for U.S. workers.

Several U.S. corporations that supported the tax bill announced raises, bonuses and benefits increases for employees shortly after Congress passed the measure on Dec. 22. These include Boeing, Wells Fargo, Comcast, AT&T and close to a dozen others.

But other corporations are planning to funnel the savings into benefits for executives, board members and shareholders. White House chief economic adviser Gary Cohn was visibly stunned at an October interview when only a handful of CEOs in attendance indicated they would reinvest tax savings in hiring and expanding.

Doesn't matter if there are any real gains, as long as the Russo-Republican coalition can convince them that they're better off.
I think what Trump has proved more than anything else is just how much of a figurehead the president of the US is. Trump has created a lot of ire bit little has changed in a year with him in the oval office. The tears and panic after Hillary lost have yet to be justified to anywhere near what they were fearing.
I think what Trump has proved more than anything else is just how much of a figurehead the president of the US is. Trump has created a lot of ire bit little has changed in a year with him in the oval office. The tears and panic after Hillary lost have yet to be justified to anywhere near what they were fearing.

Paul Krugman is an idiot.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.
I think what Trump has proved more than anything else is just how much of a figurehead the president of the US is. Trump has created a lot of ire bit little has changed in a year with him in the oval office.

The evisceration of integrity and competence within the judiciary is no trivial matter.


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So inherited economies are the credit of the inheritor?
I think what Trump has proved more than anything else is just how much of a figurehead the president of the US is.
Or that the US Government might actually not be too big after all, as the inertia is so great that it is extremely hard to reverse course.
Trump has created a lot of ire bit little has changed in a year with him in the oval office. The tears and panic after Hillary lost have yet to be justified to anywhere near what they were fearing.
They have been justified as Trump has isolated America again from the world again. Didn't work with W, won't work with Trump. Our influence in Asian trade has been diminished. Also, the whole KKK / Neo-Nazi thing. Oh, and the whole Russia thing where he tried to give back spy headquarters for the Russians. He hasn't capsized the nation, but seriously, is that the bar we are judging on?

And generally, any accomplishment in Government since he took over has been that of McConnell or Ryan, as Trump has no plans for anything.
I think what Trump has proved more than anything else is just how much of a figurehead the president of the US is. Trump has created a lot of ire bit little has changed in a year with him in the oval office. The tears and panic after Hillary lost have yet to be justified to anywhere near what they were fearing.

He has changed practically everything in his branch of government. A lot of it would be what any Republican would do, which is bad enough, but he does it with more dangerous incompetence and corruption. A lot of people still don't get that when you vote for a president, you don't get just that person, you also get all their hundred or thousands of appointments in all the executive departments.
Trausti's posts on Donald Trump here seem like personality cultism. One gets the impression from those posts that President Trump spends 12 hours a day 7 days a week in managing our nation's economy in very great detail.

However, the pResident is remarkably lazy. He golfs at around 10 times Barack Obama's rate of golfing, he likes his briefing books short and full of pictures, and he does not work very much. He also spends a large amount of time watching TV to find out what others say about him.
He golfs at around 10 times Barack Obama's rate of golfing, he likes his briefing books short and full of pictures, and he does not work very much. He also spends a large amount of time watching TV to find out what others say about him.

And yet the stock market is at record levels, 3 million have received Trump bonuses, millions will have more take home pay starting next month, wages are up, 1000s of regulations have been cut, companies are re-shoring profits from overseas, and domestic and foreign investment is up. Have you looked at your 401(k)? With a record like that, Trump can golf all he wants!
I think what Trump has proved more than anything else is just how much of a figurehead the president of the US is. Trump has created a lot of ire bit little has changed in a year with him in the oval office.

I think there have been a few major changes while he has been in office, tax reform, repeal of the ACA are two pretty big changes. The economy seems to be picking up steam.

The tears and panic after Hillary lost have yet to be justified to anywhere near what they were fearing.

But it doesn't stop the seething, particularly from the celebrity luvvies.
How about worst year ever for a President who hasn't had to deal with a history changing event during that time period (e.g. Dubbya and 9/11)?
Trump's first year was better than I think most expected. He's been a lame duck president, inflamed some tension with other nations, made some headlines for being a jackass, but the Earth is still here, and the USA is still a country and life is pretty much as it was a year ago for most Americans.

Frankly he met my every expectation I had for him.

Also 'Inflamed some tension with other nations' is no small thing. Pissing off your allies and rivals such that they no longer feel like cooperating with you when there was zero reason for you to do that is a fucking catastrophe.

Making a mockery of our nation on the world stage because you're such a jackass that we all suffer losses to our national prestige in the minds of others is a god damn nightmare. Besides the tax bill this is actually the worst thing he has done and if it continues the long term consequences could be devastating.

MOST of what this fuckwad has done (with Republican complicity) is more harmful to our nation in the long run vs within year 1.

All of the EPA and environmental protections he has rolled back; trying to open up drilling on 98% of the coasts of the entire country; stacking the courts with the most unqualified judges ever in our history; and on and on and on.
He golfs at around 10 times Barack Obama's rate of golfing, he likes his briefing books short and full of pictures, and he does not work very much. He also spends a large amount of time watching TV to find out what others say about him.
And yet the stock market is at record levels, 3 million have received Trump bonuses, millions will have more take home pay starting next month, wages are up, 1000s of regulations have been cut, companies are re-shoring profits from overseas, and domestic and foreign investment is up. Have you looked at your 401(k)? With a record like that, Trump can golf all he wants!
Seems like Fox News headlines rather than reality. Who is getting these alleged bonuses and wages? A lot of businesses are *laying off* people and a lot of retailers are *closing* stores.
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