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Donald Trump: the Worst First Year Ever?

As to golfing, let me get this straight. Obama was bad because of all the golfing that he did. Trump is good for doing 10 times as much golfing.

Barack Obama was a law professor, and he seems to like reading books. Donald Trump is semiliterate at best, preferring short books with lots of pictures, just like a child. In fact, Michael Wolff claims in Fire and Fury that may White House staffers claim that he is much like a child. Meaning that he is in his second childhood.

Roman-Emperor analogies:
Obama = Marcus Aurelius
Trump = Commodus

He golfs at around 10 times Barack Obama's rate of golfing, he likes his briefing books short and full of pictures, and he does not work very much. He also spends a large amount of time watching TV to find out what others say about him.

And yet the stock market is at record levels,
Holy Zeus! I wonder just how the DJIA could be at record levels? Maybe after 8 years of prior recover???

Fun with numbers...and just what does one year of DJIA gains really say about a President (rhetorical question)? Not a fucking lot. Sure, the DJIA did quite well in 2017 gaining 25.08%. But lets take a trip down memory lane and see how things have played out since the taming of the 1970's stagflation.
RR had his best gain in 1985 at 27.55% . HWB had his best gain in 1989 at 26.96%. BC had his best gain in 1995 at 33.45% (with 26.01% in 1996 & 25.22% in 1999). GWB had his best gain in 2003 at 25.32%. BHO had his best gain in 2013 at 26.5%. So, just by the biggly gains of their term, Don the Con hasn't yet beat any President of the last 38 years. It must be another one of those 'alternate fact' records...

If we take the DJIA annual gain average over each president's term(s), we get the below:
BHO 10.98%
GWB -0.89%
BC 16.64%
HWB 11.78%
RR 11.41%

So what can one say about the merit of attributing one stock market index growth relative to a president? It would seem to suggest that Bill Clinton is AMAZING, and GWB is a SHITHEAD. BC also had 3 years that were above Don the Con's, and were fully attributable to the time when Clinton's policies could have actually had some level of impact (HINT: The first year of any President generally has much to do with the preceding President's time in office, as it does to the new guy). Obama, HW Bush and Reagan seem to be roughly the same at modestly above the average of 7.75% since 1921. Everybody will just have to wait 3 more years to find out how Don the Con's term will play out within the DJIA.

3 million have received Trump bonuses, millions will have more take home pay starting next month,
For most average wage people, the increased pay is quite trivial, and comes with a huge increase in Federal borrowing to cover it. And the Federal deficit increases will only be worse in a decade, if these 'temporary' tax reductions actually aren't ended when the 10 year bill comes due. Never mind the current estimated $1,500,000,000,000 ten year bill.

wages are up,
Yeah, up pretty much the same as the last 5 years. What planet are you on?

1000s of regulations have been cut, companies are re-shoring profits from overseas,
I'd like to see data on 're-shoring' profits, never mind where it is landing, as most indications are that it will go towards stock buybacks and investors (aka the top 20 percentile).

and domestic and foreign investment is up.
Yeah, domestic investment is pretty much up the same as the last 5 years. Again, what planet are you on?
FRED: Net domestic investment: Private: Domestic business (see linky)

Yeah, foreign investment is pretty much up the same as the last 5 years. Again, what planet are you on?

Have you looked at your 401(k)? With a record like that, Trump can golf all he wants!
Sure, I track my investments. I happened to also notice that they have been doing well for about 9 years now. I will benefit quite well from FFvC's & Repug largess at the expense of our governments tax funding; not that I need it. Then again, I never was a debt-n-spend kind of guy (without a good reason). Funny, how Obama's respectable DJIA record didn't afford him the right to golf as little as he did, according to the alt-reality crowd...I wonder what colored their thinking...


Do you care to bring that image up to date?

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